How many goals will he score against the mighty Real Sociedad?
How many goals will he score against the mighty Real Sociedad?
Real Sociedad would win New Zelalander league by February
kill yourself twain
Enough to make you seethe, Twain. Enough to make you seethe.......
probably 2. and sociedad are a decent team, twain
>twain on suicide watch
If scoring against La Liga sides is so easy how come Ronaldo picked up just two league titles in 9 years?
>decent team
So what makes you think he'll score any?
because he's the best player in the world, twain
Prove it
>the slayer of sociedad
t. paki manure fan
Twain is based because the fact that all he has in life is spamming messi shitposts on one of the worst parts of this cancerous website all day every day makes me feel less bad about my worthless existence.
he shouldn't play. he needs to be at full health to rape Liverpool.
Valverde still says "we haven't won la liga yet, we can't take it for granted, we gotta go 100% every match", the man is fucking stupid.
We don't need to prove anything, he does
better that than turning your club into a laughing stock like juve and psg are right now
>Scoring goals is bad unless you're Ronnie
What the fuck was the point of buying Malcom then? Malcom can easily be depth for Messi. Have two pace mutts in Dembele and Malcom playing together would help Barcelona win La liga games.
There is literally no way Barça won't win la liga at this point, yeah sure mathematically it's not over yet but it's just not going to happen, even if he benched Messi for the whole remainder of the season.
They lack creativity, Coutinho was supposed to bring that but he's fucking shit
If Neymar was still at Barcelona this would be very different
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Coutinho is good but he's also so fucking inconsistent
He'll do great one match and then be utter shit the next 6
Haven't you heard of match fitness? You can't just have him not play for weeks then expect him to be at his best. And the Liverpool game isn't for 2 weeks
That's usually what people call being shit
Too high IQ for petty league titles
oh shi....
>manlet internet defense: activated
If scoring against CL sides is so easy how come Messi picked up just two CL in 9 years?