>c*ckold malone

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Other urls found in this thread:

nuggets are about to lose by 30

go spurs go

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I want to see this guy get a buzzcut next year


>barton benched


I wonder how out of breath that fat fucking retard jokic is going to be this afternoon

Rapties reporting in

Uggets are frauds.
Chokic is a fraud.

That fat fuck could get a triple double

He'll not even jump an inch off the ground the whole game and still end up with a 20/10/10 or something. Kind of impressive in a way desu

and lose like he did the first game. fuck him

Poetlel going off

dunno who that is

>his team's best player is a morbidly obese slav with a 1 inch vertical

my san antonio raptor :)

thats all i have to say

Used to be a Raptor


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I fear for the future of the Spurs when Pop retires

when is this starting brehs

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Cowboys or Texans?

youre thinking of derozan


Très bien !

Attached: très bien.jpg (590x354, 243K)

Jokic just got another two points and a rebound while not even jumping again

You dumbass casual, Derozan and Poetlel were teammates in Toronto

athleticism is overrated

nuggs need melo back bros they cant make a deep run without him

Kind of true though it still matters

Derrick White slashing to the cup like Ginobili and Parker

prove it

Why do white nba players always have less defined muscles compared to the black one ?

Based Spurs and their boomer mid-range game

Where's IT


white "men" are inferior

Based boomer series

Jokic has the boomer-est of boomer games even if he is a zoomer desu

Rotting on the bench. He was never good defensively, but the past 18 months have sapped what offense he has. Not worth playing or paying.

>dat fucking spurs thicc monster

too busy raising their IQ to lift

mid-range game is the new hipster thing

Picks for the day
Aldridge over 21.5 (-105)
Murray over 19.5 (+105)
Millsap under 12.5 (-125)

Take your pills and go to bed Charles.

>huwhites BTFO! xDDDDDD
You'd be chucking boulders through jungle vines had "huwhites" not invented this game.

who of you san antonians already went to Big Lou Pizza?

Attached: spurs_pizza[1].jpg (640x640, 252K)

The fuck does this even mean, autist

Yeah but Jovic is supposed to lift hard and have a strict nutrition and he doesn't seem very defined. But anyway go Nuggets !!

Jokara feastin

I still love derozan raptors bros



7-0 run ayyyyyy

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why is everyone on denver except jokic absolute shit


jokic was there last night

oh NOW derozan wants to play? When lebron isnt in the playoffs? fucking hell

>lightskin hands it off to white boy who hands it off to undersized shooting guard who hands it off to undersized 3
>54 wins and #2 seed
he absolute state of the West

The fattest fuck in this game also has the most points. Really makes you think

He was there an hour before tip off getting his pregame meal

jokic on that american diet

im like derozan when i shoot it goes in haha

Spurs really exposing the Nuggies

Imagine if he were in better shape, he'd be an absolute beast

>tfw no milana gf

Attached: milana wakes up.webm (450x450, 465K)

Almost all of them have issues scoring 1-on-1. Murray, when cold, is dogshit. And their supposed best perimeter defender in Gary Harris has been hurt and inconsistent all year. Which leads to an even bigger burden on Jokic in almost every phase of the game.

I hope you americans will vote right and elect diversity :3

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Did Diaw on the Spurs retire? He's probably the only guy on the Spurs that can guard Jokic tbqh

I am simply memeing friend

>can't paste the LeList during postseason anymore
I feel a bit sad inside.

Jokic got 3 rebounds and an assist on one possession again without jumping again

>democratic socialist who became a millionaire with capitalism

Go bait somewhere else, Belgium

Jokic is shit

>Derrick White gets more superstar calls than DeRozan

The NBA has made this shit so fucking blatant I can't understand why no one is exposing this fucking rigging

he went to the jazz then retired from teh NBA. he's just living a chill life now

he lives on a boat now

didn't he become millionaire just by selling his books ?

fuck off faggot. I expect a ton of refball help for the nuggets after cuck malone was bitching about le moving screens xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

fuck the nuggets fuck their "fans" fuck denver

boris literally traveling around the world on a yacht fucking bitches and eating good food. not exaggerating. that nigga living his best life.

