Sterling calls for nine-point deductions for clubs whose fans are guilty of racism

>Sterling calls for nine-point deductions for clubs whose fans are guilty of racism

>"I would call for an automatic nine-point deduction for racist abuse. It sounds harsh, but which fan will risk racist behaviour if it might relegate their team or ruin their title bid," the England international wrote in The Times.

>"Small fines do no damage to clubs and countries, but one group of people who do have the money to make them take notice are sponsors. The next time that a club or governing body fails to act appropriately against racism, I would love to see that company pull its money out and make a moral stand.

>"I don’t know how long it will take for things to change but we have to start now. I don’t want the next generation of black players to have to put up this evil."

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Cue legal challenges from clubs who claim it was not their fan, but a rival fan. They really are incapable of logical thought aren't they? Only reactionary tosh.

Great thread

Have sex

Deduct a point for each shitskin in a teams 25 man squad.

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Sterling is a hysterical diva nigger, get over it already you homo.

>which fan will risk racist behaviour if it might relegate their team or ruin their title bid

Any racist fan who's willing to say openly racist things in a public space in the first place, Iwould assume. Also at this point, they might as well have this guy write weekly articles about racism.

The issue I have with sterling is that he's the sort that cries racism over literally anything that goes against him

that would just encourage false-flags

This is getting pathetic now

He's always been pathetic, look at how he runs.

Time to buy tickets to a Man City game

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This nigga is trying to be like those NBA activists way too hard

Every day that goes by English football just becomes more and more like American sports

I mean it was all fun in the beginning but he has to stfu now

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whitebois SHOOK itt
they are starting to realise their time is up and they can't get away with their brazen racism any longer

>buy rival team season ticket
>buy shirt
>attend every game and throw bananas and racial abuse at away team players
>get rivals a 9 point deduction

Well they can get away with it though. No way are the governing bodies going to deduct 9 points from teams

>Be a liverpool fan
>Buy a shirt and disguise myself as a city fan
>scream out of my lungs with a megaphone for racist shit calling for mane's head on a spike
>City gets 9 points deduction
>Liverpool wins title next week

Does this nigga seriously have at least a couple of brain cells in his skull?

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>everyone starts doing it
>the EPL sees a surge in racism
>every match has at least a handful of false flagging fans throwing bananas and making monkey noises trying to get their rival teams penalized

nigger tier idea, nothing new here

>do it again - deducted 9 points
>do it again - deducted 9 points
>do it again - deducted 9 points
>keep doing it
>team ends up with minus 28 points by end of season despite winning 25 games

Troubling thread. I'm calling for a 9 day posting ban for anybody using the word Nigger on 4channel.

>be uberprivileged millionaire
>complain about meanie words hurting you
what a dumb cunt

What exactly did this nigger expect that would happen when playing in Montenegro?

>Year 2022
>Last game of the season: Bournemoth vs Swansea city
>both teams are at -64 Points, who will win the epl title?
>half the stadium is filled with """""fans""""" in monkey costumes
>bananas are sold for 5 pounds during half time

If we just ban blacks from football then there won't be any racism at games, problem solved

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Yeah we are basically in the middle of a racism hysteria right now in the U.K. since that game. It's mainly the white journalists and media types whipping it up. It's what happens when middle class people step outside their bubble of brainwashing and try to comprehend the horrors of other ways of life. As in actual multiculturalism, ironically.


Anglos hate Asians more than blacks it seems so no

why do you pretend to be black?

shut up wh*Toid

its almost like blacks are good at running and not very good at thinking

what a N

>seething scousers working for newspapers shitting on him constantly because he left their club has now made him untouchable so he can say any dumb shit he likes

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>he also added that goal scored by black players should count as two goals

Please kill this nigger

Imagine this nigglet's rage when the whitest team in league rapes city and their title dreams

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Why do you think it's just Scousers that did that? There was hate for him before he left.

>Well done Liverpool, Well done... HOWEVER

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only a racist would be upset by raheem sterling

Reminder: if you disagree, you’re a racist.

I'm black, I'm allowed to be racist?

sterling: maybe racism should be punished
average fan(not racist): wow shut up nigger, I don't want to hear you say things you black bastard. just shut up and kick the ball you jigaboo gay cunt
makes you think....

