/147/ - World Championship Snooker 2019 - Day Four

Today's schedule (GMT):
Stuart Bingham vs Graeme Dott
Ronnie O'Sullivan vs James Cahill (4-5)
David Gilbert vs Joe Perry (6-3)
Judd Trump vs Thepchaiya Un-Nooh
Stuart Bingham vs Graeme Dott
Mark Allen vs Zhou Yuelong

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Other urls found in this thread:



Is that you, Hungary-bro?

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No, bong in hungary for dental work. I'M GONNA BE SNOOKERING YOU TONIGHT

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

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Holidays may be over, but it's still comfy over here.
Hope Bing is on form, should be entertaining to watch.

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If he got that form from his last win back, he would thrash everyone.

That was prime Bing

Attached: HE MIGHT EVEN POT IT.webm (960x540, 2.78M)


>Ronnie plays well during the season before the WC
>everyone hypes him up
>fucks it up at the WC
It's been like that the last few years

My favourite part about that webm is when he pots the red you can see Murphy standing up expecting to take over, then a second after when the camera pans over to him he have sat back down already and have that stupid smile on his face.
Nothing against Murphy, but it's the hilarity of the situation.

can't sting the bing

Pretty unlikely he's going to lose against Cahill, though. At some point he's going to get into breaks.

lel, Dott got a smug smile as well

why are most betting markets suspeneded on the ronnie match?

Come on Judd

Dott used to be a pretty fun guy

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I'd be a nervous wreck if I were in Cahill's shoes. No sleep for me.

love the binger

i expect a cahill meltdown on par with the worst with ever seen. dont see him potting 50 points todays

>Ronnie shaved his hair
Ronnie confirmed for browsing /147/

Oh dear.

Toniggggght im a rock n roll star

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b desu

isnt he like 50? how come hes not bald

Good genetics. My grandpa didn't start losing hair until he was in his 90s.

he is 43, not everyone gets bald

Satanic rituals no doubt.

>how come hes not bald
Oh, Estonia

also, what did the bbc commentators say about new ronnie ?


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>that yawn

Standard Ronnie

Bad session yesterday, refocuses himself and then blows em away


>user in /147/ yesterday suggests he gets his hair shaved to bring back the fear
>He actually did it

desu b) to be honest

uh oh

what time is based Brenny D. playing lads?

Cahill's gonna win lads

This is going to be a terrible day for Ronnie and for snooker

Top lad

sad sad ronnie

>Bingham match not broadcasted because Ronnie hogs all the viewers

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skinheads never really lose, user

My biggest issue with Cahill winning is I'm 100% certain he'll lose 13-4 to Stephen Maguire

cahill still 7/2 anyone backing?


>its ogre

You just fucking knew he was going to screw up even before he took the shot

>inb4 Ronnie comes back after the break with shaved head

Congratulations, you snookered yourself

Is this guy Jewish?

>Ronald O'Sulliver

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>Ronald Antonio

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Alan "The Twat" McManus

>le uninterested Ronnie

What are you saying, dude's a real angle

fuck ronnie is out no doubt

Ronnie's getting done, lads

Hold me :(


Can't stand the cunt or his twee Scotch commentary

>be world #1
>get BTFO by Cahill

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hes the best commentator you cock

Jesus, this is just sad

>The """GOAT"""

I don't think i heard GWAN RONNIE even once, what is wrong

How is he so fucking shit lmao. Bazza must be messing with the magnets

This isn't the Masters crowd

Ronnie looks like he hasn't slept for 2 days

He has been outsmugged

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What's so special about him?

I disagree. Everyone round here kisses his arse, I've no idea why

He lost 13-2 to Maguire and retired but O'Sullivan had suffered worse moments. “The lowest was losing [to James Cahill] in England. It was such an embarrassment. In England they called me the GWAN RPMMIE of snooker but I kept losing in the first round. I broke down. It’s the only time I’ve cried from losing. Cahill is an amateur, someone you should never lose to.”

>what did he mean by this?