Boris Diaw, another smart as hell guy like Jokic who could never quite get into excellent shape

he retired from basketball this season, decided to travel around the world with his boat, and signed for the army as a reservist
also, well, he was so fat that he could only defend against stationnary objects at this point

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I can't comprehend how cold all of their guards are from three this series

Nuggets shitting it up rn

>The nuggets won't make it out of the 1st round

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It's called "defense"

he gets paid thousands to just show up and speak at schools and brainwash everyone

Wasn't that a bit expected ?

>Blazers get all the bullshit FTs imaginable and the worst charge calls imaginable in game 1
>Dame flopping like a bitch game 2
>let them get up 2-0
>a bunch of ESPN writers had already released a bunch of pro-Blazers articles before the series (even OKC's beat writer for ESPN holy shit)
>Suddenly refs give OKC 15 more FTs in game 3
>Dame flopped even harder game 3 but didn't get calls (until the 3rd quarter because we can't let our "superstar plant" get nipped too early
>Now they're trying to manufacture Derrick White as the Spurs' future star since DeRozan isn't as popular anymore

NBA is so fucking scripted it hurts

>except jokic

jokic been sleeping on defense entire series.

literally a liability in the paint.

Fuck Mills

These boys are remembering.

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Imagine being this autistic

they've been getting some decent looks desu, they just cant hit anything

>LMA dabbing on the nuggets corpse

Holy shit Lamarcus

Nice dunk




Most overrated center in the league

put down the meth pipe


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Why don't p-people in the US care about the Alamo? :(

Texas is a gay state for bitch niggas.

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nah offensively he is a 10/10, he is just soft and a defensive piece of shit.

Malone is too young of a coach / GM for nuggets to learn how to compensate for that. They rely on him throwing up triple doubles during the season for a good record but when they meet a skilled team who does things right to account for Jokic they fold.

why would they pick White? Why not Forbes to be the next Curry?

cause they fucking lost. america loves a winner

Who, the Spaniards that built it?

Better name and story

They won the war just not the battle

they lost at the alamo thats the point

he's 47. that's not that young bro

Glad I'm not the only one that noticed this

>NBA trying to supplant Westbrook with Dame and giving shit tons of bullshit calls

>Sixers getting 40 (Forty) FTs a game vs the Nets (still trying to make Embiid a superstar despite his injuries and shit game (imagine Harden as a center lmao what a fraud)

>letting the Nets hang so they can get a good major market team back since the Knicks suck
>Celtics getting babbied against an Oladipo-less Pacers so Kyrie doesn't get exposed early and leaves

>Spurs getting pushed past the Nuggets so keep Pop's GOAT gimmick alive and make the playoffs more "interesting" for a "surprise" team to play the Warriors

>All those first game "upsets" to make everyone pay attention to the playoffs with a false sense of unpredictability

Trash sequence letting the nobody niggas score a 3 and run it back 5 point play

47 is young as hell. How old are you, 18?

I heard Jokic went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant

Look at the southwest US and tell me Mexico didn't win the long war.

I already feel old at 23

I also heard this

>jokic still in


He's going to pass out, isn't he

malone panicking
that guy is gonna be sucking air by the 4th quarter

Oh no it's the spurs trash squad quarter. Good bye lead.

but wouldn't that mean they earned a ton of money from the meals he paid+tips he left...


47 is pretty average for a coach. pop won in his early 50s, spo was like 40 when he won his first ring. brad stevens is a young coach. 47 is firmly in regular ass coach territory

>Mexico didn't win the long war.
They didn't

>go to san antonio to watch live manu before he retires
>feel like I'm in mexico

it was a buffet he paid $25

He is young in the context of his head coaching experience at this level. Not his actual age.

