
Press S to spit on pavelski and canada's graves edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for suomi

rip joe


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I don't hate joe, just the refs. white sticks are kind of gay though

Imagine actually cheering for this. You need to get off this site everyone once and a while.

Not sure if NHL (Golden Knights) or NFL (Saints) is more rigged.

do not feel bad for diving joe but fuck the knights

this is the thread lads

please go back

no its not

ya boiling

I don't like this thread image

It's not nice, Pavs could have permanent brain damage

This is a blue board we have feelings

please us other thread



pavs will never play hockey again and the sharks will never win a cup
it was all for naught

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please stop posting, I'm trying to go to sleep

truly blessed result when it all comes down to it

is this it?

A historic loss no doubt

true. But blowing the fuck out of the VGK made it worth it.

yes this is shall


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what is this >58 meme?

yes for people who were rooting against the knights
not actual shark fans

please rape my face and shit down the throat of my ancestors

because 58 redneck tourists got shot the fuck up by some guy

Vote for you favourite moment in ploffs round 1



neither team has actual fans user.

californians and canadians think it's offensive to vegas fans, when 36 of those shot were californians lmao

hate to break it to you but you're a fucking retard
hit me up later though

>canadian who is literally itching for a team for his country to cheer for in the playoffs
truly truly grim

Nothing worth my vote

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>when 36 of those shot were californians lmao
Well who do you think cheers for the knights? there are like 10,000 people living in Vegas, and they all live in trailers that don't have NBCSsports available OTA.


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terrible bait lad, you're better than that

>implying I won't just pretend like I don't give a shit about nhl and just go watch liiga instead

I am cheering for the Blue Jackets tho. That being said I mostly just want to see good hockey.
You think you are a fan, like some chick who goes to LA Galaxy games every so often, thinks she is the same as a hardcore ManU fan.

For me its carpart

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watching raw lads.

I'm too drunk to form a decent reply to this post so you win this round.

For me, it's Ray Liotta.

i eat ass

ow m-my head.
sure wish i didn't fall down like an absolute hill billy.

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go knights

i might drink toilet water

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just drink vodka, it's much more sanitary

toilet water drinking is life

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if shorks win 2nd rond i'll eat poop on cam

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>it's 1:20 am
>i have to work in the morning
>i'm still awake shitposting on hoc despite my team losing 3 hours ago


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you were waiting for some MIA posting, go to bed now

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my girlfriend wanted to come over tonight but i knew i would be upset if my knights lost and here i am. now im alone and my girlfriend is at her coworkers house instead. hes a big golden knights fan too so im sure they were watching the game. she hasnt been answering any of my texts. i bet they're pretty upset too.

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she has a big nose

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she has big titty and you have smol pp

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her titty are fake and leave my pp out of this

My gf is pretty upset too

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mia is pure

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what a disgusting loli

>c-c-aptain a-america

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strongly disagree
btw I'm gay


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>blow entire series unnecessarily trying to murder the other teams captain

I don't know who to laugh at more, the reddit golden knights or joe divelski

gay isn't an argument, mia won the cup last year with her meme magic, gay won /gif/ with traps



t. boiling sharks fan, even though you won.

I don't know what you're trying to say but I respect your trips

>sharks fan
im a sabres fan

>im a sabres fan
You should keep that to yourself

>those eyebrows

mia meme magic, take it easy user, mia loves ya

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>you will be

you know who i miss? manny malhotra

I should sleep but this night is H I S T O R I C and I'm very drunk

those eyebrows woukd survive australia

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oh no, how will the lifelongs ever recover?
absolutely SEETHING after one (1) series loss
someday you're gonna get swept in 4, hope you toughen up a little before then

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Can any stat nerds find out what the record for most amount of goals in the same major is?


