sixers win
spurs are based
patrick beverly makes durant upset
/nba/ general - SIXERS WIN EDITION
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I thought they stopped making Mortal Kombat years ago wtf
for my next trick, I will turn DeFrozen clutch
Good, fuck the Nets.
based op
Threadly reminder
Hourly reminder
Understand this one absolute truth, the Warriors will LOSE tonight against the Clippers.
is it a marathon or a sprint?
>KD 5/5
>sparks tried to tell u
going all in on them with my next paycheque if they lose again tonight
It's both desu
refs don’t like the warriors. it’s actually more impressive they win most of the time, when every interest and force in the NBA is working day and night to destroy them
Are the nuggers paper tigers?
>putting a big lead on the clippers
oh god oh no they don't know whats about to happen
Based and sparkpilled
Sixers won, but how did my MOOSE do tonight? Is he looking like he could actually sub in for Marjanovic?
>another one
god this would be so kino
Just an average game from Ben
he is terrible at everything except rebounding and has stone hands
my clippies really like to make things difficult
He was a beast on the boards and a defensive juggernaut. Cant believe the Celshits let him walk.
>1st quarter
>Warriors already nearly 20 points ahead
jesus h christ
>Tobias Harris 6-6 for three pointers
Uhh bros?? How do we stop him
inb4 they choke again
Can't lose a 31 point lead if you lead by 50
told you my snakes would take the series in 5 with one nets meme win. you all genuinely thought it would be a nets sweep.
>Spurs actually could have been 3-0
>my snakes
Just imagine if the warriors go on to win 8 championships in a row. After they get eliminated chants start coming down as "golden state is dead"
Derrick White is the next Manu
Why are they groping him? Is that allowed?
my snakes :)
>white is emerging
>Murray doing windmills
why won't they die
is derrick white white?
he was excellent bro. can't believe my raps gave him up.
no, but his derrick is white
shout out to derrick white. man that nigga nice
Fake 2 seed. How fucking terrible will the WFC be?
I remember when I said the Spurs were going to beat the Nugs and you would all wonder why you fell for such a meme of a team. I got some (You)s without a single one being in agreement. No surprise, you're all retarded.
Thanks. Listen to me next time.
did Pat Bev just unlock the Warriors?
>The day Porkies Posters became so desperate they actually hacked the nba scoreboard in an attempt to demoralize the Dubs
*blocks your path*
Montrelz harrelz is a n
Eatin good vegetary with the brown rice
Kill yourself
90% of this board had the Spurs guy
>Montrez Harrell
>Kenneth Faried
>Jae Crowder
All literally the same person
When they named Montrezl Harrell, did his mom just see the city named "Montreal" and thought "Hey, it'd be cool to change the A to a Z?"
Boban had another amazing night. Im so happy for Bobi and his new 13m 3y deal
don't forget nene
Sorry to have foiled your plans porkie! Looks like your sad devotion to the outdated rating engine has run you and your paid hackers into an early dampened grave!
>shot clock conveniently breaks when the clippies are starting to build momentum
Shit like this happens when the Warriors are on the court in the playoffs every fucking year and nobody seems to give a shit.
My 65 year old boomer dad says that
Not sure what to make of this
this bickering is sparkless
Fair enough
is he the future spurs superstar?
Don't compare those scrubs to Nene.
Denver fucking sucks
Are we, the Dubs, taking our foot off the gas too early?
>when you utterly dominate someone so hard you become their father
murray got sonn'ed
Number 8 finally groomed himself
none or those are real you pathetic ass faggot
Denver don't deserve 2nd seed
my spurs won! night Yea Forums
Wanna hear a joke? Jokic.
>T. Porkies Poster
He's already a basedperstar
leave him alone!
Imagine a lineup of Demarre Carroll, Jae Crowder, Montrezl Harrell, Kenneth Faried, and Nene
lets see your algorithm Smart guy?
Clippers are god awful in the perimeter
Are we, the Refs, going to fuck everything?
that's not real either you lump of shit, tell me where you live so some men can haul your ass off to a padded room
He was 8-14 for 22/8/7. You could say he should have done a bit more, but he certainly didn't play bad. Once again, Denver's guards show how shitty they truly are. Barton and Murray were both 2-6 with 7 TOs between them. Harris was 4-13 which is shitty as well. Michael Malone should have played Beasley (6-12) and Craig (5-7) more, but no he's a "player's coach" so that means he'll play Barton 30 minutes next game and then end up getting swept in 5. The Nuggets are the new Hawks. If only they had better guards who could play up to Jokic's level.
jokic was such a defensive liability holy fuck putting up numbers aint enough.
Spurs bullied him hard.
>Demarre Carroll, Jae Crowder, Montrezl Harrell, Kenneth Faried, and Nene
>literally my current favorite 2k14 blacktop lineup
sometimes i put smart or pat bev in it too
it's confirmed Denver is going one and done right?
I would but thats a bannable offense on here
Nuggies should go hard for Jrue this offseason
will nigel show himself after a pathetic performance from the Lugs?
>If only they had better guards who could play up to Jokic's level.
They have, too bad they don't use him /Isaiah
They should go after Danny Green in this free agency, they really need a defensive specialist
Clippers are garbage fucking hell
we really have to give credit to LeBron for beating this team...
It sounds to me like your not acclimating very well to the /spARKY to age...So, you may be asking yourself, how do we cope with this sparky new age after growing up in a mostly sparkless society? We’ve been conditioned our entire lives to avoid sparky situations but then we are given countless examples in the /spARKY news updates of sparky teams and players that dared to ask what happens when you seek out the sparkiest path and take destiny by the hand. You too can choose to take this path, and, with destiny in your hands (and a bit of spark too), comfortably acclimate to this sparky new age.
