How could the hell people vote for a comedian as their president
He would have been elected the president if he had ran for
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Ask Americans or Brazilians
Donald Trump got less votes than the other candidate, so the majority of Americans didn’t want him and cant defend the decision.
i'd vote for R9
Joke of a country anyway.
>candidate with more votes don't get elected it's just congress decision
>people votes are almost useless
The absolute state of MUH DEMOCRACY AND MUH FREEDOM States.
You’re god fucking right i’m seething! That shouldn’t fucking happen
Ukraine is part of America so they just wanted to follow their masters
Also a jew and a manlet, but that's just the start of it
This place is full of fucking retards.
Nuke us ASAP, please.
>This place is full of fucking retards.
so it's like every other country then
did your country elect a jew pro-russian puppet clown, who compared your country to a prostitute?
...all this during a war.
Didn't think so,lad.
This POS country could burn for all i care.
>Not seething that your country is run by a twitter shitposter who was on reality TV because a bunch of boomers liked that he was openly racist
If it’s not Yang, it doesn’t make a Yang difference
>did your country elect a jew pro-russian puppet clown, who compared your country to a prostitute?
>...all this during a war.
Yes we did thank you very much!
Trump is Cicero compared to this snail, trust me.
Count your blessings, amerifren.
you clearly only know trump through pol
>such a cuck he wants the coastal cities to run the country
I voted Bernie in 2016 and I'm not even delusional enough to think we should go to a pure democracy
Bernie didn't get the Dem nom, underaged LARPing faggot
>pure democracy
yeah why didn't they vote for corrupt oligarch bitch or corrupt oligarch #2
We are not a democracy, we are a representative republic where we elect officials who then vote for the interests of their constituents.
You clearly only know Trump from John Oliver
fewer votes
>Donald Trump got less votes than the other candidate
Those were away votes. He won on agregate.
>russias own private swimingpool jumps to their aid
sad for you bros, can you explain to me how did he get so much support? isn't he a russian shill?
>isn't he a russian shill?
There you go.
Who would crimeans and donbassians have voted for
I thought Ukraine hates Russia
The previous dude proved to be ineffective. Poroshenko came in as the change candidate, abd things would be different... free Bentleys for everybody, EU membership and both Putin and the Bogdanoffs bowing down to him and pleading the glory of Ukraine, while speaking Ukrainian.
Then nothing happened, except the president overlooking some dodgy tenders and massive-scale embezzlement by his friends(as is ex-USSR tradition), which is the official reason people were protesting in the first place. So the electorate did a protest vote for a comedian (whose satirical tv show kind of has the protagonist in a similar predictament, life imitating art), as they are expecting changes (EU membership, free Bentleys in every garage, less shit slinging contests between .UA and .RU), doubt things will be any different this time round, the cycle just perpetuates itself with a different person appearing to be at the wheel.
>not knowing how those vodka niggers are able to telepathically will the outcomes of electIMPEACH THE DELEGATES ZHRONALL HARUMPH TWO SCOOPS RESIST METOO FUCK OFF NAZIS IT WAS HER TURN
That's a fucking shame.
73% of our people believe in fairytales and watch IQ89 TV shows.
Even Shevchenko would be better since he actually did something good for Ukraine's reputation
He is a shill of oligarch who is enemy of Poroshenko.
It started as a massive "fuck you" to our president, but our people turned to be such brainlets they took it seriously.
People here never understood how state works. They think we are miserable and poor and that's because muh Poroshenko
Good candidate but I see Klitschko becoming the next president. He is another former World class sportsman with name recognition, has actually held political office (Mayor of Kiev) and has experience in winning elections. But he was close enough to the current power structure to not challenge (kind of like how in America, the party of the incumbent president doesnt have serious candidates for the primaries, as that could split votes or cause complications). That and weave Hillary would have him mossad'ed. (Unlike the real Hillary she is not too old and might challenge in the next presidential election cycle, but I honestly would see Klitschko becoming the next next president, promo photos of him holding his fist out saying how there is no progress and how he would "knock out" the five years of corruption under the incompetent Zelenskiy government, millions of marketing $/€ financed by the same people that financed Poroshenko. 2nd round win, 70%+. Calling it now, Klitschko2024.
He has bad reputation here. Not in Kyiv, but in other regions. People consider him brainlet
I second this. Apparently most of ukrainians don't need Ukraine. Fuck them all.
Where are you/your prxy from again?
Just curious, no hate.
If it was popular vote he would have won in a landside. People like me don't vote because my state is 100% going to dems every time because of our one big city. The rest of us would vote republican but know it's useless and don't even turn up. There's a lot of that in blue states whereas dems vote no matter what so they can post on social media about how they're making a difference.
This is the post
Emigrate to Britain my white frens.
>Zelenskiy ruined Russia with his endless unfunny comedies that he used to shit out non-stop
>Now he will ruin Ukraine by becoming it's president
He is pretty based
I don't know why you call him pro-Russian, our media obviously shilled for Poroshenko more
Nobody knows what is he all about desu
As i said, Nuke us already
this bydlo need to die, tbqhwy
I want qt Ukraine gf
>imagine being this naive
you must be 18 to post on this board user
>doubt things will be any different this time round, the cycle just perpetuates itself with a different person appearing to be at the wheel.
Manchester United?
Well, narratives from different political camps are trying to show the world in simple view, usually in simple dual view, like there is only good and bad exists.
If you believe any dual narrative, you're just brainwahsed NPC. The world is more complicated.
You can name both of them pro-Russian:
>still do business with Russia
>have high rank relatives in Russia
>started to learn Ukrainian just couple of years ago
>made his career in Russian comedy show
>have business in Russia
Just be realistic. Can you find any Ukrainian today who have no connections with Russia? Only if they are neo-nazi chiefs.
All olygarchs and politicians somehow have connections with Russia and they made their fortune and political influence with Russian involvement.
Le Volodimir (Vladimir) is not pro russian. It would be great if he was.
I always see this said but how badly did he lose the popular vote? Was it 30-70 or was it more like 47-53?
> It would be great if he was.
Then he wouldn't be elected. Russian cronies got 14% combined in 1st round,
Western regions should be protected at all costs
So is the war in the Donbass going to end now this guy is President?
Is this clown a russian shill or not? Because it seems awfully convenient for V putin that some retarded tv meme has grabbed power (again).
His program is fairly pro-western, but at this point you can expect anything from him.
It was like 49.9 to 50.1
ok, I will assume he is a GRU psyop until further notice then.
as long as he's pro-russia i'm ok with him
He is puppet of this guy (Ihor Kolomoyskyi), who has old history with both Putin and Poroshenko
It was 46.1-48.2 so pretty significant. Far bigger than in the infamous election of 2000. That's how the system works though, you can't win by piling up votes in one state.
>you can't vote someone in the primaries
>you can't write in a candidate
Hi Jamal
you clearly think the Mueller report is the end for drumpf you delusional pinko
>This place is full of fucking retards
and you are obviously one of them
Where do you live, New York?
What is that red dot in Poland?
Do you have an enclave in Poland or something?