

Attached: D4keC8KUcAAo1yy.jpg (294x220, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


early, shan't ever

Girl I texted an hour ago still hasn't texted back.

I'll probably see her tomorrow...

How do I save face?

tell her you eat ass

Any chance Caps - Canes and Starz - Preds go 7 as well?

Why does it matter is sharks/knights go 7? caps are winning the cup again anyway.

hillbillies getting eliminated AND relocated TOMORROW

MacKinnon will not be denied

Dubs and you send a dick pic

canes, stars, preds, blues, flames, oilers, and jets all getting relocated tomorrow?
how does gary keep getting away with it?

blose are considered hillbillies?

>plebs posting in a SHAN'T thread

yes missouri is as sister fucking hick as it gets



>caps win the cup

Lol no. Our year

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>being this autistic this late

Nobody gives a fuck you fat reddit prick

fuck off pedo or at least post some decent lolis

see you around the 50 posts mark

>playoff fleury in full force
yea I’m still seething and no you can’t see my dick

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what happens here?

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Okay reddit

either >shorks >shork or knights >shork
either way /hoc/ wins

Okay lads, i got a semi-final version going. Probably some issues i am going to have to address but this is a pretty solid version atm. What do the lads think? Spent way more time than i expected on this one and had quite a few issues. Tried to go for a more realistic vibe than most of my other pictures usually end up having by the end. I may need to change up the ice or add more layers to it, i don't know. I will also probably edit the goalie equipment over again.

Here you go lads.

Attached: USSR vs USA Semi-Final.jpg (2048x1383, 1.6M)

neat. ref in the back looks funny though

this guy gets fucked by his uncle while this guy records
later they go watch some high school football

>tfw Leafs/Bruins game 7 again

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Here is a side by side collage

Yeah i had some issues with him, in the original he has some like weird reflection gradient on him from the glass or something.

Attached: collage ussr vs usa SIGNED2.jpg (4098x1383, 1.44M)

based ay lmao poster

have any of you lads seen any ayy lmaos?

Here is my colour reference picture i was able to find, extremely lucky as i had that pic before i even found this. It's the exact same game and players just from the other side of the rink.

Attached: gettyimages-143310748-2048x2048.jpg (2048x1359, 1.45M)

Saw a couple leafs just the other day. They even said eh

what's with all the asians

knights fan here, any leafs can help coping with loss? You are the experts and all :3


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no but when i was like 13 i was deep into ufo's tom delonge style and i used to think i saw this piece of shit everywhere

Attached: brtkmo9hpjesmnuhdjik.jpg (750x445, 27K)

>see-through boards

Why is that not a thing anymore?

Too dangerous and not strong/reliable enough? Doesn't have enough bounce in it when bodies go into them?

They are studying how to be shit at hockey. It's why they are watching usa/soviet

dope, man.
it would take me 5 years to do this

He's making this up dumbass

Just whip out your nutsack when you see her

come up to them and say "what's it like living with a nose that big?"

good knight knights knation

lad, you can even fathom pain

Gross desu



what's icing?

It was the 1972 Winter Olympics in Japan.

No idea why

Thank you lad, it too me around 20hrs to do and i still got some things to fix. Took way way way longer than i thought but i was too deep into it to stop, so i finished it. Have a picture i did a few months ago.

Attached: IAN CURTIS FINAL ABSOLUTE TRUE-2.jpg (1200x630, 299K)

what’s wrong with this exactly?

alcohol, and watching this on repeat


>still not currently deep into ufo

No lad, i got all 21~hrs of it recorded and i am going to make a time lapse video soon.

Attached: Screenshot (192).png (859x819, 301K)

have you seen tom delonge, the lead singer of blink 182? dude got so deep into UFO's that he went off the deep end, legit nut

spoopy 2bqhwy lad

UFOs have been disproven ever since it was discovered the earth was flat

detective pikachu in two weeks lads

I’m well aware of him. But why does he force you to discount everything? I do believe the actual truth is equally as insane though. Things like lazar, the Nimitz encounter. The gimball video. There’s legit stuff

was that after they had that press conference claiming that hockey is for everyone?



