Today's schedule (GMT):
John Higgins vs Mark Davis
Ding Junhui vs Anthony McGill (6-3)
Shaun Murphy vs Luo Honghao
Luca Brecel vs Gary Wilson (5-4)
Neil Robertson vs Michael Georgiou (9-0)
Stephen Maguire vs Tian Pengfei (4-5)
/147/ - World Championship Snooker 2019 - Day Two
Other urls found in this thread:
I forgot Murphy even existed. Also Higgins needs to fucking retire already
>I forgot Murphy even existed
good morning my fellow morphy fans
All this time we thought Day was the changeling, but it's actually Morphy
pls be mine, Seema
>tfw no Seema gf
Did you know there are two Seemas? There's a woman called Seema Kotecha(?) who does loads of news reports on BBC News, but you hardly ever see her. It turns out she's not the one in your picture, who is actually Seema Jaswal. It's a pretty rare name so I was shocked to find the BBC had two Seemas when I've never heard of another Seema anywhere else on Earth.
>Anthony Muggle is bald, but Ding is a hairy potter
Does that work, or am I trying too hard?
I didn't know about Kotecha, I only care about /areSeema/
Ryan Gay.
>that topspin on that shot
W-where is everyone?
At Mass
No idea, not much going on.
I think this isn't live, so it's possible that people watching elsewhere are watching a different match.
Blessed. They are forgiven then. I was there yesterday.
>Bing with hair
its live
people are alseep
About as odd as McGill without it
>Look for Football Shirt Man in the crowd
>He's not there
>In his seat are two people with "VEGAN" shirts
I will drink some milk and eat some beef in Football Shirt Man's honour.
>Three reds, three blacks
>Still no BREAK graphic
Utterly haram
McChill really unlucky with his splits
McGills skull looks like he had a bald cap on
Is there any hair/beard combo in which McGill would look good?
No baldness looks good. Unless you're an 8 out of ten with good bone and skull stricture.
McGill actually has good skull structure so he doesn't look that much worse
Anyone who shaves their head and grows a beard is doomed to look ridiculous. His only hope now is to trim it down to a little goatee and pretend he is his own evil twin.
>His only hope now is to trim it down to a little goatee and pretend he is his own evil twin.
>He's got the black
>It immediately doesn't go in
Such exquisite commentary.
He has a weird face for it though. It just doesn't fit imo. That's why he went with the beard. He should have enough money to head over to Liverpool and ask Jürgen where he had his shit fixed.
fuck sake I overslept
Hair transplants are memes. You need to get them replaced every few years. Only possible if your rich.
Eriksen never got his updated and now he's as bald as he was before it
Damn right you did! It's Tuesday! Why aren't you at work?
Happy 16th birthday to Dennis Taylor's granddaugther
Who's going to die first Virgo or Taylor?
>John Virgo's granddaughter is 16 today
Fuck! I meant Dennis Taylor. Shit. My point still stands, however.
for me, it's GWAN DING
Who's this Asian girl presenting with Davis? Much better than Hazel
>not knowing /areSeema/
Wtf i thought Ding wasn't that good this season
D is for dignity
I is for intelligence
N is for natural
G is for gentlemanlike
I'm not a regular here, only watch the WC, masters, UK champs and the snooker shoot out
I'd like to give her some d(iversity)
She's mostly there for the WC, iirc.
Jokes, Insight, Niceness, Honour...Utterly Inimitable!
Ding is really inconsistent. It terms of talent he's probably only second to Ronnie. He can always pull out great snooker, but his mental game is really weak.
>Ding Jinhui instead of Junhui
For fuck's sake. I should just stop posting.
Is snooker racist or not?
You smack other balls with white cueball
The black ball is worth most points
I'm hanging like fuck, fucking idiot
Maybe one day you'll learn to get some proper bottle
Anthony McGill has a digital watch with a metal body. You almost never see those nowadays. I'm amazed they even still make them; they're such an '80s style for watches.
>has he got the angle?
Every fooking time
He's probably lurking on /wt/
>this long af close up
>Ding doesn't blink, just twitches
>Ding doesn't blink
That's chinese eyes for you
Jesus that safety was shit
Classic Dong frame
Ding is choking hard again
>BBC just cuts the broadcast
>"B-but you can keep watching online if you create a profile and surrender all your personal details even though you've already paid for a TV licence!"
