I'm so fucking horny for art hoes. I want to fuck a coked-out tumblr hipster DIY aesthetic astrology thot in her lip gloss DSL mouth. I want to cum all over a girl with thick frame glasses and edge dyed bobcat bangs. Everytime I hear a THICK, waist-high-jean-clad braindead choker-wearing slutty wiccan minx say "yikes", "y'all", "big mood", "cancelled" or "this is a bop", I get an uncontrollable urge to run up to her and fondle her d cups and sweaty fat thighs. I want to pour my white olive oil onto her contoured cheeks and neotenous faces and rhinoplatisized nose. I want to finger an art hoe through her jean overalls while pretending to be interested as she talks about van gogh and arctic monkeys and how david foster wallace fans suck and gilles deleuze and VICE news and 'union pool' in williamsburg and steven universe and homeopathy and saveur magazine and taking adderall to pass exams. IM SO. Fucking. Horny
>Erik ten Hag will fix Juve He's doing well at Ajax because Ajax have a rich football philosophy as well as have this good generation which makes the system work.
Don't think he could pull the same thing with Juve, the characteristics of the squad are very different.
Imagine Can and Bonucci having the same freedom to move forward alternately, like Gasperini does with his defenders. And imagine an ultra-offensive Juve but with those kind of players.
Hunter Gray
is he a meme like bosz or is he the real deal?
Bentley Peterson
Jason Edwards
cringe keep this autism away from serie a
Adrian Jenkins
Serie a is a bigger joke that Ligue 1 and Bundes - now official.
Eli Howard
>now He’s not as much of a meme as Bosz since he actually has a shred of pragmatism about him
I’d prefer for him to take an extra step before making the jump to an European elite club
Oliver Jones
I personally though so for quite some time, but people wanted to believe it wasn't so - but now it's official, proven by numbers.
Connor Gray
I'm almost inclined to agree with you.
A joke in Europe and only Juventus are good enough to go out of group stage or past round of 16.
Many small teams dont even try against Juventus in the league honestly. Then they go 6 at the back against Napoli or Roma and everyone of their player sprints 14 km that game. All teams except Juventus are organizational disarray and dont have their shit together financially. Serie A is Ligue 1 now.
>I’d prefer for him to take an extra step before making the jump to an European elite club Ajax is a European Elite, much moreso than Juve.
Lucas Robinson
I've never thought Juve would win the league before PSG (and they got out from CL earlier too) Next year should be more normal, with the Ronaldo effect disappearing and Juve choking the early matches as usual. Curious about how teams will change this summer
Joshua Walker
guys, is ronaldo staying at juve or leaving this summer?
Joseph Diaz
He's staying
Thomas Walker
Don't (you) me
Joshua Wood
>All teams except Juventus are organizational disarray and dont have their shit together financially. Atalanta seems to be well organized, but you can't really become a big team if you're not based in a big city. That's why I think the only teams that have the potential for development are Roma and Lazio.
Adam Collins
>gain 5 points in 6 games >still heading for the Champions League Now THIS is a league.
Henry James
Gattuso is cancer.
Asher Price
reporting in
Jonathan Russell
Why do you think Milan is so shit this year? Is it because of Gattuso, or because of the players? Or both?
Ayden Mitchell
When you look at all the competitors, is it really shit or is it the norm in serie a?
Isaiah Green
Christopher Richardson
the characteristic of jj's players are not for such a football like ajax, barcelona, city jj's brainlet midfielders are not skillful enough to perform tiki-taka jj's wingers are also brainlets who can think fast enough to know when to dribble and pass except for chielini jj's defenders are to prone to make a lot of mistakes in hard high press why would leave after a season?
> why would leave after a season? Because jj bought him for tripletta and somehow ended up with less titles than usual
Cameron Cox
>bought him for tripletta ABJ meme. >we actually couldn't give less of a fuck about muh treble. >We'd gadly drop a few scudi and coppe for the CL
Anthony Anderson
Atalanta does extremely well with its resources but it's still too shallow of a team, after a couple of good performances in a row they choke because they're too tired. But yeah one of the big problems of the league is that teams (mostly big ones, a lot of small ones actually try, see Sasol, Genoa, Samp, Parma) are extremely nervous whey play against juve, and consider them invincible. Tune in next week to see Spalletti play right into Allegri schemes by clogging up the middle and trying to score only on hoofballs, while smaller teams like Parma scored 3 against JJ by constant pressing and lightning-fast counter attacks. Atalanta absolutely wrecked them by playing an high tempo game for 90 minutes, not by having Gagliardini and Vecino make horizontal passes for half of the game trying to get a stable ball possession.
Easton Edwards
This, I'd rather lose the scudetto and coppa just to see Juventus win the CL but it seems like everybody in this club has a loser mentality and it's pretty much impossible to win it. Especially Max "No balls" Allegro. Fuck, I miss Conte rn
Mason Miller
Atalanta will sell like 4 starters and will have to rebuild again. And you can only keep at it for so long like that (see Roma)
lmaoing @ those 5 juventini celebrating on the street
Charles Jackson
I think they'll only sell Zapata and maybe Mancini. There aren't many stand out players that they have to sell given how their stature has grown throughout the years. Illicic is good but not good enough to go to a bigger club, Papu will stay because he's for the team and wants to go CL with them. Nobody else who's starts is really good enough to play for a bigger team.