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thanks, why didn’t they just shoot the llama though? thought this was america and all

Baste. Shall be watching that

every time i see old timey hockey photos i get this stuck in my head

>sharks have a resident tripfag
>dares calls knights reddit.

have sex

Whats your lads predictions on whos winning the game 7's?

Don’t communicate til you meet her and show up late.

because i believe in the great filter. also i've never heard of any of those things you mentioned so you'll have to redpill me

not my liver

bruins will shork. vegass will shork

the distance between stars is too great and no civilization has been able to span them before destroying themselves as will we

this but the opposite

Attached: a throw back to a better time.jpg (450x335, 48K)

>game 7
I don't think so, Tim.

if i make it through these ploffs without turning yellow ill chalk that up as a win

why couldn’t they just close it out in 6?
fucking fuck
go leafs nation

>street sharks
fucking based

team that scores more goal will win

gonna be a big game for both series desu

desu is just a codeword for boring comfy

You need to hop back in my dude. Idk what made you go astray, but there are absolutely situations to consider. What about the Phoenix lights? Have you heard some of the tens of thousands of wines accounts on that one?


Teams with a single letter in their logo will win.

there's apparently been 4-5 major extinction events before us which really makes you think

Good call

that's just the government testing out it's new muzzie destroyer don't worry about it

we are all reddit

i just got a feeling. especially since nobody can win at home in that series

>silently hovering 1 mile long ship
Talking atleast 500 year+ technology

it's bound to happen eventually right

okay if it's aliums then why are they always floating around doing fuck all


idk heard it on joe rogan a few times

not sweden

the absolute state of the draft past pick 3. nobody knows who to pick

My daughter pissed the bed, just like my knights.

shorks-avs gon be gud

Why do you think me or anyone has that answer. I am merely just observing something that happened. Tens of thousands of people saw it. The mayor saw it hover over his house. Everyone has the same description of it. I advise you to watch that video. The best doc on it

checking in on >us lad

avs sweep in 5


2018 called, they want their bants back

there's just so many of these stories, eventually you don't care anymore

shorks would spank the bing bings

>calling in 2018
>not using a holo-communicator

took you 6 minutes to put that one together?
high iq

you keeping score here? kek

If sharks win on tuesday I will impregnate a chinese immigrant and name our son or daughter jones

you’re not? lel

Clearly, you've never been to Arkansas or Kentucky.


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Why the fuck would I have been?

We just like our meth and heroine here. It's hard to fuck your sister when you're too doped out to move or running around like a god damned crazy person.

why would i if you're doing it

You said MO was as hillbilly as it gets.

clearly you fags have never been in any shanty in nevada

I don’t keep tabs on what you’re doing or why you do it. You should consider doing the same.

>my hillybilly sisterfucking state is less of a hillbilly sisterfucking state than yours

>Can't see a fucking joke when it hits him right in the mouth.
Piss off faggot.


>getting mad at words on a screen
maybe it’s time to walk away

what will we do when all the relevant teams are out of the playoffs?

talk about ice?

>after tuesday there will only be ONE pacific team left in the playoffs
more like shitcific

I hate ice

Jones will always crumble sharkbro



are you homosexual?

Go away


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metro will win the cup again, dunno why the rest of these losers even try

what’s worse, getting swept in the first or getting swept in the finals?

lol first. if you make it to the finals it means you actually won some playoff games

I wanna be Mitch Marner's new dad so bad

Has best city in the US

Attached: aced.jpg (465x465, 207K)

Weird flex but okay



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Frankly I dont care who wins, as long as the >laffs lose.


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even if >we lose I’ll still say gg
good night leafs nation

just don't sign laine and they are fine

Made some more of those gradient things someone did with sharks/knights and canes/caps. Might end up doing all the teams in the off season for something to do idk.

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Attached: Preds.png (384x768, 345K)

thanks I guess

They're good OPs if there were more

Nothing better than taking a Vegas Golden Knight before bed lads. Feels really good to get that out

current divisions are boring, restructure when? i want something wacky like all Southern + all Canadian teams in the same div.

