Yea Forums's official apology thread #2

It's been long awaited and there's been plenty of sinning so please feel free to confess and apologize

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ive been pretending to be a liverpool fan to get Yea Forums angry


i'm not sorry for not watching sawker


read the OP again numbnuts

I'm sorry for responding and giving attention to:
>dutch arab city fan
>albanian milan fan
>indian liverpool fan

same... even promised I wouldn't any more but....

I've called some posters niggers even though I'm fairly certain they weren't.

still not sorry

I was the Messi *wins copa america* poster but I stopped now because Twain opened my eyes about how superior he is to Ronaldo. I am sorry for the Chilean who competed with me about the faster first post, sorry that I could never rival your speed, sorry that I disappointed you.

I also want to apologize to /heem/ for occasionally insulting their general and their sport after reading that elsewise my mother would die in her sleep.

Last, I want to direct my apologies to the janitors of this board. I feel like it is my fault that you are a bunch of fat sweaty faggots and addicted to hot pockets. I wish I could give you monetary compensation, but unfortunately I already have to pay for rent and groceries with my hard-earned money.

I don't actually care about Messi x Ronaldo discussions but I always make new threads to stir things up.

I’m on my knees begging for forgiveness, I didn’t know.

I’m sorry.

I can't stop replying to Twain
I know I'm wasting my time but also wasting his time while knowing I am 100% right is still a guilty pleasure

I think that's basically where everyone's at. nobody gives a shit but we all post in those threads in the faint hope that someone, somewhere does, and is getting angry over it
chances are nobody is

I fucked up. I was mean for no reason on /mlb/. I made a big mistake but I'm trying to change and curb my actions to become an overall better person. If you can support me in doing so it would be much appreciated. If not I still understand, for it was my fault. Just give me the chance to correct myself and I won't disappoint you

sorry for reking you in the first round for the fourth time since your last playoff series win, Laffs

Very heartfelt

I only post anime to rile up /hoc/ users

Attached: rags anime.jpg (680x962, 354K)

I falseflag during most NFL games to fuck with all the teams.


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I would like to apologize to gaysconsin residents. It's not like it's their fault they're gay

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I would like to apologize for all my shitposting.
t. WAIN on a proxy

I pretend to be Scottish and post irritating things to tarnish the reputation of Scotland online.

>american Yea Forums

Im sorry.... I went to reddit because this board has become so shit but couldn't even figure out where to go from the front page so I came back here

I'm sorry to chess for posting
>not a sport
>hobbies aren't sport


good thread

i apologize.............for absolutely nothing

You're all English in the eyes of the world so you only hurt yourself.

I apologize to Mourinho. Yea Forums made me believe he was a fraud, I realize now that he is the best manager in the current history of the world.