I think I actually like them

Like they're nice and big but they're not super dense and completely blacked out like thots do


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i am drunk as tits, hope i'll see some ntersting posts when u wake up

Disgusting coalburner, if you're going to post sluts then at least make sure they have a booty that's gonna match the big tits

stop pouring in us please

>it was 3-0

I don't mind the shitposting we deserve it after that game but I'm really drunk and I need to sleep so please stop posting so I can sleep
Also I don't read non north american replies so don't worry about that you """people""" don't matter

mia magic will anothe cup cap this post

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Is this the future of hockey?

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as a vegas lifelong should I bandwagon the caps or avs?

i am drunk as hell and it is forbidden to (you) at me

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bandwagon the craps and mia post

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Not a beaner, but thanks for the free (You)

Also, better do something about those chinks and poos taking up your real estate before 'Murica annexes you to put your out misery before it happens.

Maybe you might get a cup too when it happens because



s/he could probably still beat up johnny gaudreau so I don't see a problem

>patches congratulating his team on having the """fortitude""" to tie the game again after letting in FOUR goals in ONE penalty
holy fuck I'm running out of smug faces

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holy shit mexico bringing the heat, i won't tell /pol/ cuz you're ok in my book


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>gets dabbed on by south california
>wow mexico you're so based
Please canada I respected you

montreal still has qt canadian french gf

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>respecting canada after the past 26 years
wew lad

It's a turn of phrase retard

hockey is hella inclusive

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turn of my dick in your mouth you hill billy

My team got absolutely memed on but at least I'm not the tampa bay lightning.

This was rude and unnecessary

>Desert rats convincing themselves Sharks fans are seething even though the Rusty Peons blew a 3-1 series lead and then a 3-0 lead in game 7 in the final 11 minutes of the game after letting in 4 goals on one major penalty
I don't care if the Sharks get swept next round, this is the greatest day of the Sharks franchise and I'm so blessed to have seen it unfold myself

wishing all my american lads a vey good night, i got fucked up at the bar but still wish a;; of you get what you want tomorow

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good night fren, take care of yourself please

>vegas fans will have to watch the shorks go on to win the cup.

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>greatest day of the Sharks franchise is unironically beating a second year expansion team
i get being happy about winning m8, but this is a sad rack to hang your hat on.

Hey sharks I need a new sharks hat

what one should I get and where can I get it

>greatest day of sharks history is getting out of round 1 in a game 7 ot against a team that has been in existence for a total of 2 years
Very impressive

> take care of yourself please
same for you my fren

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how are you getting home?

bonne nuit, jean

More than Vegas can say LOL

obviously they've had greater success in making it to the SCF

but this was a monumental game

oh please

oh no he's drunk

am posting from home, i had a lift from the bar from the barmaid
based dubs, bonne nuit

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no I won't get sucked into more shitposting
enjoy your victory sharks fans and falseflagging sharks fans but I have to sleep



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That just looks like a typical game day at staples. Honestly I don’t get the point of a pride but I guess anything is better than “Star Wars night”

looks like toilet water guy


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We don’t have any words and we know you don’t want to hear them.

We understand your anger, your frustration, your sadness. Everything you’re feeling – we get it.

This isn’t the ending we imagined, and certainly not the one we wanted. Thank you for being there the entire way.

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I will never understand people who think rhonda is attractive. The only time she looks even halfway decent is if she is slathered in tons of makeup with professionally done hair. In any other situation she looks like she looks awful. How's her wwe career going? Any end in sight or is she still the greatest thing since sliced bread over there?

Is it kino to wear a sharks jersey to class tomorrow?

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Kek I thought it was him

just try not to get shot,high school user

>tired and true lightning response
kek, implying they have anything to apologize for.

>wearing jerseys in outside of gameday

Vegas /lifelong/ here. I've gone thru the 5 stages of grief and am now in acceptance. I can bitch about the refs till sunrise or I can just accept the fact that Cody Eakin cost Vegas the game. There was no reason whatsoever to ram thru Pavelski, at worst case scenario they would have scored 1 measily goal to 3. He did what he did and the refs were happy to punish seeing blood on the ice.

