>My superpowers? Power, Strength, Belief and, of course, my @cr7underwear
What's your superpower Yea Forums ?
My superpowers? Power, Strength, Belief and, of course, my @cr7underwear
Not following gay footballers on twitter
that's facebook, get a life
Based Mar caricature
what kind of language is that? what the fuck?
I own a pair. His underwear is actually really comfy tbqh
not mate, that's Bebo, fucking hell.
I was gifted a pair by my gf
really shit underwear
very small on the front side, it puts too much pressure on my dick and balls, seems like the model they used was a microballer
also I don't understand why it has the hole to take your dick out to pee in the back, might be defective design
>by my gf
Get out normie and do not come back.
poo in the loo speak
remember his CR7 shoe line kek
based Jooboyss79
why do people post on athletes pages in arabic and moonrunes and shit? do they think they can read it?
>not getting the actual joke
Translation: Will I get an offer if I buy five of them?
Fuck you asshole. I will rape your mother bitch.
>He doesnt want to use tight boxers to instantly get his girlfriend in the mood by making her watch your cock get hard through said tight boxers
Mental midget desu senpai la
Why are people so greedy? He makes so much money yet decides to sell shitty underwear as well? Why can't extremely rich people just fuck off.
>Fuck you asshole.
You'd like to fuck a clean ass don't you faggot.
...user, being rich is nothing being rich does not make a man happy what makes a man happy is earning money
Clearly it's a ploy to annoy Chrome users who'll get the "Do you want to translate this page" message.
>implying i would even consider licking if there is no shitstsains.
Go poo and bend over sweden...
financal security have a effect on your wellbeing
You seem enthralled by my ass. This can not be healthy please seek professional help
Gimme your ass. NOW!
Calm down, Singh
Quality post
throwback to this classic
typical cr7 thread
>Power is my superpower.
>Not power is my power or superpower is my superpower.
>It's pedantic as fuck of me to be whining about it but that statement is 47th-chromosome type fucktarded.
I used to hate him at Halal and United, then I gained a lot of respect for him when I found out he assraped that slut, but now it's lost again now that I know he's still a fucking idiot.