/heem/: Polyamory Edition



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Other urls found in this thread:



Askren was out

How the hell does a baby have instagram?

weird that you'd post that
or know about it

inb4 heemed conor fanlets spam about how conor really won the war by twittering or some sad flushed excuse

>he doesn't follow Tiger for the latest updates

Poirier beats Conor in a rematch

Attached: 1555220590743.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Gaethje beats Conor and beats Porier in a rematch

Attached: gaethje.png (258x364, 224K)

in 20 years nobody will remember Khabib, only Conor.

Conor will be looked at as a pioneer that elevated the sport of MMA, not Khabib.

Khabib is married to a towel in some desolate barren shithole freezing his ass off while Conor owns a place in LA, Miami, and Ireland.

Conor won at life, Khabib won a 25 minute fight.

Attached: megan.png (270x294, 167K)

Dustin won the fight AND the story against Max but against Conor sadly he will only win the story of the fight plus the wife's tits of the fight

Poirier is Max's daddy
Iaquinta is Kevin Lee's daddy
Jones is DC's daddy

Any other notable times where a fighter loses twice to the same guy?

People don't even remember Conor anymore m8 and its barely been a couple years

Conor lost the story big time

>becomes the patriarch of your entire bum family

Attached: IMG_4163.jpg (250x323, 21K)

Conor definitely lost the fight, the battle, and probably a multitude of incoming legal battles. Hes a sad product of consumerist culture and a puppet. He enjoys Gucci pajamas like a good cuck now but inevitably Dee Devlin will get sick of the antics and come after him for big child support money. He will be a tabloid clown the rest of his life. His country is already tired of him.

Khabib is a hero to his nation. He comes from a culture of honor, tradition, values. Where women respect men. He will be smiling in the sun, a legendary figure, eating grapes, looking on at a photo of him and Muslim/Russian world leaders proudly, while Sperglord Conor forever is chased by paparazzi, sperging and smashing phones, getting arrested, and called out chumps as his fighting skills diminish naturally, and finish his career in prison for evading taxes.

I'd rather be Khabib.

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I could rest my balls on your forehead

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jones and gus
holloway and aldo

dustin is aldo's granddaddy

What are some heems?

Robert and Yoelito on paper

Attached: Robert_Whittaker_vs_Yoel_Romero.jpg (850x566, 62K)

Attached: 1542230772225.webm (720x720, 1.24M)

Hog Jitsu Black Belt

Conor is a bum and so is Khabib

Attached: Tony descending.jpg (767x431, 930K)

TJ is Cody's daddy

Cejudo vs TJ

>black guy in the zebra shirt laughing his ass off

literally me

Attached: gangsta vs trained fighter.webm (406x720, 2.95M)

The fat cholo is strapped. Dude is lucky that he didn't get shot.

did he died?


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It was an arranged fight, like they agreed to fight each other.

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Kino heem

What is the proper defense against a 280 pound landwhale hip tossing you?

There isn't one. DC has the same build as her that's why he's so good at heavyweight.

why is he wearing two shorts?

Play dead and pray she's not in heat.

DC vs Stipe

Probably changes into his under shorts for PE

when you skip leg day

redpill on cucks in mma

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just needs a 9gag watermark now

Extremely redpilled post and as true as Jesus words, is not surprise that the dorks here get angry at this

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Thank you

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Saku bless

>true as Jesus words
Says the Spic

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Sometimes I wish I was a beefy stocky manlet so I could pull of sweet takedowns like that.

I may have gone too far in a few places.

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Conor was never good

I don't know shit about MMA. Does anyone utilize sumo techniques?

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Watching Rizin weigh ins

Attached: rizin.png (1318x714, 920K)

Short answer: no. Long answer: no and watch UFC 1 and 2.