Vegas will be back year. Please Carolina knock out the Caps tonight.

she got BTFO by the man dummy.
stupid bitch broke her hand in the wrestlemania match too.

i'd let hert triangle choke me still

i reckon tom wilson is gonna kill that twink aho tomrrow.

Can't tell if redditposting or not.
Go caps.

I was out and suddenly felt the urge to squeeze out a Vegas

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friendly reminder that all of /hoc/ loves manon

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oh no, prison colonies are talking about north americans, what shall we do?

fuck hoc, cric is my new besty
oh wait they don't exist anymore

i got a 5 day ban for telling /cric/ that /hoc/ runs Yea Forums

las vegas thunder legend

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>5 day ban
>5 trips
Too bad I'm too drunk to remember any of this but you're a hero in my book

>it was 3-0
>it was 3-1
>it was 3-2
>it was 3-3
>it was 3-4

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Ref, i will burn ur house down.

Pavelski, you were injured for entertainment, rub some dirt on it u SOFT ASS BITCH. Hope that neck is broke(jkjkjk(nah)jkjk) pussy ass punk ass bitch ass BITCH!

Kane, you know pussy.


based twitter lad

this image got me banned

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nah m8

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please quit promoting crossboard raids and such etc etc etc

>Canadian bull destroys Finnish twink
Sounds like some kino I’d be into

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i don't like shorks, golden showers and laffs

i don't condone cross board raids, but i beleive that /hoc/ runs the board called Yea Forums

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friendly reminder that >we wouldn't be crying about refpuck if vegas would have just closed out the series in game 5 like they were supposed to

Luckily, your bandwagon FAGGOT ass hurricanes will be in that same loser pile in a few hours.

I don't like finns

habs will win 2020 cup with kotka meme magic, cap this post

waste of bandwidth

This loss hurts me more than the Campoli nonsense and the OT loss to the Kings. If there's any silver lining in this gutting loss, it's that I know for a fact I love this team more than I ever loved the Blackhawks.

If sharks make it past round 2 I'll do something drastic and post about it on /hoc/ or /jp/

>canadian team will win cup
Just stop it you fucking loser.

Bruh, look at this dude

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eat my asshole fat ass

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If the sharks don't win the cup after all of this then they are losers and I will laugh at them


>good guys/better of two evils won every single series

who is on your dream team?

Matthew Hayden
Justin Langer
Ricky Ponting
Steve Waugh
Adam Gilchrist
Michael Clarke
Andrew Simmonds
Shane Warne
Glen McGrath
Brett Lee
Jason Gillespie

This is my list.

shut the fuck up

better hope they make at least another sacrifice now that pavs is dead m8

I don't care if pavelski dropped like a fucking flower, I will never forgive that ginger fuck.

your captain is a pusy, and so are you.

>The woman Nicolas Cage was married to for four days before filing for an annulment claims she’s entitled to spousal support and wants the “Face/Off” star to pay for her legal fees.
>The 55-year-old actor married Erika Koike during a night of drinking in Las Vegas after dating for a year. He filed for an annulment just four days later, explaining in court documents that he was too drunk to adequately agree to the big decision.
wew, guess my life isn't really going that badly after all. poor nic cage and joe pavelski for being retarded faggots desu.

only 1 left
go canes

>pavelski is fine and will be ready for round 2

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what happened to cric


fuck sharks, fuck referees, fuck women and fuck niggers


>Joe Pavelski is the first player in NHL history to have 4 assists without being on the ice.
based wikipedia


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enjoy your tainted FIRST ROUND victory ya spic nigger faggot. you won't be getting any further. your team is eternally cursed now more than ever m8.

Gawd bless Pav's sacrifice for the team, heemed himself for the win

Gawd Bless Pav, heemed himself for the team. Truly sacrificing his body for the team

Another year, another 1st round exit to the Bruins
Did Babcock get out-coached? Matthews played less than 20 mins, Tavares 21 mins.. in a game 7..

no, im not an autistic retard like you.
if sharks win im happy, if we lose im just like "damn thats too bad" and find something else to do. i dont let it ruin my whole day, like (you)

>tfw Gary has already decided that shorks will win the cup
not sure I can bothered to watch rest of the playoffs desu lads

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lets go shorks

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babcock is shit and kadri should get traded

so are the golden cucks the new laffs?