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why would you take a big steaming pile of cum right before bed?

bet he had some hot takes and by hot takes I mean wet brapps from his wife

Rubbing one out before bed feels good desu

No just mundane number ramblings and "it's overtime everyone is fatigued"

Congrats to the sanreddit sharks for dirty playing their way to game 7. Sucks itll be in sanreddit again, but bye bye time is coming once again. The hertl faggot got lucky. Stone is coming for you. Eakin also guaranteed a game 7 win. Fuck you California faggots.

>reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit

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Post morer Sharks girls butts pls

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>ever using these as a phone wallpaper
way to show your power level if you ever leave the house

i don't see anything

More like pic related

Attached: pacific series.png (768x768, 535K)

ignore her, don't be unfriendly or act hurt, but basically ignore her

I got this.......

Attached: shorks anime.png (600x378, 244K)

I wish there was an isles one. I kinda need to step up my edit game

Attached: 6DC2089E-3ACF-4B4A-B004-B493A0A5CA5D.jpg (1920x1900, 1019K)

post that one pink haired slut


it doesn’t feel like home around here without some rag it screaming reddit every 5 minutes

Starting to think that vegas really is reddit

Pedo much?
Wow you sharks faggots really are pathetic perverts.

At least Vegas fans get actual pussy instead of anime girls.

Attached: 1541899228652.jpg (2400x1800, 481K)

Only Isles stuff I got in my hoc folder is that picture of overrated shit and honkey

Vegas needs a reddit logo

Sharks needs a Burns laying down


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Sharkies desu

Attached: 1522110336064.jpg (497x750, 202K)

Shorks will go to the finals. Check em

y'know, that one pink haired slut that always gets posted

Overall, I would say Vegas has one of the cleanest logos in the league.

Buffalo and Calgary are also pretty sweet.

Sharks though? Come on man. Put some effort into your aesthetics.

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I’m the anime dude, so if you do need a collage I’ll post it for ya

Attached: 95D3026B-9B42-4DAB-8DAB-7DD431647275.jpg (761x1000, 350K)

got any anime tiddies, or feet?

>Sharks though? Come on man. Put some effort into your aesthetics.

>comparing a logo that was done in 2008 to a logo that was done in 2017

Im a redneck from Dixieland. The San Jose sharks are the only thing out of Cali that I like.

I thought we’d lose tonight, but no, this isn’t playing dirty. And i played ice hockey with a guy who got over 100 penalty minutes in roughly 40-44 games.

Fuck you too, we’re gonna kick you out.

only OKAY games tomorrow


hill billies get eliminate tomorrow

trying to go for a week without fapping. 1 day down so far

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None with the islanders logo unfortunately, but I do have titties (unedited)

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Do you have a San Jose sharks one, but with Aqua from konosuba?

business idea: super stanley bowl

A week is easy m8. You'll do it.

lmao jest will resign laine for 11m and then they wont be able to afford anyone else

Is Nate Schmidt the ugliest player?

Attached: shmit.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

Doesn't look like a person really

not when you fap 3 times a day it isn't


>the Stanley Cup, but it’s outside


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so what are we gonna do during the offseason? can we start up a haxball league?

A girl in my hs that looked like the girl version of laine kept trying to bang me. One time she licked my ear and even today she somehow got my contact info. I should go for it I think.

Kayla-Marie Williams. that is all







Why hasn't Detroit Red Wings been good for such a long time?



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can't score

can't always get lucky by selecting HoF players in the late round who knew

Fix your powerplay for next season m8

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Reminder that sports are scripted freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2019/04/44-64-north-face-climbers-killed-in.html

>power play is so awful that the other team taking penalties actually hurts >us

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this is heading towards the most un kino stanley cup since 2017 yellow puke fest.

at least I don't need to make one for caps or canes next round

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imagine a stars teds finals. holy fucking yuck


Gary would be fuming for such bad ratings

it'll be aired on the golf channel again

Nope. Isles avalanche final gonna happen. That’s kino

undeniable proof right here

where's pyjama boy

it'll be leafs-knights and it'll be the highest rated sports series in history

Anyone ever take a Tavares, then not even 5 minutes later you gotta go back and take a Vegas. Real talk it really hurt desu

Make the second round first.