I wanna /heem/ that ring girl in 1

Attached: rizin pan.png (1265x703, 802K)

Attached: dicksrizin.jpg (1089x606, 68K)

Kitaoka thinks he's in muh anime

Is that Bill Goldberg working security back there

Scott Steiner baby

how many bing bongs till the fights

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8 bongs 40 bings

>Mayweather vs. McGregor in boxing
>Pacquiao in Rizin
>Artem vs. Paulie in bareknuckle
When did the fucking memes take complete control

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Rena's got some curves

Memes will save MMA.

Attached: aaHKU35.webm (684x854, 1.9M)

For me, it's Daniel "DC" "Double Champ" Cormier. He's such a good guy, and he has a great dad bod. Him and Ben "Funky" Askren, of course.

Attached: Champchamp.jpg (1000x652, 123K)

Attached: Benashighart.jpg (804x1361, 113K)

I realize that you're being ironic and that people here think liking DC is reddit. But I genuinely like the dude.

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! XD

The reason dc is a fake double champ: because he actually is the ultimate fighting machine. he actually is one of the best

The reason conor is the real only double champ:
he isnt very good. has a retarded fighting style. still somehow went undefeated long enough to get a shot at jose aldo, fluke ko'd. talked his way into getting a second title shot and someone ko'd alvarez the same way briefing proving he was as good as he said.

Kid looks like hes 5 and is like 2, imagine what a big dumb fucking idiot its gonna turn into, oh wait

Never forget.

Attached: bigbrownnuts.jpg (1794x857, 105K)

That journalist guy on the left is so cringe at least Schaub actually fought in the ufc even if he wasn't that good. And schaub is actually funny sometimes unlike that reddit guy.

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Both get heemed by Khabib and Gillespie

Daniel "Daniel Cormier" Cormier


Gillespie is based. He just wins all his fights and then disapears after he gets his paycheck to do whatever he wants because he knows belts are a meme.

Gonna buy some snacks for the fights soon

t. Scheeb
The Schmo is /ourguy/

Yep gonna buy some chips at the supermarket
Maybe some ANZAC biscuits to remember our fallen soldiers

i'm from the netherlands
therefore, i would kickbox the hell out of each and everyone of you!

what flavor
but can you defend a double leg flat-lander

You misspelled "get stabbed by a Moroccan".

>*takes you and your flag down*
Sorry kiddo, you never stood a chance.


Attached: toober.jpg (1080x1350, 198K)

The only flavour of chips that matters, Salt & Vinegar

Attached: 586815.jpg (1200x1200, 112K)

would fug/10
the woman can fuck off


>Salt and vinegar in a pink bag

Fuck are you lads doing

>gets kneed to death into the thai clinch

Imagine paying for UFC 237 holy fuck lads


Post their makeout session now where they frenchkiss

What colour are they in bong land?

horey shet just realised Rizin is tmrw, thank you Japanese Jesus

Our green bags are reserved for chicken flavours and the Light&Tangy mystery flavour

Attached: green chips.jpg (2507x1200, 357K)

Salt n vinegar is green.

But balsamic vinegar is purple, not green

Green, the only correct colour

You boys are a crazy

reem via ko knee 2nd
islam via jihad 1st
sergei via split dec
roxanne via split dec
jotko via sub 2nd

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Aesthetically speaking we got it right

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Ural hulk won't fight. Has some "health problems"

The schmo did an ama on reddit

who's watching rizin

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that fucking zoom in on his sleepy face is the funniest shit i've ever seen

Attached: belly bump.webm (1920x1080, 1.98M)

No one

Confirmed /ourguy/

What colour you do the prawn cocktails? You even got that flavour?

Have never heard of nor seen prawn cocktail flavoured chips in my life

Salt and Vinegar is and always has been blue packaging you fucking subhumans

Green is Jalapeno and Pink is Sweet Onion

Its always been that way it will always be that way YOU FUCKING GAYLORDS

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Neither of you invented WALKERS so you can just fuck off.

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>thinks he has the authority on colours.
>can't even spell the word correctly.