Congratulations your shit team was 3-0 until you got lucky with a bullshit ref call. Hollow victory

i dont understand this argument, the Golden Showers had 3 games to close the series out and were up 3 goals with 10 minutes left. your allowed to blame the ref for a single goal, not 4 of them.

SEETHING /lifelong/

a 5 minute major is pretty devastating though

And would those 4 goals have been scored without the power play?

>your allowed to blame the ref for a single goal, not 4 of them.

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No, see the entire game except for the powerplay

imagine being this invested in american hockey as a none american. just make your own league user

Only one bad guy (Caps) remaining, I like it

lmao, so no argument
kys retard

This. This bad call bs is just cope posting to try to avoid the reality VGK are a mirage and managed to outchoke the sharks. Congrats.

>tfw you went to bed after the laffs game

>a californian team is still in the race

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All these records just prove it was refpuck and a fluke

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>All Canadian teams dropped off


>caps are playing reddit's darling
>still bad
Sure Hans

Wtf I hate the shorks now

Holy shit the best matchup is going to be in the second round
Bruins vs Columbus
I would absolutely love to see Columbus to wind up in the cup
Ecf won’t make me upset though


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>stupidly stacked roster for over a decade
>never win anything until last year
>arrogant team
Yea I’m thinking they’re the bad guys

They couldnt get a single penalty kill? They deserve to lose

Giv dabbing bruins frogs

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can't stop farting

Again, would those goals have been scored without the 5 minute power play?
>deserve to lose because wrong call by a ref
based retard

Bluejackets are elite

records are meant to be broken

>cumslut wrist tattoo

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How bad do you have to suck to have the refs take pity on you to win a round?

Must suck to be a sharts fan going against avalanche round 2

Jackets-Avs finals mark my words

good morning leaf nation

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Wouldn’t be bad honestly
Jackets would win that big time

No matter what happens the east is winning the cup again

Holy moly

>haven’t won the Cup in 52 (FIFTY-TWO) years
>haven’t won a playoff series in 15 (FIFTEEN) years
>get the exact same result as the previous year after signing the best free agent in the offseason

Is there a more embarrassing team in the world?

I legitimately believe this. Kaniggits were the only team to pose any real threat to an eastern team. Shats are gonna get shut out 4 games sttaight

>their fans were unironically planning the parade
>still can't beat the Bruins
Toppest kek

>pose any real threat to an eastern team
>got swept in five by meme team craps last year

>heeming yourself to will your team to victory
Pavelski is based
There's no excuse for giving up 4 goals in 5 minutes

Based post

Tampa Bay. Nothing can undo this performance.

it-it hurts just the same every year

Why are Vegas fans seething so bad?
You had 3 fucking games to close out the series and you outchoked the SHORKS

What was the right call on the Pavelski injury?

Match-penalty? Double minor? 2 mins to Eakin and Statsny?
Tough call to make desu

He was pretty based

Can’t wait to get to the office this morning and hear all the Laffers seething :^)

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2 minutes to Eakin for cross-check and 2 minutes to Pavelski for embellishment.

they expected to win the cup after the blow out game 4

how was he bleeding from inside his helmet? did he put a razor in it with the intent to flop?

The blood coming out of his helmet in the OP and the fact he didn't return seems to argue against embellishment

A lot of commentators said it was a 2min minor at best. That is a legitimate example of ref puck.

So who is Vegas going to trade Cody Eakin do? No way they're gonna hold onto him after that fuck up.

I'm thinking Maple Leafs so he can be with Kadri.

Imagine hating another team more than this one

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Please explain how the refs got Vegas to give up 4 goals in 5 minutes. Even if it was refpuck there's no excuse for that choke job

Imagine being obsessed over one expansion team. Still seething despite them already being eliminated.