Nope. Sorry, lads. The red button has women's football so I guess I'll watch that.
how do i watch it now lads
It's on Eurosport lad
Haha, time for Eurosport.
>already have your personal details from TV license
>worrying about giving it to them again
>"it's what we call in the game a yellow-ball-fight"
nah you've just made that up Dennis
When they have your name associated with your account, they exactly know what you're watching, though.
Not on my TV. Freeview is JUST. Can you watch Eurosport online for free without creating a profile?
Oh no no no
who wants to tell him lads?
And what? They don't have ads to personalise anyway
So why do they need it?
#Anthony "License to" McThrill
No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind twitchy eyes
So they can cross reference their TV license database seeing as you still need one to watch online
Yeah, I wonder what could go wrong if it's easy for the government to profile you
oi mate you paid ur Thrill loiiiicense??
1 red 1 black
Had a laff as well
Eventually people are going to stop slamming into the pack it's too much down to luck you just just do light cannons to keep opening one or two up
Dong has fucked it lads
dong dong
it's happening
I don't really mind them knowing I watch snooker, the odd documentary and cookery show desu
*head banging intensifies*
No wonder we love him
Honestly they probably already know you post on a Tibetan painting plank and like to jerk it to traps at some agency anyway. It's just that the data grabbing is endemic now and I get not wanting to spread your holes.
Dubz and ding will choke
You know, fightin' well wasn't good enough for me
Good enough for me and my Tony McGill
>tfw no Brecel - McGill battle of the baldies
So annoying when the crowd somehow don't realise a shot is good until the commentary says it
He's just like us!
The lone claps for good shots are the worst.
>implying Brecel v Gary Wilson isn't battle of the baldies
Brecel v Wilson is already a battle of the baldies
What are you listening to during the wait for the afternoon session, /147/?
Absolutely nice
Watching Big Break re-runs of course
You couldn't imagine this on the beeb these days. There would be fucking uproar
>You don't buy Indian food, you just rent it for a few hours.
18 years isn't that long, but this feels really old.
have we finally embraced him as /ourguy/ now that it's been confirmed he's bipolar video games and energy drinks addict and it's also pretty much confirmed he's had sexual relation with his very own sister
>has autism
>Chelsea fan
He's the quintessential Australian Yea Forumsartan
He was always one of us, he also paints his warhammer board game figurines and is really good at this
kek, a rare autechre meme
Quiet please!
Mark "the Diva" Williams
Can't wait to see Murphy smack the balls around and then look bemused that they don't go in anymore
Exactly. Can you imagine making "sexist" jokes like that on the BBC these days?
I bet he smashed her afterwards as well
Don't forget his Warhammer 40K addiction
god i fucking hate mark williams
>I bet he smashed her afterwards as well
Can't blame him. Rachel is a proper qt3.14.
I wish I could hang out with Stephen, Steve and Hazel.
I wish I could hang out with Hazel, Seema and Michaela Tabb
>chinese guy plays the piano
Ah yes, classic.
Tell me about Luo, why does he wear the glove?
>t. tecwen whittock
nice bit of 'foreign names are hard' banter there
My name is Luca,
i live on a second floor
>doubting shorn
pea brains
luo has had it lads
Morph 147 on
What if he never misses again???
Crisis averted
I'm back. Slow cooker is on, first time making risotto. Opened a bottle of wine for it, might as well drink the rest. Don't have to work tomorrow anyway.
How are you getting your comfy up today?
>first time making risotto
Slow cooker risotto? Never had that. Just make mine in a pot. Slowly add broth until it's perfectly tender. What are you going to eat alongside the risotto?
>How are you getting your comfy up today?
Already had beer and rum so I'm properly comfy. It's a beautiful day outside and I'm sitting inside watching tha snooks :^)
He's properly slamming it in, lads.
>Slow cooker risotto?
Yes, it's big enough to make 6 or more portions and I don't have to watch it too much. I don't like to cook after work so I make big batches in the weekend.
We'll see how it turns out. I improvise and tend to fuck up the first time I make something, but I'm quite good at assessing how to make it better come next time.
I'll have it with among other things mushrooms, salmon and asparagus.
