How can other leagues even compete?

How can other leagues even compete?

Attached: D4ri6rJWwAIIOVP.jpg (1200x798, 241K)

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>“Many wanted a say but only one group made the decisions: the members”

Attached: D4rO-7SXoAADGL8.jpg (1200x900, 316K)

That is a comfy stadium desu

Denn sie sind ja elf Freeeeeeuuuunde

Attached: 11Freunde.jpg (850x586, 204K)

yes, but sadly, theyre building a new soulless one

Attached: So-soll-das-neue-SC-Stadion-in-Freiburg-aussehen,1553875477978,bild-animation-neues-sc-stadion-100__ (1920x1080, 280K)

It's surrounded by trees (black forest) and is energy efficient due to the solar panels installed on its roofs

Attached: SC-Stadion_Copyright-FWTM_Schoenen_front_large.jpg (800x532, 103K)

>new stadium bad


Attached: chrome_m2F0OOjFfu.jpg (1436x1059, 212K)

that is a souless stadium, zoomer

pretty comfy surroundings here

BASED anti-sexist tifo

fr*ck the patriarchy

Attached: D2-jPi4WoAE36bo[1].jpg (1200x465, 137K)

Absolutely based


God damn that's perfect.

>everything is sexism

Love Football Hate Sexism simple as

Attached: D3AMQdQW0AAkKtl[1].jpg (1200x675, 233K)

Women belong in the cantine

Freiburg is mostly known as a university town, many SCF fans are Leftist uni students

Luckily it's also known as the place where leftist uni students get gangraped and murdered by refugees.

meh, it's quite comfy and safe there still

A few single cases don't change that, don't be so afraid of the outside world m8

>A few single cases don't change that
>a few
Nice contradiction, Grünschwuchtel. Tell me more about bedauerliche Einzelfälle.

They can't