Bruins Laffs game 7 unironically might be one of the higher rating game these playoffs.

>ice kendo


I really don't give a fuck about today's games other than getting easy you's from the hurricanes retards

I want the hurricanes to win just to get a kino game 7

damn...bus drivers look like that?

Listen here Joe Rogan, we were FUCKED UP on that t h c crystal monkey tranquilizer with a little bit of gorilla biscuits thrown in the mix and I remembered this cock suckah down the street just picked up enough blow for oprah and her whole fucking family so we took a stroll down the block in the white van and wait lee what were we just talking about?

I wouldn't be opposed to it. More yous for me


I have a sinking suspicion that Joey Diaz is a virgin based on his stories and how fucking ugly and fat he is

...in Canada. In america I guaren fucking tee you that some niggerball game will get more views and ratings than laffs bruins, even if the basketball game is garbage

Nobody is talking about floorsqueak, retard. I'm obviously talking about hockey

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Americans love the leafs, youre fucking delusional

ya but that doesn't matter, hockey doesn't need a gorillion in ratings

Yeah, but I’m saying it’s just stupid that people watch a sport that shitty instead of this

I've literally had my penis inside hilary duffs vagina. The chick is a total fridge, her upper body is dissapointing.

gary does a shit tier job at marketing his players

I can't imagine giving this much of a fuck about what other people do

prove it

how could I possibly do that

another night. another no sex, lads...

Nothing worse than having sec with a girl one time. Neither of you know what to do, legs everywhere and getting elbowed in the head, and it's just dissapointing then you never get a chance to do better. Happened to me and Hilary Duff but honestly? Chick was a fridge.

>tfw you'll never be BALLS DEEP in meg turneys ass

Attached: Zql99v6.jpg (4096x2733, 978K)

Sounds real shit, man.

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It's not that great dude, especially if the chick keeps trying to kiss you after swallowing your sperm

it's your own sperm it's okay

No actually after I give it to her it's no longer my possession

She’s got a great ass but a horrible face.

Conflicted desu

it's okay nobody really cares for her face

Attached: 1 - SS3WTuT.jpg (2886x2886, 647K)

I wouldn't call her face horrible by any means but the fact she flat irons her hair makes me wonder what she's hiding

I’ve never heard of her before but in that picture she has the face of a tranny

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>leafs poutine-costs 67 dollars

Attached: CD8D9CE3-72AF-41BA-9D7F-D71DBE473772.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

I just see strong cheek bones and a smile that is confident in her ass

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he just doesn't wanna get herpes

i'd still kiss him on those soft cheeks

When are they making this their main logo?

I thought it would be soon but with the Stealth jersey shit they not gonna get rid of that design for a while

Attached: 5464_san_jose_sharks-secondary-2017.png (729x618, 165K)

Schmidt is much uglier and talks like he's ugly

Tuuka is ok

Schmidt looks like an ugly human but Tuuka looks like an orc

>got bored so started learning a new language
at least i can call it a hobby

What you learning bro

I started learning Swedish a few weeks ago

japanese. i already know spanish and a bit of french

Schmidt looks like a toddler drew him

I started too but lost the drive to improve myself


I tried Japanese but couldn't be bothered learning a new character set so pussed out and went with Swedish.

Schmidt looks like any white guy on a 2 week coke binge

Yeah same, was doing it on Duolingo so it was pretty addicting with the leaderboard stuff and burnt out too hard.

good luck, scandi languages are hard as fuck

You speak English so any other language is actually a downgrade

it's easy if you have the right resources. if you constantly have to look for it then yeah it's gonna suck

Nah they pretty easy and comfy since they share a lot of words with English (old Germanic languages).

Danish and Finnish are meant to be pretty difficult though with their different grammar and word pronunciation

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

Comfy post

We sacrifice black people to hurricanes there.