>tfw no woman referee to adjust my balls
qt ref :3
>united torture over
Back to snooks
*sips water*
>earl strickland mentioned
145 then
so many women in the audience wtf
>I'll have it with among other things mushrooms, salmon and asparagus.
Noice, bon appetit.
>tfw no qt gf to watch snooker with
>your arms will be aching supporting Shaun this afternoon
top kek
Thanks, it already smells delightful
>"put your V on the circle of the D"
It's all about the D
I'M LATE LADS. Just turned telly on in time for Hazel to say " mind your D's and your V's. Good god now I need to crack one out. Hooray for the World Championships!
me on the left in awe of Hazel's beauty
look lads, it's another "token overrated Chinese guy loses to white guy who isn't even playing that well and is just given chance after chance" episode.
>tfw you will never smash Hazel's big fat bum
Why is Parrott so up Murphy's ass?
me on the right
It's one of the best times of the year!
>woke up late and missed Riggins
Is he on good form?
Because they're both establishment dick suckers. Parrott less so, but still, gotta stick together.
Why are there very few snooker playing darkies?
Gwan Wilson
It's worse when they clap easy shots just because the object ball travels half the length of the table. Winds me reet up
Big Fat Shaun always starts well and bigging himself up. He'll soon come a cropper when he faces someone decent in the later rounds.
Sanctimonius fat cunt
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
I hate the bellend. Imagine how much of a massive cunt you need to be for even Ronnie to hate you.
In awe at the size of this lad
Where I live the snooker clubs are mostly full of Pakis and Turks
Rpmmie hates his own daughter
who's Pete and what did he do?
>he's hit that too well
wanked him off innit
blimey. must have been a good one if he got a t shirt made.
Started happening near me, and there's no other clubs around for me to avoid them. They have to ruin fucking everything.
gwan gary
>our guy
>dyes his hair blonde denying his ginger heritage
Bloke on the left is transfixed.
left = lifelong snooker connoisseur
right = casual ronniefag
lel that fluke
>the city of Honghao
pls stop slaming it in Morph
I don't want Breclel to lose guys
tough break, nigga
Snooker 19 is a shockingly bad snooker game. Doesn't even have super basic features and the cue ball is on ice.
just be grateful you got a fully licenced snooker game featuring all your favorite players from the tour!
Cheers Bazza
Absoltuely. I can't play any other game because it doesn't have any titans of snooker such as Xu Si and Hammad Miah
How can one man be so perfect?
Please come home
I want him to punish me for a poor positional shot.
poor Honghao
>it took the Prince of Scotland only 8 years from picking up a crooked, 40 quid cue to winning the World Championship
What a man
fuck off iberian pig china will rise, every good young player is chinese your end is coming soon china number one
His smashing power is just too strong
I love his no bullshit commentry. It's so refreshing. I reckon he hates Murphy as well.
Is this the true power of Christ?
Luca Brecel going full Luca Brecel
Who you you hate the most lads? Murphy or Carter
probs carter. I don't care if he's fought cancer twice. All he ever seems to want to do is beat ronnie and that's kinda sad.
Have a pal whose favourite player is Ali Carter and me and the boys can't work out how Carter could be anyones favourite
Ronnie go for a jog or something dude, stop posting
>not liking Ali "dropping napalm on Brixton" Carter
>Brecel right now
Wait is this over for today or what? When they are going to finnish?
Next session is starting in 40 minutes so they kicked them out for being incompetent hacks. They'll probably finish their game at the end of the next session after the first game ends.
*after Noil kicks the Cyprian out of the Crucible in 10 minutes
Thanks Petteri
The are lucky with this, but might as well have to wait for mini seasion interval in other match
Should get Virgo down to do his impressions routine to fill for time
I'd love to get pulled off by a referee
>"Should I take the glove off?"
Or based Interesting Davis to do his comedy show
He's anti paki. He should be ourlad
>tfw Steve Davis was booked to attend our local snooka club for exhibition stuff and I never went to see him
Feels bad
manager at a club near me told me how they had Alex Higgins down to come in back in like the early 2000s, he came an hour late piss drunk, got into a fight with some punters and then went out for a drink with the owner of the club without ever playing a shot
What an utter mong. No idea why people liked that prick
Wonder if the Scottish Prince does exhibition visits. Not like he'd ever come to my shitheap of a Northern town, but still, a guy can dream.