I always thought being mocked because of your skin colour is as bad as being mocked because of your height. But Sterling is being mocked because of both and he only complains about the racism.

yes because racism is about power, a minority can't be racist, if a minority wants to genocide whites it is only as a response to white racism

Sterling is a millionaire. He has a lot more power than a random underclass Brit, so people can't be racist against him.

that's racist. the richest blackman is less powerfull than a white homeless man, society was built that way

Disenfranchised groups will always be allowed to get away with any shit they desire.

really hope this nigger gets cancer

bit racist mate
kick it out


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Isn’t it like 4 points for a win? Is he seriously suggesting clubs should lost 2+ wins for something beyond their control? Beyond retarded

>propose absurd penalties for racism
>get mocked for it

yeah it's ABSURD, we should be able to abuse niggers with NO penalty

But racism is bad mate, don't you want to end racism ?

good point

I know a better thing: kill all whining retards.

where did he even get this 9 point figure from
even 1 point would be an outrage, unless it’s totally severe and the club had a chance to stop it

>Chelsea get relegated

Of course it would never happen, but if it did, we’d genuinely have a situation where fans would be impersonating their rival support to dock them points. Man Utd fans would go to Anfield this Friday and shout all kinds of abuse at the Huddersfield players.

We should do a test run of Raheem’s proposals in Scottish football. The weekly Old Firm false flagging would be phenomenal.

thread should have stopped here
let athletes drone on about whatever they want, but never take it seriously. These are people who have been kicking at ball and not much else since 10 years old

one penalty kick per one vocal racist in the stadium

There’s already penalties in this country. If you’re found guilty of abuse then you get a stadium ban. This recent furore started because Sterling and Rose were abused in the Balkans. Maybe they should just boycott visits to those countries?

What about doing the opposite? giving 9 points for clubs whose fans are guilty of racism, there would be no falseflag

Doesn't Chelsea have mandatory concentration camp visits for its fans?

>9 point reduction for racism
>buy a team full of niggers
>win every year

how about for every incident of racial abuse, your club loses their best ngubu, like his contract is immediately terminated and the other clubs get to bid on him. that would shut them up quick

My condolences

>>buy a team full of niggers
>>win every year
that's already what's happening

Why are these melanin rich players so sensitive? Is it because deep down inside they know they are inferior? I never get bothered when ppl call me sandnigger. It has zero effect on me


>haha yeah you should be punished for words haha

if there were no whites to tell them that racial abuse was wrong they wouldn't care, it's always about getting social points

>where did he even get this 9 point figure from
Probably because it'd completely ruin your Season and there'd be no real coming back

State of this strawman.
Kill yourself.

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Based and Millwall in the Isthmian Leaguepilled.

So then do 30 points.

>ngubu with a "racism bad" statement every day for the past 2 months

yes, we get it
starting to get annoying

30? how about all the points you fucking nazi


lately I'm seeing so many good German humor posts

that's the same guy

How about just kicking them out of all competitions?

>Be a nigger
>Get mad when people recognize it

>Ask for a totally biased solution
>People will start chanting racist shit in other teams matches

Total nigger logic there

Just kicking them out? How about demolishing their stadium and forcing all their fans into debt with JP Morgan ? Fucking racist

Top kek

He’s talking about you, Yea Forums

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demolishing their stadium and forcing the fans into debt? you're leaving the fans alive are you? typical of an alt-right nazi

whoa check out bizarro Canada over here

Based burnley winning it all la

>implying they wouldn't just track down the guy and look at their social media to determine who they support

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*makes fake profile and deletes real one*

>everyone’s on social media
>you can’t support more than one club

Who’s to say that you can’t support both Man Utd and Liverpool?? Pajeets across India support most of the English top 6.

Alternatively, just have it only apply to long-term season ticket holders

I just did that with Liverpool, and they still have 33 points more than Burnley.

I would argue it's a bad idea because football grounds are one of the last places people can openly speak their mind in Europe. If you shut that down then the football fans are just going to take to the streets every weekend in a huge way, a lot of those groups like The EDL and UKIP are football fans who don't go to football anymore, imagine it but 1000x larger. People need these places to vent their anger.

Also anyone who isn't actually a fan and wants a team he hates to be relegated.

>waah mean stuff
fuck off grow up

I would love just to hear Sterling's opinion on anything, desu. Heck, I wish he wrote a book. He thinks like an autist.

