Play exciting and unorthodox attaching football

>play exciting and unorthodox attaching football
>entire squad is British and Irish
>no JFs
>full of league one shitters that have styled all over the championship
>majority of best players were free transfers
>club has one of the best academies in England
>manager is a diehard fan with a blades tattoo, used to be a ball boy and player, and is proving himself to be one of those talented managers of modern times
Are the blades, dare I say it, /based/?

Attached: IMG_2922.png (220x220, 29K)

They're based purely because they're keeping the Leeds scum from getting promoted

for me, it's no yorkshire clubs

>no tango

for me, it's wednesday

Attached: PA-9975934.jpg (650x751, 134K)

>no JFs

He does it for him

Attached: Cvwz-DPWcAArCEi.jpg (568x399, 28K)

Still can't forgive how they fucked us over in 2006 or 2007. Fuck Sheffield United and fuck Sean Bean!


all those things make me think they'll finish 20th in the premier league next year

trying far too hard you LARPing knobjockey

I fucking love Wilderball. Might even start watching old Northampton highlights to get my fix.

Sounds horrible, stay away from the PL

you prefer watching overpriced Spaniards and Africans play boring, orthodox defensive football?

Prefer teams that could break the top 6 hegemony rather than another Bournemouth or Burnley with players no one has ever heard of

Oh yes there are loads of them in the championship.
The hegemony is structural mate, it will break when the system changes and not a moment before.

>with no players no one has ever heard off

>players that don't have a French, African or Spanish surname frightens the premier league fan

>The "Premier" league
>Only the top 2 are premier
>Bottom half about on the same level as top half from lower league

love me ngubu
love me rodriguez-garcia-martinez

simple as

ah yes, all those exciting flair British players that light up the league in the world Martin

The story of the Championship has beem so geared toward Leeds that i don't know anything about Sheff Utd beyond the #10, Sharp? From OP it sounds like a fans dream atm. Only remember Brian Deane from the old days. Imo getting promoted (90s foxes) felt sweeter than the PL win.

Sky Sports pundits are visibly upset about how their darling Leeds have turned to literal shit as usual

Midfielder Oliver Norwood can win his third Championship promotion in three consecutive seasons next weekend.

How has Leeds fucked this up? They seem to get into play-off regularly then die. They signed Roofe from Oxford and that basically fucked us in the league (but we still got to the meme low tier cup final again, fucked it up as usual) so I'm a bit mad that Leed's aren't actually making use of it. I'd rather they'd got to the PL to end this meme.

They've got Bamford up front, he's fucking garbage.

This is an Owls thread now.
Pigs GTFO.

based Ollie. Brighton should have kept him, desu.