Why are athletes so autistic and weird?

Why are athletes so autistic and weird?

Attached: Michael Owen.jpg (813x750, 78K)

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films are boring, nothing weird here

TV series > Films

You can much better identify with the characters

wonder what he does all day

Silly & pleb opinion.
Some films are boring, but to say ALL films are boring? Mad.
Also who counts how many films they have ever watched, did young Michael Owen watch a film and then just start counting, or is he just trying to remember and probably just forgot a few extra that he watched?

movies are about the most boring, formulaic medium of entertainment ever created. people involved in that industry who call themselves creative geniuses should kts

I strongly prefer books and games over movies/TV.

vidya > books = tv shows > porn > movies

and who gives a fuck?
why is twitter a thing?

anime >>>>

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This are the movies by the way.
Jurassic Park
Cool Runnings
Sea Biscuit
Karate Kid
Forrest Gump.

Based. He must be an anime person

Best movie is Mike Basset England Manager
Prove me wrong

>no gladiator
It's like every athlete's favorite movie.

ive watched 3/8 and none in over a decade

>video games above anything

hmm Shrek 2 is pretty good too

is "A Clockwork Orange" really worth a watch?

I'm a proud millenial who doesn't like old films, but my gf makes fun of me for not having watched it while calling myself a movie connaisseur

ate watchin films
ate talkin about films
ate earin about films
love not watchin films
love not talkin films
love not earin about films
simple as

It's literally 'we live in a society'

>That shot is impossible. I saw Yaya Toure do it once.

>When the ball is that still, it’s wobbling in the air.

>When they don’t score, they hardly ever win.

>What a shot! That’s completely unstoppable, but the keeper’s got to do better for me.

>Whichever team scores more goals usually wins.

>Alderweireld played really well last year for Tottenham, let’s hope he can transfer that form to Spurs this season.

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If you dig retrofuturism it has some really good images, like all Kubrick movies. But in terms of film quality, like all Kubrick movies, it's kinda weak

Too allegoric, which is the most basic way to tell a story

Any movie that has Kubrick's name attached to it is automatically deemed a masterpiece, I felt this was one of his weaker films. Worth a watch though

>doesn't like old films
>calling myself a movie connaisseur
>yeah, i really like movies, not the ones without CGI or sophisticated special effects, though!

Books > Films >> who cares lol >> series > games

This is the only correct ranking

I'm a movie connaisseur from the 80s onwards I guess

I don't give a fuck about CGI / special effects, but I do appreciate good visual work alongside a good story and good characters

what character do you identify with in F.r.i.e.n.d.s.?

I know it's not a quote but him taunting a 12-year old goalie after nutmegging is a classic Michael Owen moment

based and non-manchild pilled

Vladimir Sokolov

The ex-pro media gravy train is weird as fuck. Being a pundit or analyst is all about being able to articulate novel and insightful viewpoints. Half the ex-pros involved in the business can barely articulate the kind of point casual fans would make in a pub. Look at how terrible those quotes are - and yet Michael Owen still enjoys a lucrative job in football punditry. It's absolutely mad.

a bit of Chandler (sarcastic) and a bit of Ross (sometimes akward in social situations)

The only reason why people use twitter is to ride on celebrities cocks. Other than that twitter is literally one of the most useless social media sites.

The criteria is literally just "did you play for a club with a lot of fans".



>Jersey gets its own flag
>Scotland doesn't

Maybe because Jersey isn't part of the UK but Scotland is?

They are not better, just longer.

I'm actually the same way. I've watched a decent amount of tv series but hardly care for film. Might be the adhd.

Because Michael Owen actually has real life hobbies like riding and training race horses and playing golf. Shows have fucked society is when he is the weird one because he doesn't spend his life in sedentary position watching moving pictures at home

None of them because they have friends


Based. I've about 20 in last 10 years

I'm mostly Phoebe (totally random) and Rachel (smart and cynical).

Series yes, movies, games and music can have some beneficial effect. But to me series are nothing but female drama with no purpose. A strong movie plot can move you, a great game can challenge you or inspire you and a great song can motivate you. But series are just junk, no surprise women love them so much. What will X do on episode Z?! How will Y react to X?! Fuck off. Series had a shot to become something more with the Sopranos, The Wire and the beginning of GoT and TWD. That's until HBO and Netflix got popular/mainstream and women started watching it. Potential gone.

Tbh i'd rather go out and fish nowadays than watch this X chromosome infested entertainment business.

Owen is based

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have sex

seems like quite the incel opinion desu

Long series are more about the characters, whereas single flicks are more about the plot and a morale, I guess. If you're not into character-driven things then it's obvious you wouldn't like them.

