Yfw it doesn't slip because City easily win all of their remaining games and Liverpool fans just have to sit back and...

>yfw it doesn't slip because City easily win all of their remaining games and Liverpool fans just have to sit back and watch knowing there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING they can do to stop it

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no way, liverpool will win because they're good liverpool lads

Yeah i know right. Finishing with 97 points is a fucking embarrassment.

it is if you finish second after being 10(ten) points ahead

>win everything
>doesn't win the league anyway

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Only brainlets think United can beat City. The 200+ IQ bets are on Watford.

Ah, yes, the glorious "we finished with 97 points" trophy. That will look great in your cabinet.

No one will remember Liverpool's 18/19 season.

Liverpool fans will.

This pic reminds me of Klopp now

Look at this way.
Not everyone can win a trophy.
Only a handful of clubs manage to win one.
Most teams win nothing.
You are entitled to nothing in life.
All you can do is show up and give it your all.

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the famous gave it your all trophy
almost as illustrious as the turning up trophy

>Finish with 97 points
>still end up in 2nd

What about when city or whatever team you support don't win a trophy
What then?
It's not always gonna be sunny

You do realize manshitty will crumble right? They're a weak mind team with a weak mind manager. Liverpool is now strong mind and will pressure them to crumble.

But won't it be great to post for a change?

>Beats city 2-0
Don’t forget about him lads


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They slipped against Everton

just pointing out 2nd isnt 1st la

As a liverpool fan this is true.
City will rape United and stroll the rest.