It was a crosscheck
Pavelski was overturned enough that he was midair
Stasney pushed down on Pavelski, slamming him down head first into the ice
If you watch the replay you can see Pavelski midair twist around from the force of been crosschecked and then pushed down
The contact was deemed to be severe enough by the ref at the time, to issue a major as the injury was a result from the crosscheck


(it is still the same day for me :-))

Its because he knows the shorks winning was a fluke

>it was 3-1
>it was 3-0

All this damage control topkek

>It was 3-1
>it was 3-0
>MAF is the goat
>Quebecois """goaltending"""

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Based. Make sure to rub salt in their wounds

>yfw the ottawa senators are the most successful ontario team

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good morning leafs nation

BREAKING: Joe Pavelski shot during Mexican standoff after botched diamond heist

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What Canadian team will be the first one to break the drought. my money is on the nucks in 5 years

Regina Hurricanes 2028

Anticosti Islanders

Montreal will meme their way to a Cup sooner or later

After that RKO I half expected Eakin and Statsny to hip-thrust to center ice and pull this shit

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I wish I was a shorks fan desu all this seething is amazing

but kitties will win next year with Q

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I don't think another Canadian team will ever win again.

this asspain


yeah your mad

Why would I be mad we've won the cup for 26 years and our teams win game 7

Imagine being a fan of a Canadian team.



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who is your team?

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America 26 consecutive cup win

We dared him to pick up a vase. He actually did it, the mad lad

Literally every team I wanted to win has won

What the fuck is happening

Panarin looked so good dishing the puck all series hope he continues

Who is winning tonight please

ah so youre a fangay of a cupless franchise

post your bracket

why are you even here you don't know SHIT about hockey

i fucking love hoki

Coyle has to be thrilled he isnt on the mild


Look no further than to your fucking countryman. Played four game 7 and lost every single one. That first goal is typical for a fucking loser choker.

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>he's talking about the mild
>no ones talking about the mild

Bobcat is insanely overrated.

Imagine only winning 1 cup with Datsyuk, Zatterberg and Lidstrom

he played great in the series.

that freebie gave the b-ruins 4th line so much energy

Friendly reminder every Canadian said datsyuk, lidstrom and zetterberg were overrated in this same general

Canadians truly are outdated

Who-who is that guy in front of Fleury? Oh, it's Goodrow with a puck! I wonder what's he gonna do there, lads? It's not like he can score a goal or something....

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he really did, I wasn't sure how he was going to pan out when >we got him


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I'm just glad reaves didn't come on the ice in the last minute and overpower a bunch of tiredsharks to score

Actually that would've been funny too

>wake up
>not scarred anymore
Feels good lads.

thoughts on this post?


how do you lose with datsyuk, lidstrom, zetterberg, chelios, yzerman and shanahan?



Real talk, cheering for a Canadian team that isn't >your team to win the Cup is the most cucked thing you can do.

Imagine being an overrated shit

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Yeah, that would be a kino too

Good job sweaty

yeah go back and never return

>32 min to say the laffs are shit

Update me on the >laffs offseason situation. How bad is it now with Nylander and Overrated Shit eating up the cap space?


kasperi kapanen will leave

No ones gonna want that guy and everyone will talk about how John Tavares came to Toronto to win a cup and took up 10% of his cap. He's going to wish he never came here and will get phaneufed harder than anything we've ever seen in our entire lives

I've never been wrong about these things.

Just woke ip, I literally went to sleep at 3-0, what the fuck happend lads

Nylander sucks
Stone sucks
Tavares sucks
Rinne sucks
Laine sucks
Murray sucks
Stamkos sucks

Bettman wrote his lifetime masterpiece

>everyone will talk about how John Tavares came to Toronto to win a cup and took up 10% of his cap. He's going to wish he never came here and will get phaneufed harder than anything we've ever seen in our entire lives
the best timeline

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Toronto will trade everyone and pay part of their contract until they draft a literal Mexican and start over in 2030

Tavares probably would have had a banner raised in new york but now no one likes him

please redpill me on this ebin masterpiece

Why was it a major penalty?