Austin Hernandez
>judge asking for more investigation on Raggi regarding the stadium Who is going to give up first? Pallotta, Virgy or the law? Find out in the next episode!
Hateboer and Freuler have been around a lot of transfer rumors. And if gasperini leaves they better sell Ilicic before he crashes and burns
Nicholas Nguyen
>No footie because some palestinian hippie decided to rise from the dead about 2000 years ago Why is this allowed again
Zachary Brown
It's almost like Scudetto is a consolation prize for almost every Juventus fan right now
Carson Cooper
I honestly don't feel the middle eastern carpenter from 2000 years ago vibe but them boiled eggs with mayo be hittin doe
Cameron Garcia
Reminder that Pasquetta is in every single way better than Pasqua. It's like in one day it goes from worst holiday to best
Mason Phillips
Yeah the part where you slaughter a kid goat and cook it in the oven is fire but I want to watch Nabule-Atabanter too
Robert Nguyen
Happy natale di Roma lads. Fuck Easter
Jackson Edwards
>disrespecting the name of the lord this much You're only harming yourself
Jordan Wright
>that jewish feel when you don’t really care about Jesus Shalom lads, ashkenazi milkers for everyone on this day
Thomas Morales
>Higuain: "I often lock myself in the house for fear of criticism"
>It was not an easy season for Gonzalo Higuain, author of just 11 goals between Milan and Chelsea so far. Often, however, the Argentine has been criticized, even for his performances with his national team. Higuain recounted the difficulties experienced in dealing with such situations:
>"I often lock myself in the house and don't go out for fear of what people might tell me, I regret this attitude - the Argentine declared in the ESPN program 'Let's talk about football' - There are people who do bad things and they run quietly without shame. So I wonder why we footballers, who don't do anything wrong, can't leave the house? People always think about the fact that we earn a lot, but the affections are not compensated with money. For the last 14 years I have spent Christmas and my birthday with different people. To stay with me, my father had to do 15 hours by plane. But people don't think about this, they just look at the goals we make or the money we take. Honestly it seems a bit exaggerated, even if I got used to it".
It's so fucking retarded when footballers want to be pitied >People always think about the fact that we earn a lot, but the affections are not compensated with money. For the last 14 years I have spent Christmas and my birthday with different people. To stay with me, my father had to do 15 hours by plane. Yeah and there's people that are in the same situation but are asked to show up to work every fucking day for 8+ hours and be productive for shit money, but apparently you can't ask a guy making 9 millions a year to not eat like a fucking pig and actually train one hour and a half
Michael Young
how does it feel to be a fan of any team other than juventus? do you just sit around hoping that turin gets nuked?
Alexander Green
>get married >have kids >problem solved
Unless he is gay...
Jordan Price
>getting married and/or having kids >only 31 y/o and a millionaire He's not retarded.
Cameron Ramirez
They still have their seasonal object that is hoping Juve chokes in Europe or not making treble (this especially for Inter fans). I think they are happier this way than actually winning something
Jason Phillips
>I think they are happier this way than actually winning something Someday people will realise that in Italy there are only two types of tifosi: those who root for Juventus and those who root against Juventus.
Jaxon Morgan
>mfw found a thicc jewish gf but let it slip Oh learned rabbi teach me how to live with these feelings
Have a good night /cocomemai/, hope you have a good pasquetta free of rain and ants
Sebastian Ortiz
>Roma is not a reddit c-club, I swear
Mason Cruz
they get their joy from the failures of Juventus
Michael Allen
>@UltimOraSky: Milan, accordo per un ritorno di Bonucci a partire dalla stagione successiva
Isaiah Cruz
we've come to the point where JJ is literally playing a meta-league of their own, the race for europe spots/relegation fights have been pretty good this time around.
Easton Wood
Not even those American jews at Elliott could be *that* devious
Joshua Wilson
We pretty much ignore them, the league looks actually pretty fun if you don't consider them and it's not like they care anymore. Plus you get to laugh at them once a year.
Joseph Watson
Who will buy Chiesa?
Wyatt Lee
Milan would want to I'd imagine, but they can't afford him with all the shit they're in financially speaking
Nathaniel Peterson
Lads, I'm in Castellammare del Golfo
Where are the qt's at?
Easton Howard
Jacob Russell
how can anyone forget something so based
Mason Clark
>this twitter account operated by a media company in the USA that also runs accounts for multiple teams is a good indicator of one specific club
Joshua Martin
Sicialiane are all inbreeds fra. Them bitches have suarez teeth. The best pussy is in Umbria and Bergamo
Anthony Wright
Eating with their families. Maybe tomorrow you'll find more of them
Jonathan Long
>L’episodio che lo porta oggi in tribunale avviene il 12 maggio 2008 a Livorno, a pochi metri dalla casa dove abitano i genitori del tecnico >Allegri sorpassa un’auto troppo lenta all’altezza di un parco pubblico e delle strisce pedonali. Subito dopo viene fermato dai carabinieri. All’inizio l’allenatore sembra conciliare, ma poi come spesso avviene in questi casi, i toni si alzano. >Secondo quanto si legge dalla denuncia depositata dai carabinieri alla procura di Livorno, prima si riferisce a un carabiniere dicendogli “le Brigate rosse non facevano poi così male”, “stai zitto terrone”, “ti faccio perdere il posto”, poi mima uno scontro con uno dei militari e si butta per terra, fingendo di aver ricevuto un colpo da uno dei militari, mentre sfilano alcuni passanti. Quando capisce che le cose si mettono male, dice che in realtà correva a casa perché uno dei suoi familiari non stava bene >i carabinieri scoprono un altro precedente più o meno simile, a un posto di blocco dei vigili urbani Old news but Fucking based and redpilled.
