Which sport in the US has the worst referees?
Worst Referees
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NBA by far. They purposely fucked up the Western Conference finals between the Lakers and Kings to give the Lakers the victory so the NBA would have a large media marker in an NBA final. Fuck the NBA
The one where they throw yellow tissues around and repeatedly blow their whistles in the manner of a child throwing a tantrum. Honestly, NFL refs are proof that some people are just born without the bare minimum of dignity.
NFL refs are attention whores
At least the NFL has various refs and cameras to try and get the call right, with better rules at hand.
NBA is literally phantom call - the game. They do what ever they please, and have been caught rigging games. It's an unwatchable sport that is 90-89 heading into the final 5 minutes 99% of the time. If you like NBA you're either black or a cuck.
I think some MLB umps think people come to see them but NFL refs are definitely getting paid by someone other than the league
What do NHL refs ever really do wrong? I mean an undeserved power play can change the course of a game, but I don't see any flagrant bullshit in hockey like in NBA or NFL.
Is there a sport where the referees AREN'T trash?
Easily NBA. This is a not disputable.
NBA is rigged, unquestionably. They scapegoated one guy but his accomplices are reffing NBA playoff games this very second.
Isn't there VAR on NBA?
The sport where there was literally an admitted case of point shaving by a ref.
>muh NBA refs
The refs aren't the problem, its the fucking pussy rules that let Lebron slamjam his way to a million finals
NFL refs are actually worse because entire TEAMS get away with cheating, not individual players.
There is a video about a man that fucked the nhl with rule loopholes so much it essentially gave the nhl a headstart in writing easy to follow rules and educating their refs to follow them
probably the NBA just due to the absurd amount of power they have, plus don't they play favorites pretty blatantly?
NFL refs are bad but it's more because of the fucking retarded rule changes
if you say things like
> If you like NBA you're either black or a cuck
you're either a cuck or a plebbitor, and probably both
goalie interference can mean anything on any given day
slashes and cross-checks are often called pretty arbitrarily. they happen so regularly there's no clear distinction between a "normal hockey play" and an infraction that requires a penalty. unfortunately it leads to a lot of "make up calls". there's 100 cross-checks in a game and 2 of them get called chances are the penalties go 1-1 even if one team is playing much dirtier.
Baseball umps are the worst, not even close. Nobody ego trips harder than umpires
The problem with NHL ref is HUGE inconsistencies. Some may say they're biased, some may say they're just incompetent or whatever other reason, but the thing is lots of penalties in NHL aren't objective yes/no, there's room for interpretation... Which also allows lots of room for mistakes or biased calls/noncalls.
Sometimes the refs call everything and that's fine, sometimes the refs call nothing and that's fine (I mean it's not optimal, but it's not super problematic because you can adapt to it)... the problem arise when they decide to call the biggest offenses and let the rest pass.
Say there's some hooking but it's debatable, so you call the cases you'd judge above 7/10.
But at some point a 6/10 is called because the other player Hollywooded a bit. Or a 8/10 isn't called, because the ref had a bad angle, and the other player thought his team had a great chance so he powered through instead of trying to get a call.
And (even if it's unbiased and random) sometimes the calls will just happen to all benefit the same team.
This is also the cause of half the penulty discussions among fans; 'You're whinning about penalties that were right!'. That may be the case, but if you call 3 legit penalties while ignoring 2 for the other team, it's still unfair.
And this happen all the freaking time.
NBA but it's mostly because they're the ones who can rig games the easiest and have been proven to do so
The only penalty they call in playoff OT is puck over glass.
They're all pretty bad but probably NFL and NBA. Its blatantly obvious that theyre given instructions to try to keep games close or to go with momentum whenever there's a hint of a comeback. I don't watch Baseball but I've heard umpires have been awful ever since their union reform.
I've never saw or heard about this. How the fuck is that an incomplete pass? He touches both feet, and maintains possession the entire time?
I'm not an NFL fan, so I don't know all the rules.
MLB umps power trip a lot, but there are so many games that one bad call shouldn't fuck up your season
NHL refs are just inconsistent
NFL refs are literally paid off, look up the "just give it to them" game
NBA is rigged anyway so who cares
When it comes to actually officiating it is the NBA by a massive margin. To be fair basketball is probably the most difficult sport to officiate but that is no excuse for how blatantly shit it is at times. Refs anticipate calls and blow whistles when nothing happens, stars get blatant special treatment to the point where the league doesn't even seems to hide it anymore not to mention a documented case of a ref being on the take and point shaving.
