How can a white man even pretend to like this sport? Is it a manifesto of cuckoldry?
I live in North Carolina and all I here “UNC basketball this, Duke basketball that”
How can a white man even pretend to like this sport? Is it a manifesto of cuckoldry?
I live in North Carolina and all I here “UNC basketball this, Duke basketball that”
Another seething manlet thread
Racism aside, those guys jump high and run so fast they are like superhumans. How can you not appreciate that?
Yeah college basketball is for fags. Playoff basketball is somewhat exciting when the refs let me play. But my teams in and I'll watch a little bit
>Is it a manifesto of cuckoldry?
explain this. Do you mean the sport itself is a manifesto, or did you mean to write manisfestation?
It was supposed to be manifestation, sorry
I like it because it has more room for individual creativity. I played football too, but if anything that was more cucked because you had to do things exactly how the coach wanted.
Even if only white people played basketball it'd still be the worst sport on earth (and yes I haven't forgot about soccer). It's so incredibly shit its beyond belief that Americans can watch it.
In a free society women will always upgrade.
I won’t argue that it’s a good sport for watching but surely basketball is one of if not the best sport for pickup games.
>not following FIBA rules
r/AsianMasculinity incel
>floorsqueak is peak niggerism
basketball is a game for drug addicts and sodomites
>even if
You do realise blacks are the only entertaining part of basketball?
I dont because i dont watch this trash sport, but op's problem was very clearly with blacks
So are you even 5' tall? Since that's sounding like a manlet post if not that of an underage manlet.
this tbqdesu
scoring is so fast and frequent that it doesn't really matter until the last few minutes, and that's if the game is even close in the first place
also, awarding more points based on distance from the goal is ridiculous and would be shamed and ridiculed in any other sport
It was a white mans sport though initially. Black people just got better at it, just like with most sports.
Throw a tennis court or golf court in most american hoods etc. and white people would just be phased out.
>golf court
court/course same thing
manlets when will they learn?