>I rate chiesa and think he is world class >Milan would be very hard to stop if they spend 160m on forwards in the next transfer market >politano is very good wew lad
Jaxon Lee
>roll up to the caramba >"the BR did nothing wrong" This man is a national treasure, gobbi please keep him forever
>Italy still hasn't produced a player more talented than Balotelli What the hell happened? I understand why the league is shit, but where did all the good players go?
Always like this in Napoli but media continues to draws terroni supporters like the best special ones.
Samuel Lee
You could say grazie at least stupid terrone. You didn't even post a cutie with your request.
Levi Bell
>come back home tired and depressed >only thing giving me hope is the fact that I will have the time to cook myself a nice dinner and eat it in front of the game >arrive at home >game started almost half an hour ago
Everytime I see Malcuit playing he sems really good. Why doesn't Porcellotti choose him as starting RB?
Parker Robinson
Thank you dutchbro, but I would prefer Atalanta in CI final.
Nathaniel Anderson
Is Insigne moving to another team? Mertens is playing and in the news they said Insigne was angry at Ancelotti after the Arsenal match
Nicholas Morris
Yes, but now imagine that swedish qt being your gf and she buys you tickets so the two of you can go to the CL final with Atalanta in it
Nathaniel Long
Napoli merda am I right boys?
Logan Young
It sounds nice.
Anyway Atalanta is not totally focused on this match today and I'm afraid they have not enough days to recharge for the match against Fiocretina. Does er sistema wnat la viola in CI final?
>single-handedly carrying both of my fantas >single-handedly carrying me on FM >finna cuck BBilan out of CL It's a shame you have to play into the "small town people hating on the big city" cliché, I like you guys even if you're ABIs
Jayden Parker
Cristian Raimondi: CR77
Gabriel James
i would give my first born to have him instead of that retard Gattuso
Nathaniel Ortiz
napoli had like million chances to score more. choked
Aaron Williams
I've seen enough footie to know that he would be average at best anywhere else.
If only Atalanta could've have won that game against Empoli
Luis Perry
Rumors of around 70+mil being thrown around for Pjanic. I know the midfield is weak already, but I think you have to take anything close to that figure. If they sold Sandro and Costa as well and reinvested that money into two expensive midfielders and another defender Juve look a lot better next year. >Sandro, Khedira, Pjanic, Costa, Perin, Cuadrado and potentially Dybala all out Bring in 2-3 new midfielders 2 new CBs and an attacker or two if Dybala leaves.
Asher Martinez
I hope they'll have enough energy for the match against Fiocretino, this is the most important of the year and we cannot choke.
MATCHDAY 33: >Saturday 20th of April Parma 1 - 1 Milan (69' Castillejo; 87' Bruno Alves) Lazio 1 - 2 Chievo (49' Vignato; 51' Hetemaj; 67' Caicedo) Cagliari 1 - 0 Frosinone (27' P Joao Pedro) Bologna 3 - 0 Sampdoria (54' OG Tonelli; 69' Pulgar; 83' Orsolini) Udinese 1 - 1 Sassuolo (31' Sensi; 80' OG Lirola) Empoli 2 - 4 SPAL (22' Caputo; 38' P Petagna; 44' Floccari; 47' Traoré; 60' Petagna; 88' Antenucci) Genoa 0 - 1 Torino (58' Ansaldi) Juventus 2 - 1 Fiorentina (6' Milenkovic; 37' Alex Sandro; 53' OG Pezzella) Inter 1 - 1 Roma (14' El Shaarawy; 61' Perisic) >Monday 22nd of April Napoli 1 - 2 Atalanta (28' Mertens; 69' Zapata; 80' Pasalic)
MATCHDAY 34: >Saturday 27th of April 15:00 Bologna - Empoli 18:00 Roma - Cagliari 20:30 Inter - Juventus >Sunday 28th of April 12:30 Frosinone - Napoli 15:00 SPAL - Genoa 15:00 Chievo - Parma 18:00 Sampdoria - Lazio 20:30 Torino - Milan >Monday 29th of April 19:00 Atalanta - Udinese 21:00 Fiorentina - Sassuolo
Because Juve are brainlets. I'd take him or Inzaghi instantly
Anthony Ortiz
I don't know, it's a gut feeling. There's plenty of examples of managers thriving in a team they shaped around themselves but failing in a foreign environment. We didn't see Sarri do great at Chelsea, or Ranieri anywhere else but at Leichester. Even if Dea doesn't make CL, the EL is now almost certain and they have a good shot to reach the Coppa final, it has been a great seasons and sponsorships money will flow. Gasp should stick there for as long as he can.
Ian King
I don't know user, I don't know.
Zachary Ross
He sucked dicks at Inter.
