I just counted the non-soccer vs. soccer threads.

Non-soccer: 40 threads
Soccer: 110 threads

That means 73% of threads threads on Yea Forums (3 out of 4) are soccer threads. For the love of God, please give soccer its own board so other sports have a chance at discussion instead of being drowned by Messi, Ronaldo and Liverpool spam threads.

Attached: all these soccer threads.jpg (255x200, 10K)

its the fucking end of the month april
all the leagues are coming to a closure, cl as well
what do you expect?

have sex

fuck off cletus

You must be new.

im not and while I am aware that most of the threads at any time are football threads, this percentage is due to the time of the year
btw youre forgetting that only dead threads get killed so your "other sports don't have a chance at discussion" bullshit doesn't hold
if people have interest in discussing a certain sport/event/whatever that thread wont get killed by all the football threads
fucking hell

I see 0 soccer threads

>most popular sport in the word
>waaah why are there so many soccer threads
Rent free

all other sports should be moved to Yea Forums tbhwyf

If you faggots would get out of your generals then the ratio would be vastly different. Instead all your redditors enjoy circlejerking in a single thread. Fuck off.

Go fuck yourself redneck. Nobody cares about Nascar

At least they're not all generals like amereddit Yea Forums

Soccer posting
American sport posting

To be quite fair, the endless Penaldo vs Missi threads could use some culling

Stay mad, amerimutt

Attached: 1531343805228.png (600x600, 298K)

You can leave Yea Forums if you want

You must be even newer

better, more practical solution: gas all americans

But they are not good threads. Most of them are low effort shit posts that get like 4 replies.

Ehhhmmm, lad.....

Attached: 1537382418-brasil.jpg (1200x675, 51K)

>Aghh why people discuss sports in a sports oriented board, Hiroshimoot please save meee
Pretty cringey if you ask me lad

Attached: 1554605267969.jpg (759x508, 110K)

is that this year?


I've got a better idea, make a containment board for americans