Blazers @ Thunder Game 3 Thread

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raps nation reporting in

billy d's last stand

dame time

The Blazers are so fucking real holy shit.

What part of Portland are you from lads?

>dame wrecking cuckbrook
>zizek wrecking cuckterson
who else /comfy/

PG? More like Piece of Garbage


Dame lookin like one of those double-sided markers your friend had in third grade

Playoff P? More like Playoff POOP

so much orange

>fans wearing orange
>away team wearing red

Whose idea was this

>cuckbrook with two shitty shots
they could have been up double digits


based oklahoma user

I want the Thunder to lose so bad bros

>cox game face
uh okc...

lol westbrook is literally the worst player on the floor


I don't see the blazers beating the spurs desu bros

Dame might be good but the rest of the team is litter

These fucking weirdos don't deserve a basketball team. Don't worry Sonics, the northwest remembers.

blazies would have a harder time with denver

Okc management continues to have a very low IQ


I'm legitimately getting creeped out here. How they're all sitting in file, barely showing any emotion

I had the same feeling

Getting some eery, children of the corn vibes from this whole atmosphere

Its the weakest spurs playoff team in years, they're just playing a Nuggets tean being taken advantage of by Pop

Triple Doubles have warped Westbrook's mind

It's like stepford wives shit. Bro LOOK AT THEM WHAT THE FUCK

They're just sitting there with their back straight & their hands on their lap, with their chin up.


Holy shit you're right, this is terrifying

someone wanted this

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>don't even get out of their seats for PG's 3


OKC fans are all aarp boomers used to getting everything their hearts desire. gonna take more than that to move em.

Harwood (only oldfags will get it)

hey they got up for something

I'd rather have philly's fanbase than these boomer manequins

>thunder up!
>loud city!

is OKC the league's cringiest franchise?


>exectue boo.exe

Donovan is so fired after this series

dame dead bros

The OKC crowd looks like everyone in the building had something slipped into their drink while they weren't looking

wtf dame

Opiate-Ketamine City

Unironically the government is probably putting some chemical sedetive in their water supply as a trial run

it giveth, it taketh away...eth

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OKC is so frustrating to watch.. so many open shots

dubs and Westbrook comes back to 2015 form

>OKC's crowd right now

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you now remember blazer fans spamming this before they got swept by the pels

Stop trying to subvert the conversation glowie, my post was not a joke

I don't think the blazers are gonna get swept here

My Spurs will sweep one of these teams in 5

is westbrick bricking? just tuned in

esp during away games like this one

everyone is bricking hard af
It's a contest of who bricks the hardest

he made a 3 but otherwise yes

this game is so bad

OKC going with the flop strategy... lets see if it works

Rippen and the tearin

Blazers playing like shit and still up by 2

I'm not worried

stream l8 m8

lotta impatient play on both offensive ends

dubs and Blazers sweep and get to WCF

NE. Went to Game 2 w/ my gf. Fun game!

You're not worried what's gonna happen when you play someone that isn't OKC?

Alright blazer bros do we want to play vs the spurs or the nuggets for an easy path to the wcf?

These teams are garbage lyl

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spurs ez

Of course, especially without Nurkic. But we will cross that bridge when we get to it. All the Blazers needin this series is for our guards to be better, and they are so far. I don't see westbrook giving up his selfish playstyle overnight.

Spurs because I don't want our front court going up against Jokic

I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me...

My DeRozanies would sweep both of these shit teams

How are these teams so bad?

one of the gayest posts on Yea Forums

Paul George is the only good player on the thunder and he’s quite the fraud himself

So there's not even one Westbrook defender left on this board? Come on, he is a pretty good regular season athlete.

Why does OKC have a third reich larping black guy on their team?

Van Gundy
>have you ever seen these Thunder uniforms?
>what color is that?
It is fucking blue you white black nigger

The Warriors, Rockets, Jazz, Spurs, and Nuggets would booty blast either of these teams

But the spurs have a better backcourt and frontcourt.

