I can't fucking take much more of how soulless this club is along with the premier league in general

I can't fucking take much more of how soulless this club is along with the premier league in general
At least Chelsea were sort of relevant before they had a billionaire takeover, and had a solid English contingent back in the early 00s
Man City are not an English club, and half the coaching set up are Spanish
I'd be embarrassed to be a city fan and lose interest in going to any of the games
Will this continue to get worse?

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Not a single english man in the lineup


actually kill yourself





neutral QPR fan here
city are everything that's hateable about modern football

Because Liverpool team is so british

Implying Brigton, Burnley or Leviciester won't stop them

I don't even support a team in the premier league

selling your league to ISIS to own liverpool

this concept confuses the zoomer Yea Forums poster

Tell me with a straight face that this is okay.

manure didn't suddenly appear out of nowhere and bought success, they earned it. it's not the same
cmon man, don't be stupid on purpose

wahhh wahhhh wahhh all football in 2019 is soulless, yes even Liverpool

>yes even Liverpool
the fact you use this example is ridiculous in itself

I am super tired of niggers like you crying for city's arab money.
As if United hadnt invested half a billion and barely makes the europa league...

You mean the team owned by an American conglomerate and who was relevant in the 70s and 80s because of sugar daddy money?
You people are hypocrites and most of the ones crying are fans of clubs who won in the past and are seething that the typical 3 or 4 aren't dominating

>I'd be embarrassed to be a city fan

Probably explains why they're aren't any.

>M-muh status quo must remain!

this. united spent so much money on crap below average players since fergie left.

Neutral here
I love city because they make scousers and customers SEETH
TYB sheiks

What about when City were relegated and fought back to the premier league?

I mean its ridiculous because liverpool are more soulless than 95% of football clubs yet its the first one that comes to your mind
Most people that like football enough to actually go to the odd game don't support a top 6 club

>they earned it
by flogging replica kits to chinks

i will probably take less interest in the premier league if city are able to accumulate 95+ points again. chelsea, arsenal, spurs or man utd are way off challenging for a title and it's a tough ask for liverpool to play this well again for no reward. if we see city winning 4-5 league titles in a row then the tv companies will really suffer.

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worth it to keep the scousers out desu

For me, even the colour of the baby blue shirts have always just seemed so unappealing and soulless
I don't know what it is, but despite them playing nice football I just don't get excited watching them

Yet here you are moaning about City because there's a good chance USA owned, muzzie attacking force lefty club wont win the league
Again, KYS

Didn't they almost go bankrupt and were saved by City then found success again after a very rich man decided to pump money into the club?
But because you weren't born then and your bandwagoning grandfather hopped on then suddenly they're more deserving of success?

the best team, playing the best soccer, will win the league. what's the problem? united spend just as much money as them, and they're dog shit

i thought tonights game was boring, there was no real talking points. just another routine win for them

>and had a solid English contingent back in the early 00s
Weren't they the first team to start the whole continental meme?

my problem with City has nothing to do with Liverpool

don't talk shit about the emptyhad

No, that was Chelsea & Arsenal.

>Getting killed at an airport
>Earned it

fuck off

Perhaps having good local youth players had something to do with it also instead of relying solely on Pablo Gutierrez bought with oil money

LIke they suffered when pakinited bought everyone in the 90s and won every season?
>they deserve to win because they'll never do this well again
Fucks sake, imagine thinking this way

If you hate livershit because of the muzzies, why do u support city

Eat shit faggot, Liverpool and the pressing meme are DEAD. Tiki Taka is back

City winning the league is just a numb sensation that lasts a few days before being forgotten. It's meaningless and joyless, which is why it is preferable to the decades of braying that will follow a win for the murderous Liverpool infestation.

Yeah I was quoting his reference to Chelsea.

no tourists or bandwagon customers, just a modest local support? sounds pretty based

The only title win which is memorable was >AGUEEERRROOO and even then that's only because United lost it in that moment.

99% of English clubs are like this, the 1% are reserved for foreign consumers.

>sing chants from when they were shit every game
>local fanbase
>passionately hate uefa for hilariously petty reasons
>give Mangala every medal they win even though he never plays
Don't moan they're souless because they didn't make all their money before you were born

United were owned by a guy who made all his money from selling rotten meat to schools when Fergie took over lmao

and routinely buying the best players in the league every summer

The premier league is jus shite

Look how ugly and plain the branding looks now since they rebranded it in the style of a second year university graphic design student.

No exciting derbies with local Mancs and scousers etc. supporters of the teams they play for. Soulless as fuck

>Fucks sake, imagine thinking this way
as both teams age liverpool have to keep buying the right players with their money, city already have depth with multiple names in each position. pep has the money to afford anyone he identifies, doesn't matter if their new signings get games. city can keep reenforcing their squad with unlimited funds


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ah shit, missed that bit

butthurt and jelly SPFL supporter

i unironically know a guy at work who just up and decided he was a man city fan one day when he saw they'd been taken over.


could tell even though they beat utd easily, city are not motivated to win the prem as much as the CL. they pushed so much harder against spuds

delighted they missed out on it desu. at least there's 1 tournament that takes heart

every team in the PL are soulless, don't be such a cocksucker.