It's not gonna be those fans being racist though is it you dinlo

lol. what acid are you on today

You already have groups like the Football Lads Alliance. If you keep repressing and demonising the white, football going, beer drinking, christian Englishman you're inevitably going to push them to radical, populist movements. Wankers like Raheem Sterling aren't helping defeat racism they are just fanning the flames of division and violence.

I think they are fine. Manager, players and to some extent owners have all been replaceable in football. Fans are not. Maybe you can price them out but I doubt you can get 60,000 upper class snobby blacks loving immigrants to attend PL matches every week.

For example, in 3-4 years, Sterling will be moved on, other players will come in and everyone will soon forget about Sterling, as he isn’t a special player and isn’t likeable. Fans will still remain.

If owners or the PL decide to start policing chants and what words are used inside the stadium, that’s the step too far but how can you reinforce that? There is no way to justify doing that as there aren’t any laws against what words you can use.

I get it, so if you're black just keep your mouth shut basically

he's right, we already had hooligans from multiple clubs riot against salafists of all people
if you take football away from them theyy will turn to . political violence


Football isn't going to solve racism, punishing everyone who goes to a football match because a few idiots get caught won't change anything, it will just alienate more people.

>t. never been to a game before

I'm not really bothered about solving racism, this is about keeping whitey in his place.

Niggers are incapable of keeping the mouths shut so what you say is nonsense

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how does it feel knowing that most of the england national team is of colour? probably eats away at you inside, doesnt it, that no-one seems to mind..

sterling has always been a mong
never liked him, never will
seeing him try to be some revolutionary is just the cherry on top and seeing white, self-hating Brits prop him up as their kaepernick is pathetic but I expect nothing less from the eternal anglo
If they’re not undermining other people’s cultures, they’re undermining their own

hilariously enough, most black players have said that their favorite sport to watch is basketball
remember an interview a while back where lukaku while he was still at Everton said he didn’t even watch football he watched the nba
maybe that’s why he’s so fat and shit

Not really

is shouting "nigger" from the stands going to be the new way to impede a counter attack?

I think it's mainly the journalists fault (specifically the guardian) as they are the ones asking all of the questions in order to push an agenda. The players are just saying whats socially acceptable.


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how do i achieve the hairstyle on the right if i'm white

>hurting my feelings is evil
Imagine listening to poopoo people and taking anything they say seriously

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An absolutely moronic idea.

look at that smirk. no doubt he racially abused jamal.

sick of this little shit.all the buildup for 2nd leg of city vs spurs was about le muh words on tactics.

Which the fuck cares about tactics lmao? Which top 3 PL team unironically cares about tactics?
no nigga just use fast wingers and low driven crosses to the far post

what's a dinlo

If blacks get rid of racism they'll have nothing left to talk about

Look at Sterling he's fucking mentally deranged. Black people who play victim have a disease and need treatment. He is mad at Wanyama at first so Gazzaniga defends his teammate and Sterling's mental illness kicks in and shifts towards Gazzaniga. Wanyama, who was being berated by Sterling to begin with, has to leave with Sterling. He's a fucking sad cunt and needs professional treatment.

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>dress up in rivals shirt
>buy ticket to game
>racially abuse everybody, get your mates in on it
>club is docked 9 points
>title challenge/relegation fight is ended
>laugh as you and your mates do this every season
Top kekeroo.

Okay, so football is also officially ruined by crying niggers, just like american sports. What's left to watch?

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The future is stadiums without attendance anyway. That way players can't have their fee fee's hurt so bad they cry in their million pound gated houses doing a job that 99% of the popular would kill to do.

>this jamaican traitor faggot is so shit scared of Liverpool that he has to deflect all of the attention and pressure on to this nothing issue

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>paddy tinfoil-hatting

>Fitizen is so mad he's calling Sterling a 'traitor' when he supports an English club in England

That’s Sanchez and sterling was being a cunt that whole match, started on vertonghen and wouldn’t move out of Lucas’s way, clearly bitter about getting knocked out the CL, really hope someone breaks his leg soon

You're payed to run quick not to think Ngubu.

Is not a word. Well it is, it means to seal a ship with sealant. You're thinking of 'paid'.

i hate black people so fucking much, lads.

*sneaks into City's last game and calls everyone a nigger*

it's our year la

Don't look in the mirror firend

blacks are 7% of population
>does 99% of crime

hard not being racist desu

>implying liverpool fans could say such a problematic word

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>implying I'm not an out and out fascist anyway
Doesn't stop the fans bullying Chelsea rentboys either.