>doesn’t want to get his dick herpes on his mouth

is Brontosaurus the official dinosaur of /hoc/?

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Chara is the official dinosaur

R.I.P. Johnny Hockey

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>be the knights
>choke against the shorks
Oh no no no no

Man how I love this years playoffs. now when Tampa is out, its a free for all match for the stanley cup. In the nba you already know the warriors are gonna win it

Its all in the script friend

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why is minor league hockey so confusing

Attached: 1920px-Houston_Aeros.svg.png (1920x1713, 426K)

Aeros more like Aneros


Ded sport

tuukka is a handsome boy

>This is what bostonians look like


Attached: downloadfile-60.jpg (600x600, 43K)

An attempt was made

lads, jones can't keep it up forever, r-right?

Attached: 1543119401157.png (820x768, 203K)


>jones sv% rose from .848 to .903 in 1 game

surely an elite goaler like maf wouldnt be getting out dueled by jones

fuck vegas, fuck relocanes, fuck bruins digits and they all lose

Love vegas love relocanes love bruins digits and they all win

Hot take:
Fuck Toronto.

This is the post.

digits are number of OTs in the next game


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Good guys tonight:

Bad guys tonight:

Attached: glare.png (530x530, 378K)

>he shits on God's country
Joseph Smith may have been a lunatic, but he was right on the money when he said the Garden of Eden was here in the Show-Me State. If you wanna continue to blaspheme in the name of skate and slap, I suggest you find something less dangerous to fuck with, because I promise you, the wrath of the Ozarks hits like a God damned super tornado on good old fashioned 417-cooked methamphetamine and you will be the first one I find to put 6 feet under the surface of Pomme de Terre.

t. Sam Louis

What's so confusing?

Your presence here.

For me, it is the anklyosaurus


Triceratops all the way.

Stars are the ultimate good guys tonight

Mir ist es Herr Niederreiter.

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>Matt duchene is a cancer
>is just as excited to win a playoff series as the rest of the team
>loves Columbus
Yeah I’m thinking it was just a scenery problem, Ohio is based to him

Nino is a swissman though

>60 shots
>1 goal
Jesus Christ did mark stone not play?

Swiss German. Close enough.

>maf is elite

>Ohio is based for him
So why is he either gonna gouge them for money or leave?

the media created and perpetrated the locker room cancer image
he had nothing but good things to say about ottawa on the record

should top caliber players not be paid a salary that matches their play?

Here. Have based Austrian born Swede of titty recognition instead.

Attached: 7sXYwZ2.png (270x395, 243K)

>he had nothing but good things to say about ottawa on the record
It was only in uber cabs he would shit on the team

grim grim grim

STD Blues has Olivias Newtons Johns "I am getting physical" song as semiofficial playoffs song. se video below (its hot):


what is your team and its semiofficials songs?

and? you dont speak ill of others in private?

Not if they wanna win

Attached: Smugsby.jpg (1549x1040, 367K)

I am copitals;

it is chemical bros - believes

I do, but im also a cancer

crosby is still paid nearly 9mil a season
it not like hes playing for scraps

this is tampa buy lightnings:


it is best song, but sadly its already over

colombos blues jacket


based pusa

>been paid the same caphit for last 11 seasons
Imagine taking a raise when youre already paid handsomely in salary and endorsements

duchene is making 6 mil per and was never the face of the nhl

Relocane elimination day lads


hurricanes has a good tune

ever thought about moving on gramps?

>duchene is making 6mil a year
>6mil for a guy who cant even reach 60 points a season
6mil where he belongs.

What do you think he's going to ask for as a free agent and do you think he'll be worth the cap hit?

>cant even consistently reach 60 points
Sorry brain fart

the price of having shitty wingers for most his career
he deserves a raise maybe 7.5mil-8mil cap hit

>the price of having shitter wingers

But Mark Stone was able to consistently put up 60 points on Ottawa

and mark stone is got a raise to 9.5mil per
whats your point

Mark Stone got paid because hes a two way winger. Duchene who is rather average at both offense and defensedeserves anything close to Stone?


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Sad that appears to be the going rate of a 2C these days.

