Is he the most likeable player on the pl?

is he the most likeable player on the pl?

Attached: 10505456-6765189-image-m-115_1551574548464.jpg (634x493, 84K)

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needs to convert to islam

bit racist

most likeable in the world

That's not moussa sissoko


not black enough

that's not firmino

he's great to watch


That's not Son

Attached: Son.jpg (931x620, 57K)

Please buy their players

Attached: JoaoFelix.jpg (1200x675, 62K)

Pic related, but Bernardo is a great guy anyway

Attached: gettyimages-1015402070.jpg (767x431, 41K)

what a boring player, too much of a good guy

can't believe this will be our biggest star after /strongmind/ CHADnaldo

Attached: tsupower.jpg (1080x1350, 189K)

He's the least dislikable maybe

But nothing about him strikes me

He's a cunt

way less boring than bernarso, does provide memes


Attached: quem-nunca.jpg (720x1072, 80K)

Based Felix stating right there what he wants in order not to be charged of sexual arrassment

Ja agora, acham que o vamos ver na queima a tentar comer pitas?

pretty much


What happened to his eyes?

i'd leave this autistic cutie splattered like a painter's radio

Lmao not even a one season wonder. A 15 games wonder

doesn't mean he's not likable. and he's been above average for a while.

that's Eriksen


Attached: 1555983760713.jpg (540x540, 46K)

he only shows up in big games