Why are Slavs so damn good at basketball?
I was looking at a list of white players in the NBA and it was Slav af.
Why are Slavs so damn good at basketball?
I was looking at a list of white players in the NBA and it was Slav af.
Because every Soviet bloc country had multiple basketball courts outside for every commie block.
Because basketball is a low IQ sport.
Yugoslavia wasn’t in the soviet block retard
>like the sport
>poor and stupid enough to view basketball as a way out of poverty but not so poor and stupid they don't have the ability to put two poles with a rim on a slab of a hard surface together or wonder where their next meal is coming from
They are all the same you fukin leaf.
Same reason why nignogs are good at it, good genetics and there's no other option to get out of the ghetto that doesn't involve crime or studying hard.
Not really. Sure you can gorilla your way through to basketball success if you have tons of fast twitch muscle like black American players, but if you're a white guy with slow twitch muscle then you're going to have to rely on your IQ to trick your opponent into biting for a block and go by him.
>he says while watching handegg
Only when it suits you you nigger, we are proud turko-mongols, go fuck yourself.
I don't watch any American sports.
I'm just gonna say it, most slavs in the NBA are not that athletic. there are some excpetion but as a general rule they have a high BBall IQ and are great shoters.
But they are tall as fuck so there is that.
Yeah I meant our height when I said "good genetics". Fast twitch muscles won't necessarily get you far in basketball, unless you are a literal freak of nature like Lebron/Durant/Giannis. Notice how most hyper-athletic guys in NBA have limited roles on their teams, roles that come down to being a defensive specialist/slasher/lob catcher.
cringe and uneducated
fuck off phone shitter
The secret is being able to eat an entire pan of burek by age 12
>fined for saying 'no homo'
nice freedom you got there, mutts
The full body squatting from birth develops explosive power.
Isn't your country Slav?
He would have been jailed in the UK so I'd say it's alright.
Handegg is actually a very high IQ sport so I dont know what you even mean with that comment. Its basically a strategy war game. divegrass is by definition a low IQ game.
He was fined by the NBA, since he was representing the NBA at an official NBA event. Not the government retard.
>almost entirely sub 90 IQ niggers in the sport
>the preferred sport of low IQ Southern nigs and rednecks
>"high IQ"
They’re the chess pieces and the QB and coach are high IQ you dumb fucking leaf
the "niggers" are trolls, pawns of a grand strategy. They dont make calls or plays, they are grunts told what to do. It by far has the most depth out of any physical sport. I am hardly an american football fan to begin with but I will put my bias aside and admit this truth. I prefer hockey desu.
>muh sub 90 IQ nigs are the chess pieces who execute simplistic 5 second players where they run forward and cut left
>muh fat redneck amerifat coach is some mental genius
>one position is high IQ
>the other 10 aren't
So you're telling me niggercrash is the lowest IQ sport in the world.
The white dudes that play are almost entirely higher than average iq. The nogs are all actual retards who can barely speak english.
>look at these guys in suits that have no impact on the game
>Less than 10% of the positions in the sport have a IQ higher than monkey-level nog
Sure sounds high IQ to me.
>was agreeing with you
Are you sure you are not a brainlet nigger as well?
american football has more depth and strategy than sawker and thats a fact.
True, but 90% of Handegg players are just QB and coach minions, meanwhile everyone in Soiccer must have awareness and some sort of IQ.
I ca
>run forward
>cut left or right
>90% of players are just doing this
>a play that includes more than 2 passes are considered "complex"
Wow so much strategy
we are very athletic, almost everyone is good in SOME sport
not true
It's only high IQ for the coaches and QB's