God no, that’s a no from me chief

Ah shit, thank you for letting me know user.

Go shor/k/s

duchene is a centreman
the comparison to stone is a rather poor one

stone points are average at best for a winger and hes making nearly 10mil per season

u mean like them canadians teams?

This team was 31st in the league just three months ago.
What happened?

Attached: B6403909-5DA7-44E0-BE8C-8395563972F2.png (600x600, 201K)

canadian teams are dadrock at best

>worstern conference

funny since the bloos beat up all the top leastern teams on their dash to the playoffs

>stones points are average at best for a winger
Because he played on Ottawa and hes defensive lol. Duchene on the otherhand plays like a winger and his only redeeming quality is faceoffs. 7mil for a lower end 2C is a big yikes

Their fate is to lose to the Caps or Isles in 6 sadly.

Delicious coffee, beautiful day and the knowledge that Relocanes will be fucking off after tonight. Feels good.

>Because he played on Ottawa and hes defensive lol.
his production went down when he moved to vegas
>Duchene on the otherhand plays like a winger and his only redeeming quality is faceoffs.
so his only redeeming quality is what makes him a centreman
> 7mil for a lower end 2C is a big yikes
yet you defend 9.5 mil for a 2nd line winger who has NEVER broken 75 points


The Blues had a .500 or better points percentage against every leastern team this year except the New York teams

imagine only scoring one goal in 59 shots against martin jones.

Still, Bloose/Eggmen or Bloose/Caps would be a good series. I think Blues-Caps would be the best final out of teams remaining.


>his production went down when he moved to vegas
So did Duchene but you still used the "shitty wingers" excuse
>so his only redeeming quality is what makes him a centreman
Yeah its not like the best centerman excelled at Defense as well.
>yet you defend 9.5 mil for a 2nd line winger who has NEVER broken 75 points
Never defended Stones contract lol. Hes overpaid but still deserves 1 to 1.5mil more than Duchene

That isn't exactly hard when you only play 2 games against those teams.

We are now in the Jones redemption arc

>So did Duchene but you still used the "shitty wingers" excuse
duchene had shitty wingers during the majority of his time in colorado
that comment had nothing to do with ottawa
idk where you got that from
>Yeah its not like the best centerman excelled at Defense as well.
>Never defended Stones contract lol. Hes overpaid but still deserves 1 to 1.5mil more than Duchene
you are using stone as your defense
if you dont agree with his contract why are you using him?
>Hes overpaid but still deserves 1 to 1.5mil more than Duchene
which is EXACTLY where i said duchenes salary should be, if you agree with me why are you still responding like you have some point to prove?

imagine all the people

we live in a society

Attached: FA6CA4E2-93F9-495F-BCA7-2E99F7684741.jpg (682x1398, 195K)

>duchene had shitty wingers during the majority of his time in colorado
Yikes imagine this backpedaling. His production is even lower in columbus than colorado.
Being a liability on D as a center gets you paid now?
>you are using stone as your defense
if you dont agree with his contract why are you using him?
I brought up stone because hes a winger teammate of Duchenes after you said shitty wingers. You brought up his contract
>which is EXACTLY where i said duchenes salary should be, if you agree with me why are you still responding like you have some point to prove?
Ive also said Stone is way overpaid. If you agree with me Duchene doesnt deserve more than 6mil than why are we arguing?

2019 IIHF ICE HOCKEY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Division III: Turkmenistan - Chinese Taipei


>Yikes imagine this backpedaling. His production is even lower in columbus than colorado.
you misinterpret what i said and its my fault?
>Being a liability on D as a center gets you paid now?
duchene was +5 against tranpa gay
calling him a liability doesnt make it so
>if you dont agree with his contract why are you using him?
since you wanted to make the comparison
>I brought up stone because hes a winger teammate of Duchenes after you said shitty wingers. You brought up his contract
lol if you dont think stone is a shitty winger, why did you assume i thought so? are you retarded? if you didnt understand my comment why didnt you ask for clarification instead of assuming?
>You brought up his contract
yeah to complete the comparision
>If you agree with me Duchene doesnt deserve more than 6mil than why are we arguing?
ive said how much duchene deserves
you probably think every player is overpaid cause you are a retard