Daniel "Dominick Cruz" Cormier

when does Gregor get a top10? dude is based

ur a nigga faggot? ok

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>Main card is @ 1AM

Attached: crying shitposter.jpg (389x379, 53K)

We don't have vinegar in ours. It's only salt and the package is yellow
Majority of time it's how I watch it. American cards end around 9am for us

How does a world class champ champ Conor McGregor always gas in the third like an absolute shitstain of a can?

Your flag is his flag but sideways.

Irish genes.

he is ranked #10 now so anything else would be criminal, but the yuf-c is a circus

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how big is your penis and who is your favorite fighter?
8 inches
johnny walker

I would knock you to kingdom come.

8 inches
Johnny walker

-3 inches

8 Inches
Johnny walker

4 inches
Jon Jones

I'm a girl

Attached: FUNKY.png (700x1000, 24K)

Girls can have penises too.

An actual girl not a disgusting tranny

Attached: 20-0 soon.png (836x909, 154K)

Does an 8 inch johnny-walker-fan's penis satisfy you?

>people into Salt & Vinegar

So you're the niggers making 20% of the big variety packs inedible with your disgusting taste preferences

Card starts soon, discord trannies seething

For me, it's prawn cocktail crisps

Attached: walkers_crisps_pickled_onion.png (340x420, 182K)

where's my stream lad?

Wmma fights should be gi only and they are naked underneath.

Change my mind.

I try not to interact with b*ltic niggers

dustins wife is hot. that dress ...

no one took the pics? also yee haw

Attached: 321321321321.webm (720x406, 2.91M)

poirier and max is a size thing ultimately. a frame, and the heart/lung size it is built with, carries you as far as you can push it. but sometimes another dude is just bigger.

like conor going up he was going to gas twice as fast because his furnace is a certain size, no matter how much 8 meal a day muscle you put on it.

Stop posting this webm

Remember /heem/, don't prioritize watching fight cards over going to church for Easter. It's the Lord's day, he is risen indeed. Hallelujah. Some of you may be tempted to stay up and watch, but these impulses are wrong. Go to bed. Go to church.

>worshipping a dead kike one a stick

Attached: heem DC mugs Peahead.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

a true martial artist. is going to gank adesanya.

even if you are a manlet, you would have monster kids. it is known.

In many ways this is a kino card

How many bings and bongs until prelims?

One bong 12 bings

1 bong 10 bings

Derrick Cormier is easily a top 3 all time great.

>Derrick Cormier
This some shit discord tranny meme?

you mean daedalus cormier?

This. Who has prawn cocktail flavoured chips lmao

stream where brehs?


>game lets you uppercut

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Did they do all the steroids?

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For sure, my man. But I disagree.

Attached: schaub final hug.webm (810x638, 2.4M)

Thanks friendos, hoping for a comfy card with a nice Reem win too.


life is simple and it is complex, but mostly it is just cruel. you nailed it.

you got geographically /heem/ed. diversity is strength.

Ugh. Main card is at midnight. Fuck staying up to watch Roxane Modaferi getting her shit pushed in again.

It's gonna be great

Get rekt

kettle is always solid, but smiths for sure. red rock is a plastic pretender.


indonesian folk music is pretty good

I'm a Conor fan because all of his fights are exciting. I couldn't care less about his antics or so called excuses. Khabib won, no doubt about it. Did he completely destroy Conor? No, people just like to overexaggerate the whole fight because of ''muh Khabib overhand'' that connected. I still believe Conor has a fair chance of wining if he does his homework, mainly because Khabib simply isn't that good.

Val's sister is a bum.
Looked like shit on Tuesday Night Contender whatever.

i love japs

Are you a fan of biotroll's mega?

bio-what now? what in tarnation

diff seamonkey but it's a peach fer shure, b


oh it's some Yea Forumsretard? yikes

How many bongs until fights?

t. mu retard

I'll admit, I've never seen her fight, but she looks good on the pads/bags(I know, I know). And Roxy is not getting better with age. WMMA is such a shit show.

