Why are north african clubs much better than other African regions when sub saharans players in Europe are much better than North african players
Why are north african clubs much better than other African regions when sub saharans players in Europe are much better...
More money, better training conditions, best club structure while still being subhumans (which means african talent go early to europe and don't get to play in central african teams)
>while still being subhumans
kys golfillo
For me it's js kabylie the stringest berber team in Africa
because north africans are a step above sub saharians in evolution terms
The same reason european clubs are better than clubs from other regions. More money from sponsors.
Hey lads, I'm from Spain yet I like to copy retarded americans.
>Retarded americans
Why do yoy faggots wanr to force this image that only americans are /pol/tards and racists. Far right and populist parties in Europe exist before the cringy American alt right
Simply obssesed. They like to shit on america all the time.
the real story here is clearly TP Mazembe, considering how much of a mess dr congo is
lose weight Cletus
Also just lol at saying north african teams are "much better" than subsaharian teams whilst posting a picture that shows that it's in fact 30x24, a gap of just six titles between them.
And from your pic we can also see that there are more subsaharian clubs with continental titles than north africans, 14 against 12.
Fuck off you clown.
because lots of /pol/ american zoomers go to other boards and post racist bait thinking that all of Yea Forums is a competition to see who is the most racist and edgy
Lol why are you mad. What does the number of clubs have to do with anything. Also north african population is lower thab sub saharan population
Then you ain't a retarded anti vaccine, flat earther american who traditionally and institutionally targets black people. Simple.
Why just americans. I've seen racist jokes and shit from all countries both on /int/ and Yea Forums
Nice buzzwords. Btw it's a myth that Americans are the main anti vaxxers and flat earthers in the world. The anti Vax movement in Europe is big too and flat earther retarded groups are actually very diverse
Br user are you also the anti American left wing /int/ br who complains about american cia coups in South America ?
North Africans aren't bad compared to Subsaharans nowadays though, Algeria chokes a lot but the Maghreb in general is very solid, specially Morocco currently
I get mad at mentally challenged people who can't even count the number of titles and clubs holding those titles before making a shitty nonsense thread on my board.
Honestly you're the retard, 30x24 is huge when you consider Egypt and the Maghreb are a clear minority in Africa population wise.
Unlike you, I've actually lived and worked in africa a few years, mostly the north but south too
the north feels like going 50 years to the past
the south feels like going 150
you may not like the truth, but it is what it is
you wouldn't believe how hard it is to close a single shitty sale when dealing with africans
feel free to travel and spend some time around africa before insulting those who have actually been there
I'm just glad the truth makes a retard like you so angry
The difference is big if you compare the population you idiot also number of teams are irrelevant.
Thank god I don't visit boards like that.
I'm not anti american, but it's clear that the US, rightfully acting on its interests, hinders Latin America's attempts at becoming an economically autonomous superpower.
I doubt that.
So you telling us you were born more than 150 years ago?
Also a racist is racist here or in the moon. It doesn't matter how much he travels, he will always reinforce his shitty irrational prejudices. That's why I throw these "travellers experiences" right into the garbage; they reflect their own selves more than the actual place.
Also just lol at trying to compare a heaven built by colonialism like Spain to anywhere else.
why does reality make you angry? lmao