>Jazz, Spurs, and Nuggets
dont be a dumb nig nog

OKC has some of the most boring uninspired jerseys in the league. Fitting for their fanbase.

>4-0 run
This game sucks these teams are frauds

even has a white streak in his hair

Blazers would easily beat the Spurs, Rockets and Warriors. Jazz and Nuggets are a tossup


>dat Seventh Seal commercial


>Spurs, and Nuggets

>Blazers would easily beat the Spurs, Rockets and Warriors. Jazz and Nuggets are a tossup
this is really the first this I have to see upon entering this thread

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I actually like the uniforms, not with the blue key though it makes it cancerous on the eyes. I agree though the fans are shit they are all sitting as if there is a dildo holding them to the bleachers.

that okc fatty really shooting hadoukens from half court

That ad on the OKC jerseys looks like straight up trash

Its like someone was extremely lazy in the create-a-franchise mode in 2K

Can someone explain why Raymond Felton is in the NBA? Is it his defense? The dude is literally useless on offense
>can't jump
>can't shoot
>isn't fast
>can barely dribble
>doesn't rebound
What is his purpose?

imagine moving from the iconic sonic uniforms to the weird octagonal font that the okc uniforms have

>Al Farouq Amino Acid

token fat guy

Fuck the blazers

Dogman cometh

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refball blazers will lose. can't have a team go down 3-0 silver won't have that

These refs are fucking ridiculous

>the foul occurred before the shot

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>3 lil nigras swarming you, hands all over you
>1 big white man makes a basketball move to the basket

replace the refs with microsoft ai

I see OKC is adopting the harden strat; what faggots

Why do you need a token fat guy in the NBA? I mean shit I've met hundreds of people playing pick up that are more athletic and talented than him.

>phantom offensive foul call on Kanter
>illegal moving screen by Adams not called
Ah yes, my favorite episode

I don't know how anyone could be mad at the refs, the NBA has been a total joke for 5 or 10 years. At this point you should just expect it.

felton is their unironic 14 15 year vet

I love Our MVP

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OKC deserve to lose simply because their whole team is wearing faggot sleeves and leg warmers

imagine letting go of KD and Harden for westshit

He has played on 9 different teams in 12 years he is an absolute fucking liability yet he still gets contracts

How the fuck can someone win MVP with 1 leg

Give me an OKC L tonight please

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Russell FARTbrook will choke this game once again screencap this


Nah, they're winning these 2 home games, but will lose the series in 7

Lillard vs Westbrook is pretty fucking kino

Lol based

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harkless confirmed paid off

finally this shit is heating up
dubs for westbrook and lillard fight


woah, i didn't know fortnite was based!

Rip city understands they aren't allowed to win this game. Okc by 30.


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Serious question. Is Dame even six feet tall?

adams wtf

He is probably 6'0 or 5'11.5

refs have an agenda this game

imma go to sleep
the NBA has become too boring


i have no words for you if you still don't believe refball is real. and this is coming from a thunder fan

It just got good

Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite =)

i mean that was over 2 ppl

Is Kanter always this clumsy?

What does Barkley have against the Spurs?

trash-ass refs

Kanter is a fucking liability desu

nothing he's just joking around. he talks shit about the suns too and he lives in arizona

Why isn't Layman playing?

Southern Oregon (Formerly California)

He's always rooting for other teams to beat the spurs is what I mean.

need a white girl from oklahoma bros

hes like 3rd string. youll see him in the 4th or very late 3rd.

He is jealous of their rings.

Because they got big ol' women down there

He's just on the edge of the rotation. Was great around jan but has played worse after the all star game

Hop on Bumble and spoof your GPS, they'll hit you up

Refs cant make up their minds is it all ticky tacky or play on?

Do it to em, Dame

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why can't is westbrook not an elite shooter?

You are now remembering that Evan Turner is paid 18 mil to average 7 points a game

If Lillard and Westbrook switched teams, the Thunder would be the 2nd best team in the league

I suspect they are under orders to give Okc a win, but they hate the shit out of Westbrook

Hayward is getting paid 30 mill to average 10 points a game

Too much inconsistency in total form. Jumping, release point.

