>No playoff teams left
>No cups since 1993
How the fuck do we fix this
No playoff teams left
Nuke Toronto and Vancouver, annex the rest of us
Annexation would fix both I guess
This is a team sport not a national sport. If it ain't my team, the rest can get fucked. I shit on Toronto.
Stop being a racist weirdo and appreciate the raptors going to the NBA finals
Get another 24 teams based in Canada and then it's around a 50/50 chance each year
>yfw they face each other and get eliminated one by one until only American teams end in the Final
Losing the cup to the >rags is not something you come back from
don't stress senpai...Bout to win the NBA world championship
Unfathomably based and incomparatively redpilled
>it's around a 50/50 chance each year
el mayonnaise
ITT: cursed images
Remove all teams from Canada so that they never have to hope again.
>t. signed Phlegms, Ottocucks, Oilels or Winnipuss
Fix'd. Habs and Laffs are the only 2 teams Canada deserves to have. Maybe make an exception for Hongkouver since it's on the coast.
>Separate and form CHL
>Expansion teams in Hamilton, QC and Halifax
>Starve NHL of talent by forcing junior players to sign only with CHL
>CHL intensifies rivalries and every game sells out while NHL goes to shit with empty stands and record low ratings.
>Unify after about 5-6 years when meme sunbelt teams have folded and NHL admits defeat.
Is there any other way to purify this league?
>nuke florida
>nuke california
Not only does this fix hockey, but it fixes the United States in general too
Only Alberta is worthy. China and France can split the rest of you
Relocation of canadian teams to KHL
Bring back the Quebec Nordiques