You may only post in this thread if your country has a chess player in the world top ten.
You may only post in this thread if your country has a chess player in the world top ten
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first for anime
Wrong, chess is not a sport and belongs in Also have sex- oh wait, you can't
Based always unkempt and hungover Grischuk.
Vachier-Lagra is going to fuck Carlsen in the ass
I like Carlsen but this shit is near inexcusable.
Why did he sell out like this?
You may only post in this thread if your country has a go player in the world top ten.
Says increasingly nervous man for the seventh time this year.
If chess isn't a sport, how come you're a monkey?
Not a sport, you fucking nerd
I am sorry your mom doesn't want to talk with you anymore
cya in 3 days
Based Vachier
Did a chess player cuck you or why are you so triggered by chess
posting anyways lol
He will have the chance at the Grenke Chess Classic, which begins tomorrow, but it will more likely be the other way around.
Carlsen, Caruana, Vachier-Lagrave, Anand and Aronian are all playing and are all strong enough to win the tournament if they are in form. The rest of the field consists of Svidler, Naiditsch, Vallejo Pons, Meier and Keymer, who are probably not strong enough to win the tournament, but could cause individual upsets.
Chess is recognized by the IOC so it's literally a sport
It's not. It is literally a game which is pretty traditional.
No one cares about chess. No one plays it. No one watches it.
Funny how it's always the chesslet nations that post things like this
Caruana is italian btw
Yeah tony sopranos is italian too
Yeah as much as any other italian american is lmao AKA in name only
But it's the truth. The average CSGO pro earns much more than your average chess pro. Why do you think that is?
His not like third generation mutt italian, his parents are literally from Italy and he played for them for about 10 years.
Also his name and intelligence just don't scream american.
Do they play chess after or before said ass fucking.
His parents are yes, but he was born in the US. He isn't any more Italian than Tony Soprano, dumb chesslet poster
Not a sport
Every time someone makes an autistic chess thread more than half the replies are people discussing whether it belongs to Yea Forums or not. When will you kindly fuck off to the board you belong to?
grenke starting tomorrow
here are a bunch of blitz games being played nonstop by top engines:
was wondering where you were magnus
you're a rude thoughtless little pig and i'm going to straighten your ass out
I'm not Magnus Carlsen, but thank you.
t. seething chesslet
Git gud
>0 (zero) World titles
Have sex.
For me? It's Ichika.
the UK is shit at chess but I'm a big Anand fan so I'm going to post anyway.
Gain height
That's because you're a loser with no life making half the posts in the thread. For the rest of us, there is no debate.
How do I get into Chess? I only play Shogi,Go and Majan. It will be a damm shame if I can’t play comfy board with people outside Eastasia.
India used to be yours, anyway.
You learn the rules, then hop on or something like that?
The basics are simple. Sure you'll lose your first few games, but once your rating goes to trash you'll be matched with other bad/inexperienced players, and then you begin to improve.
If you're decent at Shogi, many things should carry over to chess. Learn the rules and play.
Hello Magnus, when are you gona stream a blitz tournament again?
Va chier!
Yikes desulads
Cool, neat.
Anand Carlsen next world championship match please.
I'm not Magnus Carlsen, but he's unlikely to stream anything soon, his upcoming tournament schedule is pretty crowded.
why the fuck do people unironically post chess on this board. its a fucking board game ffs. gook click is more of a sport than this.
As an avid gookclick watcher (Gookclick 1, fuck gookclick 2) I do not agree.
Chess is patrician and based, whereas starcraft is not.
not a sport
Make a thread about it on
Good taste Brazilbro.
Anyone have any not boring opening learning resources? I find most methods boring as hell. I’ve literally been playing the Colle exclusively for 14 years.
Post yfw keymer wins grenke chess
Redpill me on the colle
if I don't want a boring match I just move my pieces around randomly the first 3-5 moves and then try to play serious from there. It only works against low rated/stupid opponents though
messi will destroy carlsen in 2020 wait and see
It’s a queen pawn system opening you can play without thinking too hard. Easy to counter with Bg4 (though I play it after that anyway). Grandmasters generally don’t touch it. Sets up Greek gifts quite often. You can play it as black too where it’s called the semi-Slav.
lmao look at this angry hue
lmao look at this virgin fat american
oh wait
he should be on instead
so kindly fuck off
I’m neither of those things but you are definitely Brazilian xD
>dabs on you with 1..f5
Imagine being called Ding
"Orite Ding mate hows it gowin"
fffffuuuu now I have to make up some shit