I'm hoping to see him DJ one day.
Virgo shops in my local poundshop and always buys dozens of bags of Quavers at a time
I saw John Virgo at a grocery store in Sheffield yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen cueball in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Quavers are one of the quieter crisps imo so its less likely to receive the ire of a referee
His cueing was the weirdest thing. Made snooker look ridiculously easy and ridiculously hard at the same time. Jimmy also had a semi-weird cue action but nothing as weird as Higgins
Why is he so perfect. I reckon if I went deep into the stats, I'd make a case for him still being the greatest player of all time, despite the BBC and casualshitters whining about muh century breaks like they even fucking matter.
There's been a distinct lack of female refs so far in this championship.
reminder that she married a man that gets sweaty elbows
kek, this remains the best webm of last years wc
Chad Pengfei
very nice entrance music from the chinese player that was based
He's no Steve Davis.
How to achieve this aesthetic?
even with century breaks he's still second tbf
>the state of michael georgiou
This is what you get when you switch allegiance from England to Cyprus.
Speaking of international allegiance, the snooker world cup is on in June. Real fun tournament.
Where's the Quaver going?
Georgiou camback is on
the comeback starts here
The Georgiou fightback starts here
>no whitewash
FUCK neil absousloutly ratteld
Neil is gonna fuck up the whitewash, but the fat, arselicking Murphy won't
Fuck sake
The comeback is on.
I'm one of the, like, two people here who like Morphy.
I like Morph too
>tfw tablet died and can't watch
Murphy by far. The guy is that kid in school no one liked because he'd tell the teacher everything. Carter is alright.
is this a red button job? Send me a stream boys pls
stream2watch. ws/live/eurosport-stream
vodka is the key
i love you
Vegan squad back in the audience
Neil just wanted to make sure the match ends with a prime number of frames
snooker is a "professional sport"
what a retard
I bet Willo shares his wife
I really fucking hate Willos wife. She's such a cunt. Bet she's tried to get some retarded reality show about her commissioned at some time
Keeping the British economy going by buying those expensive Warhammer figures good on him.
Where was this taken?
>reminds the teacher about homework (credit to another user)
>wears Reeboks instead of proper school shoes, his jumper is a shade lighter than the standard edition. Does bad in most subjects but is fucking great at maths and art
>Is shit at football but starts every game because his dad is the manager
>exchange student the girls take into their care
>finds lady birds and daddy long legs and picks their wings off
>your best friend but isn't really on anyones radar
>spent his lunch in the IT room playing Runescape
>steals your shoes and doesn't give them back; not the school bully because they don't like him either, just the wild card who wants to watch the world burn. Never has any money for dinner
Give stream asap someone
Compared to the 70s and 80s it is.
Is the BBC red button fucked for anyone else?
In a bar
If I won £20k after winning a snooker game I'd be on the lash for a week
the swan neck
Cheers for the credit, pal.
That's clearly a shop, buddy
Still can't find a decent free stream to save my life this year.
They're cracking down on this like it's child rape or something.
anyone else ever played pool/snooker with a girl who has claimed the rest is an advantage
>They're cracking down on this like it's child rape or something.
So, not at all then?
Didn't even properly look at the picture and just assumed
he was an acne minefield back in the day.
old age was good to him.
>>your best friend but isn't really on anyones radar
>no /147/ drinking game
Why has it taken so long?
Two fingers:
>Swan neck
>Where's the cue ball going?
>Nawty snooker
Down your drink
>Rest + Spider combo
Down all alcohol
>Judd and Kyren
>the two more dominant of the second most popular friendship group and are in a beef over a girl who is known for being fingered
You may have msiinterpreted what I wrote. I don't give a toss about century breaks, as no one should. They're such an irrelevant statistic used by BBC to try and hype up the sport for bug brained chinks and casual shitters. Win percentage / Pot percentage / win-loss ratios and a bunch of other factors are a much better indictator.