Connor Lee
dunno google says its tomislav jagnjic
tim must be tired
Charles Perry
Dea deserves CL more than Roma, Lazio or MIlan
Aiden Mitchell
Managers grow, but it's very clear this Juve team doesn't want to play for Allegri and have zero creativity or idea what's going on.
Charles Myers
The fact that they hate >us won't make me any less proud of them
Connor Cooper
>the EL is now almost certain No, Torino is just three point s behind and probably Atalanta will loose point the next sunday against Udinese which absolutely needs to win.
Juan Russell
>Chievo went down >Still a chance Udinese could go down Best timeline honestly
Ryan Collins
Inter 61 Milan 56 Atalanta 56 Roma 55
Inter still has to play against Juve and Napoli, don't thank DEA yet, they may still get Inter out of CL.
Owen Moore
All teams competing for the 3rd-4th place are terrible at football - except Atalanta, one of the 3 teams in Italy worthy of playing in Europe. Typical Inter cycle - get a series of wins due to luck, sometimes it even gets them to the 1st place for a period of time, wrongly assume they're good, then when luck runs out they lose points and slip to the usual spot, same with Milan. Fans give out about managers like Pocchettino like "haha, he's never won anything", but the fans are wrong and the club owners should at least be smart enough to understand that the quality of play is more important than immediate results (because it brings results in the long run). How to actually fix Milan/Inter: 1) hire a good manager 2) don't demand any results from him during the first season.
Lucas Davis
>Gian Piero, it's time operation Based Brignoli *click*
Look I don't want to be a ball buster but unless something really awful happens I don't see Atalanta dropping off of the eurozone. Toro comes from 2 awful draws and a refballed victory in Genoa, and they have yet to play Milan, JJ and Lazio. Lazio are 4 points behind and they're in full meltdown. I think it's going to be hard to drop below the 6th place. Still, this season ending is absolute kino
Jayden Bailey
Everyone but Juve is poor as shit and the league board is too retarded to ctually improve the situation.
Andrew Thompson
>9 years ago >for 5 games >Post-triplete Inter who were full of old cunts that didn't listen to anyone >literally no menager did well with Inter for about 8 years after him anyway
Caleb Sanchez
All their season was a choke
William Kelly
>92245195 Problem with Gasperini is what happened at Inter. I don't think he was worse, it's just that Serie A players don't want to play at such high rhytm and with his "old" strategies (3-5-2). He's doing a great job with Atalanta because it has many young players who want to show themselves, while at Inter he had to work with arrogant players that had already won everything. I think he could be good at Juve tho, Spinazzola grew with him and the best matches Juve played this year was with 3-5-2 or similar, but it's not going to happen,
Jack Perry
>hire a good manager Spalletti isn't much but he was the best available >don't demand any results from him during the first season considering nobody even questioned his job despite him almost theatrically dropping to fifth place before getting saved by based Zenga and De Vrij backstabbing Lazio, I'd say nobody pretended much from him
Austin Morales
>Napoli gifting points
Michael Morgan
Porcodio che schifo essere napoletani
Austin Wood
>Problem with Gasperini is what happened at Inter. Inter lockeroom was a mess back then and he was there for one month 9 years ago, and non one did anything good at Inter for the past 8 years anyway.
Grayson Howard
can't wait for them to go back fighting for EL and stop pretending they are rilevant
Jace Robinson
>allegri already with the excuses for next years inevitable CL loss
Wait what did he say, and who the fuck is letting him talk.
Thomas Price
Yeah, I sort of explained it later, but still I think it's going to mark him. I'd be happy if he got another chance to train a big club
Hudson Morgan
He said that the main goal for next season is the Scudetto
Connor Butler
Mate, we are talking about the team that had a chance to get 2nd place but instead choked so hard it fell out of top 4. Fuck it, i wouldn't even care if >we would make it back into the top 4 or not if it weren't for demanding "stars" that want to play in CL. I just want this season to be finally over so that new coach can come over and Leonardo could sell all the shit like the turkshit, kesshit, sushit etc and bring new wingers, midfielder and a left back. Only then >we'll have a chance in Serie A and europe
Christian Gomez
too much black italian players
Camden Watson
Well, at this point they should at least win at least the other 2 scudetti to make it 10 in a row. It seems a more realistic object than the CL
>implying it's anywhere close to that We all enjoy watching them play but let's remember Atalanta is only in the fight because Milan, Inter and Roma keep choking.
Christian Green
Pirlo might become Juve's assistant coach, would be very interesting
-Brescia and Lecce at the top -4 matchdays left -Nothing much has changed when it comes from positions.
Julian Green
Yeah they might pull a new Conte and rise a new top coach, since all the other ones are employed
Give energy to Lecce \o/
Thomas Morales
>Pocchettino like "haha, he's never won anything" yeah it's a stupid argument. hell, top4 (CL qualifictation) is a ''trophy'' in itself given the prize money and exposure you get in CL.
Austin Gonzalez
Name me more than 11 teams Atalanta couldn't compete with on a good day
Ian Brooks
>on a good day Damn already moving the goalposts? A good day doesn't mean shit. Atalanta has no consistency and that's exactly why they're fighting for a spot with Milan and Roma. Is Milan one of the top 12 teams in Europe? Not even Napoli is there. We spent days talking about how Italian teams are shit and can't handle the intensity that other European teams play at during the whole season but you say a team that has huge blackout periods in the middle of a match and can barely play outside of Bergamo is one of the best in Europe. Why? Because it has good days and because you completely ignores how easily they fuck up even during those good days.