He mad

>Stone sucks
Delet this Stone is a good boy who'll finally get his due at the awards ceremony

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If Komarov and Martin get a ring I just might end it all lads

>yfw they trade Nylander and he instantly becomes a 40 goal scorer somewhere else

Honestly I just want them to tank and start all over again. Fuck the playoffs and this team.

Vegas leaf'd hard when Pavelski was shoved by eakin and stasny. He cut himself on the jaw protector, which if you look closely at his helmet had screws in bizarre spots under the screws to his visor. The sharks scored four goals on the 5 minute major then the players all looked like they were trying to be emotionless for some bizarre reason and vegas tied it. One would assume the sharks would now leaf it by losing in hilarious fashion by letting someone like reaves or possibly even fleury score a fluke goal. However they won.

It was quite entertaining

go knights

Eakin kills Pavs, gets game misconduct. Shorks score 4 in 4 minutes, Knights tie it just 45 seconds till the end. Barclay Goodrow scaaars in OT. THE END

I would've skated by the bench and called him a faggot after the third goal

Based. Gary really outdone himself this time

Canes desu

go bruins

Hope ovi crushes Hamilton in the first minute

Was the 5 min penalty warranted? I went to bed before the 3rd period last night and missed it

Were all of the icings warranted

can you not see the blood dripping from his helmet?

Goodrow > Gaudreau

>Eakin kills Pavs
Fake news, here's what actually happened
>For the first two periods, Gary is indecisive. He does not know who to fix the game for.
>"I really love my new team, but I need to grow the game in California. Fuck it, I love those Mexicans, Sharks will win." Gary decides
>In the 2nd intermission, Gary slips the ref a couple dozen franklins "Alright buddy, 1st chance you get, you're gonna get those Sharks on a 5 minute power play."
>9 minutes into the 3rd period, Eakin gives Pavelski a routine cross check to the chest and the clumsy american falls and hurts himself
>Gary's plan falls into place and Sharks come back

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come to think of it I didn't see a single warrant issued for the entire 7 game series

never forget your heroes

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based, goodrow would heem that fucking manlet into ice

Well it's the legality of the hit not the result that should bring the penalty. So?

Vegas rats crying about refpuck when the league gifted them endless draft picks and defensemen

wtf i love gary now

pavs was crosschecked and the result ended with blood
standard 5 min major

the knights didnt have to let them score so many times on the pp, they also didnt have to let them score in ot

Ok I guess thanks m8

I have made my decision. Please look forward to it.

I hope this crybaby Vegas shit never fucking ends.

>it was 3-0

Pavs was crosschecked and then hit again and hit his face on the ice. Are you saying all blood deserves to be a 5min major?

>tfw the good guys won last night

let's hop in the time machine and do whatever sunbelt retards who don't know shit about hockey think we should do


End the game as a forfeit with the Sharks as the winner.

how's the sun faggot

Its cloudy. What do you mean

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*clap clap*


*clap clap*

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I hope Pavelski is a vegetable
Hockey has no place for faggot divers

Clap clap

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Everyone is making fun of Tavares, but what if he actually prefers longer summer holidays?

good morning ted nation

Oh it's another Bruins ruin the Laffs episode.

Was this at least a good one?

Imagine unironically signing with one of the two teams who at the start of 2018-2019 season had 0 series wins in the salary cap era

Reporting from Akron, OH unironically


Not as good as that collapse a few years ago

Yea all those drugs in the system of that kid would hide using steroids too.

They'd never catch on. Advanced thinking.

To be fair, nothing will top the collapse.

If it's against the golden showers a 5 minute penalty against them is always warranted.

Up 3 with 3 minutes to go or something?

How do you choke that hard?