Well San Antonio doesn't sound really English desu


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Have you been in Mexico before?

there is no script like this. it's about gambling and money you goomba

>The angry whopper brought to you by Burger king

Only a literal baby boomer would post something like this. Time to face reality, old man.

Bullshit, Mexico has good food and attractive women

if only you knew how bad things really are

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that's fair. he's still a fag

I didn't know Charles Barkley was a leaf.

I live in SA, it's completely fine.

>morris in charge of defending

damn, no wonder they closed then

>nuggets still fouling on 3s

Keeping the league growing to surpass the MLB and get to NFL territory and drawing zoomer audiences away from football>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>simple gambling schemes

>No LeBron
>Playoff viewership down 31%

Is the NBA finished?

His favorite city in the world is Toronto


so nugs are done right?

texas was originally mexico. wh*toids need not apply

LeBron is shit

You prefer to have this many muslims and blacks instead?

Based and redpilled Chuck

there weren't more than 100,000 mexicans in texas before it became american

>texas was originally mexico
was it? didn't you get if directly from the spanish empire before mexico ever started existing, just like california?

All athletes love Toronto. It's basically Vegas North.

Pretty sure it was Spanish, and indigenous before that.

Were you there?

Doesn't mean the people who consume the NBA through social media and highlight videos are all of a sudden gonna start paying for it. At best, they'll use free streams. The box score watchers have evolved to the next step.

Still, I very much doubt the NBA will ever take a significant amount of viewers outside urban and suburban areas. Football and baseball are just too ingrained in the fabric of communities in a way basketball will probably never achieve outside Indiana.

>LeBron misses the playoffs against all odds because of how historically inept Jeanie Buss and her brother are at running a team

>NBA makes a bunch of underdog teams upset in the first games of the playoffs to draw interest
>actively trying to create drama to keeo twitter feeds alive and NBA trending

>people think this isn't rigged to combat the lowered ratings because LeBitch bandwagons don't care about anyone but LeShit and when he retires the NBA will die

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same shit

Spermsfag here,
Rudy Gay been pissing me off this series. I always said I trusted him especially to shoot a clutch shot over Demar but this series is shaking that confidence

>texas was originally mexico

Mexico didn't exist until 1821. The Texas area didn't really have a dominate culture until the French and Spanish colonized parts of it. Before than, it was largely random tribes.


>trusting rudy to shoot it

he has been extremely amazing on the glass and covering his matchups / switches.

NBA is already more popular than basketball in participation by youths and average ratings (not just including TV)

No Spurs fan would ever call themselves a "Spermsfag". FOH

>tfw no autistic german milf that loves brewing beer

that's what happen when you market your league entirely on superstars: viewers buy what they're offered to buy and follow said superstars rather than franchises
then, of course, when the biggest superstar of the league doesn't play, viewers don't watch

They'll probably to try to replace Lebron for Zion in the next couple of years. Give the 1st pick to a eastern conf team and try to make him reach the finals (possibly against Lebron for maximum wanking about muh passing the baton or muh generation change)


what should I ask the barber to get these looks

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Still trust him to shoot a game winner over Derozan any day.

it's his fault for picking a shit team

I hate time outs lol

You must be new here

>ey yo, give me the Eraserhead

>potlel 420

Attached: potlel420.jpg (292x351, 37K)

>not knowing who sting is

How many of you guys are black here?

nah zion is going to the lakers.imagine the ratings

white really needs to get a haircut

>shave off my pubes and distribute them strategically over my scalp and chin

I am

im black online

This is a Christian board.

But NBA doesn't want this. They tried pushing the Lakers into relevancy. They tried getting them AD and allowed LeBron to tamper
But still they're so fucking dumb they failed and now NBA is resorting to desperate measures rigging the playoffs and creating drama with the Sixers vs Nets, Dame Westbrook """"beef"""", and Clippers getting a refball upset on Warriors as an appetizer before Rockets Warriors drama

there are more black than white christians in the world

Zion is going to the Knicks, period. NBA desperately needs NY to be relevant again

mixed m8

They're gonna force every promising young player to be the next big thing (just like they did from Jordan to Lebron) until someone eventually takes that mantle.