Could you post some Indonesian rock/metal music

Who wins, Rockhold or Rakic?
>Rockhold 200lbs lean, 6'2 in reality
>Rakic 220lbs lean, 6'3-6'4 in reality

I have to go with Rakic

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johnny walker is so alpha he can't help himself but hump anything that comes near him

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5 bings
Get your fight fan socks on

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rogan is 3''4 tall, there's no way rakic is 6''4

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He's a gay mutt Twink. Not even 6'6

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-19-16-28-49-775_com.android.chrome.jpg (1080x1092, 313K)

oh for sure rockhold is only 200 my guy 15 pound weight cuts are a m-m-munster

Lel, Rogan is 5'3 and in heels, but Rakic is slumped down
Just look at pic related

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-19-16-23-19-542_com.android.chrome.jpg (1080x1357, 258K)

I counted with heels, rogan is 2''1 without heels

what an adventure, the rap segment at 2:40 was really something else

You imbecile. He's 200lbs LEAN. 205 lbs AT MOST. And everyone has a different tolerance for weight cuts, you room temp IQ mutt

Can you fucktards fuck of already

Man, this is not bad. LMAO.


Attached: rbk-1153-0004-Reebok-Conor-McGregor-UFC-Socks.jpg (2048x2048, 499K)

>future LHW champ
>future LHW and HW champ

God really is a Serb, boys

Attached: download (1).jpg (226x223, 9K)

I'll fuck you of if ynomsayian?

oh yeah for sure my guy, 20 pound weight cuts are a munster and he is for sure walking at the lhw limit youre a peach my guy

We need you to engage

How much do they cost?

if d*bs i stay up and watch the fights


>responding to the spammer

based Johnny G's on commentary

Attached: based black sun.jpg (656x732, 261K)

Kino casting trio

Luke said on the Thomas show he's around 220 lbs, and that's before camo. He looked kinda bloated
When Rakic walks around 235 before camp

What can I say?

Who is commentary team?

Megan and Karen



>tfw still no leaked Nunes Ansaroff sex tape

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Attached: team.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

>luke he says he is 220 pounds

>so he weighs 200

youre a verizonary my guy

Attached: 91581686-ABD4-4816-9063-1BD5325F671F.jpg (487x700, 60K)

Fites are on? All I see is nate diaz riding a bike

Enter my guard, faggot

Attached: no-bisping.jpg (1280x720, 198K)

Magumbo flushes the HW division

anyone else wanna eat out daniel "daedalus centurion" cormier's ass?

Wasnt wearing my glasses and thought Dan Hardy was in blackface on the right

Ugh start the fights already. I'm used to comfy 2pm sunday prelims not 2am sunday prelims.
Got work in morning but gunna try stay up as I have a feeling this will be a action packed card.

He himself confirmed he gets down to 200-205 before he starts truly cutting weight. Until then he gets leaner in the camp. It's how it works
Just compare the current respective heights and physiques of Luke and Rakić, and you'll see I'm right.

Overeem can't lose to a bum like Oleinik... r-r-right?

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Two blacks?

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Amanda is based

Attached: amandachampchamp.png (754x564, 700K)

Very international card.

Attached: card.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

I could KO Overeem, of course he can lose

Are both of these guys mountain Kebabs?

He's a low IQ, cheating, lying about height, Fedor backstabbing MUTT
I HOPE Russian brother Oleynik batters him back to the Congo

oh for sure my guy it is a munste for sure and you are hunny persent a geneus


Well he fought smart in his last fight so he'll probably find a way to get flushed tonight.



Attached: amanda nunes shhhhh.jpg (636x344, 61K)

Jotko was the chosen one.

don't know how bongs watch fights these late

finna heem myself nom sayn

I wish I could impregnate her

He's a turbo chinlet

What's the difference between a mountain and a desert kebab?

