Not a single bus parking cowardly faggot team in the semis

>not a single bus parking cowardly faggot team in the semis
Did football, dare I say it, win again?

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That's right, my obese friend
I was really pleased by Spurs' approach to their match, despite having roughly 35% possession they never parked the bus and hope they cling to their 1-0 lead, they were creating dangerous chances all throughout the game and even past the 90th minute

Barcelona are right there

Barcelona wins.

City lost so no

t. wain

>>not a single bus parking cowardly faggot team in the semis

A final 4 of Atletico, United, Inter and Valencia would be quite the bore fest.

Have you watched Barcelona since Pep left?

The real question is, have you?

>>not a single bus parking cowardly faggot team in the semis
Barcalona play very conservative 4-4-2 and rely on messi to dribble by the other team and/or score free kicks.

Liverpool and spurs tend to bus park in many parts of the game
Funny how those are also enligsh teams lol

Don't worry, our zoomers will dab on these Britniggers

>not a single team that pays attention to it's defensive duties

Pochettino outsmarted that brainlet Guardiola.

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Final 4? Better call it semis! Don't tell Messi that it's a final or he will choke.

kek saved

Harry Kane Winning it for Spurs is memeball

You don't know what bus parking is

In fact, spurs would probably lose badly if they parked the bus. Fair play

4-4-2 does not mean park the bus.

Was really refreshing to see, they deserved the tie for sure.

>Liverpool, Barsa and (((them)))

Somehow the football wins

Rent free

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