Post your favourite sports time snack

Post your favourite sports time snack.

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for me

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people are bored with normal crust on pizzas so there you go

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A bucket of crab legs.

that's unironically the best snack in this thread

probably a bottle of peroni
I don't know why but I don't associate sports with eating/snacking at all, but feel like I should have a beer if i'm watching a match.

After years of setting these threads I think this is the first one I've seen that wasn't created by an American.

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I'm only 179cm so I have to eat this.

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Usually pick up some fruitcake at the bakery on my way home to snack

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>posts a whole pizza


I normally bow hunt and skin a large predator during the pregame show and eat it during half time

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>adding salt before eggs are on heat on right before
absolutely disgusting

looks disgusting af

I strongly feel that they should be eaten seperately

Attached: banana_0.webm (480x480, 2.43M)

Wait, that's not how you eat a banana.


This. There's no way the pizzas good and there's no way the burger is good.

No wonder these Africans keep starving, they don't even know how to eat food.