What do you do after being humiliated?

what do you do after being humiliated?

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Make a thread in Yea Forums about it.

does it help?

i cum and pay the prostitute

You cum because humiliation is hot

Cum and then pay her.

When it's a pepe thread it doesn't, but it's pretty great when it is a GTA thread.


i book another appointment

what if you get an std?

theres no sex
i just pay to get humiliated and jack it



Every brothel requires you to wear a condom.

I delete the thread, ban a few offenders and collect my $0 paycheck.

wait and don't make things worse

Have sex

Ok where will I meet you


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>tfw "die in your sleep" isn't the answer



*smacks lips* you aight spanish boy

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Try to recover and remember that unless you're world famous most people probably won't give a shit about what you did.


meet me at the checkers in yamacraw, babe

i say: gg uezs

You say "Top 4 was always the goal, next year is our year la"

here's that (you) you wanted so badly

>I didn't come to [insert team] to win [insert only meaningful competition your team has never won]

Usually wipe up the cum and post in my /epl/ general about Liverpool

I Wana fuck you alright? You offered

Op, did the u get bottomed again and your little Willy put in a Chastity again?

wipe the cum out of my face, gotta make space for the rest of the boys ;)

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sit in the dark and seethe