>i want to thank god for this win
I want to thank god for this win
you think ur funny posting your cartoon frogs on here huh?!
shut up.
>i want to burn in hell for all eternity so that i can get some likes on social media
and then imagine I posted a photo of you with this so it implied you were saying that
I wish to thank Allah for this win
I think it is HILARIOUS
>at the end of the day...
how am i supposed to pick the right god to worship, there are so many..
do you really think all that happened in this world is a mere coincidence, and god have no part in it? how deluded of you.
pic related. way too obvious. kys, godless retard.
There is only one true God among the false gods.
cthulhu or fuck off
which is? and how do you know he is the right one?
The one who told you to kill all the jews.
Not an argument. You have to be retarded to believe in SkyDaddy past the age of 18. Interestingly, you have to be 18 to post on this website.
what team do you think God supports?
>Not an argument. You have to be retarded to believe in SkyDaddy past the age of 18. Interestingly, you have to be 18 to post on this website.
fat, seething incel alert
doncaster rovers
Yes Ahmedochink G-d truly cares about faggots playing football
>he is risen!!!
Juventus Chelsea Bayern PSG Yankees Patriots Lakers RedWings LAGalaxy Clemson Team USA Mercedes
Canucks. Read the old testament and tell me otherwise. Fucking non stop suffering.
lol what a fag
Why do you care so much about the amount post i have on this site?
maybe i have less post than you, but that just indicate i have a life outside of Yea Forums compares to you a fedora tipper and a basement dweller
Because they hate us.
God have an infinite powers, they control all aspect of our life without even trying, and we are stupid for not realzing it.
why does he let bad things happen to innocent people?
How can you say this on the day that He has risen
To test them, if they can overcome it, they will receive a grand rewards in this life and the next.
It's not about whether a skydaddy exists or not, that's not the point. It's about having guidelines for the masses to live by. Religion is essentially practical philosophy that's easy to understand and easy to spread. If you want people to behave ethically, religion and the simple stories that come with it is the way to achieve that, because the majority won't be able to understand whatever abstract moral philosophical theory you live by. Maybe you're too good or smart for it, but most people need these stories to live by and to give them some meaning in life. Just look at the world today where religion is increasingly becoming obsolete. Nothing but degeneracy everywhere. Is this the type of world you want?
>abstract moral philosophy of the golden rule
Yikes. By all means, if you’re such an unhinged psychopath that you need a skydaddy to safely function, then for the sake of everyone else. Keep blinding yourself
if God were a gambling man, I assume he'd be loaded.
Literally Jews: The Thread
Well I'm convinced, where do I sign up to my closest religion warehouse for my 14 day free trial?
Just go to the nearest mosque in your area.
>Religion and morality are one in the same
>Religions have caused more war and death than anything on the entire planet outside MAYBE pussy
You're retarded and should kill yourself.
This is absolutely bollocks.
I'd argue that places with more religious leaning populations have more degeneration, sure it might not be gays and transsexuals but pure violence and death are rife among such morals.
Yes, the majority of people are psychopathic animals controlled by their animal instincts. Religion is one of the key things that keeps that in check. Religion has been a major pillar of civilization for thousands of years. Why are you purposely trying to destroy all of that? This is why atheists like you are so pathetic and dangerous. You're going around seeing the obvious and telling retards to take off their safety helmets and complaining that PlaySkool screwdrivers don't actually screw anything in. Of course they don't, but that's not the point of any of it.
>I'd argue that places with more religious leaning populations have more degeneration, sure it might not be gays and transsexuals but pure violence and death are rife among such morals.
Sign up for Judaism in Israel and you’ll get all of those at the same time
>innocent people
River Plate. Pic related is proof.
There’s no such thing as an innocent person and He will test them
how are babies dying of cancer not innocent?
clearly not us lmao
Imagine being a b*steroid AND and an atheist.
Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward and speak lies (Ps. 58:3)
read the bible, lmao
Fc Barcelona. Because they are always lucky.
Is this a rare pepe pham? God bless god btw
Philadelphia Eagles
There's only one and you can worship him on Yea Forums from the comfyness of your home.