Nothing, just a nice dude

so what's Rpmmie's excuse going to be this time? it's too warm? cameramen looking at him funny?

gee im sure ronnie has the flu or something

Fuck it, time for a Seema wank

What the fuck bros James Cahill has literally never played snooker before last weekend lads this can't be happening

Pity I'm dumb and can't post much on thread

>Morphy with the best performance so far
Is it time again?

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>Ya know, I was just tired, ya know.


After this Ronnie won't be favourite next year and then will finally win his 6th title

Probably something about his hair

Just woke up. Fucking STATE of Pommie losing to a journeyman.

I'd 8-5 be Rpmmie right now

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racism against aussies

Lifelong Cahill fans ww@

Always knew he was going to beat Ronnie.

Hoping it'll be a chill day today at work so I can get a bit of watching done. Later.



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Robertson has the best performance so far

>Is it time again?
Please no


No one beats Stephen "That's a very poor shot" Hendry for commentary

Shaving your hair off is a sign of a mental breakdown. Genuinely want Cahill to win this.

Well, we're gonna know who's better real soon

Williams winning last year is much better than 10 Rpnnie titles for me, despite wanting him to beat Hendry's record.I would be very surprised if Robertson or Trump aren't winning in the final.

>despite wanting him to beat Hendry's record.I
Get out


>that black
top lel he's styling now


nevermind he's fucked it

Ronnie gonna comeback :(

Now ronnie's styling.

welcome back rpmmie


Cahill will bottle it as he closer to the finish

can't wait to hear Roberston's speech about gaming or Trump finally being able to get a hair transplant after winning it tho.


Fuck sake Cahill

Don't you know this is the year of Ding?

twitch.tv 93789

only took 20 captcha attempts

Sweet, thanks.

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If Ronnies goes out this is my last /147/ for the year


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Cahill's tactical play and escapes is utter wank. Proper journeyman level. A smarter player would take advantage of that.

Is Ronnie in withdrawl or something? He looks completely out of it

rpnnie went full britney spears last night it seems

Sweet as a bag of sugar.

What did he mean by this?

He went partying with Selby and got infected.

I can't watch this. Cahill pissing me right off. Back later

>thin audience on his side

Attached: hurts just a little bit.png (255x255, 99K)

>Amateur in first round
>Maguire in second
He just cant find motivation for rivals like this

Why he annoying you lad?

I stand corrected, it just filled up

Because he's fucking up super basic shit when he has opportunity to win frames easily. Infuriating.

He's obviously done a fair amount of coke in the past cause he has a deviated septum. Probably banged out a couple of lines yesterday evening.

the moneys getting to him

basically this, him slamming balls after a easy shot miss is hilarious, clearly will say "beat O'Sullivan in first round, doesn't matter that I got whitewashed in the second round"

He isn't a pro? That's what I heard yesterday

If yo entered the tour, you'd need to win the Riga Masters, World Open, Paul Hunter Classic, China Championship, European Masters, English Open, International Championship, Northern Ireland Open, UK Championship, Scottish Open, German Masters, World Grand Prix and then reach the Semi Finals of the Welsh Open to become world number one

I wish Ronnie would just fuck off tbf. Anyone else in the draw would have wiped the floor with Cahill, but Ronnie is a mopey cunt more interested in maintaining this enigmatic persona as a tortured genius that he plays like he cannot be arsed.


he was a pro, its him being stale what got him downgrading

just a random guy

He's beat high profile Mark Selby but then loses in the Q School three times, pissing me right off

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*blocks your path*

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Put the child... Back in

Wow, his coach(es) must e pissed.

Really don't want Ronnie beating Henders record. There's already people erroneously saying he's a greater player, but that would just make them 100x more insufferable (and still wrong)

Do one, Helmut.

He clearly has the ability but his best result was 3rd round of the Bumfuck Classic

Bingtao and Sunny Akani make me depressed, if Cahill had some charisma and didn't slam balls after playing like shit I would root for new blood


I would give anything to see him play Peter Ebdon right now in this state.

Ronnie would have surpassed it years ago if he wasn't such a mental midget.


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Anymore fouls, Cahill? You fucking jobber

>and didn't slam balls
Well, if he usually plays like he does now, fat chance.