>okc fans all seated


god lillard is amazing

nobody likes the spurs outside of san antonio

lets go thundies!

Can we ban white people from the NBA after that white boi screamed like a sissy

Dame is really that nigga huh

Ah it's the bombing anniversary. That is probably why

North Portland Mustard Race!

dame playing 1vs5 lmao

Le ringless mvp seethes at greatness

Based Dame BTFOing these inbred chokelahoma hicks like the Oklahoma City bombing

okc bombers would have been a great name

We are literally watching Damian Lillard vs. the refs

I wanted the OKC to win but after seeing Lillard..
WCF time for Portland



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oh shit, thought that was 4th quarter, was wondering why no one was fouling

this 2bh. okc a bunch of soulless flopping frauds

lmao imagine rooting for a team that needs the refs to have a lead at home

I wouldn't get out of my chair either

these desu


Dame went off that quarter. They couldn't do anything to stop his drives off screens. Portland ran that same play over and over and it kept working. Even if OKC take this one I wouldn't feel encouraged about their odds of winning the series.

>Lillard activating god mode

Westbrook exposed as flat track bully

Dame vs the refs

The fuck is this urban youth country music

Like what was that foul on Meyers? I didn't see anything


Tie game niggers (meaning refs)

kys boomer

>blazers have elite rim finishers
>blazer guards are quicker than okc
>let's keep pressing them at half court and letting them run high pnr


nerdlens really gave up 80 mill smfh...


so you are paying steven adams to box out for westbrook to pad stats

They want to run last year's Pelicans defensive gameplan but don't have the horses.

God, get Jrue Holiday out of there and onto a real team.

>dat free throw differential

no wonder the commentators wont shut up about stupid ass Wilt Chamberlain

lul gottem

Dame is a beta, it's sad.


Just remember michael when you played they changed all the rules to make it easier for you to dominate. When I played they changed all the rules to make it harder for me to dominate.

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Because he isn’t a loudmouth ape all the time like Westbrook?

Anyone who leads a winning team and plays like Dame is alpha

Can they investigate these refs what the fuck

shout out to my niggas jerami grant and nerlens noel
sons of the process

>fouls every time blazers are getting back into the game

really activates the almonds

Grant >>> Gaymian Liltard

>Lunder already in the bonus.
Fuck this rigged shit

Pretty stoked for a ref's tell-all memoir in a few years that explains all of these rigged games

>can't have a league mvp westbrook go down 0-3 in a series

Blazers are a regular season team.

Chokelahomo Shitty Blunder

bot powered down

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>15 FTA to 29 on similar points in the paint

>10 seconds of play
>another 15 seconds
timeout 5 minutes of ads
>play resumes
foul again on next possession

how do you watch this?


thanks for ben simmons

This reffing is just horrific

erdogan seething right now

Pick and roll at 00 every time...


What German colony is Schroder from?

I thought it was Dame time

Only OKC would have a Nazi war criminal on their team

It's actually ref time

>its a home team shoots better at home series


it's whistle time

lmao how can you call dame the realest when he's out here flopping

what would happen if messi screamed in the refs face like basketball players do?

the real difference is the FTs though

Flop & chuck. Westrbook wearing off on him

he'd get T'd up for trying that shit while "white"

>Westbrook didn't love that timeout from Billy Donovan. Looked like he said, "Coach, momentum!"

well I mean he can't get any calls when he actually gets fouled so it makes sense

Westbrook when they dont call lillards flop

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The coaches would make him go to bed early without his cheese pizza and sprite dinner.

The Blazers would be absolutely booty blasting OKC with Nurkic. Why do the basketball gods hate us?

weak crowd props. sac town has the cowbells of doom

That was a dumb pass by Dame. He needed to score that.

dame has been flopping and chucking his entire career, where do you think that stupid Dame Time shit came from? he bricks shots all game and makes one crucial 3 in the 4th. that's his shtick

“What’s that? A cash cow series that was supposed to go 7 games and generate big NBA bux is looking a little lopsided?”