All right nuggets have gotten it close so it's now time for them to stop playing for the rest of the quarter.

oh my fucking god I thought white was gonna YAM on milsap again and put him to sleep

>throwing it cross-court to his partner

bit gay desu

Jokic and Malone have to realize he should be looking to score much more often. The open looks and passing lanes will be there when teams are looking to double team Jokic first.

remember andrew wiggins the next kobe

Jokic rolling downhill now

>Ram your shoulder into Potlel who's in legal defensive position for a post up with his arms back
>foul on Potlel

What is this refball??????

These fucking idiots shooting jumpshots.. why did they stop driving?

Could Jokic bully prime Shaq

No one works the refs quite like the spurs.

>being this retarded

nigga nobody could bully shaq ever.

All skilled big men bullied Shaw


Yea Forums is mostly black people

>Spurs fan complaining about refs
The Spurs are literally assaulting the Nuggets every possession

When is Jokic going to pass out?

>It's a spurs blow a comfortable lead episode
>Stop driving setting for shit jumpers and bad look 3s

Denver earning this game

not bullying tho, they skilljobbed him

big men with bbq chicken footwork cooked shaq but shaq also cooking them, those were like even matchups.

it's great to finally see the spurs not have refball go their way for a change. After 20 years of being bailed out by refs they're finally getting a taste of their own medicine.

He's going to take a nap during halftime

he could have been the Philip Lindsay of the Nuggets, but noooo.... We had to trade away Donovan Fucking Mitchell for some big white stiff because that's what Denver does

no they're not

stop praying on a nigga's downfall and watch him soar

>streamer changes game to a hockey match

If Denver had the money, Draymond would be a great fit. Just gotta hope Michael Porter Jr. will pan out and find some diamond the replace Millsap.

First time watching the playoffs, is it best of 5 or best of 7?

No He Isn't! The Suns Will Get Him.


Dream Team.

>calling out a completely no call being called a foul makes you a fan of that team and not a basketball fan calling out bad refs


dubs and Jokic has a heart attack during the 4th quarter and dies on the court

Seriously, the refs need to step their game up.

jokic on the hedo turkeyglue diet

dubs and Pops has a heart attack during the 4th quarter and dies on the court.

>Murry gets an open lane vs Aldridge out of P&R
>passes it back to Jokebitch instead of going for an easier layup



shaq would block his shit once or twice and jokic would settle for 3s the rest of the game

Or even Kemba

Are we watching the same game? Bruh, if you look at a Spurs player wrong it's a foul. Look at the ft differential.

fuckin a rollin

Sounds nice and simple, hopefully there wouldn't be refs either seem likes a things whites invented to get an upper hand

Trey Lyles has been fucking trash his whole life.


denver shouldn't foul so much then

>bangs sticks on a bucket

how mad Silver will be after the Knicks waste another player, especially their future golden goose?

I like how the warriors lose an all star center and their team gets better...
the NBA is such a joke lmfao

spurs bringing out the drum line

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Cousins is and always has been garbage

Based. Fuck le virtue signal military-industrial complex man

Nuggets are playing very undisciplined on defense right now, constantly reaching for no good reason. There have been a boat load of utterly soft calls for the spurs so far, especially for 'playoff basketball but the nuggets are not doing themselves any favors.

I prefer the red panda


Cousins is just a common thug.

They have always played better with him out. Look at the games and the stats.

Time to join the Lakers

Jokic is devouring the half-time buffet spread as we speak

Tailed this on a whim, looks very promising at the half.

lol, no
look at what prime shaq was doing on fucking Robinson
it took fucking Duncan AND fucking Robinson to vaguely contain prime Shaq (though I remember vodka-filled fat Sabonis was able to not be totally wrecked too)

Attached: Shaqin.webm (720x480, 2.35M)

Nah, that dude's taking a nap. He looked exhausted in the 2nd quarter

Derrick White you greaseball

can somebody explain the music video for "worst behavior" to me

This is why Shaw>Duncan for me. Shaw frequently drew double/triple teams on offense and sometimes scored anyway.

