I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than Dutch football. Honestly, think about it rationally...

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than Dutch football. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are training, teaching, inspiring and molding a player from the age of five years solely so he can go and get paid millions in another country. All the hard work you put into your world class talent - having him participate in rondos, making him go to the gym, making sure he has a healthy diet, enlightening him on tactics, getting him to beg for a Cruyff sticky on Yea Forums. All of it has one simple result: he is better prepared for the club that will eventually make him a star.

Trained the perfect player? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a rich PL club who had nothing to do with the way he progressed that dominates both English and European football with him for the next decade. They are the ones who get the global renown. They are the ones who get to fuck his tight boipucci every night. They are the ones who get the benefits of his amazing dribbling ability and precise through passing that came from the way you taught him to play.

As a Dutch club, you are literally dedicating your ENTIRE existence simply to train a player for a chad-club to enjoy in scandalous ways. Being Dutch is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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Pretty sure you stole it

Pretty sure you stole it

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top ses

going to bad lads, someone keep this thread bumped

did you think about it rationally Yea Forums?

Pretty sure you stole it

*hits frikandel*

Pretty sure you stole it

>a liter arsecuck complaining about cuckoldry
oh my

Tolkien is a hack and only dicklet virgins think otherwise

Pretty sure you stole it

the redpill

aren't gooners those dudes with the weird fapping gifs/webms?

>tripfags not respecting the /elite/ alliance


t. IRL hobbit


wish i could hide the stubs, it would be the ultimate 4channel experience

>stealing and diluting good pasta
>ARSE fan

yep, IQ checks about right

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