>the posh wimpy kid that tries to fit in with the tough boys but isn't hardcore enough
>knocks up the school's prime slag behind the bike sheds while skiving off geography class
>is served beer in pubs aged 10 and has a five-o'clock shadow aged 12
>Graeme Dott
>the kid that no-one ever hears of after finishing school, assumed dead or in prison
Gary's going to fuck up my acca, had, Tian, Brecel, Ding, Williams, Lisowski and Perry
Pic related
>not Judd and Jack
what about young Kyren
>top of all sets and is surprisingly good at cross country
obviously the favourite of the wise old p.e teacher (barry stark)
wow he's literally me
>gets top marks in all the subjects. Is dicovered plagiarising essays from the internet
>switch over to Maguire match
>it's a new tip episode
>class clown and constantly tries to impress the pretty girl in class he's in love with, who couldn't give a toss about him
>that guy that comes to class with a leather bag
>somehow got a gf without even trying and nobody knows how the fuck he pulled it off
>works out how to get past the school's intranet and becomes a cult hero amongst his classmates
>Ryan "ge day" Gay
>is mercilessly bullied for years until he finally snaps and goes apeshit with some tools he acquired from the friendly janitor
>he likes figurines
>tfw no red button stream
>Jan Verhaas
>school janitor that goes through corridors during the class and keep an eye on everyone that is not quiet
>Marcel Eckardt
>young teacher, everyone likea him, girls have cruah on him
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I came top of my snooker league, and I've been involved in numerous 147’s at Ali Pali, and I have over 300 confirmed century breaks. I am trained in safety play and I'm the top cueist on the whole tour. You are nothing to me but just another ebdon. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of referees across the UK and your ranking is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, poof. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can clear the reds anywhere, anytime, and I can canon in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in top spin, but I have access to the snooker and pool tables of every Rileys sports bar across the land and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Its weird they keep calling Tian Pengfei a young player he's 31 and has been on the tour since 2006
He's young compared to half the field tbf
also China = Young, that's just automatic
consider the following:
chicken dinner
Just checked Thepchaiya and he is 34 wtf
Thanks for reminding me Snooker Stars has 60 levels added since the last time I played.
yeah he's older than the other Thais on the tour, was hoping Saengkham or Akani would win through qualis, imo players 35+ should be barred from the qualifiers unless they've won a ranking tournament
cant be bothered to read it all but have a (you) anyway
top lel
>someone falling down the stairs in the background
lol at Gary's miscue, trying to take out the camera man
cameraman must've shit himself
I thought Neil's match was on the other table? Did they bring another forward because Georgiou got rekt?
Brecel and Wilson was pulled off in the afternoon session adn they are finishing it now
Wilson spilling his spaghetti all over the crucib owl
>11 reds potted
>36 - 20
Battle of the choke artists
Gary really wants to lose
"we got a bottle down, we got a bottle down"
Higgins got to him during the break
what's your snack of choice during the snooks?
Oh, I'm sorry did Gary Wilson lose already?
Maguire seeeething
Stephen "Seething" Maguire
Brecel bottling it HARD
Wilson's turn to bottle
9-9 here we go
For fucks sake, that bald cunt Brecel is going to make it to the next round, isn't he?
Haha time for final frame decider
I love hearing commentators skating dangerously close to calling Chinese players inscrutable
what the fuck are those pale things
Come on Gazza
Mammi, sauna
Turnips m8
I really do not like Alan McManus as a commentator. Something about him irritates the fuck out of me.
This is a fairly unpopular opinion around here. Sue me.
I've got some mämmi on the fridge.
When’s Ronnie playing lads?
Also where were you all for the Welsh Open? How about the Players Championship or the Scottish Open?
probably going to wank myself into a frenzy after this desu
I wasn't here because no one makes these topics for those, casual ronnie shitters
Same 2bh
I've made threads for Players Champs and the Welsh Open, iirc.
You said the same thing during the Players Championship lad
Ronald is on tomorrow.
Reminder to filter and ignore the tripfag nonce
Remember to filter tripfaggots
Love how the >REEE FILTER TRIP crew come out during the most casual of tournaments
Says something about them.
Recommend me some super cheap tablets, thank you
Winners don't use drugs.
Angles knows the angles
Are these the numptys that ronnie is always talking about?
