Why is the season so goddamn long? The games are already like 3 and a half hours long, and there's 162 of them...

Why is the season so goddamn long? The games are already like 3 and a half hours long, and there's 162 of them. I'm a hockey and basketball guy, and I think 82 games in the season is even too much. When you have an astronomical number of regular season games like 162, it makes every individual game not really matter that much if you win or lose. It's not decisive, it's not exciting. Games don't matter.

Attached: boreball.png (500x500, 9K)

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Aren't most of the games played as series? That's how I always thought it worked.

>Games don't matter.
>Swallowing the forbidden redpill.
Spit that out, NOW!!

>Games don't matter

We literally had two tiebreaker games last season.

maybe if the games mattered more that wouldn't be necessary
It's fucking stupid

>having more games to watch is bad
are europeans idiots? do they not like actually watching games?

I just dont get it how there are people who actually enjoy watching luckswing

More games means that they are less meaningful. I like basketball but can't bear to watch the NBA regular season because everyone's playing in second gear and half the teams are losing on purpose.

Baseball is comfy, you go to a game to drink or spend time with your family. The fact that it's always on is kinda nice, an everpresent for when life seems too chaotic. Sure it takes some of the excitement out of games but Baseball is a long comfy hug rather than a night of passion.

That actually makes sense.

It's also the perfect background noise to have one while you're at your computer or reading. You always know when something big happens so you never miss anything

Based Brit. Was going to type something similar until I saw your reply.

this exactly

Any good sites for free streaming?
Never watched any baseball in my life.

it's an extremely luck based sport so you need a large sample size to get any kind of consistency. For example a great player on offense only succeeds 1/3 of the time at best

usually the game threads have streaming links in them. Check some of them out.

Yea Europeans hate sports. It’s why that use away goals to settle ties cause the thought of playing another game for all the marbles kills them. It cuts into they’re eastward prayers to the magic cube

You could have the exact same two tie breakers in a much shorter season.

>Yea Europeans hate sports
Yeah except for Football, Cycling, Tennis, Motorsports, Basketball (if you're eastern european) and Hockey.

What is the nearest upcoming from this time onwards?

> motorsports
> cycling
> sports

>Leaving out Rugby (both kinds) and Cricket, Handball, Field Hockey and Skiing
Cheeky desu

in about 3 hours.

The easiest way for a Finn is to watch VeikkausTV streams. The next game, Cubs-Diamondbacks, will start in three hours.


Veikkaus pelitilille pitää siirtää rahaa vaikka vain euro. Rahat pystyy siirtämään takaisin omalle tilille jos haluaa.

Listening to baseball on the radio at work is pure fuckin kino

>Veikkaus pelitilille pitää siirtää rahaa vaikka vain euro. Rahat pystyy siirtämään takaisin omalle tilille jos haluaa.
Oho, pitääkin kokeilla.

fuck off zoomer

This is like kryptonite to a zoomer

Anyone who says Baseball is too boring and too long has never actually been to a game.

If you actually like baseball then you love the long season and might even want more than 162, and if your team is in a tight race then every game does matter. also the large sample size of games means the best teams usually rise to the top and make the playoffs

The problem with baseball is all the retarded afternoon games during the week. This isn't the 1800s, lights are a thing.

It also doesn't help that my "local" team is two time zones ahead.

But tight races will occur with 6 games in a season or 800, it's only necessary that two teams have similar records.

Yeah, mostly 3-game series. sometimes 2 or 4

because baseball is a game with so much variability on the day-to-day
I do think they should shorten the season a bit, for various reasons
>bad weather in April/March
only problem is MLB makes sooo much money on TV deals/commercials that more games the better; and if there's any effect on player salaries ("oh, you work less/we have less revenue so we're gonna pay you less"), they would complain

baseball-in-person is a totally different, and much better, experience

fuck off, matinees are premium comfy
sorry that you're stuck in a conventional 9-to-5

I like the NFL most because every week is special and matters

comfy is just a codeword for boring desu

This. Couple it with the large amount of teams and it's completely understandable that the season is as long as it is.


I need help in finishing my rap:

It's the concept of:

Coming up with 4 lines in the same flow, regarding a woman.

Starting with "She", by putting emphasis on how you say "she".

Something like, vocaroo.com/i/s1IwhcrapshR

Because it’s baseball, fuck off you adhd riddled zoomer

gamer girl pee
chads get out reeee
now you see

Americans are weird like that. Their most beloved sport ends after a few months...the players barely get match fitness and puff, over. I bet every NFL fan would love more games and more teams.
Baseball is waaaay too long on the other hand...

I can't grasp it...

unironically r/mlbstreams is the best. every game at your disposal

>why is everyone not a methed out spaz like me... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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