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GTA has always been unironically shit

>tfw you were in 7th grade when this came out
Where does time go?


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she's kinda cute for a redneck country girl

What about the Varrios Los Aztecas?


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>GTA: London
>steal a shitty "car" that's like 5' long
>mercedes shit you can't even get in the US
>drive on the wrong side of the road but it's legal
>literally spend all day plowing through tightly packed bodies in every tiny alley and street you run down
>cops wear funny hats and also drive glorified golf carts
>every NPC dialogue involves brexit
>it rains every day
>parliament is even more transparent about the pedophilia stuff
>the final job is robbing Buckingham Palace of the crown jewels
>"congrats you get 30,000,000 quid"
>try to buy the best car in the game
>there is none

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guys i've been stuck on this mission for 12 years now, any tips on how to beat it? I followed the train like i'm supposed to but the enemies aren't dead by the time the mission ends

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You just got to follow the damn train

Literally all you have to do is follow the [damn] train, user

>no one told you when to run
>you missed the starting gun

realistically what were the chance a hood nigga would listen a country radio ?

im gonna take my horse to the old town road

best gta coming through

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That's not Vice City, San Andreas or The Lost and Damned.

Retard Amerishart zoomer, GTA LONDON 69 is literally the second GTA ever released :DDDD and Rockstar is actually a British company, with its headquarters in the tiny backwards village of Dundee in Scotland


Britbong education everybody

>not part of the UK

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>trying to look dumb on purpose


in 2019, that's a damn shame

I played GTA2 back in the late 90's, it was a more polished and refined version of whatever the fuck you ended up with


After the train disembarks, get on the platform on the right, it's a vantage point and Big smoke will kill like the first 2 SF Vatos on the train.
>Vice City
Yes men
>San Andreas
Yes men
>Lost and Damned
Personally I consider it the worst storyline and gameplay of all 3D era GTAs, some missions and decisions by protagonist didn't make sense, the "backup" system had broken AI, and emphasis on choppers was the only cool part. Even fucking Saints Row 2/3 did motorcycle rebel thing better.

The term you were looking for is “Scottish” which is distinct from the term “British”.

Just admit you were wrong and that you are retarded and perhaps I’ll let this slide.

If you haven't put at least £1000 on United winning 3-1 then now is your last chance.

wrong thread bro but don't worry i won't tell anyone

>being Scottish does not equal being British

>some missions and decisions by protagonist didn't make sense
But that's GTA IV. How Niko can kill Jason one day and two days later he's best friends with Johnny the Jew? If they have killed a gang member in real life they'd know the pain you get from the doubt of being marked by a bunch of angry men. Sure the backup system is shit, you have to do roughly 75% of the shooting, but you get to wield shotguns on bikeback and play the whole game with on the Hexer.

You are already sliding the fucking thread by arguing with denizens of this island about national definitions of said island.

Either that or you are typical 56% creatura who thinks he knows shit because "I am 3/256th Scottish, TOP OF THE MORNING TO YE, WHERE'S ME KILT ARR"

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>that image

my sides

Looks irish to me tßh

I played the Lost and Damned just once, it was almost 10 years ago and I don't remember t he specifics of the story or each mission, just the hazy outlook that those were the bikers from some GTA4's side mission.

The problem with the gang was that they've got these distinct personalities, the angry dude with the glasses, but apart from that, they didn't emphasize the distinction between who's who. The final boss is the dude who betrays you? Literally have to think "which one is he?" Yes, it's a biker gang and they wear the leathers, but I mentioned the angry cunt with glasses because he stood out.
But yeah, matter of taste. I thought it was ok for a DLC, but the other one had a shitload of memorable characters.
>Latino protagonist
>Homosex club owner who would be useless without bouncer/muscle
>His two wise cracking dumbfuck friends from the projects he still cruises with.
>Retard kebab prince billionaire
>Cameos by minor characters from GTAIV.

compare that with Lost and Damned,
>Cycle gang, distinct personalities and voice actors but they fucked up by having missions with 2-3 with you per mission, they merge and you forget who's who.
>His cracked gf who cheats on him
>Alderney mafia dude who cucked him and who you know you won't kill because Bellic murders him in later events.
>Main antagonist is actually from your gang but his betrayal is sort of weakened by the fact they're all papie-mache carricatures wearing that leather.
Madcunt Trevor giving a post-tweaker Johnny a curb party is the only "proper" apearence of a former GTA protagonist in V means they knew the story wasnt as great.

But yeah, to each his own, I mean I played it, I completed it, just thought that I liked it the least of all the GTAs (but I mean I still thought it was oke), shit if I owned a Harley Davidson and lived in Oakland and was in a bike gang, I'd think it was the best game ever.

Sorry I'm not reading this wall of text, I get you don't like TLAD and I'll respect your opinion for whatever reasons.

is oke. My point was not that I don't like it (i don't think it's great, or shit, is in the middle), but it's a bit generic.

I have been replaying GTA SA since last week and it took me two tries to finish that mission, the mission I got fucked the most and lost about 5 times was the one where you do car dances with the Blue gang, seriously fuck that mission

Vice City > SA