Anthony Bailey
For me, 14/15 was the strongest team, what do you think?
boy Conte had some trash 'wing' backs that cost him in europe. >14-15 Pirlo was cooked by then while Licht and Evra were meh 16-19 Khediera ughhh. JJ never quite had a full proof team to really dominate european comps.
Grayson Rodriguez
I was told that selling your best players was easy as long as Beppe one eye was there.
Elijah Bennett
Dzhuve is fucking awful. I never paid attention to the league and only followed them in Europe, never saw them as elite but somehow they managed to get into 2 CL finals (being destroy in both) and even last year they pushed Real if it wasn't for Ronaldos clutch gene.
They are truly bad. Their midfield is disgusting, their offensive players aren't being properly used because of the coach, my mates only needed the 2 or 3 first games of the season to see that this team was going nowhere with this squad and coach. I demand serious changes for next season but you can buy whoever you want, they will never perform well with Allegri at the wheel.
I spit in your face Italian football. You are boring, weak and poor. Cant believe Ronaldo made the mistake to go there
Ethan Martinez
>sabitzer Really? This came out of nowhere.
Gabriel Cooper
> can barely play outside of Bergamo Wtf are you saying? Atalanta is one of the best team outside home, it's probably top 4 in italy in this statistics. Also Atalanta is one of the few team which has real European football: there's no team in /seriea/ which runs more than them.
Lincoln Jenkins
>no UCL >no Coppa At least without TSUnaldo Juve always won the double you fags
>Wtf are you saying? Atalanta is one of the best team outside home, it's probably top 4 in italy in this statistics. sorry brainfart, I had just woke up meant the exact opposite. They're second only to juve in away points I think. >Also Atalanta is one of the few team which has real European football: there's no team in /seriea/ which runs more than them Exactly my point. They're doing this good because they run a lot and the rest of the italian teams don't. As soon as they match the slow tempo of other teams their flaws show up and it happens quite often. In Europe they'd go up against teams that not only aren't as slow as italian teams but can also keep that intensity for the whole match which is something Atalanta can't do
Colton Bailey
The turk goes probably to leipzig. They already had talks last transfer window
Matthew Adams
im abit worried some of the smaller teams will get refballed in favour of a bigger team to europe
Isaac Williams
Stats don't consider the fact that Atalanta has a shallow squad and has inconsistency problems, it's true, but in full organic and with a decent amount of time to prepare I'm sure they could take on almost anyone
Benjamin Collins
Without Gomez or Ilicic Atalanta is pure shit
Austin Butler
i don't buy the intensity arguement. jj drops off because they don't have the technical ability to withstand the more energetic pressing in Europe, nor the counter-attack to punish it. But Napoli played 90 mins no problem against Arsenal and i remember Atlanta blowing an epl team away a couple seasons ago. jj/allegri have set up in a shitty way that make things look worse than they are.
Jayden Roberts
>Marotta and Ausilio want either Dzeko or Lukaku to replace Mauro The Banter Era will never end won't it
there is also some psg money+cavani deal rumoured. dzeko would be horrible mistake. spalletti out
Cameron Howard
Icardi > PSG Dzeko > Inter Higuain > Roma Zaniolo + Manolas > Juventus
Aiden Davis
wtf is "either dzeko or Lukaku" supposed to mean? They are completely different players for what concerns wage, cost, age and technical abilities
Parker Watson
>D'Ambrosio has 5 assists this season, more than any other serie A defender APOLOGIZE
Jace Murphy
how do non juve fags in italy see the poonaldo transfer? >whoa he's great >scam lmao
Asher Martinez
glorified poacher with strong mind. he is bretty useless in build-up cos he doesnt run anymore
Josiah Thompson
They should be happy because people talk about their league and watch their shitty teams now. No one cares about lel liga anymore since he left
Charles Lewis
t. fatia aveiro
Michael Jenkins
Always rated him desu, and i'm not even an Inter customer. He should unironically start for the NT
Andrew Gray
Tired of hearing our media dicksucking him 24/7 Imo Juve could have done better with those 100m and 30m per year, in the league they didn't need him and he's ben ok a best, in CL he was invisble in the group stage and could carry the other shitters vs Ajax. In the end the only game were he really made a difference is the second leg vs Atletico. I guess they sold a lot of shirts tho so there's that.
Charles Foster
if juve doesn't sign gasperini, they're retards. atalanta's been overachieving AND playing attractive/aggressive football for 3 years now. imagine gasperini with juve's logistics where he could rotate 20 players with ease. #cometojuventus >scszsczsz - signing, bonucci, chiellini - cancel, ramsey, bentancur, spinazzola - dybola - keane, ronaldo i bet the ronaldo-keane duo would score 50 goals in serie a alone
Nice argument. Go watch Zaragoza play against Valladolid because no one else will
Grayson Garcia
that game will have more attendance than any serie a game this season lmao admit it, poonaldo is done and with var he won't achieve anything else in his career
Jeremiah Myers
mandzo LITERALLY secured this scudetto for juve in the first half of the season with all those clutch goals and assists
Wyatt Clark
I had a dream where I Miriam was my gf but then Pirlo cucked me (literally fucked her next to me). I tried to stop him but he didn't seem to acknowlege me at all. Probably should stop posting for a while
>Quella cena (dopo la Juve) di Gattuso con l’amico Mendes: lo sponsor per il suo futuro lontano dal Milan. Intanto opzione #ewcastle per Rino se Benitez parte
Joseph Rodriguez
inzaghi coaches the same way. gasp also has ilicic-gomez which is probably better than dybala-keane desu but i agree, now's the time for them to take a chance. allegro has run his race
Lucas Russell
Javi Manquillo > Conti
Juan Williams
Benitez to Milan Gattuso to Newcastle
Brody Brooks
Only if he takes his buttboys with him
Colton Murphy
Anyone is better than Gattuso at this point.