People say Duncan is better at defense but Duncan would have to get a similar number of defensive stops playing 1v2/1v3 defense for a similar impact

shaq would anally gape every center in the league today. he would average 40+

Yeah, Denver traded the lottery pick that became Donovan Mitchell for Trey Lyles. I was addressing your 2nd point.

jokic would eat him alive

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but hed get torched on defense constantly, especially on the pick and roll

this nigga was shorter than lonzo ball fuck off boomer

Dis nigga ain't never had to face anyone like Shaw

is embiid a dirty foreigner? fucking retard sounds like he can barely string a sentence together


fuck it nigga

He's from Cameroon

If prime shaq played for the Lakers during that time Russel would have 0 rings.

agreed id still love to see him body people. KAT for one. bogut and zaza for 2 and 3.

the guy is from Cameroon and the official language there is french

Valanciunas would dominate him

A 35+ year old Shaw still torched a prime Bogut on the Bucks multiple times, as well as Dwight on the Magic. The only C that really contained him(when he was slightly past his prime) was Yao Ming

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nah the duncan / shaq matchup was who could score the most
they would only matchup directly in the 4th quarter.

Otherwise it was feed the beast the whole game and let em duke it out in the 4th.

Same with Duncan Vs Dirk amazing games to watch. Duncan could not guard Shaq all night but you could put Duncan on him for key possessions and pray for a coin flip. Duncan's Defense was sound enough to be worth having him use energy vs Shaq on that end.

People don't understand how RAW shaq's strength was I think honestly he is the single strongest player the league has ever seen.

can valan even play 20 minutes a game?lol

Jokic got bailed out on that shitty pass.

Imagine if Jokic had a team that wasn't just replaceable average roleplayers and washed up Paul Millsap

He's still one of the best centers in the NBA

I think with him out, the bucks or the 76ers have a solid shot against the warriors.
No chance the raptors or celtics can beat them tho

When he's not Ded

Jokic just rests on defense, stands there waiting for an easy rebound

a rainbow

Warriors play worse when they have a real center on the floor

he's just a stat monster that doesn't contribute to winning basketball. He's just like John Wall (pre-injury). The pels started to take off when he got hurt too

>people implying Duncan didn't cook SHAW with clean footwork and post moves

>denver literally just meme chucking now
>it's working

I hate this sport

They'll cool down soon enough

I thunk the refs forgot that the spurs are in white.

Nobody "cooked" Shaw harder than Shaw cooked them with dunks besides maybe Hakeem

they dominated in the finals last year with javale mcgee lmao

this was the first time he's ever been on a good team tho. I could see him going to LA with like... Kemba walker and the lakers winning 50 games

alright i'm back home let's fucking go spurs don't let me down, i wanna get retarded tonight

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Literally the only thing White can do is go right and the nuggets just let him.

do klay and steph cook with threes?

The three point line was a mistake

Even Shaw said Timmy would cook him. Timmy and Big Country

Lakers don't want your damaged goods, Larry. Fuck off with your kike bullshit

Nah, it let smaller guys contribute offensively

>Big Country
hed have your head for that heresy

Ship has sailed on that a long time ago.

the LA Lebrons will take whatever the fuck they can get bitch

>bunch of random scribbles on the arm

Klay and Stephanie are notorious playoff chokers. Shaw has a top 5 all time playoff PER.

He's just giving respect to other NBA legends.

>javale mcgee
JM is anything but a real center. Dude is a basic lob catcher/rim protector. A finesse-first touch heavy center simply doesn't work with them.

Why not

someone give me a tl;dr of the game so far

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Lakers aren't thirsty Oakland niggers. We have things called class and standards.

16(sixteen) rings. Let me know when your faggot Memeiors catch up.

