Is this the most famous and well known American team

Is this the most famous and well known American team

Attached: 1200px-Chicago_Bulls_logo.svg.png (1200x1210, 128K)

no its the lakers


Not since 98

Not as well known internationally, but probably close.
Nah. Maybe their logo. I know shitloads of people who own an Yankees hat, but probably would think it's a fashion brand if you ask them

I think it's the same way with the Bulls though. You see KPop singers wearing Bulls jerseys but I doubt that means they're aware of the team.

Nah, I disagree, Bulls and Jordan made basketball popular abroad and more or less are still associated with the sport by the casual non-American who doesnt follow it. Hell, even here in the 90s, when foreign media just started getting in after the fall of gommunism, the Bulls were huge. Growing up in the early 00s every other kid still owned a Bulls/Jordan hoodey or a tshirt and knew who they are.
If I go today and ask some random guy on the street who doesnt follow basketball who LeBron or Lakers are, 99% he will have no clue, but will know about MJ/Rodman/Bulls. Same goes for the Yankees.

they're not even the best-known American team in their own sport...

>goes 1.000 in the finals
Not so fast literally every single other team in the league

The bulls are THE american brand


In that order

who the fuck are cowboys
lots of people know the lakers as the most relevant bb team in the last couple decades
yankees are only known as a hat brand
unironically literally who?
most reknowned until the start of this century

>I know shitloads of people who own an Yankees hat, but probably would think it's a fashion brand if you ask them
This makes me irrationally annoyed

Nobody has given a single fuck about the Dallas Cowboys for decades even in America. Most foreign football fans (and there aren't many) like the Pats or Giants in my experience

Should've clarified in OP that I mean worldwide. No one outside of America knows who the cowboys or celtics are.
I'm noticing similar trend in the USA nowadays or at least from what I see online. Lots of American zoomers wear PSG kits as a fashion brand, but have no idea what is it. Not on the same level as the Yankees logo tho

13+ cowboy games air in every US market every year

American sport is all about marketing

Zoomer here; most people who wear soccer shit are spics who actually watch it (but since nobody gives half a dick about MLS, they bandwagon big Euro teams like PSG or Barcelona). I mostly just find it really weird that someone would wear Yankees shit without even realizing that it's tied to baseball. Shame that they don't even know the evil empire has claimed them

It's the Yankees and it's not even close, really.

Every sport is about marketing. Why do you think United are so rich while being so shit?

In the 90's

No one knows their name or what sport they play.

Yeah but..
Clubs > Franquise

Man U
Maybe Yankees or cowboys