Mountaineering General

Why won't you fall in line and finally tick one goal of your bucket list?

Attached: Everest1.jpg (960x720, 140K)

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‘Bikini Climber’ freezes to death after massive fall

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i only respect those that climb without guides.

climbing a big rock is not on my bucket list and it never will be


standing in line on a mountain that's half shit half corpses?

>You now remember Green Boots

only brainlets think that walking on a slope counts as a life goal.


Lol. I'm guess grammar hasn't been ticked OFF your list! :^)

Ive climbed a few 14ers, baby ones though, mountaineering is so peaceful yet exhilarating, I love being at high altitude

Went to base camp a few years ago. I did not enjoy it.

I wanna hike to base camp, but I'm not brave enough to attempt the mountain itself.

What didn't you like about it?

Id love to
thinking about it makes me feel exited
but then reality hits me

For me, it's Nevado Alpampayo

Attached: Alpampayo.jpg (1824x1216, 677K)

didn't know this existed lmao
guess I assumed it was some gay shit Moot made

Mountains are boring.
When you're climbing one, you arent thinking 'omg this is so majestic, this is such a triumph of pure human endeavor that im embarking on'.

What you're actually thinking
>my feet hurt
>this section is too steep
>i can barely breathe
>i wanna throw up
>5 more hours to go

>some videos i like:
>33:30 (really beautiful herzog film, Gasherbrum II there)

i would love to climb a very high mountain but not everest in particular. unfortunately i haven't been able to climb anything yet

i don't know why people feel the need to do things with the bodies. sometimes people even get killed trying to recover them

a lot of people say that they went guided once and then never again because of how awful of an experience it was

there's a lot of bad information out there in the public

the southern base camp is well over 5,000 meters. so that's a lot for a first experience of altitude

Attached: the_dark_glow_of_the_mountains.png (995x749, 1016K)

Because three world class climbers just died in an avalanche a few days ago.

D-Does anyone remember /k2g/?

I have climbed some +6000m in the chilean Andes. Without counting the altitude, they are very easy. I would like to climb some very high and technical shit

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I want to climb Rainier

i'm a big mountain skier so I might seem a natural candidate for mountaineering and such, but I don't see the attraction at all.
not to put it down, to each their own, but it just does zero for me somehow and I don't know why.

Attached: big mountain skiing hoji.gif (480x270, 2.56M)

Chairlifts > climbing

Git gud.

Alpine climbing master race reporting in

Mountaineering falls firmly in type 2/3 fun depending on how it went. If you can't appreciate good type 2 fun that's your loss.

Cool. Where?

For me, it's Cerro Torre.

Attached: Argentina-DSC_9590-1-980x653.jpg (980x653, 464K)

Is that the fun you get from smugly talking about how you climbed* Everest to the few colleagues who stopped listening years ago (*despite actually being carried up by Sherpas)?