>the virgin faction
>the chad independent
Childhood is liking Big Iron.
Adulthood is realizing Jingle Jangle Jingle is the superior song.
Shitty games made for boomers. Fallout 4 is superior at everything
Oh shit, wrong board, jannies please no bannu ;____;
New Vegas vs. San Andreas
Fallout 4 is world & story wise unbelievably shit.
Gunplay and graphics were neat
SA(and VC) are my childhood, but for me, its gotta be NV...
they get paid too much to bend the rules
FNV has a better plot and obviously better graphics.
GTA:SA has better mechanics and meme material.
Both are tied in sountrack, characterization, world-building and replayability.
It's all a matter of preference.
fucking hated the endless quests flooding the pip boy
otherwise, it was cool
>Both are tied in sountrack, characterization, world-building
I agree for the first two, but NV's world-building is untouchable
Thats not how you write A-M-E-R-I-C-A, or better known as the Enclave.
>adulthood is getting repeatedly raped by bullshit until you trick yourself into thinking that's what you like
that's about right actually
House is the best option for the Mojave and you literally CANNOT disprove it.
that's true. who cares about the mojave though, lol
kys weeb subhuman
>being the fuccboi for a 200 years old raisin who jerks it off to a fucking robot
Major yikes, my guy
>implying the boyfucking mudeating legionnaire subhumans striking rocks together for fire will last after egghead dies
>implying the massively corrupt NCR won't fall apart
>implying le meme robot won't betray you when someone else comes along
what is the tube for?
For me, it's Mr.House
Every reasonnable npc in the game points out that the ncr would be better off moving off the Mojave completely, as it costs more trying to secure the region, extend the supply lines, and losing to raiders back on the home soil that just buying the electricity of House, who has no incentive fleecing them as he needs stable powers on his sides. Legion's expected lifetime will be around 5 years and wildcard is just the copeout for people who don't like to pick a side
Everything about F4 is hot garbage
Fallout Tactics is an underrated game.
For me, it's taking over the Dam and Vegas for myself
Dont give precious (You)s to obvious baits, anons
imagine the smell
I liked Tactics because it's relaxing, but it's just really slow paced and doesn't really have the same fun open world exploration and story choices as the other titles.
>he doesn’t bang red Lucy every day en route to the reigning over the entire Mojave
You sided with Yes Man and took control for yourself right? You didn’t put all that work in for someone else right?
Well he's right. It's not just him, the caravans mentions how dangerous the NCR territory is even compared to the Legion's, several officers tell you they're not being listened too by the hierarchy for political reasons, how dire the situation is back home, and you see many corrupted NCR npcs in the game running black market, being infiltrated by the Legion, and whatnot.. You have to fix your shit before you try to expand it elsewhere.
As for long term planning, I think I'd rather trust the immortal guy that saved the city in the first place over the guys in over their head trying to emulate the stuff that lead to things getting so fucked up. It's ultimately not my fault the game spells out House is the better choice, take it to the devs
I saw it more as Jagged Alliance-lite. In a perfect world we would have had Fallout 3 made by Black Isle with the Tactics engine back in 2001.
F4 is a turd of a video game
Only losers play video games
>you cannot fuck Cassidy
Fuck this game
>Only losers play video games
Is that why ur mom played with my joystick yesterday, LMAOOOOO dork