>Perhaps having good local youth players had something to do with it
Who each got about 3 games total before being sold off to west ham so they could use 1/1000th of the income to buy some nignog from eastern europe

youtube comment section is not here

Arsenal's invincibles got 90 pts and won league by 11 points.

Less money by 10% but they are dog shit.

They have always been a team of minor trimmings, they will never be big, they only have the petro-dollars

It’s great. City fails at their final hurdle and Lelverpool fails to win the prem again. Spuds stay trophyless(losing the final to Barca) and everyone else is shit

maybe Liverpool should be given a special Moral Victory trophy for teams that do things "the right way"

conversely, there was a guy at my previous workplace who chose liverpool as his team because his local side went bust

t. United customer

choosing to be a liverpool fan is different than deciding to follow the richest club in the world.

>this delusion

money has nothing to do with it. bandwagon plastics are all the same. just glory hunting. pathetic.

it really isn't


superior post
pic related is the OP for RAWK's preview of the huddersfield match

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are all British grown players. Might as well throw Mané in there as well.

>glory hunting the team that never wins is the same as glory hunting the team that always does

fair play if you want to make fun of people who "choose" teams, but don't be retarded in your application of logic

fucking embarrassing

i don't like them because the win all the time bahh bahh bahh get over it dude it's just football

>Thinking you're any different for bandwagoning Liverpoo as if they're some poor little club

bandwagoning isn't the same as gloryhunting. also, our retarded friends across the pond misapply the word "bandwagon", and you shouldn't follow their example

Gloryhunting is exclusively bandwagoning, but bandwagoning isn't exclusively gloryhunting.

All you do is speak in memes you fucking zoomer. City are pure cancer.

Agreed desu. Chelsea were challenging for the title and playing CL football in the 90s, and had players like Zola, Desailly and Gullit pre-takeover. City were a pub team before 2008.

a club has to start somewhere... or are only a handful of elitist clubs no permitted to win the premier league?

Rangers fan here: We still 'like' Chelsea as part of the |Prod Alliance but know they are kiked.


Fergie buying the refs all the time was worse

>desperately trying to exclude the original oil club
From a Russian jew no less

No, Leicester literally did it a few years ago.

They had attendances of 100,000 as far back as the early 1900s when Stamford Bridge was larger. Being on the King's Road made them fashionable from the start and as a result they've always been an iconic English club, if not always for the right reasons. City were literal whos until recently. Not that I expect a mutt to know about the history of English football.

>Londoner calling anyone a mutt
lmao kys pak* plastic, go choke on prawn sandwiches

I'm from Bournemouth, I just know a few Chelsea fans and have been to the odd game there.

I really hope premier becomes like serie A where City wins for 9 years in a row and all others suck asses until their airplane doesn't fall into the fucking dirt.


Here's your (you), you racist cunt

Ethnic-Briton not 'ethnic from Britain'. My passport doesn't define my race. The fact I'm not a fucking nigger does.

holy shit you're a fucking faggot

This but unironically. I hope all the leagues eventually become regional league tier and an international league is literally the only option.

My wife likely disagrees my Mutt friend. You should use your disgusting brown fingers to type at someone who listens to negroid-gibbering.

>my wife


Muh quotes. Take your nigger shit someone else.

where did the black man touch you, nigel?

I want them to win the league over the inbreds but I still hate them and agree with everything you said.
City are soulless and sterile, they have absolutely no character. Forget "history" because that's bullshit, Tottenham don't have much of a history in terms of winning but they still have character and seem like a proper football club instead of a soulless corporation.
Compare city now to the early abramovich era, Chelsea had this whole villain vibe about them, not giving a shit about their image, PR bullshit or playing nice football. They were the defensive shithouse team that came along and ruined football and didn't pretend to be anything else. City is just a boring empty vessel of a company that's being used to launder the international perception of the UAE.
That said, fuck sliperpool, citeh finna dab on the inbreds.

>seem like a proper football club instead of a soulless corporation.
Are they though?

Nowhere, ever. Their propensity towards uninvited sexual touching (rape) is why I keep them away from my house, my person, and my family.

>MFW they touched you in your mutt genes.

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Pre-FSG they 100% were.

Tottenham has nothing to do with FSG

Under age who doesn't remember when they were shit

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> Anonymous 04/25/19(Thu)00:39:02 No.92294616▶
> (You)
>Tottenham has nothing to do with FSG
Ah, sorry, thought this was a Liverpool strand. THFC are kikes, so no.

Underage who doesn't remember when they were shit again..

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They had dion Dublin they were bad before 2013

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if it makes you feel any better, because the Champions League is objectively the superior tournament, if Liverpool or Spurs win the Champions League, it is they who will be officially the best team in England, not City.

Goes to show how little you know. Londoners are mostly mutts, south west Londoners are not (where Chelsea is). It's the most wealthy, white and upper class part of the UK

Just because you tried to buy success but failed spectacularly

neutral qpr fan is an spee meme

Kek no.
Most people agree that the English stadiums are quieter than the Spanish, German and all the Eastern European top team stadiums as well.

Your stadiums are filled with tourists and the no alcohol laws makes it even worse, while not even mentioning the forced seating, because you will literally kill yourself if you're allowed to stand.