Hey I found Reddit

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Oops. Wrong general

Reminder all Finns live in the sunbelt

Damn. The Oilers must have celebrated that win pretty hard!

They lost I think

*grabs the goalie's pad and doesnt let go*
nothing personnel kid

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1. Bruins Teds
2. Islanders capitals
3. Sharks avalanche
4. Stars blues

Gary give'th and Gary take'th away

Nah I'm pretty sure you're wrong. No team good enough to make the playoffs would choke on a 3 goals lead with 3 minutes left in the third.

Nurse wouldn't get the fuck off of him

John Tavashit

Evidently I'm the harbinger of poor refereeing.

>Don't watch college football all season
>Decide to watch LSU vs A&M, trash call after trash call
>Don't watch NFL all season
>Decide to watch Saints vs Ram playoff game, horrid call at the end
>Don't watch hockey all season
>Decide to watch Shorks vs Knights, 5 minute major call gets made

What game should I watch next? I don't know how many games my powers will last.

*blocks your path*

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Wasn't a bad call, you're a sunbelt faggot.

The team that wins this game wins the series, in my opinion

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Are you Ukrainian John Madden?

I completely disagree

Game 7 is a must win in my opinion

>mfw people still willing to defend Babcock

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t. advanced stats researcher

>pavelski bleeding from helmet
>he's a diving faggot!
Vegas cucks seething so hard

reebok pump skates on my feet
see your sister finna skeet

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>playing matthews 18 minutes in game 7
>playing mattews with 41 year old marleau


>pavelski leans back to sell the hit
>gets run into by Stastny
>lands on jaw and bites lip
>h-hes bleeding

Of all games, our study found that game 7 had the most impact of determining a series winner

how can he block if he's not even the greatest eight?

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>see OP
>bites lip
>blood comes out the top of his helmet

Tell me how it feels, Sens fans.

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I fell asleep before the game last night

Someone walk me through how >it was 3-0 and the Sharks fucking pulled it off

Something happened to Pavelski?

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A sacrifice to the Hockey gods.

>pavelski got heemed
>questionable 5 min major, prob could have been 2 min
>knights collapse, allow 4 goals in 5 min
>Vegas ties with less than min to go
>literal who scores for shorks in OT to win

with 10 minutes left of the 3rd a weak crosscheck on pavelski lead to him falling over and hitting his head and bleed out of the helmet. The refs called it a major penalty and vegas pk disappeared for 4 minutes giving the sharks the lead, in the ending minutes vegas pulls MAF and evens it out. Then in OT Goodrow is well-rested and nets it from a nice layup by EK.

Probably hit his head too hard because he was leaning back so far. Its his own fault

forgot to add
>vegass "fans" asshurt they have no excuse for choking so blame it on meme reffing

Implying there are any left

Prepare for more hockey insanity, just got off the phone with Gary and he has the Canes winning tonight.

>blaming the refs for coughing up a 3-1 series lead

Yall got a lot to learn




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never been a fan of sharks but I'll forever be grateful for what you did last night

luck in round 2

ps. eat shit vegass

>Justin Williams playing in a game 7 on the road
Almost guaranteed

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Maybe Toronto should try getting rid of Tavares, it worked for the Islanders

Some Laffer in my office was trying to tell me that they won have won the Cup if they won yesterday KEK

hard to argue results like this

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Leafs wouldn't have made it into the playoffs without him.

hoping for elite finns for >my team @ draft

>Some Laffer in my office was trying to tell me that they won have won the Cup if they won yesterday KEK

I'm Gen X and this was a standard line even in the 80s....the few times they did make the playoffs.

The most deluded fans in sports history.

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How bad will he mock on Tavares?

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hoping for ukraine to get promoted to division 1a this year

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At the DMV reminder that the islanders have advanced further than the leafs without overrated shit

>IT WA\ 3 - n

Hopefully it's good, his videos have been sort of weak this year desu. Going for quantity over quality.