When it comes to just being overbearing douchebag then baseball umpires all the way. At this point we should just have robots to ump baseball, the I would rather have accuracy than the 'human element'.
The real answer is college basketball.
great thread. nfl, nba, and mlb refs are all shit. nfl is a game where Holding can be called at will any play, MLB has former police academy drop outs umpiring, and NBA refs literally have gone to jail for rigging games.
Remember 2007 when the NBA refs were literally betting on the games?
Whichever sport first automates referees away.
NBA. There have been far too many times where a team is hot and winning by 30 and then the losing team starts to get their calls which cuts the lead and pace. This also isn't mentioning superstar calls where the star players get more attention from the refs than the rest of the players.
At least with MLB, they're they're using replay more liberally so they can overturn the clearly bad calls.
And you're seeing players speak out against clearly terrible umpires.
And the drumbeat towards the electronic strike zone continues.
I’m happy that the answers aren’t consistent ITT. There’s problem in all leagues. I’d say the worst are NFL though. There’s to many situations where a judgment call can shift a game. They need coaches challenges on certain penalties. Saints getting fucked last playoffs is a good example.
One of the greatest days of football history. What was even better was the GM and owner initially defended the fans before they were forced by the league to back peddle
I am 100% behind electronic strike zone. I am sick of seeing how bad the umps are at their shitty jobs.
This is the same as Soccer though, really you get the same problems. Overall, I prefer reffing in Soccer and Hockey to Football. While basketball is a sport, unfortunately the NBA is not, and the reffing there should be punishable by death.
The only good thing is Umps know that if they keep fucking up they are going to be replaced being the plate, so when players or managers do argue balls and strikes, they tend to give them a lot more leeway as opposed to a few years ago where they'd be on a hair trigger
This is a great example of that, where the Ump is making bad boarderline calls for both teams, the Cubs manager says he's going to come out to talk to the Ump, the ump says multiple times stop and if he comes out, he'd have to eject him, the manager comes out anyway and he gets ejected but still says his piece.
But then for everyone of those moments where everyone is still clam, you have something like this where the player wants to tear the umpire's head off for a garbage call.
Fuck that. I love the dynamic of or slightly changing strike zone ump to ump. The human element is great for the sport.
you're either black or a cuck
NBA and MLB refs think people are there to see them which instantly makes them the worst kind of sports cancer. The fact that you know their names and people celebrate them as "characters" means they're dogshit.
NBA refs are the worst because they blatantly rig games, give superstars ridiculous treatment, and T-up or throw out players who dare disrespect them. Refs like Dick Bavetta and Joey Crawford were insanely cancerous who loved putting themselves over the game or fucking with players they felt did not "respect" them. This league quite literally had a referee betting scandal that for some reason all its fans just accept as part of the game now.
MLB refs are the next worst. Powertripping egomaniacs who throw people out if they feel disrespected, make horrible calls all the time, and are completely unapolagetic about being shit. Often ring up batters if they feel like they're being "shown up". Some ump in last year's playoffs literally stood on top of home plate while the guy who hit the winning homerun was rounding the bases so he could make the moment all about himself. Then you have faggots like Angel Hernandez and Joe West doing whatever they want.
NFL refs are just incompetent and poorly enforce rules that can award 15+ yards. People are celebrating this new pass interference review shit not realizing it's just going to muddy the waters more and coaches are just going to save their challenges, have their QB huck up a prayer, and hope to get the call on a 50/50 ball since the WR and DBs are always handfighting when a ball is being passed.
NHL refs are a bit inconsistent but with the static nature of penalties, almost all of them resulting in 2 minute powerplays, its easy for them to just give makeup calls. Compare to makeup calls in other sports like the NFL where the massive yardage swing can mean a lot more. NHL refs tend to let players play most of the time which is better than the NBA refs inserting themselves and calling fouls all the fucking time.
boomer umps. the missed out call at first when that one pitcher was robbed a perfect game
Reminder that the strikezone is merely a suggestion in MLB.
>and are completely unapolagetic about being shit.
Not all of them, that one ump that ruined the Perfect Game which was the catalyst for bringing Instant replay to MLB, and is still used to this day as a reason for keeping the system when people want to get rid of it, said it was the worst mistake of his life and begged the league to overturn his call and apologized to the pitcher.
But if it was someone like Angel Hernandez or Joe West, they'd both say the runner as safe to their grave.
