Serious Question About Soccer

Hello euros, I have a question about your sport.
I'm 6'7", which I assume is a good deal taller than your average soccer player
I'm also black, allowing my hair to be thick and rigid.

Now my question is, what's stopping a tall black player from getting a high top fade but with a little bowl shaved inside to hold the ball? They can just have their keep put the ball in their bowl or if that's not allowed maybe have someone skilled juggle the ball into their bowl.

They can just lightly jog to the other goal, defenders risk fouls trying to stop him. If the opposing keeper comes to knock the ball off or snatch it, the bowl handler can just make a slight hop, get hit in the face and take a penalty.

Why haven't the many african players attempted this? Is it against the rules?
Thank you.

Attached: the hair bowl.png (977x358, 307K)

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Ah yes, another quality American post

kek, thx for the laugh.

this would be considered unsportsmanlike so a foul and booking
sorry friend

great thread

well ill be fucked..

Attached: thinking-negro.jpg (600x494, 30K)

How do I upvote on 4channel?

Please bros I need serious answers.
I see, is there some set of rules I can read where I can find this or is it just unwritten?

Amazing thread

Would be called as unsportsmanlike conduct and called as such but you'd win over my heart

For the same reason Kerlon's seal dribble never worked outside of a short period. If you try some cheeky trick where the only defence is a foul, then players are just going to foul you

Meet me alone at Goodman's Bay at 12am, I'll tell you how.
Thanks you guys, I guess my master plan has been foiled.

You can make shoulder-to-shoulder contact which would be enough to knock the ball out.

Laws of the game.

Keeper would pick it out of your hair if weren't already stopped for unsporting conduct
Could be an interesting counter attack option if you can run fast enough

Holy shit, you just solved football

probably would not work
>any action that, while trying to play the ball, threatens injury to someone (including the player themself) and includes preventing a nearby opponent from playing the ball for fear of injury.

Actually even without the unsportsmanlike conduct rule, you could just get a player taller than the wacky hair man and have him head it off! Also you can make contact to nudge the ball off regardless!

>what's stopping a tall black player from getting a high top fade but with a little bowl shaved inside to hold the ball?
The same rule that stops players from simply tucking the ball inside their shirt and carrying all the way to the goal.

>>any action that, while trying to play the ball, threatens injury to someone (including the player themself) and includes preventing a nearby opponent from playing the ball for fear of injury.

How would this threaten injury? I think OP is on to something.

why not just put the ball underneath your shit and pretend your pregnant and just run to the goal. no other player would dare foul a pregnant person

reply based and redpilled

shit's open to interpretation. I would not try to jump for a challenge as there's a big chance to bump heads.

>he now plays in the lap 3rd div
How can one player be such a meme and one trick pony

Football solved. Rip yuropoors

He had good technique outside of that dribble . But he ended up with glass knees, because players would show no mercy when fouling him

literally no flaw with this plan. Looks like OP solved soccer.

somewhat related: an earlier contender but less brilliant than OP

The opposing team will just get a tall african gentleman with defensive hair.

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 6K)

ifab have catch-all clauses to stop this kind off thing so...
>A player is cautioned if guilty of:
>unsporting behaviour

>There are different circumstances when a player must be cautioned for unsporting behaviour including if a player:
>shows a lack of respect for the game

You wouldn't be able to run quicker than a slight jog because the ball would fall out. You would be horribly slow and the defence would be able to get into position and block your advance.
Also you wouldn't be able to turn very easily or pass the ball at all. The opposition would swarm you with 3 players and instantly gain the ball back.

If you are really skilled, I guess you could just bounce the ball on your head all the way to the goal.

With enough skill you could just kick the ball into the goal from your own goal.

>get all of your teammates to surround you like bodyguards
>the opposition literally cannot reach you without violently yanking one of your teammates out of the circle


>get 11 really huge guys
>block off the goal completely so they can't score

>draw three defenders
>head out to free attacker
just make sure you're teammates are good at volley
assist king incoming

>no other player would dare foul a pregnant person

Attached: 1344864.jpg (936x622, 67K)

lmao, now this is a new one

americans and their interacial/cucoklding fetish

it's so tiresome

that's called obstruction la


Better grow out the sides too to protect from flying kicks to the head and headbutts.

Those are some hard fouls, but he kind of deserved it. Good technique though. Way more effective than I thought it would be.

it's really not

Try flicking on a ball that's balanced on your head. It won't go very far. Even a pro couldn't make it go more than a couple of meters, I reckon. Easy to defend that.

the country that invented blacked porn and the kkk
that should tell you how shit this place is if youve never been here

>obstruction is against the rules
>players """""shielding""""" the ball out for a goal kick happens all the time anyway
How do they get away with this? Just classic retard referees that don't know the rules and follow other referees' mistakes to avoid any confrontation?

It depends whether the ball is considered under your control. Obviously in the yank's case its under his teammates control.

>invented blacked porn

not true it's a jew from france who created that in your country
greatest ally !

Just shape the hair like a lacrosse stick
Big rory delap head flick

>Europe BTFO Black Burger ruins football with one trick