Making a thread at the top of the 7th inning? More likely than you think.

Sox currently lead 4-1.

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Fuck Yeah Abroo

I've gotta start doing my share making gamethreads, seeing that almost everyone else can't make threads anymore

Good timing rbo


MLB should stop allowing White Sox/Orioles/Royals matchups to happen at all. They're an embarrassment to the sport, if you added every single one of their fans together you probably still couldn't fill Kaufmann, Camden, or Gauranteed Rape

Cordell has been such a pleasant surprise after how hard Palka fell off this season

Fucking Hiromoot.

I don't mind making them, but I just got home driving through the storm and I assumed a thread was already made.

That would be much appreciated.

Lousy hiromoot. The smash patch dropped and is fucking amazing with joker and stage builder and I can't fucking post at all on Yea Forums and join all the fun

(Yes I know its missing a forward turret)

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ayyyyy timmay

To take a line from our nemesis royals
Thats what speed do

On 0-2 too mccann is not mccant tonight

Why not make a Lexington-class or Yorktown class carrier instead. But that looks great.

Man those are some weak-ass bants bmore

Yolmer is 3 for 4 and avg up to .232

He's gotta stat pad if he wishes to not go down to AAA.

Yeah I was planning those too. And tanks and planes. Maybe even make a "combined arms" stage. Still experimenting and having so much fun with it. Probably gonna have a whole stage list of war machines and have friends/other people try them come Acen.

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Will Baltimore lose more than 100 games again this season?


oh there's a thread
only forgiven for his dinger today
no doubt

Steve/Jason synergy is so damn good and only getting better.

Fortunate bounce there

there's like 15 people I'd sooner send to AAA this point, alonso, engel, bustoy, the entire pitching staff

Will we?

Jason gets so much hate amongst the Sox community. Personally, I've warmed up to his commentary so much, despite some of the stuff he mutters can be a bit cringey

jason is an unfunny pun-abusive cripple. i don't care for him and i didn't care for hawk either. i wish stone/farmer worked together instead. it would be based

So glad you're not on the White Sox payroll

guessing it's older people? because everyone on here seems to decently like him. (well not you i guess)

needs to work on his defense, hasn't checked all the boxes

Sadly this is true. Also smacking AAA pitching could give him some more confidence back.


I don’t really like his big play calls but he has a good rapport with Stoney

doubt it. too many teams even worse than us somehow


He seems like the type of guy who'd post on Yea Forums desu

This. He's great for regular watching but during the big plays you wish you still had hawk


I agree. Their convos flow so smoothly

Wouldn't doubt that at all. I could definitely see him subtly dropping some autistic /mlb/ meme on the air

I personally don't mind him, though like you said, he mentions cringe shit like stale internet memes. I remember him saying "good job good effort" in a broadcast once and it really looked out of place.

That being said, I'm sure he's an awesome person to grab a beer with I bet.

I wouldn't be surprised if he did. There were moments where I thought he was making references to stuff that was being posted in the thread right then and there.

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god the orioles are bad

and then there's white sox bad

>5 straight balls
>count is 3-2 because englel


inb4 chris davis pitching

This is far worse than White Sox bad.

I think this game is ending any discussion on which team is in worse shape

But what about the next 2 games?

We should be better than detroit and KC. Didn't stop us from losing 2 of 3 to them.

The Sox have had a tendency to choke away divisional games they're supposed to win

Never forget 2012.

Best time for Moncada to fuck up a throw
with an 11 run lead

Stevie Wilkerson is such a baseball name

position player pitching


Sucre was their best pitcher
Its a bit shocking to see a position player pitching and it isn't ours

RIP Matt Davidson

There goes Osich's short-lived 0 ERA

little something I just whipped up during this game while having Ed and DJ on my radio in the background

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A map so fearsome, it makes Rommel retreat from British forces.



gg Os though to you it'd be a bg we know that feel

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who are you addressing? there's no O's fans in here

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Good point. force of habit