He's finally free

he's finally free

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It was third world banana republic tier, and it was in a European Union member

He was jailed for 2 years WITHOUT A SENTENCE and turns out he's innocent

all because he beat Real Madrid and a judge didn't like it

thats spain for you pal

fuck you, he was talking to someone to help him fly to a place without a extradition deal, also, he is free because "there isn't enough evidence" not because there isn't evidence at all, in case of doubt the accused gets the benefit of the doubt.

his lawyer repeteadly asked them to accept his passport so they would know he couldnt flee before the trial but they never answered, in fact, he talked to the judge for the first time after a year of jail

>jailed for 2 years without sentence
>without evidence
Yeah, nothing wrong here. Retard.

manolo shouldnt you be watching el derby blanco?

yeah dude he had a plane to the cayman islands you fucking dumbass

to be retard is to have your flag and to think that you know all the story, in case of posible escape (and there was evidence since he asked someone) the judge can fuck you in the ass and send you directly to jail awaiting trial, now go and solve your own fucking problems you goldless prick.

I am, go getafe!!

I read a lot of articles from Sport.es so I know a lot about the case

What are you going to say that you know more than journalists who live by writing about this?

>he is free because "there isn't enough evidence" not because there isn't evidence at all
holy shit to think this mongoloid actually has the right to vote and breathe
even the justice minister has said in public it has been a huge '''''''''''''''''''''''error'''''''''''''''''
this has been state sponsored kidnapping, state terrorism, nothing new in the african banana monarchy of spakistan
and lmao at this retard defending

I know because I probably followed it more then you simply because we get bombarded by this shit on a daily basis, also (and see ronaldo and messi cases among others).... NO ONE with money goes to jail in here, not for long at least, this faggot is guilty as fuck because evidences are weak but it doesn't mean that his defense managed to explain the ultra shady deal he was in.

look at the clueless sudaca siding with the fucking jews hoping his favorite midget will notice him and try winning something relevant for his country, fucking pathetic. if you think theres a club more corrupt that barcelona you havent been paying any attention
>inb4 catalan jews crying about injustice
catalonia is a fucking tumor leeching off spanish citizens through their banks, it should be nuked at this point

the prosecutor can ask for whatever years he wants and the judge can do whatever he wants, doesnt matter the case, they can ask 20 years for a tweet or 2 for a murder, the law here its an absolute shitfest
ther was a guy recently who nearly beated his baby to death and he was free until trial, its completely bollocks

then why did he went to jail?

where the fuck do you come from? what are your sources for any of the bullshit you are spawning?

don't mind them, they are always the victims and the rest are all nazis.

a callar Jordi y no te olvides de pagar los impuestos a España que llegas tarde.

>hurr durr muh jews
>completely unrelated

oh no the hungarian schizo is here

I thought we were the nazis now

>catalonia is a fucking tumor leeching off spanish citizens through their banks, it should be nuked at this point
I really would like to know what makes you think any of that, Im really fucking curious

joder, ademas de catalufos sois gilipollas, porque citais varias veces al hungaro para parecer que sois un montón si se ve claramente que solo hay 5 personas en este hilo?

1 is your reply
1 is my reply

algun problema gitano de mierda? si me insulta y no me contesta pues le vuelvo a peguntar a ver si hay suerte
pero no, es de tirar la piedra y esconder la mano, ya lo he visto otras veces

ahora vuelvo a ser yo

Go to bed, Rivera.

Al-phonso is here

He deserved it. Mongoloid almost destroyed the club by itself and used it to avoid being declared guilty for his own crimes. Pure karma at work.

Oh, least I forget. Here you are, my dear Yea Forums manager. I haven't forgotten that you exist. There, there

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