Rpmmie's given Cahill every chance to take this match and he can't

Absolute state

155 for Ronnie

When’s ronnie playing lads

Ronnie is seriously playing up for the camera now. I'm glad his "everything is great, I love life" phase is over with. That's a boring Ronnie Arc

Uhhhhhh yeah! Imperious potting from the Rocket! He's the best player to have ever lived, Stephen, there's no doubt about that!

>that bitch talking about politics during Cahill's shot
BBC trying to put him off his game

It was such a fake arc anyways

We need the Ronnie unlocked arc next year

We'll see about that.

He's gonna miss this black

Snooker viewing figures gonna drop by 50% if pommie loses

Don’t get me wrong, I feel Ronnies pain as someone who suffers from depression and anxiety myself


He’s acting like a petulant child right now.


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Ronnie's gonna fall asleep

WTF was that?

was ready for politics live meh back to cancer ronnie..


Cahill bottled it

>I feel Ronnies pain as someone who suffers from depression and anxiety myself


Ronnie has some serious evil eye

Lobbed my knob out over that black pot.

Fuming lads

Ronnie mad now

Makes two of us.


>Virgo hyping up spotted colours



But his life has been pretty stable for a while now?
>still snooker elite
>dad's free
>kids growing up
>hot as fuark missus
>running regularly
Maybe his ankle injury stopped him running and keeping his mind healthy


Christ lads



Also got some pseudo-science food book he collaborated on as well

Is he doing this deliberately?
What sort of fucking attempt at safety was that?


The state of rpmmiefags who bought tickets

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If Cahill had went for a pot on the pink, am I crazy for considering the cushion rather than straight on?

Did Cahill win a Kinder egg competition to be here or something

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Fucking hell CAMON RONNIE


What if James Cahill has a great power level than Rongeta?

complete meltdown, all he had to do was do a safety shot against him

la creatura


wtf is going ooooooon

Ronnie jobbing like fuck.

i think ronnies got a bet on himself lads, odds were really good for it

Cahill looks pretty shook getting up and down on shots 3/4 times. if ronnie wasnt an actual retard he would destroy him

depression doesn't exist you faggot

can't wait for Ronnie's post match interview, even if he scrapes through tbqh

I still reckon Ronnie is gonna win this. Cahill is a major bottler

Wew lads I was like ten minutes behind on iPlayer, was just watching Ronnie wrap up that last frame and wondering why you were all memeing on him

Is this some kind of experiment from rpmmie to see how much he can fuck up and not give a shit and still win

/180/er here, had to come to a /147/ thread for the first time just to laugh at Depression Boy.

Fuck off faggot


cahill literally terrorizing ronnie off the table as well

Cahill could fluke it


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grow up

/147/ is a general for neets

the majority of posters have depression

People actually thinking ronnie is going to lose this

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*audible mouth breathing*

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looked at a cut that didnt go about 5 times and then got up and down on an easy shot 3 times. hes a textbook bottle job

>tfw getting paid £20+ an hour to sit here on /147/ and not work

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Come on, miss something

Legit might stop watching this tournament if Rongeta loses

first time on an Yea Forums snooker thread
why do you autists hate the GOAT so much?

what the fuck is ronnie doing



Just watch the game and you'll know

just snooker genius thigns


It's unlucky but like I always say, the cushions never move

lol yeah Rongeta has lost

he's having a shit game, that's for certain, but that doesn't take away from what an amazing player he's been

>dont think anyone could argue he's the greatest player to ever pick up a cue
Fuck off Virgo you hack.

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thanks JV

I think people are just bored of his personality and his shit attitude.

See you all next year

He's still gonna bottle it lads. Cap this

Stop projecting.

>probably on the lash with the human leopard the night before
Redemption arc confirmed.

Palping lads

Can anyone post the odds from at the beginning of the tournament?


>Jobbie O'Sullivan losing to a guy not on the Tour
What a prat.

I bet The Torturer drinks nothing but milk


Legit won’t watch this tournament now

He is though

See you guys next year

What a fucking shot on that brown

ahahaha you melt

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Is this is greatest humiliation in any sport?

So, how about retirement talks?