We geeeeeeeet ittt, we geeeeeeeet it, you're funny and quirky. Now go show these pretty maymays to your mom

atleast it will be by submission. the guy's brains are mush by now for getting ko'd so many times.

Amanda vs Almond is THE fight to make


Nunes just about flushed 135 and 145, just needs to finish Holly
Nunes and Andrade, my favourite WMMAs

it'll be pretty hype if islam "mini khabib" gets dominated, the guy he's fighting is one hell of a prospect.

We talmbout strait up shitposin? Y’blockbuster, lithania is the new uber

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Idk, Kebab losing would be a hundred times sweeter, since he cries after defeat

Very international prelims too

Attached: prelims.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

>tfw Antonina beats the autism out of Roxy

Can't wait.

Attached: antonina4.jpg (480x480, 35K)

*kneels and dabs to Mo Bamba*

Talmbout some diversity my man, not racist by the way, I loved black panther.

Also ready for fiziev to fuck this guy up on the feet.

>oh for sure rockhold is only 200 my guy 15 pound weight cuts are a m-m-munster

>oh yeah for sure my guy, 20 pound weight cuts are a munster and he is for sure walking at the lhw limit youre a peach my guy

>oh for sure my guy it is a munste for sure and you are hunny persent a geneus

this is what /heem/ does to a man

Attached: Schermafbeelding 2019-04-12 om 19.18.40.png (514x422, 268K)

based russia

I remember when Rustam Khavilov was going to be the next big prospect.

Was he Ismagulovs first opponent? Thought he did alright since Ismagulov is an unironic beast

I'll go through the labour of producing the World Cup post, which are the main appeal of European cards given how Dana doesn't like giving us good fighters. I'm considering the Caucauses and Russia as separate to show how much the Dagestanis dominate the card.

>Mustafaev (Dagestan) vs Fiziev (Kyrgyzstan)
>Antigulov (Dagestan) vs Oleksiejczuk (Poland)
>Abdurakhimov (Dagestan) vs Tybura (Poland)
>Yakovlev (Russia) vs da Silva Coelho (Brazil)
>Aliev (Dagestan) vs Nakamura (Japan)
>Evloev (Ingushetia - another Caucasian islamic shithole like Chechnya and Dagestan) vs Woo Choi (S.Korea)
>Jotko (Poland) vs Amedovski (Macedonia)
>Modafferi (USA) vs A. Shevchenko (Kyrgyzstan)
>Pavlovich (Russia) vs Golm (Brazil)
>Makhachev (Dagestan) vs Tsarukyan (Armenian-Russian)
>Oleynik (Russia) vs Overeem (Netherlands)

One American on the entire card.
That must be a record surely.

Would it ever be possible to hold a UFC event in Dagestan or is it too dangerous?
I'm sure it's corrupt enough to find millions out of nowhere to build the appropriate arena size.

Reeeeeee the card was supposed to have started why are they never on time REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THE CARD ISN'T EVEN GOOD

Bisping said he couldn't be bothered covering these but they did ask him

hah yes when he suplexed that guy then did literally nothing for the next 5 fights

After 15 or so losses and her still being autistic I think Roxanne is stuck being retarded

TJ is turning into Schaub

Attached: 3F5A3FDE-F18B-4E87-AC2C-CE26C80870B8.jpg (371x445, 14K)

Dagestanis are Russian

>American ads

Oleksiejczuk is the only fighter I'm genuinely excited about here.

There's a few others that might turn out to be pretty good prospects. The rest are journeymen.

>>Jotko (Poland) vs Amedovski (Macedonia)
>>Modafferi (USA) vs A. Shevchenko (Kyrgyzstan)
>>Pavlovich (Russia) vs Golm (Brazil)
>>Makhachev (Dagestan) vs Tsarukyan (Armenian-Russian)
>>Oleynik (Russia)

who are these people

It would be safer than a UFC event in Rio, remember when they got robbed there

yeah like I said I separated them to show how much they dominate the card.