Daniel Taylor
>Gattuso trying to speak english when he doesn't even know Italian well it would be a disaster anything to get rid of that retard, but i'd rather have Gasp
Gabriel Myers
>Dribbly Scugnizz to Milan rumors i'd rather not
Ian Price
Colton Perez
Better option than the turkroach for sure. Anyway there's no way Insigne leaves Napoli
Chase Gonzalez
>there's no way Insigne leaves Napoli Even scugnizzi hate him now
Jonathan Morgan
Well yeah but there are better options for the wing. >Anyway there's no way Insigne leaves Napoli Dunno, he didn't play yesterday and he recently appointed Raiola as agent after all. And this is probably the last year for De La to make bank with him
Matthew Wilson
he's literally entering the last year of his contract with De Laurentiis not wanting to shill for the money Raiola is asking for
Landon Lewis
shell out not shill *
Hunter Harris
can someone translate?
Christopher Anderson
>Allegritries to avertake a car where he can't >cops stop him >he initially is polite but then starts getting angry saying things like "Brigate Rosse (terrorist group that often targeted cops) weren't that wrong after all", "shut up terrone", "i'll make you lose your job" >then dives pretending to pe pushed when some people walk by >then says he was going fast because a relative was sick at home >they later discover it's not even the fist time he does this
Kayden Bell
Based and brigate rossepilled
Josiah Davis
Can I just say that it feels terrible to see Maurito go like this? He was the only symbol in this dumpster fire of a squad, the only reason to be excited for the future, and Ausilio is fucking looking for some boomer born in the 80s that already peaked to replace him. Why does this team has to turn to shit everything it touches
I would prefer him to stay but I wont miss the drama at all when he leaves
He dug his own grave and unless he divorces, Wanda will be his downfall
Jonathan Cooper
>Wanda will be his downfall Don't worry for him user, at PSG he'll be free to statpad some farmers by playing in the local juggernaut and he'll find back his confidence, he'll probably peak his career in Paris. Zapata was never anything but average before litterally the last december, he has a great team that plays great footballs and serve him tap ins in ways that would never be possible for Inter. I wouldn't mind him (if only to take him from the grasps of Nabule, that wants him back), but I think Inter is in dire need of a really good winger to replace Ivan above anything else, possibly someone that could play on both sides or play in an actual 4-3-3 (not the watered down Spalletti version). I know there's Keita but I wouldn't like him as a starter. For the centre-forward role we already have Lautaro, at best we could get some promising young guy to warm his bench.
Nathan Thomas
I would take Icardi for Lukaku I think Lautaro and Lukaku could play together with no problems at all, it would be the classic Tall heavy tank striker with shorter more agile striker duo
According to @CorSport (to be taken with a pinch of salt), Fiorentina have received a serious offer of over €70m from Bayern in the past few hours for winger Federico Chiesa (21)
Anthony Nelson
>implying we'll ever get Church >playing him so low with Polinano This is how I would expect/like Inter to play if Conte came in. A 3 piece defence was already experimented with, and he could be able to make it work. For the rest I basically took the current squad with minimal changes (Godin is already confirmed and Bergwijn is the most hyped name). Some advantages would be: less pressure on finding decent fullbacks, Asamoah actually playing in his role instead of fucking up the defence, flexibility, etc. Of course you could see how this lineup would easily turn into the bald tuscan's trademark 4-2-3-1, although with that formation a better LB than Asa would be needed (and possibly someone better than Neighbour).
>caliomercato: AC Milan offers 40 Mio. + Suso for Insigne
Bentley Lee
hope it's bullsit, you can get better players for less money
Carson Martin
>cazzomercato Stopped reading there
Dominic Price
>Punished Dybala kicked away by the team that made him who he is turning to its ancestral rival for revenge, finding new strenght in hate and in a city with even more hoes and expensive nightlife than Turin Does my fanfiction work anons?
Connor Sanchez
Only correct answer
Jose Lopez
>Calabria is about to have his contract extended until 2024 with double wages (2m/year+bonuses)
Shqip grug on suicide watch!
Julian Anderson
Paulo sighed when the knock came at the door of his hotel room, it was only a couple of hours since Juventus had lost their Champions League group game to Manchester United and he wasn't in the mood to entertain anybody's company. He had almost already forgoten about the knock on the door when a second one came.
"Christiano?" A confused look fell on Paulo's face as he opened the door.
"What are you doing here at this hour?" Paulo asked as he saw Christiano's eyes going up and down his body.
"If you would have let me take that free kick, maybe we wouldn't have lost the game" Cristiano said with a smug smile on his face.