Sure it's over now :)
>Maguire 5-8 behind
I for one welcome our chinese overlords
Nah, the numpties are the guys who lost in the qualifiers
omg such a casual
fuck off
Whenever I can, I refer to them as "the snooks gooks", but there's never anything to say about any of them so I rarely get the opportunity.
Trip fag prick cunt
Imagine thinking Brecel is a ‘numpty’
>struggling to dispatch an out of form gary wilson
State of you
I call them Cue Manchus
funny how Brecel looks more like a magician than the guy who's nickname is The Magician
Which match lad
Fuck off lad Ding, Xiao Guodong, old Liang Wenbo and every third tournament Yan Bingtao are the boys. I also like when different 17-23 year old Chinese players make the surprise run every major
Every Belgian looks like Luca Brecel. It's strange:
Breclel vs Wilson (the one Brecel potted in the bottom right corner)
He's balding at the age of 23 lad that is top numpty
Its just banter I'm sure he doesn't dislike the chinese lads
What species of elf is Gary Wilson?
Is luca brecel the joe cullen of snooker?
Tyne Elf
>tfw Liang has been invisible this season
Also Fu kinda counts, doesn't he?
lads is this year Dings year?
He'd look so much more normal if he was black. He's like someone bleached a Nigerian.
It's Judd's year. Sorry, la.
*cough cough*
boss at my snooker club hates the Chinese lads because they rarely drink anything and stay on the tables for hours, based lads
Marco is British Empire for life and also he's been fucked this season because of his eye
Ding is based but everyone knows him and he's one of the gang now. I had forgotten about Liang Wenbo, but he was a top lad when he was around.
I know. Belgians sometimes have retarded faces like pic realted that all look the same. I'm pretty sure they say the same about us.
Bald Elf
Why do you never see a fat Chinese man?
You'd think he counts given how much China autistically screeches about Hong Kong, but at the Shanghai masters they invited the top 16 and then the next best 8 Chinese players except Fu wasn't invited.
If Judd Trump didn’t exist Ronnie would be on track for a triple crown season
The absolute state of these balls.
All Dutch people are balding or greying by 25
I've never seen a Chinese homeless person
>go to snooker club to play snooker
>owner is seething because you're playing snooker instead using it as a thinly veiled excuse to get pissed
>it's a Selby frame
This frame is horrific. Have they all been like this, and that's why they had to extend the match?
Think they used to give students free tables on Sunday morning when no one is around but stopped doing that because they refused to get pissed
Tian is going to end Maguire's suffering before this frame ends desu.
>This frame is horrific
Ronnie was right. Numpties.
This is any longform decider desu, no one plays snooker after 9pm, that's just science
>this frame
Snooker club in my home city was open 24/7. No idea how they made money doing that but it was always fun to turn up pissed at 3am to knock a few balls round a table.
>tfw you'll never have a Sunday tradition of a couple of frames and a jar in the morning with your mates, followed by a slap up carvery in the afternoon
Even the audience is choking
The absolute madman actually potted something!
This table looks like indian reservat
One's plenty
>/147/ plays snooker: the table
is this how watching baseball is
>The North East is a hotbed of billiards players
Yo f a m I heard you like extentions so I put an extention on your extention
I enjoy this.
Why must they torture the red balls like this.
Kino frame
How long has this frame been going on?
What is the record?
What a mug
Pink first ref, easy
About 2 hours
>Ireland's Fergal O'Brien won the longest frame in professional snooker history to take the final place at the World Championship in Sheffield. He beat David Gilbert 10-9 with the deciding frame lasting two hours, three minutes and 41 seconds
They said half an hour about 5-10 minutes ago, and the record is over an hour. We're nowhere near it yet.
Ah ok, I lost the time some time ago because I distracted myself with some porn
40 min so far
muh angles.
This is a glimpse of post ronnie snooker
>Go to watch the Tian match
>ten minutes elapse
>return to the Brecel match
>balls in exactly the same place
Which bad guy does Gary Wilson remind me of?
So are they both trying to match fix?
Sean Dyche
Anthony McGill
he said bad guy
Imagine sitting in the audience for this frame and needing a pee. Now that is torture.
Jim Lahey
consider yourself snookered
Brutal snooker there
what a lad
Ah yes a brexit a joke...
what a fucking shot
Remember when they said snooker standards were high these days? Williams winning last year and the state of this round 1 shows otherwise.