this is some hardcore shit man

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everyone join the youtube stream and talk about hockey with turkmen and "china" people

we can talk about hoc memes and also invite them over here

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>you misinterpret what i said and its my fault?
Lol yikes
>duchene was +5 against tranpa gay
Duchene was a -1 in the regular season. Getting bailed out by Bob doesnt mean he isnt a liability. Did you watch the games?
>lol if you dont think stone is a shitty winger, why did you assume i thought so? are you retarded? if you didnt understand my comment why didnt you ask for clarification instead of assuming?
Probably the same reason you assumed I was defending stones contract?
>you probably think every player is overpaid cause you are a retard
Oh look more assumptions

"lol yikes"
you dont even have a point anymore, just blathering on to try and save face

No. Its just ironic you call me a retard for assuming when youre doing the same thing.


>saying Im defending Stones contract because I brought up his name
>not assuming

>in a discussion completely revolving around a player contract it was unfair that i used the players contract who you brought up for comparison

>saying "thats the price of shitty wingers" its completely unfair that i used the players most current wingers in the discussion
If you misunderstood you should have asked for clarification.

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"he played with shitty wingers for the majority of his career"
so you bring up a winger (who you obviously dont think is shit) that he played a season and a half with lol

good morning knights knation

>it was 3-1

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sorry lad

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To which i brought up a winger with better production. In no way did I bring up his contract lol. In no way did I even imply in that post he had a good contract

all part of the plan

>To which i brought up a winger with better production
>In no way did I bring up his contract lol
ok, but the discussion surrounded duchene's contract
why did you bring him up if you didnt agree with stone's contract?
> In no way did I even imply in that post he had a good contract
so you admit to being a retard

Actually the discussion at the time was around Duchenes production. You just couldnt follow the convo

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>duchene doesnt deserve a raise!!
>gives reasons why
>btw this totally is unrelated to duchene's raise and contract
last (You) retard

good morning leafs nation

what did shannon mean by he sees people making fun of jones on "golden knight message boards" ?

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leafs/knights final, cap this post, check these digits, etc...

he’s a redditor like 90% of the posters here
it’s why they shill him so hard

>he’s a redditor like 90% of the posters here

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dubs dont lie

i wonder if he's seen /hoc/ make fun of his fat wife

>a discussion cant change
>duchene is overrated his production is shit
>b-b-but his team had shit wingers
>this guy isnt shit


Have to take kid to orthodontist lads no one post til I get back might be about 90 mins to be honest


>having kids

He's responded to me a few times for unrelated stuff and I always reply asking how his wife got so fucking fat and telling him that's not what my donations are for (I don't donate)

bit rude don’t you think?

Based projecting user

Not really, he's rude for not telling me and she's rude for stealing everyone's food

/hoc/ got me to watch some of his videos unironically a few times, but most of the time his shtick is just annoying
his hockey history type stuff is bearable because hes presenting information and stats that have been forgotten or are harder to put together; his game reviews are completely pointless, why watch 12 minutes of a fart sniffing wannabe analyst with no game footage when you can watch full highlights or a condensed game in less time?

>tfw nearly guaranteed a cup final appearance

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He’s background noise at best, but it’s good background noise if you want to hear all that shit. Just stick to SN highlights of each game

he takes things slow so sunbelters can understand him
its laughable watching his videos cause you just know what he says is gonna be repeated to you here by poster with an american flag

>*gets swept by Columbus*

bombston residents cant seriously believe this

Wow another final for Boston? Those poor people

Unless >we play the capitals nobody can stop >us, and even then its very possible for >us to win

bombston is struggling to put away the laffs
the teds are gonna absolutely demolish the b-ruins

>You want victoly? Too bad you rose!

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Sports net cuts out anything interesting that tells the "story" of a game

>Rask managed to hold it together for most of a single round
>more depth than just the first fucking line showed up a few times in the series

Vegas golden memes

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wheres pk "locker room cancer" subban get traded next lads?