Better luck next year, Ronnie


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Filthy casuals in thread

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>the absolute state of Ronald Antonio O'Sullivan



same here bruv. Rpnnie IS snooker



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big girl

Ref telling his family to shut the fuck up

have sex

>2 frame margin
Not anywhere near it.


my ass, he might have the most talent but Hendry is the greatest


Holy fuck James what a lad

filthy casual here, has ronnie ever played worse than that?

>not watching ding dong, just trump, robertson wow, leopard lelby and dshawn moirphy
I am really sorry for those that can't enjoy something without their favorite still playing

Fuck this, fuck Snooker its only Ronnie that matters to me

I'm killing myself. Fuck you all


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Masters final a few months ago was a torturous watch

I'd argue that Hendry had the most talent. 8 years from picking up a cheap, bent cue to winning all 3 Triple Crown's (and 2 more ranking titles on top) in the same year? That's natural talent.


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Out in the 1st round to a shitter when you're No.1 and bookies fave?

James the Giant Killer

/147/ will actually improve now

>I'm killing myself
Good, brainlet

>might have the most talent
Which would therefore qualify him as the greatest.

>better than your opponent in every way
nice "sport"

O'Sullivan was 1/250 with one bookmaker to win this match.

Well, he always has his downs. I'm pretty sure going out against an amateur in the first round of Sheffield with this kind of a performance is the lowest point so far, though.

Same procedure as every year

Sure, great upset, but it wasn't a thrashing so I fail to see the humiliation.

Who will win the WC now?
Hope Ding does.

no since he is obviously too autistic/schizophrenic to apply his talent

Hazel, the undisputed Queen of hyperbole.

Should put the old mare out to posture, give sexy Seema the job.

Goodbye Rpmmiefags

Attached: lel.png (500x300, 223K)

>I fail to see the humiliation.
>Out in the 1st round to a shitter when you're No.1 and bookies fave
Are you just a bit thick?

>all the muff on bingers side

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Robertson in for a shout. Not seen Trump yet though.

Ding or Robertson

Anyone but that melt Judd

>imagine betting win and no century
bet you could replace virgo if you show the ticket


She looks like a battered Yorkie terrier.

hush your gums

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>pot dozens of exhibition shots when a frame is over
>chokes when it actually matters

Brainlet post

Ronnie managed to expose himself all by himself

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No way a snooker player misses out on those odds must be tempting to bet on yourself.

This Cahill sounds incredibly camp









Cocky bastard this Car-hill lad

>Ronnie without his adderall

The only post of yours I haven't hidden.

How many frames will he take off Maguire?

main reason why mcguire match is going to be televised and him getting redder and redder will be great television

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>being this angry

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use it

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Might be I got the wrong definition of the word.
But even so I'd say getting absolutely annihilated in a final is worse than just about lose in the first round.

I love Ronnie but these sick note excuses are getting pathetic tbqh

>ginger lad in a Green Day Dookie t-shirt

Bing is playing pretty well

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posting this because I feel like this shouod be posted at least once in every /147/

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Gonna be better without rpmmie

spoiler that shit next time. fucking hell.

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They've been pathetic for 20 years
It's tedious af. Ronnie wants people to feel sorry for him, but no one gives a shit outside of his family.








Already found it lad
Going to simulate this one:

14/1 Mark Williams
16/1 Kyren Wilson
16/1 John Higgins
25/1 Ding Junhui

tenner on each for a total of 40

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rpmmiefags SEETHING

Now there's no more Ronnie i'll support local lad Mark "Marky Mark the Shark" Selby

>Not bottling it
Why do bookies never take previous bottling history into account with odds.

Tell you what winds me up. When they introduce Barney they factor in his BDO titles into his "World Championships" but they never do the same for Phil Taylor who won the BDO twice.

Wtf was that

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>no more GWAN RONNEH for the rest of the tournament

gotta weigh up the positives

Either Ronnie threw the match on purpose or he's in the middle of some kind of breakdown

It's cool to see an upset but the viewership for this tournament is probably going to drop off a cliff now

We need Ding to get fucked to really knock the viewing figures

Are there negatives?