Also i'm still in favor of the electronic strikezone.
And you’re stuck reliving your college glory days watching a bullshit sport in a dying league between Monster sips. Or you’re black.
On one hand I also enjoy how strike zones vary slightly from umpire to umpire. Sometimes it's cool to see the difference between a hitter's ump and a pitcher's ump. But on the other hand, these umps are ego maniacs who can't be trusted. Tired of watching guys get thrown out for nothing, umps holding grudges against certain players, and umps just generally making the game about themselves. I think it's for the best if these idiots get replaced by electronic zones.
At the very least there needs to be better accountability for umpires. That shit Ron Kulpa pulled recently, for example, was out of line and he should have been suspended. And umps like Angel Hernandez who clearly have a hard time calling balls and strikes should be canned.
Jim Joyce (the guy who ruined the perfect game) was actually a really good umpire. If I recall correctly, the players rated him very favorably compared to other umps. But yea, then morons like Joe West come along and ruin it for everyone else.
I don't know but all I know is that MLS has the best. Probably the best soccer refs in the world to be quite frank
Is every umpire on steroids or something? They always act overly bombastic and dramatic. I saw a clip on youtube a week ago that for some reason I can't find right now where an ump was doing these overly dramatic ejecting gestures towards some ~10 year old kids.
The NFL has the worst rules and changes them way too often.
NBA has the worst refs, though. There is literally rigging going on all the fucking time in the NBA. If there is rigging in the NFL, it's rare. I feel bad for NFL refs, trying to deal with all of these stupid fucking rules, having a directive about 'protecting quarterbacks' where they're scared for their fucking jobs if a QB gets hurt, so they can't even let someone breathe on one.
It does add intangibility values to pitchers and catchers. Like a veteran pitcher can manipulate catchers to create a strike zone preferable to them as the game goes on, and pitch framing is a catcher's bread and butter where they can be horrible at bat, but if they can turn several ball 4s into strike 3's in a game because they can frame an outside pitch in to trick the ump, it's well worth the low offensive production.
But i'd rather have everything be set and fair so no one can bark about anything.
Video in question and it's amazing.
NBA should use FIBA refs
NBA and basically all basketball refs on every level are paid off fortunes to rig games and couldn't give two shits if anyone points out their bullshit.
NHL are pretty cool since they let fights happen plus they know if they fuck up their sport fans will crawl into the rink to kill them.
MLB has pretty much gotten their shit together ever since their dirty days in the twentieth century.
NFL are just retarded mongoloids who need toddlers to tell them whether if it's a penalty or not.
What they need are less serious punishments. Automatic 1st downs are too much. Maybe reduce some penalties to less yards.
>NHL are pretty cool since they let fights happen.
Except not really since they have wiped out the Enforcer and people won't forget what the NHL did to John Scott and how the NHL greatly underestimated the backlash they got.
But that's on the leauge, not the ref.
Granted one thing they the NHL did that other leagues should do is release some audio of the refs. It would add transparency to the process and weed out bad actors if they did this more often.
Like this leaked audio MLB tried to scrub off the internet when it was first put out.
Only because the FBI agent let David stern in on the investigation prior to a wiretap. Then stern leaked it to the NY post and swept everything away.
NFL, that bullshit they pulled in the NFCCG was to rig the owl for jew england.
I agree there is definitely a lot of inconsistency, but after watching the refs micd up stuff you can see that it's not usually because the refs are being negligent, it's more we don't see all the things that happened on the ice leading up to the call. Like someone times the ref will say to a guy, "I've warned ya twice about cross checking him, do it again and your going to the the box" and the guy goes and does it again and gets a penalty and everyone's like wtf. Hockey refs are the best because they seem the purest in terms of just trying to call a game fairly.
They're egomaniacs.
yes but what about IIHF refs?
Cricket. Considering the sheer amount of meme situations that can wreck the game they do pretty well. They have a lot of tech help though.
Esports lmao
NFL refs are the worst, easily the most incompetent. There is not a single game that goes by without some horrible call that ends up determining the game.
NBA, so much so that commentators openly say that players must "earn" fouls. Like the rule of books is completely subjective and you get the advantage the most popular you are.
Actually Basketball as a sport should have calls be given at almost every posetion, is just a poorly designed sport.
Let's be real, the NFL is controlled by Vega$ and Park, Madison avenue and Rodeo Drive elites control the Shield so much that it's basically the WWE atm imo.
the PI no call was the worst bit of officiating i've seen in any sport