There are exceptions, of course. I strongly recommend The Leftovers, it's only 28 episodes too.

pretty kino list

This fucker was an elite footballer and still managed his own social media to insult people? wtf

never forget

Attached: owenb1.jpg (554x415, 43K)

post wrists

If you revere fucking so much it's clearly not present in abundance yet. Once it becomes common like water you will learn to empathize it less and even turn it down.

Tbh I quit watching series all together because it become to much about the characters. Women are mostly into character driven things while men like some world building, plot armor and shit. And since the latter has become so prioritized in our society well.. I've given up.

There's no meaning to the drama anymore, it's just drama for drama's sake. It reeks of femininity. Watching an entire season of TWD and nothing has been gained, just a whole lot of bullshit and more recently- female power trips. Every big hit series has them now, women taking power, women barking orders, women talking about their problems. I'm sure people enjoy them but I don't. That's my personal opinion about the matter.

I understand the bit about the characters but what's with your obsession with women?

>non-comedy series

>What will X do on episode Z?! How will Y react to X?!
>. A strong movie plot can move you

btw tell me how do i get dutch gf

I would do the same

don't wear tracksuits, don't squat, don't spit out sunflower seeds, and just be yourself

Get your own Internet domain

Sits looking at the wall.

good visual work has nothing to do with the era they were made in though. for example, the visual works of Kubrick or Altman remains unparalleled.

muh Zgismond

seriously tho, who praises Altman for his visuals (McCabe & Mrs. Miller excepted)?

Owen was always just a bit thick

I can't watch movies with actors I've already seen before so i sympathise desu

based as fuck
anyone who hates Owen for this video is confirmed autistic

It amuses me how he tries to suck up to Liverpool in his commentary and analysis but the fans aren't having it. As soon as he signed for manure he was never going to be a Liverpool legend.

The best part is that the cunt missed out on the 2005 CL medal too.

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owen is easily one of the most boring people ever to be conceived into existence

Official Spare Time Power Rankings
1. Playing sports/Working out
2. Watching sports
3. Reading
4. Watching (good) tv shows
5. Shitposting
6. Watching films
7. Meditating
99. vidya
999. watching anime

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>Why are athletes so autistic and weird?

Humans have been watching movies throughout our entire history. Whats wrong with him?

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>no having sex
have sex


Gunther :(
>just end me

I watch maybe 1 movie a year nowadays. They're worse than tv series nowadays and always leave a huge cliffhanger and one that in 4 years I really wont give a shit about anymore.

The Shining was better. So was 2001.

Kek, this made me laugh a lot more than it should have.

pius xiii

t. Sits inside all day and watches tv because he has no friends and nothing to do outside.

While you’re sitting watching tv on a Saturday I’m out on my 22’ Boston whaler drinking beers and having fun. Loser.

sex is not in spare time. it's part of the regular day like sleeping or eating

you sound like a 50 year old boomer you cringeworthy faggot.

while your wife is at home fucking demarcus*

I’m 23. You’re just too poor to afford a decent boat. LMAO

Don’t have a wife. I bring girls out on the boat and go to sand bars all the time while you sit home watching porn. Lmao what a pathetic loser you are.

Ackshually his name is Tyquarious. And from what my wife tells me, he is not a gentle lover.

>thinks a 22ft tincan of a boat is decent

lmao. learn to sail you lazy, fat american fuck.

>he doesn’t know what a Boston whaler is.


I can tell you’ve never even been on a boat before.

movies are trash nowadays. they used to be somewhat representative of real life. they need to portray life like it really is. black people dumb as a bag of dog shits always begging for money. illiterate 150cm brown goblins doing the most menial jobs.


no one is impressed by your shit boat you boring, fat cunt. it's probably daddy's anyway.

A Boston Whaler sounds like a very dirty sex act.

So you're fucking landwhale females from Boston?

very stupid people hate films because they struggle to follow along with the plot. they're the same group of people who will be asking a million questions while watching

the fourth is kind of profound

Sport > Fairy Stories

Is this from when he was sending teams brochures about why they should sign him

Not my dads. The boat itself sells for around $50K new. Fucking retard. You probably don’t even live near a beach LOL.
>you can only buy a Boston whaler in Boston
Are you retarded, Muhammad?

>when he was sending teams brochures about why they should sign him

Attached: Ashamed, Embarrassed, Disgraced.jpg (272x350, 14K)

>I'm the arrogant asshole who spends his entire salary on keeping up with appearances rather than saving and investing it to retire early.
Have fun working until the day you die.

*since 2000

Stay poor peasant. On a hot summer day when you’re stuck inside think about how much fun I’m having.

t. Deano

>while calling myself a movie connaisseur

The fuck is wrong with you autistic fucks?

God I would loved to read a story about Stueylar kicking the shit out of Owen.


