WAC vs RCA thread

Please watch our derby.

Attached: botola.jpg (750x410, 59K)

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Here's a shitty stream: elahmad.com/tv/arryadia_maroc.php
Looks like supporters are still boycotting the match.

>these flags
>asking to see a match on a mudslime nation

Attached: 1521848514815-0.png (480x561, 229K)

It's starting.

I didn't know French arabs gave a shit about their motherland's clubs.

I'm Irish (born in London) and I only care when they're playing in Europe.


Nothing will top 2015's Derby. It's a shame they're not playing in Casablanca.

nice, thanks for the stream OP
I WILL watch your league

Reminder most posters behind german/french flags are muslim dogs

not based
portugal tries to make you watch his league and you never do but the moroccan comes in and you're all too happy to watch it

very very disrespectful


>and you never do
that's not true, I just don't admit it where portuguese posters are looking so I don't boost their egos

the murderball has started

What the fuck is this defending.

1-0 for WAC.

didn't see any defending there

If Wydad wins, there'll be a 12 points gap between them and Raja.


are these games usually very physical? raja were putting in some nasty tackles there for a couple minutes before the first goal, but everything seems to have settled down

Honestly, most derbies in recent years were more physical than this one.

But both team (mostly Wydad) usually play an surprising clean football in African competitions.

that roll from the keeper, kek

Nice shot.

2-1, I guess the offside guy ""wasn't"" interfering with play

Uhu 2-1 for WAC.

>grand stade, marrakech
missed that, is it because of >Looks like supporters are still boycotting the match.

Since Casablanca's stadium's in the middle of the city. Authorities believe that it may be too dangerous to hold the derby there. Ultras of the both teams decided to boycott the derby games as long as they're not in Casablanca. That's what they did in the first league match. But since Wydad is technically playing "home" today, the Wydad Ultras decided to come, since that means their club will gain a decent amount of money. You may have noticed that the Raja supporters didn't have a tifo and aren't signing that much, that's because their Ultras are still boycotting the game. It's sad because supporters are usually (always) more entertaining than the match itself.

thanks. weird situation, I can understand moving a game like that out of the city but I would've thought it'd be the absolute last resort since it would fuck up the atmosphere of some of the league's most important games

Yeah but it's understandable. If I remember correctly, they started considering holding the derby without supporters or outside of Casablanca since 2015's derby where 20 or so police officers were injured. youtu.be/GGOcWgoUsRE?t=1271
But it was also this derby that had the best atmosphere/tifos.

That was close.

wydad keeper having to do a lot of work

What a goal. 2-2

And that's it. Thanks for watching!

good game. any other local rivalries worth checking out in this league?

None are this intense. But I guess matches between the FARs of Rabat and both Casablanca's teams (Raja and Wydad) are considered classics.