>Easy pot
>hard as fuck snooker
First time perfect lol
This is just a decider, snooker gets bad in a decider, see 1985
You could've complained at any other point, this frame is amazing
It's a tough game.
Williams is actually a good standard of player though you fool
based mark
these fucking colours mang
>colours bunched as well
That is unironically my fetish, but it's nearly all men in the crowd so it feels a little gay to consider it.
>the absolute state of brecel
Cheers lads lelbys crying, theyre about to steal his favourite record
You have no fucking clue what good snooker actually is if you think that. He's late 80s standards at best.
Behave ffs
Late 80s they were atrocious at getting the cue ball tight to the cushion.
calling a rerack
rerack lads?
absolute degeneracy
Absolutely comfy evening frame, lads.
getting out the worst shop I've ever done
These type of kino frames separate the patrician's from the plebs.
I want to go to bed but also watch this final frame. Please kill me.
Luca "The Bottler" Brecel
I like it.
Having only started watching since the 2016 semi finals this is what I've come to expect of snooker
Gary Wilson has 35 points and 26 of them is due to foul from Brecell
tbf to these lads Maguire and Tian have only managed to complete one frame since this started
>the state of this frame
also: 500
>/147/ reaching bump limit
bye FLuca
Do we have bingo this year?
FLuca strikes again
I'm here but the content doesn't emerge this early
I was seething about 40 minutes ago, but I've got Stockholm Syndrome now. We're getting to the stage where one mistake could actually lose the whole frame, so it's actually exciting now instead of just torture.
>f l u c a
Luca needs to stop apologising and just concentrate on his game.
Well, happy to hear you're up for it.
How is he so lucky lol
I know, right.
Too early, yeah.
>those bare thicc thighs
HISTORY being made here at The Crucible
or you can have fifty mistakes all go unpunished
>The longest Crucible frame in history stands at 76 minutes 11 seconds, between @Marcofu18 & @markjesterselby in their 2016 semi-final.
Congratulations lads!
This is officially the longest frame at the Crucible ever!
We did it, reddit!
I get that Wilson have to play safe there, but I would like to see him try to go for it.
Meanwhile, Tian is bottling it
50 - 50
>double and flick the brown out
>too brave for me
post pic
based Gaz
What was that noise lol
deserved it
>typical Belgian cuck shit
Absolutely based
Thank fuck for that.
Disrespectful desu
Alright, I'm off to bed. Love you all and see you tomorrow lads!
I like it when players give it a COME ON
Why does the ref take off a glove to shake hands? Imagine the sweat
Why aren’t you supporting your continentals
Imagine going bald lol
Why does he have slanty eyes?
Goodnight, sleep tight.
>you will never win the Butlins Big Break tournament
Selby seething that the longest frame record was broken
Final frame decider in Maguire v Tian Pengfei incoming
Fully deserved, nice one Gazza m8
His mother had an affair with a Finn.
apologies lads its actually the Pontin's Potting Classic
What would they do if a 19-frame game ended up lasting 5+ sessions or something mad?
What happened to Marc O'Foo?
I'm pretty sure if its the final session they just make them finish it no matter what the time is.
Punished Medalman
he looks fucking chinese
Not been the same since his eye surgery
No, that's just Assange out on bail
Santa watches snooker during the year.
Lost in the first round of qualifying to Luo Honghao
He's got something wrong with his eyes, like a degenerative condition or something. F
He finally realised snooker is boring and is now doing something else
Imagine them playing till 7am the next morning or something daft. I think I've seen a game go to like 1am, seems a lot rarer in recent years
>degenerative retina
Oh fug, F
Fucking lel
Come on, based 4tian!
>Tian first competed on the Main Tour in the 2006/2007 season, dropping off the tour in the following season. During the season, Tian also received a one-year ban from China's cue sports administration,[4][5] following an investigation into allegations that he had sexually abused and beaten his fellow team-mate, Zhou Mengmeng, at the Doha Asian Games in 2006.[6]
Dirty bastard
I told you, we already decided that /ourguy/ is Bingham, just stop trying please.