He's from Compton

cuz deep meaning and shit

>aldridge hitting the front of the rim
ugh legs getting tired already

There were always smaller guys who were good at driving in

Spurs doing meme midranges, Lamarcus beasting, Denver mutt guards waking up from 3

ball go up, ball go down

Murray looks like he takes it up the ass

Nuggs chucking memes and they're falling

Does anyone else moan when their team makes a 3?

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why do the spurs insist on this meme offense with taking low percentage twos

imagine if pop got with the times and had the team shoot layups/threes exclusively



Also don't (You) me Larry you fucking bugperson.

What the fuck is up with Rudy Gay?

it's what LMA and derozan are comfortable with and pop stopped being a hardass a while ago, he's letting them.

spurs do shoot 3's but they don't chuck.

They call EVERYTHING against the Nuggets

>playing distracting music while the home team is on offense

why is this a thing in the NBA?

Who is that nigger Craig?
Fucking meme 12 points.
Gg denver you earned this.
Fuck this shit

What should I get her to say Yea Forums

I think they just like to move it to the most open guy, be it a 2 or 3, helps when your opposition is cold from 3 too

they have aldridge and derozan on the same team, literally the top 2 midrange shooters in the league

what else can they play?

>Nugs are up by ten AND in the bonus
Fuck off

ewww gross jokic just blew his nose on his jersey then looked at it

Spurs already took 25 fts

people itt really forgot how spurs abused the hack a shaq strategy?
timmy was great guarding shaw but nobody could really stop the man for 48 min
shaw was a nature force

ask her if she can wear this again on TV (please)

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they've been doing that since LMA came
works well in regular season when defenses don't give a fuck, much less during playoffs when defense try a little harder

I think Pop forgot to get the refs their third quarter check.

Disgusting, why would you wipe your boogers somewhere instead of just eating it?

>he doesn't take a quick look at this mucus to check the color and if everything's ok

Nah, the refs are still trying to stop Nuggets momentum. Like that stupid ass charge

>the day of the rope is coming

>popovich getting exposed this hard
time to die old timer

Tell her to wish my friend Kevin well. He's recovering from a brutal experience during the summer of 92.

This is the first time I have watched the Nuggies in years. That big white guy is good.

I guess we really live in a society


Based Bertans winning a 4 on 1 fastbreak


If I wanted to die I'm sure I'd take a vacation to some bumfuck poverty city like Oakland.


i only do this with my shits

these nuggies unis blow. I miss the old UNC teal

>montejunas is on spurs


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he's good although you will see some people complain about him not jumping enough or something. probably just doesn't want to blow out his knees

Does Patty mills even try to score? The only thing this faggot does is jump into people to get fouls and the refs fall for it.

> spurs

Attached: 1540487891787.png (772x458, 22K)

Absolute UNIT

Plumlee is good

fuck me why are the fucking spurs blowing this god damn

Attached: 1260294421079.jpg (638x563, 74K)

The OG rainbow skyline is the definitive nuggets uni.

top kek picture


fuck nuggets got this one

what are you so mad about wh*toid cuck? the SERBIAN BVLL is annihilating your mom's boyfriends?

Becky Hammon is so cute bros

hes a meme just like that other dude with the blown out nuts that used to play for them

>you now remember spurs fans itt explaining who the better next round match up would be

this team aint comeback artists like the old spurs

Nig with the wrong skin color.

You three, wrestler's court, now, for exposing the business.

Attached: youvedoneitnow.jpg (600x300, 189K)

is that suppose to be a chicken nugget?

especially with her game face on. its a variation on resting bitch face.

The refs decided to take a hardline stance and show the spurs what life is like without their help in order to get more bribe money from pop.

why are Serbs so superior boyS?