Cmon canes at least make it 7

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Grand Rapids Griffins

Back to Africa

Please no

Don't worry, he's mistaking. It will be the Toledo Walleye

the nhl will want him traded to a team thats poised to win the cup so they can justify continuing to market him as the greatest defenseman who ever lived

That is the plan.

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Ughhhh don't remind me.

c-can the preds pull it off, or are they /weakmind/ now

This. Your sport isn't considered serious in the US unless you have your based shuck n jive negroes

if they started saros it would be in the bag

Laine refuses to join team Finland for world championships - "i want to dedicate my time to Fortnite"

Subban isn’t terrible, but he’s a marketable face

>wanting to look at his actual monkey-like face

>he’s a marketable face

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he is also incredibly well spoken for a hockey player

hahahaha oh god

>nigga acting like a white guy
I bet black people hate him

That's because the "based black guy" is literally the most powerful force in America whether it be sports, entertainment, politics, whatever.

if they hate black people acting like whites than they performed poorly elected obama

he sounds just like every other hockey player, they all say the same shit. not that that’s a bad thing

*throws banana at PK Subban*


lol you obviously never seen an interview with pk if that is your opinion

Imagine the seethe PK throws the hick Preds fans into by niqqering it up every game

yeah i’ve seen pooban talk and his new “talk show” or whatever it is. i just don’t idolize le based black men performing normal tasks as much as you i guess

>he is also incredibly well spoken for a hockey player

>just gotta get pucks deep
>get shots on net
>get to our game before they get to theirs
>be ready to play a full 60 minutes out there
>start every shift on time
>no passengers
>everybody's gotta buy in to our system

>forgetting that >we went life and death with the garbage habs and the garbage leafs in both of >our recent final trips

Maybe it’s nostalgia with growing on the current logo, but it’s also the logo now feels more like a proper logo (for a hockey team) with the stick and set boundaries in the triangle vs just a shork.

However I still like the alt of that sweater where the shark’s tail is in view.

I feel that logo you have there is best for a shoulder logo, but the fin is cooler to me.

Then again, all this is personal preference.

How do we feel about the inevitable Carolina-Dallas Stanley cup final?

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Is there a hockey player out there who refuses to say scripted lines?

>we struggled against shit teams in the past so this season will match those performances
bombston gonna lose to the laffers and we are gonna lose our minds

Sean Avery


Just trying to watch the game lads.

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Nervous tbqh

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>couldn't watch hokkei till the end
>thinking about shorks all day
>come home to check the score
>fingers don't want to push the buttons
>it's pane Tomáš Hertl with shorthanded in OT2
Feeling really great lads

Attached: >shorks.jpg (249x365, 42K)


Dallas - maybe
Carolina - no

You're getting it all wrong bud. What I'm saying is that even though >we struggle against certain opponents (particularly divisional) doesn't mean >we are totally fucked against teams that are perceived better. Get ready to cry tomorrow

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Dropped a cheeky lil fiver on Washington and Dallas tonight

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I hope you lose your monopoly money.

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i got it just fine dumbass
bombston struggled again the laffers last season and then got btfo by tranpa

stop pretending like a series a decade ago means shit

And what if Boston loses game 7?

just woke up

What if they don't?

oh look a caniac spewing derision and hate

I hope you lose your team

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Never even fell asleep last night aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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Degenerate dude weed

I would say that I hope you lose your sovereignty, but that already happened centuries ago.

they're not going to

Like Quebec lost theirs?

LOVE Québécois frens
HATE Caroliniggers

Dallas-Islanders SCF
what do you think lads

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think you are fucking daft

Straight edge m8

>Montreal still exists

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Dont vs using >my animal as an avatar against the canes

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We've gone way too long without a bulju reminder.

dumb beaner

Ive already phoned /gary/ he says the Canes lose tonight

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We need knifeduck to protect us.


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Someone post strong duck in the next thread, I need to ask him a question

Is that NHL 14 on ps3 or something

the thing with Bryz is that he was actually trying to deliver the scripted lines