Mustafaevs first fight since Kevin Lee flushed him

what song is this

l..lads I can't seem to find an early prelims stream

Bomfunk MCs - Freestyler

>titleshot on the line

I’ll heem you by me

cazzie detected


Disturbed - Face the Pain

it's on espn plus my guy

have a good one bud enjoy the fights

we Wanderlei

Almost 2 and a half years ago. Fiziev is gonna starch him.


Good call, it's really crazy to look at, how are all these people signed?

Here we GO our FIRST prelim of the night

Attached: f1.jpg (1280x720, 180K)

237 and 238 are permaflushed events. Ufc shot their wad hardcore and now i don’t see a banner event till July. Nothing but pirated fight nights the day after for me.

>Who is Oleynik
There's no way to not know who this guy is unless you are a mega turbo cazzie.

Cyka blyat

They gave Punk a hot meal for one punch and a place to sleep for the second, amazing deal for a BUM


fer shure my guy the guy who fought junior albini is a proper name 100% it's tuff b

nobody is streaming this.

>it's an early early card
wtf im celebrating easter fuck you ufc

quit trying so hard

did your father ever kidnap your mother?
is that the norm over there?



until you get on the metric system, you have NO BUSINESS talking about standards.


thought it was a body shot 2bf

holy shit that kick

Another one

Fuck, lmao.

how exactly does one "celebrate" Easter?
In the UK we celebrate it by not going to work for Friday and Monday.
What exactly is done to celebrate it?


>Switch to thread to shitpost
>miss heem

Every time lads. I'm getting really frustrated. How do I /heem/ whilst I heem?

Attached: mustafaev-vs-fiziev.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)


Attached: brenton heckin schweb.jpg (1080x1080, 222K)


State of this ref

Holy fuck

Cans already getting BTFO

Headlined a card against Mark Hunt
Has fought somma da best

>Wins via illegal strikes to the back of the head
The city of Russia

ahahah le kickboxing champion btfo by a dagestani wrestler

No and no. Stop eating Vice's diarrhea

>getting KO'd through the Guard
literally how

all in on this dude. peak efficiency for his weight class with thai wreckages. willfuckupjonjones/10.

here in the country that INVENTED crisps (the correct term for what you filthy colonists call chips) blue has always been cheese and onion.

I feel a fool, but he was in no way out.
UFC debut nerves must of fucked him, he's a legit fighter.

Everyone is, what are you talking about? Just use ripple you faggot

Go to Church and hear the good news

post links

Attached: mustafaev-vs-fiziev.replay-1.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

You hide eggs all over the house filled with candy, and make people find them. What are you some kinda third worlder?

I have my answer

Unironically early stoppage, also love how refs don't give a fuck about illegal strikes in finish situations


Weird stoppage but the guy was probably done.


twitchy where you at

Attached: mustafaev-vs-fiziev.replay-2.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>curled up like a bitch
>doesn't try to improve position
it was ok

>You hide eggs all over the house filled with candy, and make people find them
This post was made by a paedophile.


Nice illegal strikes.



yes a very legit fighter, in many ways he won the fight and it was an early stoppage

>You hide eggs all over the house filled with candy, and make people find them. What are you some kinda third worlder?
>"It's a find-the-candies holiday!!"
That flag.
How about you think for a while about what Easter actually is, and means?
Maybe go to church?

Attached: mustafaev-vs-fiziev.replay-3.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

other dude is so much bigger

After being 6-0 on his entry to the UFC, that Kyrgyz is now 6-2.
He looked amateurish with all due respect to the Kyrgyz poster.



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You guys get Monday too? We only get Friday.

Go to /int/ and post "Easter?" with a picture of a smug frog


He hardly threw anything. Definitely looked hesitant.

