How will the racists ever recover?

>The Manchester City star will cover the costs after the 13-year-old succumbed to the illness four years after initially being diagnosed

>Raheem Sterling will pay for the funeral of Damary Dawkins, the Crystal Palace youth player who died of cancer last month at the age of 13.

Attached: Raheem-Sterling-Manchester-City-1.jpg (700x367, 107K)

So. Why has his agent suddenly got him doing all this charitable stuff now? Where has "Messiah Sterling" been for the last 4 years of his career?

Busy beating his wife.

Smacking his lass about

based PR team

>pays for the funeral
>not for the treatment
what a hero


he's dead dummy you cant recover from death

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How much do funerals cost?

Would he have done this if the kid was white?

>wtf y wont the nigger pay to bring the dead kid back to life
Back into your strawhut muzzie


You people are such cancerous vermin
Genuinely hope you have eternal miserable lives


back to r.eddit, libnut.

What does this have to do with the place you come from? I wish all of you refugees would fuck off back to that place you imbecile


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kill yourself.

Ask Tarantino

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>the triggered yank s.o.y person ITT

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Been on Yea Forums since 06, dipshit. Your personality on here is exactly like the faggots that began migrating from 'there' in summer 2012. your false bravado is embarrassing. you could be the dutch city muslims twin honestly.

If that were true, you wouldn't be moaning about r.eddit since you wouldn't know what it's like (like me). Stop pretending to be an old poster like me and what bravado? You're a cancerous retard and your auto replies about r.eddit and liberals is exactly the same thing lefties do
Fuck off back to wherever you were banned from

This is Cristiano levels of propaganda. We’re always reminded of his philanthropy before Ballon D’or voting. Raheem must really want the PFA award.

What happened?
Didn't the press hate Sterling after he ditched Slipperpool?

It's interesting to note the media attention he's received since the whole gun tattoo thing last summer and people claimed they were racist.
Now they really go out of their way to tell us about about he's paid for school kids to go to Wembley or how he made a donation to save a local community centre in London.

PFA voting is already done retard, the shortlist is just the six who got the most votes


Reminder he beat the shit out of his 17-year old gf some years back when she told him she was pregnant.

Reminder he wanted to force her to have an abortion.

Reminder he still has no contact with the now born daughter (only pays child support because he's forced to)

What a hero indeed!

gives some tickets to niglet schoolkids and now paying for another niglets funeral. wow.

only a racist would bring these things up


Lmao nignog helping his own kind, not a chance he'd do this for a white kid

>Reminder he wanted to force her to have an abortion.
Based Sterling, trying to exterminate niglets before they are even born

i'm genderqueer fluid feminist. i can't be racist

Well then he must really want the City player of the year award.

richard dunne's got that locked down still

Gotta put the whitey in the ground asap amirite?

depends of your funeral license

>getting beat up by a manlet
>dating a manlet in the first place
I'm not advocating the violence, but I'm not gonna make excuses for her either.

this man, spee. an example for everyone.