Irish football

How can we fix Irish football?

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Hello, Séamus. I don't know anything about Irish football, but I've noticed that it seems that most Irish people bandwagon Liverpool instead of Everton. The only Irish person I know that supports Everton instead of Liverpool was my club coach.

Can you tell me why?

Liverpool is an Irish city

share a victim complex.

Stop singing when you're losing 4-0 to Spain. Weak mind/losers's mentality.

Be more like Roy Keane.

>this fucking post

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Funny how there are more Irish in England but they chimp out about thw ither way around, la.

You're a retard m8

Have a bigger population

>Liverpool is an Irish city
>both clubs are in Liverpool

1. re-locate Celtic to Ireland

2. Celtic plays in the EPL

3. Ireland rejoins the UK

Both of those things are true, you clueless faggot.

bring out the ngubus

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play in english football

True la

As in there's a large Irish community and most scousers have an Irish background. The scouse accent is basically a bastardized Irish/Welsh accent.

Did you seriously think he literally meant the club was in Ireland? Are you that fucking dense?

Stop wasting taxes


Roy was a based chad

based leaf dropping the truth bombs

Make Irish fans bandwagonning Liverpool and Celtic illegal, force them to care about Ireland and support the domestic league.

>Did you seriously think he literally meant the club was in Ireland? Are you that fucking dense?
>american reading comprehension

Maybe if people from Ireland started supporting Irish club and sent money on watching the games and buying merchandise then the clubs might get bigger. Once the clubs get bigger they can train young Irish players better and unearth talent from a younger age and that will improve the Irish national team.

Liverpool is an Irish city
Celtic is an Irish club

>Irish Football
is literally run by the GAA and is very healthy tyvm

I'm actually serious about this question. Why do most paddies choose Liverpool over Everton? No retarded Canadians or Americans are allowed to reply to this post.

Move Liverpool and Celtic to the Irish League.

Because Liverpool are more successful than Everton

Is that it? No political reason? No catholic/protestant reason? Just because they're better?

GAA has a bigger player base than soccer, then you got rugby too. Then the fact there's two separate teams on the island. I think Ireland do alright considering. Maybe have a united soccer team like the rugby.

That's it, Everton was originally the Catholic club in fact

I don't think you can. Ireland is a small country with low youth participation in football. In reality Ireland has been overachieving the past few decades.

Maybe if Grealish comes back, there's a chance.

Well Delaney is on the way out so maybe the FAI could just about unfuck itself

>move Cardiff, Swansea, Wrexham, and that joint on the Scottish border, and any other that I forgot to their respective countries leagues

Ah yes, mighty teams the likes of UCD Dublin

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The GAA is like the boy scouts. It's basically just a front for a massive pedophile ring.

we'd have to start playing it first

Stop funding GAA and the institutional bias towards it. Literally the only reason why Irish football is so shite.

I just wish most Irish fans that travel abroad would fuck off and die. So fucking cringey and annoying seeing them be faggot cuckholds cleaning up streets and acting like good boys for the media. Makes me wish for the days when some English lads would turn up with snooker balls in socks and sort them out. Fucking soft faggots.

All the good athletes go to GAA

It's not impossible to a small country have a good national team, look Uruguay

t. West Brit

t. Edgy Mc Edgy

OK, Brit

put them under pressure

because it's not allowed for immigrant irish to Liverpool to support the shipowners' club

That's precisely his point, you illiterate stankass. The city's Irish connection is therefore insufficient to explain the preference for one club to the other.

>bazza's reading comprehension

>Good evening ladies and gentlemen, the game between the Galway Rovers and the Limerick Rovers is about to start. The winner, as you know, will face the Dublin Rovers for the irish intercountinental championship, in a best of 8 series. The winner of that match is then sent to play against the Ulster champion, who will be determined by a simple majority vote among the last three teams. The minority vote, as you remember, will be relegated to Loíg B, while the two teams who voted for the champion will face each other in a best-of-3 series to determine who remains in the category.

Yes, we should

>Small population
>Third most popular sport
>Aging population
>No large waves of immigration from younger countries
It’s bound to suck and it’s unfixable

>with low youth participation

Bandwagon o'higgins in the Chilean league

Why doesn't the UK just annex Ireland?

Why doesn't Mexico just annex California?

You don't. You abandon it entirely and you bolster Gaelic football and hurling.

Na mate, you're the retard here. The other yanks wasn't questioning whether Liverpool was in Ireland or not. He was questioning why they only support Liverpool FC and not Everton, despite both clubs being in the city of Liverpool, which has a large Irish population.