The good guys are gonna find out who they’re facing in round 2 today ^-^

Waiting for a meeting to start reminder Tavares is overrated shit

At least I tried


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>the kid who won the Calder

Reminder that no one in Toronto cares about hockey. Wh*tes are a minority here. We are a basketball city. PERIOD.



how much will ovechkin chimp out today if the canes are in the lead and craps get penulties?

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or a disallowed goal for that matter

Business idea: move all canadian teams to sunbelt states like Arkansas.

Never thought about it until now, but is Tavares hispanic? Just wondering with that surname.

Red shirt = cody eakin
Green shirt = joe pavelski
White shirt = Paul Stastny

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His parents are Polish and Portuguese according to Wikipedia.

Portuguese name

Tavares out of the plofs before the Isles is funny and all, but let me remind you of this cringe:


Whos ready for the avalanche to sweep the shorks in 6?


nigger is twice his size and still fights dirty

Tonight frens

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I am

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c u tomorrow, Isles :)

3 v 1, too

...well, 2.5 v 1

>we don't need you
>Isles sweep the Pens
>Laffs just got eliminated

Seems accurate desu

The avalanche are /ourguys/. The official hockey team of /hoc/

>the city of the Vegas Tin Knights
I hope the current Jeopardy champ wasn't too invested in their Cup hopes for this year

>it was 3-1
>it was 3-0
r*ddit absolutely seething their knighty knights collapsed

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This. Can’t wait for wh*tes to go extinct

what part of colorado are you from?

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>one of the two teams who at the start of 2018-2019 season had 0 series wins in the salary cap era
dumb ass

>mfw tavares watches the islanders win the Stan Lee bowl at barclays while golfing

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>bandwagoing the islels
top kek

is the >laffs collage ready?

Seems pretty clear cut to me. Why did Eakins cross-check Pavelski right after a faceoff unless it was to put him out of play aka injure

my body is ready for the Laffs UT vid


>W-we didn't care anyway

Got my feet up enjoying my coffee just wanted to remind yall that it was >3-0

SHANT be rooting for the Avalanche lads

>le ebin read it maymé


That would be kino

Fuck yes, this is the bloos year.

haha oh wow

teds had never won a playoff series cap era or not before this season
therefore the laffs were one of three teams at the start of the season

>Being so butthurt you make this thread

LOSS vegas is a pathetic shantytown

Shall be rooting for the based 76ers to btfo Braptors in apehoop

keep worshipping some yt shitty who openly embraces reddit

The second most reddit team in the league with one line who got lucky against the paper tiger lames? No thanks.

>luck in round 2
They will need exactly just that just like they needed and were awarded it last night

Ted and Laffs are the 2 teams dummy.

>forgetting the kitty cats
not surprising

>$100 fine

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stars over bruins in 6 desu

can miro handle playing 30 mins a night for another 12 wins + whatever losses?

Reminder that Kadris suspension is over. He will be unleashed

>refs hand vegas game 2
>refs hand vegas high stick goal in game 7
>knights commit such an egregious and dangerous foul the refs have to call a penalty
>MAF lets in 4 goals in 4 mins
>knights led the series 3-1
>shorks "luck"

dont worry, that eternally salty vegass fangay cant even admit that last season ended in failure

the upcoming decade of irrelevance will instill some humility

didn't even get to watch the game damn also I hope that faggot dies

Who can stop the leafs now?


>vegans still more asspained than the first time they asked their wives' boyfriends to fist them

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Rate on a scale of 1-10 how mad you're going to be after the avalanche win the stanley cup

by the time i reach ninety i doubt ill have the energy to get upset over anything

0, as long as it isn't boston I don't really care who wins.

>typical post face off shove to the chest, NOT the face
>fucker flops on the ice looking like he’s never skated before
>self inflicted freak accident
>knights commit such an egregious and dangerous foul the refs have to call a penalty
Lol. 1 scf appearance in 30 years. Your old fuck Thornton won’t see a cup.

you're not going to make it that long

He's not like Ristolainen


vegass couldnt even achieve bloos 2.0 status

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