Wrong club la

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Stop being a pussy and stand up for yourself then.

dont care. do what a want.

Although you sound like you're suited for the cuck club

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>I'm an out and out fascist

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You're trying really, really hard. It's rather embarrassing to watch.

>Not believing superfans could game the 9 point deduction by setting up fake lives on (((social media))) and commit the "racism" penalty under the guise of being the opponents' fans.

>Not thinking organized crime and betting rings with connections to the USA get involved, where gambling is illegal for the most part, and gangsters won't pay people to affect outcomes in standings for the billions bet on European soccer in the USA.

It's like Ngubus can't into complex reasoning.

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He a weak ass nibba.

Fucking nigger.

>reactionary tosh
Ah yes, another idiot who doesn't know what reactionary means

If only we could make it so that all Chelsea fans had to visit a concentration camp and couldnt leave.

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it means you react to things you cuck

Weak bait retard

>buy Liverpool shirt
>follow them around the country
>yell NIGGER at every away ground
>Liverpool get relegated on -105pts
>repeat process in the Championship

>City have no fans
>no fans means they cant have racist fans
300 iq

>rule get implemented
>rival fans dress up as home fans
>chant all sorts of racist stuff
>get the home team docked points
>ultras start getting aggressive and infiltrate opponent arenas to get them to lose points
>title starts getting decided by who has the least amount of negative points

Might be cool

Him and Rose are trying way too hard now

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>tfw I can just pretend to be a city fan to sabotage their title chances
Is he really so retarded as to not have thought of this?

Can we just bring back racism and standing please. It'd be fun.

John Barnes has it right.
And these footballers are dumb as shit. They just don't want to hear it at football and think they can stop it with absurd and excessive punitive measures.

fooking man shitty so scared that they will lose the title race to liverpool

You already face a criminal record, a stadium ban and having your name dragged through the mud by the press if you're caught being racist at a game. Let's not pretend those consequences are insignificant - that sort of thing can ruin your life if you've got decent career prospects. What Sterling's proposing will penalise those clubs and fans that report racism and take steps to punish it through official channels. You'd simply incentivise a system where everyone ignores it.

>Lul just fuck up your career because some slavs can't control their monkey instincts

this soft-ass nigger wouldn't last a month in my country

>giving a shit about some millionaires opinion

STATE of lefties

He's dead right, Aziz.



They're still holding your leash, don't worry.

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Define “long-term”

Genuinely lol’d

Finally. A funny german post.

Citeh are winning every PL game left. It's over faggot.

Thats exactly what would happen. When I lived in London a couple of Newcastle fans (dad and his son) were stabbed and chased into a pub by Spurs fans wearing Arsenal jerseys. Some sort of plan they had to get Arsenal docked points or have their fans banned from coming match against them.

As a black guy growing up in Poland I often was a victim or racism. Sometimes I wish I was born in civilized west, but statments from players like Sterling made me realize that you're just as bad and that racism is a global problem.

sterling isn't the first person to suggest this. and he wont be the last. as long as we have hardcore racists we'll have this problem, points deduction or not.

That's not the point brainlet

Brb buying tickets to all of City's remaining matches

laughing like a gibbon

>city wins because they don't have fans
10d chess

That'll do lad, that'll do

We can thank the racist retards for shitting on him constantly, now he can say anything and the media will automatically accept it and approve of him so they're not branded as racist.

>As a black guy growing up in Poland
Holy shit how are you still alive?

West Asians and South Asians, maybe. East Asians, SEA and North Asians; nope.

What proxy service you using?

>racism is a global problem
You do understand that usually when everyone else is the problem ...

Except that racism isn't a white/black thing. There's degrees of racism everywhere theres different types of people.

My point exactly, maybe having different types of people in the same place is the problem

>Manchester City going to win the league
>Liverpool fan goes in man city kit to a game and racially abuses some player so man city get deducted 9 points

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I don't get it, instead of constant nanny state stuff to police people's speech wouldn't it be so much easier if people stopped acting like niggers?

Behave yourself, Gary.

Nobody has any control over this shit mate. People abuse the situation to progress further. Nobody in the general public can fix this or has any power.

>be Everton fan

>go into home end at Liverpool

i can't see any issues with this plan of action against racism at all....

>Small fines do no damage to clubs and countries
And people saying words he doesn't like does no damage to Sterling, that mouthbreathing moulie.

