Thoughts on my new ink lads?

thoughts on my new ink lads?

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christ almighty

christ almighty

Why do football fans take such drastic decisions and don't properly think things through first?


Top Red

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because sports are for the unwashed brainless masses


>Ole'2 al lhe wheel

Should be easy to cover up. Important life-lesson learned.

If you ever see someone with these ridiculous ripped knee jeans, say "do you suck cock for a living?" (implying that they're worn out because they've been on their knees a lot)

I've done this on a number of occasions and it always destroys them mentally, even if they laugh it off

Why would I want to be so mean?

The people who wear these are invariably vain cunts


sounds like you are the vain cunt, putting this much stock in what other people wear

t. ripped jeans wearing fag

*people with tattoos

t. boomer lmao

He's right fagboy

note to self: ripped/skinny jean discussion draws out the boomers

Oles jeans are ripped

Maybe his name is Ole and he is a bus driver.

boomer isn't an insult mate. keep slaving and pay my pension good lad

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this actually makes sense

Where does the phrase originate from, is it some reference or what?

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they do it for the epic reactions in social media. they're braindead people who live for attention

damn, taylor swift is just getting thicker by the day

because if they could think they wouldn't be soocer fans.

>destroy them mentally
Have sex

SALAh is fucking SHITE it's unbelievable the hype that surrounds him

if wearing clothes that don't come pre-damaged makes me a boomer then crack me open a monster zero and rev up the lawnmower

the kardashians pull is too great even for the skinny stick swift is

Beta as fuck. Have sex.

reds marching in son

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I get it sounds cringey but honestly there's nothing more guaranteed to make a normie lad flustered than making people question his sexuality in a group setting

>I've done this on a number of occasions and it always destroys them mentally
user you seem like a complete autist

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You guys that wear ripped jeans are embarrassing

Could you remove the last one properly?

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Where do you think you are right now?

insane how you autists think we'll believe shit like this.