They will start doing it with Robertson instead because he's the next le creative flawed genius man after Rpmmie


Yeah I want him to win but I'm very nervous about the Murphy match

>Imagine savings all your money for a year, buying yourself front row tickets and a new Coventry top, just so you can shout gwan Ronny for two weeks

Actually that's quite based and redpilled

the GWANs will just bandwagon Judd as he's the most ronnie-like with his "unique brand of nawty snooker"

Nah Trump is the new media and crowd darling

>viewership for this tournament is probably going to drop off a cliff now
Why should i care?

Didn't you just watch that joke of post-match interview? There's a new kid in town.

The thing is people who come to watch Rongeta in this thread, I get on with them, they’re the sort of lads to like a drink a smoke and a line

Now only the autistics who are going to spam unfunny Bing reactions and jokes will be here. The worst part is they’re not even autistic enough to watch all tournaments, they’re just simply unfunny cunts.

People don't like Trump that much. That's just BBC shilling


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Mate, Judd has been crowd and media favorite for years. Every years it's supposed to be the years he's going to win the WC, yet he bottles it.

Higgins will win now

screencap this

Judd annoys me but I have to admit he's amazing. His cue ball action is fantastic. Nawty snooker is probably the most cringe thing. Basically BBC boomers trying to be cool

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if ding is out, and robertson plays like shit, I am done like the rest of the 99% viewership

>that row of elderly ladies staring at Bings bum

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>you can't learn talent
hard work > talent

The sport feels like it's shrinking but I want it to be as popular as it used to be


qt behind Bingham lads

Would like to see Dott win the tournament 2bh

Nah he has the twink vote but the propa gwans think he's a pooftah.

It is shrinking, as anyone who is a club/league player will know. It's why they're shilling China so much because that's their only chance of survival/growth in the long term

I'm surprised they aren't shilling in paki countries though because they seem to be infesting snooker halls in recent years

>finalist of last two years might win title
Bold prediction.

He's had a trash year, and is going through a "Ronnie" phase where he can't be arsed practicing or playing much. His first round was trash as well.

Are the qts there for bing or jan?

Remember when people said the bottom bracket was much tougher than the top half. It's full of choke artists, whoever makes it to the final will be spanked by Higgins or Williams

nah Williams form has gone back to shit again now

Tour form doesn't mean shit at the Crucible. Robertson and Trump are memes

This is normal for Higgins, though. He always struggles through the first rounds, never dominates hard and picks up pace along the tournament.

Got a meme idea. Steal it please because I'm too shit at photoshop to do it myself. Stick Trump's face on this and change it to "Snooker"

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To be honest the "Chinese takeover" has been a massive disappointment. I reckon they'll lose interest before long because they're not winning enough

based ronnie doing it for the memes

“How do you swallow 300,000 John?

You’re a disgrace to snooker”

Never forget lads

It's a generational effort. Not quite there yet, but when you look at the young players, there's a trend. Even if only a small amount of them makes it through, that's enough. Also the Chinese try to win everything, I don't see them leaving.

Finish him off, he's a mug

even in a sport that requires no athletic ability pakis are terrible at it.

btw if ur a paki reading this kill yourself

Glad to see Dott back on the baize, I thought he disappeared off the face of the earth


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My local league is like 40% paki now. Fucking hate it because they stink like shit and it proper puts you off your game

Hahaha, oh dear. Where has he been all this time, or have I just somehow missed all his games?

well if you watched any of the nation opens you'd have realised he still plays my casual friend.

There's your motivation to become better.

top kek, big news as the first amateur in the wc slays rpnnie in the first round on sport sites here :^D


Thanks for the stream

Bingham the madman

so many chinese players, why no japanese?

They fell for the yank baseball autism meme

Billiard sports aren't really a "thing" in Japan

Isn't snooker actually popular in India and Pakistan? If so they're underrepresented. Even the Thai have some pro players.

Anyone excited for un-nooh?

Stop showering yourself.

Also make sure you bring as much Haram products to the snooker Hall with you. Is there a bar there? If so drink alot of alcohol and buy pork scratching

...well, looks like I missed >rpmmie actually bottling it. Absolutely amazing.