What do you do the other 7 months of the year when its cold or rainy in boston.


"Welcome to Michael Owen's world league soccer.....have fun"

>think about how much fun im having on my tiny little motorboat that barely cost 50k when there are people who sail across the atlantic and around Caribbean in yachts that cost millions.

Kek you you can't even sail you lazy, talentless prick. You think bragging about a 50k shithouse of a boat is impressive. You're literally the definition of a boring drone that thinks materialism will make up for his lack of personality.

michael owen is one of the most boring people on the planet

he probably has sex with the lights off in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

It's not autism, he's a psychopath. About one in fifteen people are psychopaths. They have a lack of empathy, which makes it difficult to relate to characters in movies and stories, so they find that kind of entertainment boring since they're just watching other people "do stuff" without any kind of connection.

makes sense that he would be fucking awful at acting given his avoidance of cinema

I actually think you're right. He is a massive narcissist and can talk about himself non stop. He doesn't notice other peoples moods at all and bigs himself up, like in the video with the sad ginger kid in goal. If anyone says anything negative to him, he flips and tries to assert his superiority like in the peasant tweet. These are all psychopathic traits. If it weren't for football I bet he would be killing prostitutes. Maybe he still is.


>About one in fifteen people are psychopaths

That's way too high to be real

I watched it when I was 15 and thought it was pretty funny desu


so many fucking normalfag plebs itt

I bet you fags enjoy the films of Wes Anderson

That's why we like them. They are just like us

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Fiddy was better

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>avoiding the jewish blue pill

Based and redpilled

The ones that make it to the top spent their entire childhood focused on their sport.

brain worms

Counting them and 'bragging' about it is weird and autistic, but the opinion isn't entirely wrong.
I don't watch a whole lot of films either. Like maybe 10'ish a year? I really don't get people who watch like a hundred.

This is correct.
Movies last 2 hours, 3 at most (99% of them anyway), but they always have a list of shit they want to cram in, a relationship, some drama, they pick it back up, but also some action, a standard plot calm/conflict/resolution/calm so everything happens so fast it's not believable, or they just timeskip everything, and they skip the journey just to get to the endgame.

Dude, what do you think it'll look like if the average Yea Forums poster social media would look like if they magically became an elite athlete? (before they put a clause in their contract that they can't post on their social media anymore without passing it through a censor/PR committee).

You can't tell a good story in 2h

reminder he did this whilst the team he was captain of was in a relegation fight

The ranting of an incel. Pathetic.


based and autismpilled

This is some of most try hard projecting I've ever see on this website. So you are saying the only thing that makes you of value to the world is your boat? This is actually very sad you are bragging about this you have my sympathy.

>be tall
>be a manlet and find a Dutch girl who is cool with your amazon fetish

what are some examples of good stories in TV series?

The Sopranos

This is a classic. The fact that he's doing it for the whole damn video too. Banality of evil.

Board Walk Empire

Bill and Ben the Flower Pot Men

i watch 300-500 films a year

good goy

that's my pick up line with girls. Works everytime. Instead of saying "what character do you identify with on friends" I say "you're such a ". Always depends on their personality. Then you just call them pheeby/rachel/monica throughout the night.

I'm not one, I can't relate to their issues and way of thinking and our society heavily empathizes them. Do you know these obnoxious families that prioritize their kids? Where the mom and dad are playing 2nd and 3rd fiddle to the show of some spoiled girl and boy. Thats our society but with women. Women being what they are simply are less mature than men. And if we drive our culture through them and their beliefs and thoughts we create the same problem as the family with the dominating kids. The family as a whole suffers. I believe that our culture suffers from this aswell. Now I don't mind if series become a female only thing. That's fine. But this is my explanation.

Be exotic, (the kind of exotic that gets promoted on tv) women here often opt for what is different instead of what's better. That way they still get to feel special while not feeling pressured to be the best possible version of themselves. Dutch women are some of the most spoiled and babied women out there. Literally all of them are coddled by mommy and daddy from day one and week in and week out. Southern/Eastern European women are much more self reliant while still being more focused on family. Dutch (and western women in general) are completely dependent on the family they otherwise neglect. It's really funny and ironic when you observe this first hand.

he just wants to be alone


I prefer movies, even though the quality of films has been getting progressively worse this past decade.

The grim adventures of Billy and Mandy

have you seen Three Woman or A Cold Day in the Park? i find them beautiful

Utterly based

shut the FUCK up

2011 was a different time. Now everyone must have social media presence and is walking on eggshells.



I only watch Turner Classic Movies.

It's kino

unironically BASED

>I'm a proud millenial who doesn't like old films

at least there hasn't been any Malick dicksucking in this thread so far