How do we fix this shit?

how do we fix this shit?

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ban all blacks from competing

ban all whites from competing

Ban "analysts"

Ban Yea Forums from commenting

This, and enforce a salary cap

less games, people get fatigued watching that shit.

It's not broken, and I am not even trolling rn.

>Even in playoffs all the teams average about 120 points
What the hell?

This also

Less games, add relegations, remove salary cap

8 teams.

it's already "fixed"

>remove cap
What a fuckin retard

Lebron's team gets automatic playoff spot

Reminder that if your team did not sweep then they are dog shit and so are you.

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>over half the league makes the playoffs
found your problem
oh, also the other problem is basketball is a garbage trash tier sport. so, less teams in the playoffs and find a better sport to watch.

>First round= One game
>second round= best of 3
>3rd round= Best of 5
>Finals= Best of 7

first round should be 5 games because the playoffs normally suck during this time
warriors also make it boring and anticlimatic but there's nothing that can be done about that except for a superstar or two leaving and even then they're dominant

6 teams per conference. 2 byes for top 2 seeds. There it's fixed.

>letting losing teams in the playoffs
Not a single change will matter until they cut the field.

I think a bye would be too advantageous when youre skipping an entire series

Get rid of the three point line

Top 12/16 seeds regardless of conference, divisions mean jackshit now so should conferences. 4 fouls instead of 6 in the playoffs.

That’s actually kindof true when it comes to the NBA. If you’re team doesn’t curb stomp their first round opponent they’ll prob lose

This, or at least put limits on it. Also bring back 80s and 90s rules on defense.

Boston has the second easiest matchup in the playoffs other than Milwaukee, who will shitstomp Boston next round

what's wrong with it? haven't watched basketball in 3 years.

No revenue sharing for playoff revenue.

Cancel the basketball game and bring in a white woman to get run a train on by both teams

pistons are gonna sweep you fags in 7

Remove guaranteed money on contracts. Eliminate tanking by giving the 9-12th seeds the first picks in the draft.


No, Charles Barkley is a treasure

I think a lot of analysts have little of value to say though, unsurprising since a lot of them are just former players who clearly have little insight beyond basic ones from their playing experience

no off days theyre bullshit even when traveling to another city just play every game on consecutive nights BOOM youre welcome

Remove guaranteed money but players also don't have to honor their contract, instead they can leave for a better team after giving a 2 weeks' notice.


This guy knows what's up.

They need them or else there'd be a lot more splodin knees

>mfw nba teams score more in half a match than euro teams do in a whole match

He did get the Blazers one right

nonsense if they were elite theyd push through it plus youd be forced to develop a bench

>ratings down 45%
>not broken

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First round should be a best of 5 or at the very least fucking play every other day. The first round should not last three fucking weekends.

talking to or gesturing towards a ref is an automatic T

it's a fundamentally flawed game. just treat it like pro wrestling.

I assume yuro teams play some semblance of defense.

This I can get behind. Spread them out in the later rounds but the first round should not have these top teams walloping low seeds and then a two day break before the next pounding

(((some people))) might have a problem with that

Series with two matches each (home and away) with aggregate scoring, point away rule and decision by free throws

1 game elimination. Finals is best of 7. First and second rounds are usually shit that drags on for too long

fuck, now I know how retarded football playoff system sounds to an american

Bring back Peter Vecsey. King troll in the NBA.

you know nothing neckbeards really need to shut the fuck up

these playoffs have been great

just get rid of the first round

Abolish playoffs and convert NBA in a round robin championship only

Have the final 10 minutes of each game played with mulitball

Have the Blazers win the NBA Finals

Go straight to the final and skip all this boring ass shit

Remove it.

Move Lebron back to the East.

First round can still be best of 7 but if a team goes up 3-0 call it

I like this one.

Bring back defense.. let them play like in the 70's and 80's. Far more entertaining than watching a free throw competition for two hours.

top 8 overall records make playoffs, with a single elimination tournament. Winner of that plays lebron in the finals, best of 7, and lebron gets to pick 1 player from each of the losing teams to join his squad.

Would fix

The fact that the current state of NBA rules is so stacked in favor of the offense, so that every little thing is a defensive foul and real physical play is illegal, makes the product borderline unwatchable. I'll watch the NBA finals, but I'm not sitting through 30 playoff games just to see a hardworking underdog get fucked over because the star player they're up against went to the line 500 times for being breathed on.

There aren't even any losing teams in the playoffs this year.

Nothing to fix. Look, basketball is kid's sport, something you like when you're 12 to 20 years old, due to the quick high scoring action and celebrity culture. NBA tailored their game perfectly to appeal to the twitter demographic. Adult sports fans shouldn't care since we're watching the NHL playoffs and regular season baseball. Let the kids have their toys.

>let them play like in the 70's and 80's
no one played defense in the 70s and 80s.

Except for the decision by freethrows which is indeed fucking retarded it would greatly increase the amount of upsets in the game. While only two games would generate far less revenue, many people find 4 (or 5, 6, 7) games against the same team to be boring. So it becomes far more exciting for the average viewer and way less predictable. Even the Warriors would have trouble repeating if the playoffs format were like that.

>30 FTA discrepancy
I didn't know the league had that big a hard on for giannis

Ban memechucking and fake fans

>round 1
one and done
>conf. semis
best of 3
>conference finals
best of 5
best of 7

Or two best of three, a best of five

Then the 7

You would have to outlaw superteams, which basically isn't possible to do.