Ha wanker

Attached: plexit.jpg (803x653, 314K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So how hard was he seething in the post match interview

he was fine tbf
sky were trying to stir shit up (even with liverpool - they were asking gini about the state of the pitch and gini and was like "lolwut") but he was pretty still
still a wanker obvs

Was curious since I heard neville shit talking him non stop from what I've hard.
Thanks for the quick rundown lad

Yeah get the fuck out of EU cunt, nobody wants you. Also, I read brits are going to need a porn loisence soon. HAHAHAHAHA the absolute fucking state.

going to really miss paying money to third world countries such as yourselves for no good reason

Top troll is Colin.

You're also going to miss that sweet EU money because of customs.

But yeah, fuck off already.

>eu money
Thick bastard

Reminder scousers are anti brexit and you people love to go on about how pro brexit you are yet there you are bandwagoning liverpoo


Reminder you don't even fucking watch divegrass yet still choose to obsess about Liverpool for who knows what shitskin reason, LARRY.

Attached: memeior fans.jpg (125x41, 1K)

Also me on life

we are kicking the c.ucks out soon bro

Not everybody is a hivemind on here, I vote remain and labour even though my current job relies on Brexit going ahead

>this jpeg

Attached: e9720c_6744084.jpg (1600x900, 93K)

>I vote labour

Yes, the country and NHS need them. Seeing the levels of people needing to use food banks is horrific

what a fucking wanker lol he's a failure of a manager, a fucking faggot and the penalty was clear

No you don't, you'd be better of without the enormous level of taxation and less regulations when it comes to building permits and regulations when it comes to starting a business.

The answer to the problems aren't more of the same that's already in place.

>Privatisation is good, just let the free market go wild bro lol

Get fucked

>More government is good, let the bureaucrats go wild bro lol

To add to that, poverty has never been eliminated in the long term by any governmental plan whatsoever as the major drive force.

Bin dipper detected. Go crush your fellow supporters with your unpaid ticket bro.

"here, have another long extension"

You realise every large city in the UK votes Labour you fucking mong

Damn right it is, big businesses can't be trusted to look out for what's best for the people, as their only interest is maximising profits

>t. it's good to fail

OP here. The picture I posted doesn't reference Brexit...

>Big business can't be trusted
>Obviously an even bigger government with more power is to be trusted
>Maximising profits doesn't benefit me even though they deliver a better product at a lower price
>What is innovation because of the incentive of profits
>Thinking bureaucrats give a single fuck about anything other than their own political power

>muh trickle down economics

Your naivety is hilarious. If politics had just let business owners do what they want, we'd still be working 7 days a week, with 0 holidays and no rights or safety procedure.

Wow so deep and thoughtful

Tell me where I'm wrong then, the only way to win market share is to offer a better product at a better price and your voluntary action to buy it with your money.

How have you been harmed by that and how does government do a better job at it?

>No safety procedure
The fastest growing rate of safety in factories and work places was during times when government was relatively small.

If you really think business that are owned by people are worse than bureaucrats you have absolutely no idea what life was like under governmental rule.

I ask you to watch this whenever you have some spare time to gain an insight in how life is in a society you might prefer (late 80s and beginning 90s Czechoslovakia).

The only way a business can grow is through voluntary cooperation between an astonishing amount of people.


Order! Order! Can we please stick to the subject of the thread which is shitting on that cock Warnock. If that requires you to take some form of medicament, then so be it.

Attached: 29012019_john_bercow.jpg (1024x578, 66K)

Based Bercow

Imagine having your economy obliterated by the EU, yet still being so eager to suck their dick.


>talks about 'trickle down economics'
>calls others naive
there's not such thing as 'trickle down economics' in actual economics, it's just a shitty ad hom meme criticism of supply side economics without an actual argument used by politicians or the media

>big businesses can't be trusted to look out for what's best for the people
government is a big business

>scousers are anti brexit
So is Manchester, London, and most of Souf FC

exactly, we are telling them what to do
we're basically pimping them

Well yes the pakis have to vote to stay


this guy has no idea at all has he.

let me explain,

Brexit = more immigration from Pakistan not less

>doesn't know that there is a limited supply of labor
>therefore businesses have to incentivise to compete for that limited labor pool
Imagine being economically illiterate

dios mio...el hombre blanco inglaterre...

>we'd still be working 7 days a week, with 0 holidays
When was this ever true

Even russian serfs under the tsar had religious holidays and sundays off

A Neil Warnock thread turning in to a political shitshow, beautiful.

Attached: 61771bf3901901.jpg (472x463, 45K)

>not wanting a strong opposition to try and bring govt. to account
hmmm ok

>Pakistan is in Europe

Pay debts.

Imagine not liking Warnock.

Opposition is good to keep government in check and limited. But labour wants neither of those things. They don't agree with the current policy of the government which is reasonable, but their alternative is hardly any better

pay debnts

Neil Warnock is a grumpy little moany bitch of a man, a nagging housewife disguised as a football manager.

>Unironically falling for the food banks meme
Fucking mong.

>you people
yeah the 40 strong britpol Yea Forumserg force don't represent the whole of GB m8

He’s a cuckold fetishist by the way

>Mad that the best manager in English football history who constantly gets pub teams promoted doesn't want more pogdabs shitting up the leagues