The ironic thing is that I used to hate you. But now that Ronnie has gone out, I feel an uneasy alliance needs to be built amongst true Ronniefags to counter and disrupt the meme obsessed casuals that will now run amok

Without Ronnie, this tournament is truly pointless.

It was Xintong tier

Based Bingham going for another 147



Tricky from here


Will they show unn{ooh

You jinxed it, lads

Hope people learn now and don't hype him up again

Have you noticed that no matter what sport they attempt to play (other than Cricket) Pakis fail miserably at it?

Bearing in mind they have been in the UK for decades now, there are no professional footballers or snooker players despite them filling snooker halls and pitches everywhere you look.

At least they've got Amir Khan...

ah lads can they just allow Ronnie back in. nobody will follow the tournament now until the final

It's their lack of humility. Without that they're stuck in a cycle of never objectively judging their game and making improvements because they don't feel they need to.

We're all in agreement that this year is going to be Judd's year, right?

Good observation.

Watch them play Snooker or pool and they try and slam every shot in to prove their masculinity. They are an arrogant and hateful people. Fuck em all.

>no more gwannie

It's just not the same

You seen this?


Should be timestamped at 16:37

India and Pakistan do have a couple of pros but they aren't very good and a couple of them just fell off the tour. Hamza Akbar, Hammad Miah, Aditya Mehta

Although i think i want Neil more this time probably because i dont want Judd to let me down again

wtf is this cycling shit on eurosport literal cancer tier

I can see Selby gaining momentum and clinching it

You got it on both channels too?

Bing is on form.

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>Shootout is a "major ranking title"
This game...

What is Gilberts walk on song?

A shot every time they mention the shoot-out barring the intros.

You're up in the evening session Mark, stop lurking on Yea Forums

>nawtee snuukah

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>last few years, Judd hasn't done anything in this tournament
Hendry is the best

Bravo, Bazza.

Consider he's not #1 anymore and SelbyWinsLOL is over, I wouldn't even be mad.

If he gets a chicken dinner and a ball run, he'll be hard to stop.

Neil winning would be nice as well.
I'm hoping for Ding but it's not gonna happen


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Trump's lid is awful, looks like he's had a op

Lads, if I wabt judds haircut, what do I ask for in the barbers?

>still showing roidbike

>tfw no english thicc milf dressed as a teacher to tell me i'm a nawty nawty boy

I don't think he has.
He's just trying to cover his receding hairline with whatever hair he has leftand it looks daft.

Short back and nawty

Nice split. Proper nawty.

Use BBC, m8.

There are phonebox cards that will sell you something similar.

So what? It's not because of relaxed atmosphere?

Nawty is gonna stomp this "young talented" clown

Is Joe Perry really a gentleman? or does he just play one on TV?

He's actually just a liar
t. Neil Robertson (does anyone know what he meant by that tweet anyway?)

Why are you not at work today?

how long has this blumpf frame been going on

Looks like a post op hairline to me

Attached: trump.jpg (488x681, 24K)

>no ronniefags
damn comfy

Attached: COMFY.png (2000x2000, 1.49M)

Watching both tables but got commentary on Gilbert/Perry, has anyone called 34 year old Thepchaiya Un Nooh "this young Thai player" yet?

You now remember Ronnie getting beaten by a literal rookie

It's not. They have to shave all your hair to do it and he hasn't ever shaved all his hair ever

Oh my lord, the memories :^)

I'm literally at work rn. Not as comfy as snooker should be, but still better than nothing.

>he wants trump, ding, robertson out
clearly an executioner fan

Just Ding. I want the Chinese to fuck off out of the game

Did Selby lose his safety autism-off?

What are the bookies odds on Leo Scullion making it to the final?

robertson can stay, the bugman and #naughty need to fuck off

You too

Too cheeky from Un-Nooh there

Faithless - Insomnia

Fucking classic tune

no u

I can't get no sneed.

Thanks for (You)!

Attached: 20180518134911.png (968x720, 804K)


if all three leave I don't give a fuck this year, wanted Williams to win last year, this year any of those would be great, if it is another Lelby or Riggins, I will bail the fuck off for an year


Lads you see that fat guy at the front row taking up 2 seats?

What the fuck happened to Ronald?