> Im the only person who gets treated unfairly

Fuck off you nig. My entire childhood I was discriminated against by brown people who had this weird hate towards me (even supposed friends and married family) despite me being some insignificant little white boy. I never understood why these people especially went out of their way to fuck with me or take shit from me. Meanwhile this dope pretends like he's some massive victim. Someone explain this shit to me

Uppity nigger

based lebanon

Yeah what's your point?

What "racist" behavior is actually occurring? Like these fans are devout racists who actually want to harm and oppress black people in their free time and not simply partaking in some banter during a football game. I'm sure it must be so traumatic for these ridiculously overpaid athletes to deal with a little verbal abuse from a drunken crowd of nobodies who could never even dream of leading the lives that these players have.

Essentially intimidation at football matches.
Of they were calling the players 'nonces', or 'paedos', no one would care.
Make monkey noises and it's worse than murder.

But that's never going to happen. We all have to live on this planet and there's no way people are going to stay in total isolation.

The punishment for clubs violating something financial is way harsher than their fans racially abusing players.
The outrage over racial abuse is simply people being shocking by something awful.

>The punishment for clubs violating something financial is way harsher than their fans racially abusing players.
As it should be.

T. oaxaqueño

>rival fan disguise
>shout nigger 100 times
>900 point deduction
>rival team relegated

You're not the brightest are you?


Based descendant of Phoenicians.

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lots of seething little white boys on Yea Forums

>spurs win the league because levy increases the price of kits to 5000 bongbux so no false flaggers can deduct them points
the jews win again lads

So what happens if he makes a mistake and costs City a goal or something and a fan shouts from the stand in rage that he's a stupid nigger. Does he think City should be deducted points then still?

bretty gud but it would've been even better if you started writing in arabic after year 2022

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>everyone starts doing the same
>every single team has points deducted
>racism across the grounds skyrockets
please do this and give sterling the nobel peace

>complain about what Sterling said instead trying not to say racist things

What did you guys mean by this?

Ah yes, if only someone had thought of censoring speech before ...

How do you even hear one guy yelling nigger over forty thousand people? I’ve been to sporting events and I can’t hear what some guy is saying on the other side of the field. There’s maybe a 20 seat radius around me where I could honestly say I can understand what somebody is yelling about. How are these darkies way the hell down there on the field able to hear some guy in upper deck calling him a coon and shaking a banana? How does he even notice that if he’s focused on the ball.

Why do Africans need to be in Europe? Why?

Mics regularly pick up abuse. It's funny when you hear 'YOU FUCKING CUNT' on live TV and the commentators have to scramble to apologise.

Except 99% of people don't say racist things the 1% who do are going to ruin it for everybody else. Putting in point deductions or relegation or stadium bans will just encourage falseflagging to screw over rivals.

Why do the Chinese need to be in Canada? Why?

>Liverpool win the title with -96pts

>mfw thought i read "bananas are sold for 5 points during half time"

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>Take out a loan and make a friend bet against the frontrunner winning the league
>Go to stadium, pretend to be fan of frontrunner and shout racist slurs
>Collect prize and retire

Wew, that was hard.

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this :
>dont want a club to win the season
>go into their fan during one of their match
>say racist insults to other team players
>the club i didnt want to win lose points

its so fucking exploitable

kek, you finna ruined the bookies lad

I doubt I'd be the only one. It'd be a fucking race to the bottom, so that by the end of the season every team would have negative points.

niggers like sterling didn't expect stuff like this tho

>epl and championship end up having all their position inverted cause of it

imagine the shitshow with all the EPL team taking décades to return from the championship

I honestly don't fucking get how an adult man can be so fucking dumb. It's logic that most 8 year old kids would be able to deduce.

>Hey, let's allow individual fans to have a greater impact on the games than the teams have

excellent post Hans

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imagine being this thick

LOL underrated

i don't understand it either, he's just acting out and not thinking about the potential effect it could have.

>"and the teams that qualify for this CL of the first year of the Sterling rule are....Leeds united , QPR , Blackburn and Stoke City !

>lul just fuck up your career because your feelings are hurt by normal people rightfully angry at fucking violent monkeys like you
fuck off schlomo, niggers need to admit their race is disproportionately criminal, refusing to take responsibility only proves further that no niggers are innocent

meant to reply to this

That's nonsense, most of the world is segregated and it can simply be kept that way. You might as well say your room will never be clean again since you like cheetos and some will be dropped on the floor forever no matter what you do.