>punches back of your head and walks off to accept DQ
>nothing personnel

Longer cut they showed later

Attached: mustafaev-vs-fiziev.replay-1.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

*grabs you by the shirt collar*
just relax

Phonepost dumbass

fuck you, fight me. you probably complain about coriander as well.

I go to the easter egg hunts and all the local churches, mini golf course, etc around town and drop off fake eggs filled with fightpass and espn+ advertisements.

That was his debut, he's now 6-1.

Nah I'm just in damage control, hes still my boy tho cant have all the dagis win.

There are at least 2 of us.
Poor Rafael tho. I hope he'll get another chance and won't be fired just like that.

Attached: what-did-he-see.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)

But if I look away at my phone I will miss the heem
I am relaxed now.
But don't do that again.

The amount of cazzies in this thread is amazing

mustafaev wins the kevin lee rematch

Fights on tv
Heem on laptop for webmasters
Heem on phone for shitposting

stream heemy

hate how American treat workers tbqh

Literally treated like cattle and then told to be grateful for it.

Nobody goes to Church on holidays, that defeats the point

Autoerotic asphyxiation tbf

Why would there be cazzies in an early morning card thread?

Proper form

Really struggling to understand the schmo still. He has sent me into a bit of an existential crisis

Attached: crowd-1.webm (1280x720, 2.11M)

brofist lithuania

Bing bongs finally get a card that's at a reasonable hour

Oh yes Dan hardy hes not small he just moves quicky

not much better in the UK tbqh

based and redpilled
>w-who cares that he lost, he’s still more f-famous


Azeri diaspora here

Nardwuar but for MMA


But no streams are up/working

Attached: oleksiejczuk-vs-villante.replay-2.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Call the winner/method/rd of this fight right now

I am the only none casual in this thread

Azeri whores are top-tier

niggers aren’t welcome here

Espn+ is doing fine on my iPad?!

I know one but I'm not sharing

we get multiple paid days off a year and get a shit load of health benefits

we might pale in comparison to other euro cunts (and maybe even aussies) but contrasting us against America we're a worker's paradise.

>he doesn't know about the secret str/heem/


Doesnt leave first round.

Attached: oleksiejczuk-vs-villante.replay-1.alt.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)


Lol this isn't on ESPN+ yet

I can only speak to London but your wages are fucked

Attached: f2.jpg (1280x720, 179K)

Quite hungry lads, what's good fight food?

Literally watching a flawless stream right now.

fucking bum ass streams dying over and over again


lmao what a fight

Holy fucking HEEM







I'll accept payment in pics of your gfs tits



Poland absolutely based

Posting the goat fight snack

Attached: zatarains-crawfish-boil.jpg (800x800, 127K)

Kino card so far

This card is already great.

Attached: 1543638818301.jpg (329x330, 21K)


>counters you



spicy shloberknockers tonight, all these Dagestanis eager to show their mettle

What did I just watch

depends on the job
from my family: cabbies and carpenters are getting fucked but there's no better time to be an electrician

swings and roundabouts

That card gonna be spicy af

This is how Masvidal beats Askren

Antigulov is one mad sloppy bastard

>I haven't got a good enough memory to recall how many times he was knocked down

wtf Gooden? It was 20 seconds ago and it's literally your job to pay attention

What a spicy start.

Ripple is
Not the best but if you can get a decent connection it’s solid

Damn that Russian dude got dropped like 4 times holy shit

Actually murdered

*Chinlets you 3 times*
psst nothing personal kid

this card is off to a good fucking start

Attached: oleksiejczuk-vs-antigulov.long.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

This is THE man to finish ol' jonny bonny

A Russian getting exposed by a superior Polish warrior

Wake up Angela

Attached: CVICoIfUwAABbhm.jpg_large.jpg (818x1024, 145K)


>all the cazzies that skipped this card

Attached: 1552178930822.gif (800x450, 2.59M)

I told you guys this card would deliver sloppy bangers and quality heems. No need to apologize to me though, it's ok

This card is lowkey spicy as h*ck.