Attached: the godless orient 4.webm (840x473, 1.01M)

It's me.

Attached: 1520093391659.png (766x758, 32K)


np have another

Attached: 1538243411120.jpg (591x594, 29K)



It was another classic >rpmmie moment
Post more of the godless orient :^)

Tigan OUT

Does anyone have a stream?

y u mad bro?

Attached: 1466010466069.png (500x500, 131K)

please keep this place clean, leave ro user alone

Attached: IMG_20181008_161332.jpg (746x734, 312K)

just something like smartdnsproxy trial and watch on bbc ez, ive been using their trial last few years

>they don't rate cycling
It's almost as comfy sport as snooker tbqhwyfam

I was but I'm back home now

search snooker on twitch or youtube and sort by live

>using pedals


its another Judd bottles against an inferior player episode

Based, thanks


For me it's John West tuna.

what a cursed fate for our duo this wc, crashing round 1

>tfw I didn't see Didi at last years tdf

Just got in. Ronnie ded. Judd for the championship now.

Attached: ronnie66.webm (1276x720, 2.04M)

Gwan Trump lad.

i like this uhnooh. thanks for reading

They must hate being contractually obligated to do this Bugman appeasing exhibition shite


Gwan un nooh

>Judd Trump is gonna win it all

Attached: 1485122903045.jpg (404x533, 62K)

>purple socks

Attached: Hendry.webm (1138x774, 676K)

That was a corking long pot

Based and Australiapilled

>Judd for the championship now.

not if the ladyboy sorts him out first

World Snooker doesn't organise chinese exhibitions, they aren't obliged to do shit.

Yeah, they really hate making a lot of dosh.

Attached: loadsamone.jpg (600x572, 36K)

post yfw Un-Nooh justs Trump

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Yea, multimillionaires really care about the pittance these exhibitions pay

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the frame of the chokers

Clearly they do, or they wouldn't do them.

Attached: 20265016-1499292970130232-3646093680994856664-n.jpg (720x960, 172K)

They're contracted to do it by their sponsors or whatever

Attached: tumblr-oxvzrpngne1vfi67xo1-1280.jpg (912x1280, 264K)

Given that they can't get Ronnie to turn up to half the actual pro tournaments both in the UK and China, why would they have the leverage to force him to play a few exhibitions?

who dis sweet can?

Attached: ln2Pl85.gif (624x427, 500K)

Those teeth are as straight as Judd



Found a good screenshot of the snooker Perry was in yesterday, brutal, miss wasn't even called it was so hard.

Attached: D4x72YFWkAEPP3_.jpg (1098x661, 42K)


Can Ding win this thing this year?

Ronnie is out....he won't get a better chance.

selby is smiling at us from heaven

Jesus, pure torture

real english rose that

Selby will get better and win his fourth world title, and we will all love it.

t.the Molester


Attached: 1548878983056.png (382x316, 126K)



Attached: the godless orient 9.webm (640x1136, 2.4M)

never ever

Attached: selby bless.jpg (2560x1600, 2.39M)

>MJ face
Why do they all look like this

Attached: ௵.jpg (376x260, 18K)




Attached: praise the sun.gif (204x204, 52K)

There was a period a few months back where it seemed Judd had finally added good shot selection to his game and now he's back to playing like a >young chinese player

>when the play is zesty


We've been through that cycle several times. During the season it always looks like he might be finally maturing, only for it to go nowhere.


Attached: 1315825904701.jpg (419x480, 81K)

impeach him already

Don't you end up forefeiting the game if you foul and miss the same ball three times?

not for trump

No but you have to give Selby a reach around

This ref is a waste of space. Ronnie had a go at him a few times

Probably some kind of Russian interference at work here

drumpf gets special rules

Old medal guy lurking in background again

>give Selby a reach around

What did he mean by this?

Why is there a slug on Hazel's jacket?

I wish I'll age as gracefully as Ken.

Only if you can see a red full ball, if you are snookered or can only see one side of a red you can miss as much as you like

Chink guy nearly a middle aged man playing like a "young talented player"


poor chinese immigrant being oppressed by the evil emperor blumpf


who dis titty gyal?