Based Pop

finna shoot on you old man

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Jokic isn't on the floor

What did he mean by this

Attached: undertaker.jpg (762x431, 45K)

Pop is serb

too many wh*teoids on the floor

its hilarious when women try to look tough

i dont eat
i dont sleep
i do nothing but think of you

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mills, gay and belinelli suck

And look what happened to him

Pop is literally throwing the series right now

kino soundtrack

Drake singing about one of his male "friends"

indeed, they need to put the SERBIAN BVLL back and sit the wh*Toids

>all these 3's

kek chuck nuggets baby

>getting shit on by Sharton

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is the goose a rapties fan?

Can anyone tell me why White isn't playing? Can anyone tell me why Spurs aren't attempting more 3-point shots?


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probably lakers if i had to guess



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Any good Italian talent coming up?

bbiq too high

WWE is so fucking cringey when it tried to be funny.

>whole fucking playoffs slipping away from the spurs

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I need help guys. I currently have had 3 different girlfriends for like 2 months now and I can't keep this charade up. Wat do? I'm 32 and they're 19, 20 and 22 respectively.

No, most of italians are manlets. We need more Dinaroids to impragnate our women

he was leaving a clippers game in the opening scene so my head cannon is he a clips fan

I need help guys. I currently have had 3 different girlfriends for like 2 months now and I can't keep this charade up. Wat do? I'm 22 and they're 35, 30 and 32 respectively.

Nuggets are scared to even look at Patty mills for getting called for a foul.

Drop em all for a trap.

Can someone elbow Mills in the throat? And why the fuck was there no offensive foul on Aldridge?


nuggs will blow the lead easily

who is this italian shitposter and why can't he literally stop thinking of black dick
get the fuck out you ass marauder

my spurs bout to do a dab on the nuggers. dont blink


I'll be visiting on holiday once I get rich of Bitcoin, expect some good talent in 30ish years

>celebrates a dunk in garbage time

Hell yeah, Demar

patty thrills

make them battle in a triple threat ladder match with a BOYFRIEND IN THE BANK contract hanging above the ring

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I don't know. I like to think it was that old poster who used to stan kobe and said they the would be done with the nba when he retired

Spurcels getting uppity again

are the americans writing here white?

>that pic
Arrogance precedes a fall.

Attached: nash.png (531x358, 495K)

Not if they're Memeior "fans", no

>dabs on the nuggers with am 11 point comeback

screencap this

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Are the italians posting here italian?

oh and where the fuck is derrick white anyway, i know he was bound to regress this game but his defense would be very fucking welcome desu

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are the italians writing here pedophiles?

nash never won a ring :(

yes but on my masters degree application im saying im pacific islander for the free tendies

>les Éperons de Saint-Antoine

>all these missed LAYUPS
Why Spurs?


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we're all black friends here

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seething muttoids

Pop is finished



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Gonna need more than that.

Pop's superior tactic telling his player to miss layups ad loose the game to make Denver overconfident for the next games

Lmao Lamarcus literally in street clothes

Is there really an NBA player with the last name GAY? That's hilarious lmao.

getting fucking exasperated here

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Derozan is still a mental midget

DeRozan fucking chimping out like a bitch!

>arena will be half-empty in 2 minutes

Ahuhhuhhuh you said GAY



>de chimpout

oh come the fuck on

>de throwzan

scott foster refing = rigged game


This sucks balls but hopefully they recover and win the series

How can one man be so based

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there was an nba player named Fucka

wtf bros when I left this the Spurs were comfortably in the lead


Based spurs fans

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Meme hair man in


wtf theres a bat on that guys head!


>ref antonio complaining

Get fucked spurs.

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LMAO Spuds shitting themselves

Kawhi wouldn't lose to the nuggets...

Davis can dunk on you and your whole family at once, niglet

wh*teoid btfo

>ayylmaos trying to dunk

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Has an alley oop ever been missed that bad?

Considering how Millsap hasn't taken a shot in the half, this trifecta looks likes its gonna hit.

>Ty Lawson
Based as fuck

>Behind the back pass

Da fuck

ah fuck pop gave up

so is pops blowing this game part of a master plan to win the series?