Why are they translating through Russian, twice?

>3x translations
A translation for each heem

I didn't even cop that they were LHWs legit thought they were fighting at welter

>translator for the translator

Attached: oleksiejczuk-vs-antigulov.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

One is Polish

>johnny walker

Attached: jon-jones-crying-press-conference-doping.jpg (1300x724, 69K)

And he wont fight any of them

BASED WALKER will get it done.


Did this guy beat Khalil?

Glad I stayed up until 1am for this card desu lads.

Attached: 1548143655064.jpg (1290x960, 190K)

Akward af mutting this shit

Attached: oleksiejczuk-vs-antigulov.replay-1.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Imagine being so new you think Jon Jones dodges fights.

Rakic has no chin

Attached: 1540426260309.gif (306x205, 2.97M)

Oleinik has been fighting exactly for as long as I have lived

>this is what cazzie muttburgers believe

Attached: 1551665372634.jpg (762x957, 73K)

No Contest he pissed hot but he did win by decision

>Being scared of fighting Chael fucking Sonnen on short notice

Attached: cocks shotgun.webm (640x640, 588K)

Attached: oleksiejczuk-vs-antigulov.replay-2.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

will knock out a Shamil

Attached: GettyImages-696883824.jpg (780x440, 44K)

It's entirely possible

Askren was out

Oleinik is the most underrated man at HW.

>ducked Fedor
>ducked Chael 2nd time
FACT he will duck Izzy and Bobby when they come up to LHW

>he pissed hot
oh shit

Hw is dead, of course no one knows him

I'm an Askren fan but if he loses it goes like that

>I like my GOATs to be brainlets
He wants to make sure he wins. Look what happened when he did fight Chael. Not to mention Chael was seen as somewhat of a threat at that point

>Masvispic browses /heem/
3 piece and soda xD

Attached: 1546641371606.jpg (300x300, 29K)

nah senpai

Chael has fought Silva, Fedor and Jones. The man has no fear, I understand why he didn't want to fight him on short notice.

What is this haircut?

Attached: oleinik.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Attached: abdurakhimov-vs-sherman.replay-1.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

You're right, it will just be a coincidence that Jon moves to heavyweight when those guys are in the top 10.

the last neckbender




They're all cousins of Khabib

Attached: tybura-vs-pesta.replay-3.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

What kind of head shape does that Felder guy have???

>Olivi surrounded by 4 security guards

why tho

Russia is a muslim country and she is showing her hair, very dangerous!

Bold but hasn't given up

Irish Negroid

Protect her from getting heemed and raped in the heeming and raping capital of the world

Attached: blocked.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

How does Megan Olivi smell like bros?



Attached: mirror.png (750x1334, 1.59M)


field mice

Abdulrakhimov vs Tybura is a pretty good fight, why is it so low on the card?

Tybura beat Struve, Abdul beat Arlovski

blooming lavender dryer sheets

Orange blossom water


Kek good spot

Joseph Benavidez

Fuck off, Luke

I sniffed the screen and I think you'd be surprised.

Matzo balls and Gefilte fish. I don't think you can get more JUSTED than being a kiklet that fucks a spic manlet

for sure the fights further up on the card are higher profile



15 minutes gay-porn on ground

What am I looking at here

fair point

Tybura also beat arlovski

>Walking out to TJ PEDashawls walkout song
That's a yikes my man. Tybura is over.

same as every other holiday
drink copious amounts of alcohol and eat huge amoubts of holiday food

>weight cuts

pick one and only one

then who was phone?


Is Felder still being overshadowed by the 2 Brits again?

Makhachev on some next level Spiderman shit

salty cunt. degenerate britbongs cant fight for shit. id bet on a rat from a dagestani sewer than a faggot from London