"Are you just here to state the obvious?"
"No, I'm here to make your boipucci mine"
Paulo looked into Ronaldo's deep brown eyes and saw a glint he never saw anywhere else before.
He heard that the eyes were the window into one's soul, but he didn't see anything like that. All he saw was years of pent up lust, waiting to be set free onto whoever Christiano had before him in that instant.
>finally Caldara >finally a back 3 >finally no Chalanoglu or Borini I guess Leonardo took over. All we need now is Zapata over Musacchio, Conti over Calabria (now he can actually play in his role and not suck) and Paquetà starting.
>conti over calabria seems albania has decided to use a proxy from now on
Ryan Collins
Fuck injuries. You know you're in trouble when your midfield is two physically strong africans with mostly defensive qualities. I don't rust keshit neither to deliver the ball to Piatek nor to defend if Baka will try to go forward
Parker Cruz
I rate more Calabria as a fullback but as wingback Conti is way better
>bore the spectators to sleep >make the kit look like a pair of pyjamas Pottery
Logan Ramirez
Because Insigne is a 30 years old manlet that has never proved himself on a big stage. His fame makes him more expensive than he should, and he's not very flexible. I don't see why anyone would want him when for the same price you could get some good winger in his best years.
James Smith
oh god that's unironically the worst kit I've ever seen
already 30? damn. disagree on his quality though. good balance of assists/goals and he's scored against big teams in european cups. but at that age, i wouldn't spend so much.
Dominic Gray
>Literally the same lineup but without a number 10 and a CB at the back Yassss go s°yso slayyyy Expect your old 4-3-3 in the weekend
Benjamin Martin
>I can be your angel or your worst nightmare
Isaiah Flores
Youth FC
Kevin Richardson
Just what you'd expect from Abibas.
Adam Myers
>Choose File >hopesolopusy.png >I'm not a robot >Post
Andrew Campbell
>orange >Juventus now literally has the colors of my basketball team when I was a kid Big yikes. Weren't the leaks pink anyway?
user im all pro 3 in the back but you cannot do that with Dambrosio and Asamoah as wingbacks. Dambrosio is getting old and there is a slow but noticable decline in his speed. Asamoah has been atrocious defensively all season long, he only ever exceled so far when pushing forward in midfield but even then he spends 99% of time passimg the ball backwards, unsure if Spaghettis orders. Radja is dead as an ACM, he cant do shit against actually organized defenses. Keita is not a striker and that is by now obvious to just about anyone. We are about to miss out on a good signing and send him home just because Spalletti cant figure out that the man is a winger.
Also just watch us give away Karamoh like Zaniolo.
I'd much rather start the preseason with Politano as a trequartista because thats what he was often in Sassuolo
>just watch us give away Karamoh like Zaniolo. On this one I have a slight bit of hope because the Girondins will probably never sign him considering his tantrums, and he (or at least his agent) probably realized that Inter is his best shot to fame that doesn't include grinding all the way from midtable teams in lesser leagues. I think that the last year or so proved that the zoomer attitude, if focused and controlled, actually becomes resolve and ambition and creates /strongmind/ players, so if Spalletti can unlock him he could be a great asset. The lineup I posted considered minimal changes, so of course it's not perfect. Anyway I feel that despite everything it's not worth it to replace Spalletti with some random meme guy like De Zerbi or even worse Pioli. I hope that whoever gets trusted with the team is given time to adapt and to have a day in the signings.
>Cristiano Ronaldo has issued Juventus with a six-man list of transfer targets, according to the Mirror, seemingly unaware the main reason Juventus won’t be able to buy those players is because they pay him too much money. At £26m a season Ronaldo earns around five times more than the next best-paid player at the club, but that hasn’t stopped him slapping a piece of paper on Massimiliano Allegri’s desk, scrawled with the names of Real Madrid’s Raphaël Varane and Isco, Benfica’s João Félix, Fiorentina’s Federico Chiesa, Lyon’s Tanguy Ndombélé and Roma’s Kostas Manolas. God I wish I was a """""journalist"""""
David Gomez
Guys when are we seeing Punished Dybala?
Isaiah Brown
surprsingly, yes
Noah Cook
>Roma’s Kostas Manolas. Further proof that this list is not a ronaldo request.
They're just SO good. They had reason to be pissed at kessie and bakayoko (I say this as a leftie romanista) and they just burned that upper hand to the ground between the chants, that letter to salvini asking him to send the police to get the shirt and now this.
I'm losing hope on milan. Hope gattuso getting sacked as soon as possible.
Kayden Wilson
Lmao Nazio fans are so getting their team 3-0'd this time
William Butler
I hope Caldara plays very poorly just for the memes
Dominic James
based lazio
Luis Scott
I can't wait for Lotito to crawl to some resistance monument to beg for forgiveness
Anthony Foster
>page 3 Come on, is nobody following it?
Chase Lewis
Bentley Perez
>RAI casters commenting over and over "let's hope we'll only talk about what happens on the football pitch" Bit late for that fras
Cameron Smith
Julian Richardson
Why the fuck does Rai keep using these awful literal whos when they use their GOAT radio commentators like Repice or Bisantis
Isaiah Mitchell
finnish rai is streaming it online. have to thank ronaldo for finnish channels getting some serie a.