Not based at all ;_;
I used to go to that camp as I'm a poortherner whose parents hate flying. Would annoy me when the potting classic was on because I couldn't play comfy snooker with my Dad in the attic of the main building anymore. Eventually they stopped you playing in there entirely and moved the tables to some shitty building outside instead. Felt bad
Anyone spotted this guy yet?
fuck sake
You're my favourite new poster
He was there this morning.
I guess I haven't been around much this season
>following an investigation into allegations that he had sexually abused and beaten his fellow team-mate, Zhou Mengmeng
You should remember not to have a social life and post on /147/ instead. Priorities, man!
>J U S T ephen Maguire
Stephen Maguire comes across like one of those really insecure Chads to me. Like, I can imagine him being an alpha male, but he's the sort of alpha male who beats up a waiter for smiling at his wife.
But who's going to treat me to orange juice, then?
Stephen Maguire more like Stephen Dire lmao.
Or threaten people for wearing hats inside a restaurant.
Oh you :^)
Tian looks like the bad guy from Lazytown if he had his soul removed.
The only restaurants Stephen Maguire goes to are McDonalds
Anyone noticed that bald middle aged guy with black kid?
>the bad guy from Lazytown
He was actually the good guy all along
Based wife's son in the background. Or, possibly, maybe he just has a black mother?
>bringing your African child bride to snooker game
That arm is the guy's behind them
They're lovers. It's 2019
No, the guy is Gould's life partner and he's looking after their adopted daughter, don't insinuate things.
>need snookers
>slowly pot all the colours
Love how they do this despite it never working.
>cool guy
there's nothing cool about beating women, John
brb putting in my application for a commentators position
Good grafting from Maguire
>that double kiss
What a zesty evening of snooks
Maguire got this.
Has more bottle
Maguire reactions are so annoying, don't like the lad
>that fluke
>Ebdon trying to be hype
Maguire's potting over the last few shots: half magnets, half wire.
Based webmmaker
just had a weird little beetle bug thing crawling around on my foot
inb4 bumped off page 10 before the match ends
What is Maguire's "medical condition" that exempts him from wearing a bow tie?
Is it being a fat bastard?
I had a giant bee in my living room a few weeks ago. It was walking around on the floor because it was too fat to fly. It was honestly over an inch long, but it had normal tiny bee wings. In the end, I put a shoe on and stood on it. I've looked into what kind of bee it might be, since it looked different from anything I've ever seen, and there's a type of bee which looks a bit like it, but it's so rare that scientists don't even really know what they look like because they've found fewer than 10 ever.
>another decider
Being a bastard seems to be enough, since Brecel and Trump also have an exemption.
I found a weird as fuck caterpillar in the bath and couldn't find anything that looked like online so I squished it in case it had some disease which wiped us all out.
You're welcome.
I once got stung by a wasp.
>not putting it in the jar and see what will it turn to be
>letting it turn into a dragon
yeah I'm not a mug m8
>tfw I actually regret not doing that now
This better not by another record-breaking long frame
Its going to be just because Tian is taking 2 minutes per shot
>lines up for a shot
>aborts after a few seconds
>rinse and repeat
If any of you are like me and have very little gin but lots of tonic, and you want a drink, I can confirm: trying "rum and tonic" instead is absolutely disgusting. It tastes like cough syrup.
>deciding frame
>thread is on page 7
>trying "rum and tonic"
Who the fuck buys tonic without already having gin
Yea Forums is so slow nowadays we'll be fine
And now this bitch nigga Pengfei didn't even split, this thread's gonna die early
I'll stick to cheap Scotch and coke like a pleb, thank you.
I have some, but it's nice and it's almost run out. I want to save it for a celebration, such as if I manage to finish off this R&T.
Don't like this ref
Refereeing should be a zoomer free profession
Ruhe dahinten
>Page 8
Are there any major US sports taking place in the next hour or so?
Chinese snooker player EMASCULATED by STRONG CHAD Scottish alpha
We're back at page 7, based jannies keeping us alive
>that look
Did the Chink say something?
We're going to make it, bros. I believe.
>spilling his chalk
For me, it's Taom chalk. Thank you, Finland.
Chinese triad sex attacker BTFO
When’s ronnie playing lads
>win the match
>end up losing the match
>t. square
Pick one
Good night lads
Finally good night lads
>China BTFO'd again
After a long and arduous journey, it's bed time.