“Activate the refs.”

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In a sensible league, Zeus should be the mascot of the Thunder

lmaoo rock the baby

In a sensible league the thunder would be the supersonics

It's OK to get westbrook and dame confused, they do have the same number

Westbrick with the swag

>W-Westbrook is the most undeserving MVP in recent memory


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That about does it lads

>keeping a team in a city that has retarded policies like a sugar tax

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>Blazers can drive to the basket for easy 2
>player prefers to pass to a guy in the corner for a 3-point shot only for the guy to miss
>this happens multiple times during the game
Is this normal?

not an argument

stop being fat

not an argument

33% obese country
>retarded policies

this series is shit desu

Good win refs

it's "building tension" its for the fans benefit~!
youre looking too far into it :^)


>moving screen
>loose ball foul

Massive free throw diff. speaks for itself

>not an argument
not an argument

>no triple double

thought Yea Forums said westbrick was good LMAO?

Basketball is gayer than soccer

the thundering herd

NBA ref here, ask me anything

Why do players always touch a teammates hand after shooting a FT?



what are the free throw stats


LMAOOOOOOOOO missed the free throw so clutch

These last 5 minutes have all been the blazers choking. I feel like lillard sat too long and then never got into a rhythm. Then they started getting desperate because they were down and running out of time, and locked up.


any sport that has more flopping than soccer is gay
ur rite

the cheese touch

Who's your favorite team?

How do you live with yourself?

Baseball players aren't even athletes



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Why do all the big media personalities root for OKC over San Antonio? OKC is a smaller market than SA

Westbrook talks a lot for a dude who doesn't even guard the starting Point Guard

Bad guys won

whichever one Silver pays me to help win

touching children gives me joy in life

lmao 2 uncalled fouls in a row

Because the biggest star on the spurs is DeFrozen lmao

who should i support in the champions league desu this is too gay a foul can be called on every possession if the ref feels like it

Because the Spurs exist to destroy fun teams with spunk and generally make the media’s lives harder

they can't let the game end can they. have to throw a player out for good measure

Westbrook got the loudest mouth for a guy who will never win a chip

Ajax > Tottenham > Liverpool > Barca

>touching children gives me joy in life
...that was unexpected but im glad you were honest

Dame chocked in the 4th. What a shame since that 3rd quarter was amazing

God the refs are gay as hell the fuck is their problem

Fuck Paul George for that

unwritten rules of basketball how dare paul george do that

OKC got 39 fucking free throws holy shit

>PG has that funny as black tape on his body
If I were to put those same black stickers on my body despite not working out would I look good?

Hardly choked, his teammates did nothing and OKC wasn't getting called for fouls

Stop him

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that can't be real

>giving ammunition to the opposing team for the next playoff game because you wanted to do a flashy dunk at the very end

Paul George -80 iq

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Nothing wrong with that

read the box score dude

Interesting how the Thunder get their FTs at home... Good on them for landing 3s this time though.

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that tape does nothing and was started by a snake oil salesman

desu they shot well and got calls
you cant beat that combo in the nba

OKC in 6

The line was 7.5. When the Blazers cut the lead from 8 to 5 the refs called fouls on the Blazers on 3 of the 4 next possessions for the Thunder, the one non call being when Russ pulled up immediately and hit a j.

Kyle Lowry is Raymond Felton with a passport

Blatant rigging
Fuck the refs I'm not even a Portland fan

how do i achieve this mode

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Game 1 & 2
>OKC loses
>Okc fans dont blame the refs (despite horrible calls against okc in both games) and instead rightfully blame the teams horrendous shooting

Game 3
>OKC wins
>OKC shoots better than pdx from 2&3
>OKC has more assists
>OKC has more rebounds
>OKC has less turnovers
>OKC has more blocks
>OKC has more steals
>OKC has better stats in literally every category

>....autistic pdx fans blame the refs and claim the game is completely rigged


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And even if you level out the freethrows, OKC still wins the game by one