Caleb Stewart
Luis Carter
I have it in RAI
Sebastian Martin
>team run towards the middle >slam into the opposing the defence >they get the ball back >repeat Truly great football so far, what masterful tactics
Oliver Robinson
fuck that looked bad
Henry Barnes
RIP knee
Cameron Hughes
>SMS dead Guess it's gonna be more than just one match suspension
Dominic Russell
Fuck you manlet spanishit
Brandon Davis
Lincoln Robinson
>SMS out bye bye Lazio, better luck next year
Josiah Green
>keep him on the pitch despite the injury >he gets hurt worse GENIUS
Jacob Butler
Feel sad for MS
Alexander Walker
Official petition to dub Lazio "Cryzio" or something like that (you get the drill"
Levi Gray
Luis Perez
All big guys get horribly injured, football is truly the skinny manlet sport
John Long
ooh close. starting to fire up a bit
Easton Lopez
Webm of injury?
David Evans
Luis Young
stream? footybite sucks
Owen Davis
Daniel Gutierrez
>stopping the match because you have to pray Seriously why is this allowed?
Robert Fisher
Carson Reed
When was the last time Milan played exciting football?
Brody Campbell
city- man utd match?
Carter Jackson
>Calabria ded Against Dea in Bergamo
Isaac Ross
>CHADlabria out
Press F for Milan
Bentley King
>Conti in oh no no no no
Noah Ramirez
I don't know what else did i expect from two biggest chockers in the league
Wyatt Richardson
when will Gattuso realize that Samu is better on the right?
Ian Stewart
This isn't Napoli x inter
Levi Perez
fug that was glose
Bentley Morris
Why don't you rate Sushit, he made an accidental assist recently for the first time since last year so he must to be starsting for the reast of the season! Seriously though, i'd rather have Borini on the left if that would be sushit on the bench and Samu on the right wing
Jordan Morales
Lazio looked more dangerous. cmon fra
Gavin Sanders
>bakayoko and kessie >ambrosini and gatusso which one fras?
This is cringe. I hope Rino will finally get fired tonight
Tyler Rogers
are you guys ready for HIM?
Isaac Walker
David Russell
I can't help but think of him as Ezio Greggio from that Phazyo post where Fabio travels to the desolate balkan hills and finds him dwelling in a cave consuming the dying elders of the nearby villages (sorry for the normiebook reference)
Evan Rodriguez
How did you unlock Correa? Atletico de Madrid Correa also scored today
Ethan Campbell
sell Suso, Borini, Castillejo buy Insigne and another good winger procede to win the scudetto, Milan doesn't need anything else
Luis Reyes
>sub your only good winger >sub your only good striker This game is finished, congrats lelzio
Nathan Ramirez
i wanna see acerbi score and celebrate taking his shirt off and showing it
Grayson Howard
There's been like 4x Milan - Lazio games in 3 months and they've all been complete dogshit games that would put anyone off football.
Match in Seria A few weeks ago was won by Milan thanks to the ref
He gave ridiculous penalty for M*lan and didn't notice harsh foul on SMS few minutes later Literal refball
John Sullivan
They will fuck him out this summer. For sure the are not so idiot to sack him now with 5 games left.
Chase Johnson
>while this faggot midget went straight into the tunnel. Because he straight away knew that with bust players like Conti giving up acres of space to the opponent on his flank Lazio would've won easily anyway, what a chad (btw Conti got lucky he wasn't sent off for a double yellow with that late challenge on Bastos)
Dominic Stewart
At this point I wish one of them can steps in and lead the team to eos. We can save a payroll
I'm not surprised with this result desu, Milan will focus on a spot to CL and Lazio on Coppa.
DEA still has to fight for both objectives thou
Jace Parker
>pressure Gattuso into using a 3 piece defence >the squad crumbles Ah yes, the AC Milan masterminds
Isaac Bailey
>Juventus >Naples >Atalanta >Turin
Lincoln Davis
>Match in Seria A few weeks ago was won by Milan thanks to the ref The hell it was. PK was legit. It was a lame ass win but Milan getting favored by the refs is a joke, Milan was one of the most fucked teams in Serie A by the refs this season.
Milan gets several legit penalties denied vs Juve, one vs Roma and serveral etc. whereas Lazio gets a bullshit pk vs Sassuolo.
Seriously get the fuck out of here if you think Milan gets favored by the refs. If Milan were favored by the refs they would have done better than 5 points in the last 6 games lmao.
Ian Clark
And the SMS incident being PK? Get the fuck out of here once again. Savic didn't even ask for a PK and got up immediately without complaining even once. It was never a pk but then again you retarded underage faggots don't know what a penalty is.
Elijah Hall
I want to spend a couple of words about Bastos, with a mind near him he's a very good defender and nobody seems to notice. He need to remain focused on the match, if he keep up this kind of performance i would totally rate him
Michael Long
>Damage controlling Nah fuck you and your precious manlet. We need guys like Conti and Savic not faggot peasants like Calabria.
Eli White
I would take Leo as coach right now.
Daniel Gutierrez
The 3 atb was working fine actually. What's not working is the attack because Gattuso is in love with Suso's dick or some gay shit like that.
Jeremiah Roberts
Is anyone making the new thread?
Jayden Morales
bump limit bros, new thread when
Lucas Thomas
I just noticed I got 3 dubs in a row Worship me brainlets