Late 2000s, early 2010s Nuggets were comfy as fuck.

Attached: Checkem.png (600x599, 549K)

>spuds playing literally who bench players
>nugs still playing their starting lineup


third string beating up the nuggets starters because yeah why not

get jokic those last 2 assists you fucking idiots

Malone is low key an asshole.

t. Nuggets fan

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motiejunas was actually a really good pickup, too bad he literally had no time developing any chemistry with the starters and/or the bench.

you think spurs can win the series?

>JR smith fight

lmao I miss that dipshit and his questionable 35ft 3s.

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can, yeah. will, not so sure.

hope pop reminded the third string guys they all have six hard fouls to give

Ah shit, Juancho is in.

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they already won a game in denver
they could easily win the next two

He was a double-double machine at one point before his back injury, cant believe he's just 28

they were entertaining for sure

It's over, Pop has been exposed by the Irish B*ll Malone.

>hope pop reminded the third string guys they all have six hard fouls to give
cant do that no more gramps, game done changed

>Spuds third stringers making Nugs sweat with a minute left

Remember when Melo punched that nigga

malone is a faggot, pretending to coach hard when the game is already out of hand

derozan needs to step up thats the bottom line

>hope pop reminded the third string guys they all have six hard fouls to give
probably, spurs have always been a dirty franchise coddled by refs

lmao yeah. Melo was one of the last real niggas.

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I was at the Pepsi center when he got like ten 3s and it was hype as fuck. But he could also shoot you out of a game faster than anyone.

No more fucking around spursies, nuggies have remembered how to shoot

man i don't know, they gave up what little edge they had after stealing game 1 and HCA. now it's a best of three series, and the nuggets seem to have figured the spurs (and white) out.

hell yeah, more weeknight playoff hoops. perfect excuse to drink


If they struggle from 3 its anyones game. This one wasn't close cus they were hitting fuck you 3's

not even worth shitposting in bucks-pistons, might do my grocery shopping instead

see u fellas for jazz-rockets

Melo would have had a better career if he stayed with the Nuggets.

Fucking idiot

Alright gonna watch my Rockies until it's time for Jazz Rockets shitposting.

Its good to be a Denver Nuggie tonight, lads.

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Took them long enough to figure out to not let White go right.

its never good to be a s*rb however


better than being a leaf


Based streamer shows Django Unchained now

I mean at the very least they have their own country, canada is just being turned into a shithole of different brownies

And backed up immediately

haha tool
serbs are leaving their lovely ethnically homogenous home country in droves to break their backs on german construction sites. they have their own country the same way lepers used to have their own islands. no one wants to fucking live there, not even serbs.

mate the ones you get are utter scum and were better off without them
people who hate their country, their nation and everything serbian

most ex-yu balkanlars here invest what they earn back home and many end up returning later on or sort of living between two countries, it's a solid strategy for them, but they shouldn't be allowed here in droves regardless. their countries have all sorts of problems too (the major cities), only difference is we have money and they don't our rural (white) areas are pretty similar in mentality, but ours have more shekels

>immigrants bad
>whiteys good
>whitey immigrants ???
ouchy, the cognitive dissonance does the head bad, huh. better get the official sprachregelung from /pol/ how to handle this case. thinking is too hard.

you know, at least the paid-for SNS crowd get five liters of milk and a sandwich for their presence at the political rallies, but you're actually doing it for free ahahaha

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You're retarded. The west has too many people as is. No more immigrants are necessary, white or not. Nice try though, Kemal. You're not white regardless.

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>paid-for SNS crowd

Ahh i evo je dijaspora koja je rodjena ovde a zivi tamo vec 10 godina. Jebo ti bog mater, dabogda zavrsio u nekom jasenovcu ili ausvicu. Topli pozdrav.

>but you're actually doing it for free ahahaha
its another episode of dijaspora cant fathom the concept of not hating everything about your country
how typical
get fucked mate i hope all your children marry arabs

well i bet it sucks to be you right now,
spuds fans

based german