Luck or skill

is this correct?

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apehoop is pure refereeing, only sport where the refs can actively give points.

>Pure skill
If being 2m10 with 2m30 of wingspan is considered a skill yes

yeah it seems to take a lot of 'skill' to grow really tall

>not on the leftmost

Its not saying any sport requires more skill than the other. Its saying what people already know, in basketball the better team wins 90% of the time, while in hockey, a couple lucky bounces can be the difference

All Whyte peepo sports are just luck. All their success is just luck

is an Maori an karaboga?

Luck is kinda stupid word here.
That thing measures unpredictability.


have you ever watched a hockey game?
every single thing that happens is almost completely random

Sokker has the biggest chance of upset but it's placed to the skill side of football and baseball on this chart

I assumed it took some decent skill to be able to control that puck

How do you measure "luck"?

For that matter, how do you objectively measure "skill"? What even is this? It looks like some question out of a textbook. Even if you're using it to just spur discussion, there's too many intangibles to really have this debate. Is Darts pure skill and no luck?

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darts is probably pure skill but it's still a shitty sport with only 1 skill involved

but you're right, this is some nonsense

Measure it by how dominant the top players can be. then You'll know how much skill impacts, and how much luck impacts.

>most skilled
How the hell do they ever miss a free throw? They're shooting from the exact same spot every time with no opponent interference. You'd think they'd practice it enough to be able to do it backwards, blindfolded and with a single arm

Top players shoot 90%+ Factor in arenas. Factor in nerves. Factor in that injury you just got on the last play.

>sports on the left require the most skill/physical prowess
>sports on the right don't require shit

Great chart, buddy.

>Somone walking into you

So then Hockey has the highest skill?

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This is the dumbest shit I've seen all day