If you can't name at least 6 members of this team that is going to win the 2026 world cup you aren't a real fan just a...

if you can't name at least 6 members of this team that is going to win the 2026 world cup you aren't a real fan just a hipster

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US will win a world cup before Englel

i know at least 5 of them have a double-barreled name

harry english
wannabe ngubu

all the rest don't matter and will be exposed as pacebabbies long before the 2026 world cup

Fuck me, this is tragic.

Brexit will fix it.


Day of the Rope™ will.

Sancho, Hudson-Ngubu, Foden, Ngubu, Smith-Ngubu

how's brexit gona fix islanders from going there

it's not, we will be even more fucked

Only about three of those players have any future playing in the top leagues.

Ngubu Notum
Angubu Jones
Alim Salahim
Clyde McWorcestershire
Raheem Tahim-Smith
Rajesh Potter

unironically this


> follow footy
> every U19 etc team goes like this
> black players
> 1-2 white midfield/cb players
> white keeper
> every damn fucking time
> don't generalize user
> stop putting people into boxes user

Kek I've gone beyond frustration now it's just funny as heck. Life is one big predictable computer simulator.

the only way is using the military

first you need to put up a warning, say 3 months
Then basically you need to go from neighborhood to neighborhood, and tell people at gunpoint either they leave or they die, or maybe kill them anyway since they didn't heed the initial warning
Whatever property is left, you can confiscate for the good of the state

are you working on achieving the day of the rope, based redpilled user?

and 99% of the blacks will burn out by 24 years old and the white players usually do pretty well

Dont Ajax have a decent black keeper?

Duh, lots of talent gets wasted because early growers and speed gets prioritized. The worst part is how they are also held to an equal expatriation date. Same for the army where you have an age limit aswell. Even though people don´t age equally. You can be 27 and only having just finished your maturation. Shit´s just cruel for some.

Don´t remind me of it, that guy surprises me on a weekly basis. Great work ethic, personality and decent intellect. Boggles my mind, I remember when they let him play at first. I was anxious for the entire group stage EL.

but if they're better players, why wouldnt you pick them?
or are you one of those brainlets who think there is an agenda against white people and only blacks are selected lmfao?

They're better at younger ages because they're faster and stronger than Europeans. But for this same reason most ngubus peak in their early or mid twenties. That's why the majority of elite boomer players aren't ngubus.

yes but at that age they're simply better, so why wouldnt you pick them?

Nah common people have no agenda beyond their own. People are just wired to worry about the here and now and lack foresight. There's a specific species of sharks that ages up and over 400 years. And only fully mature at 150 years. Compared to their close kin who age 30/60 etc. Treating everyone the same is stupid. Right now some of the system heavily favors black players I guess, in youth teams. Driving out white and more slowly developing players. But those who do break through in more rural areas often become way better at times.

You're selecting against future Griezmans/Reus/Messis

It's a sensitive issue though, so try and stop that.

Ngubu - Nguba - Ngubo -Ngubi -Ngube Taquin Conny

Ngubwe - Ngubembe - Foden - ¿¿¿ - Sancho

We're talking about the NT youth teams here. You develop at your club, not your national team.

You do realize clubs select exactly the same way right? I wasn't talking about NT's specifically smart ass. Coaches/teams/clubs pick the players that give them the highest odds to win. Not the player that will be better in 5 years time. It's just an issue of sporting culture and what direction people see the sport going. In fact I would say football with just whites would be the most boring thing to watch. And in fact I believe that atleast 40% has to be non-white to increase the speed and explosiveness of it. I also believe that the American way ruins the balance where only black players are picked and all the tributes white players would bring get thrown away. 40/60 whichever way is the most ideal mix. Giving you the best of both worlds.

100% south american mutts is the way to go desu

You do realise thats not true at all, right?
Take a look for yourself, youth teams (at the Eredivisie) are around 50/50, sometimes even up to 70/30.


I mean look at Heerenveen u17.

Literally just 2 foreigners, rest is 100% Dutch.