Oh shit, forgot Jrue
Imagine those 5 guys running a train on my wife
Really low IQ take. Were you watching the same game? If White sprints for a split second and blows past Murray every single time leaving Jokic to cover him and whoever is under the rim on every single play, that's not being a defensive liability. Of course you're going to get burned on some of those when your guards can't play perimeter defense whatsoever.
>this team
Remember that time Iggy & Denver won 57 games then lost in the first round to the Warriors and next season Igoudala joined them
Go spark a gas leak faggot
>nuggets fan spotted
ya kek
Imagine all three of us getting dubs
That soggy log probably only ranks Pop in the 65,000 range
they lost that series because iguodala got asshurt karl wanted denver to be physical with curry and was sending gameplans and calls to mark jackson along with not playing
and galinari exploding his leg the last week of the season leaving rookie evan fournier as a starter
What if Kawhi goes to the Blazers?
Wow!! How ORIGINAL and unexpected!! Looks like advocates of the updated L.O.A.F. rating system are getting their sparks in a bunch again! It’s funny how every time I make a S.P.A.R.K. related post, Every. Single. Time. All of the sudden, out of the wood work will come 1 user, and then 2 anons, and then 3, all seemingly random anons that are suspiciously hell bent on discrediting S.P.A.R.K.S. And trying to replace it with L.O.A.F.‘s subpar, aged and increasingly unpopular rating system. And now I suppose you’re going to tell me about how your outdated LarryLOAF Pro2.4 rating engine outstrips S.P.A.R.K.S. CandyBread Elite7 engine??!? even though LarryLOAF Pro2.4 only simulates a fraction of the games and takes practically 40x as long to do it. You and your employees are paid to use a system which has been proven time and time again to be inferior... TO WHICH I MIGHT ADD, still doesn’t predict player stats or game outcomes within a 14% margin of what S.P.A.R.K. can do. Nobody uses L.O.A.F. anymore, face it, your sickly, undependable joke of a rating system has been replaced and voted out. So why don’t you paid L.O.A.F shills crawl back under the dirty, dark, damp rock you all came from and stop trying to discredit the better clearly superior system, simply because you’re afraid that YOUR OWN spark will be going out once and for all!
>plans to intentionally injure
>"wanted to be physical"
Nice selective history.
I'm not here to tell you jokes. I'm here to tell you to kill yourself
dude jokic got burned on switches, and on his matchup, and on blowby's where he was responsible for help defense. you are low iq
Guess again..
1.) Pop: 97,900 overall sp. rating
2.) Phil: 72,256 overall sp. rating
3.) Pat: 30,650 overall sp. rating
4.) Red: 27,472 overall sp. rating
5.) Kerr: 24,002 overall sp. rating
it's funny curry's team does the exact same thing to everyone else but when it's against him it's trying to "intentionally injure"
haha it says kys
now kys
spARKY more like niGGERS lmao
>has only played in 1 playoff game
So this dude is done right? He's just been nothing but a liability.
I don't get why you guys like Ledlowe and I am extremely straight and handsome
i'm pretty sure he's done basketball for good. he won't move the same after fucking his leg up that bad.
sad lakers are the only one desperate enough to max him and he never will play a playoff game again
Kiss your Sparkys
Not until he is killed or institutionalized
Nobody will max him Carlos
Cope harder
You must be 6'0 to post on Yea Forums
made me think
Did we laugh at Jared Dudley yet?
Breh they got good again in 2011
>p-pat bev is t-totally in kd’s head
Don’t let hate and anger overtake your life user. Live with sparks and love and fuck all the rest.
they gifted him a finals mvp for that shady shit
Gallinari is ass today
lakers will after every free agent rejects them
You cannot find one poster hear who said that
what if kawhi goes to the spurs
he isn't even on the floor, scott foster made sure to sit him out with 3 fouls dumb boxscorewatcher
Jared Dudley aka Tony Porker meets Tim Dunkin'
White is currently sitting at 29/41 for the series. Barton and Murray are a combined 27/77.
bruh he left like 2 mins ago you dumb mf kd is cooking his ass all game dumb mf chink mf retard little dick manlet brown cunt
I don't read stats because I'm too busy reading the game.
What are Aldrige's and Derozen's lines?
Is it, I dare to say, ok to be white?
You are dumb. That is all.
reminder that these 3 niggers are preventing levert from starting
cant defend, rebound, dribble, shoot, finish at the rim, pass
skip borrowing the messi format i see
t. trannior assblasted that a somalian manlet handed you 31 point choke. you will never live that down ahahaha
..Sparks user is keeping record if no one else is..
Show some respect. Joe Harris is the reigning 3 point champ and caroll is a lebron stopper.
You’re going to have to try harder than that.
dunno why kurucs starts over levert
>LMA- 22/56
>Defrozen- 26/54
touche' my spark throwing fren
sorry shook bitch, your instill doubt to push your narrative tactic aint gonna work when anyone with eyes can actually see the game
Stop calling him defrozen faggot
but our new pres/gm cannot afford that
Well would ya look at that... looks like another situation where emotional bias was met with cold hard sparky facts. Yet another reason to always trust the algorithms
apologize to my lightskin son
I'll just wait for the clippers to come back again.
I’ve watching him miss too many clutch shots/bumble important possessions not too at this point.
I'd like to see Torrey Craig get the start over Barton in game 4. Put Harris on White, Torrey Craig on DeRozen, and hide Murray on Forbes. No doubling Aldridge or DeRozen. That's an easy win for the Nuggets, yet Malone will somehow fuck it up.
26 divided by 54 multiplied by 100 hmm let's see that makes out to defrozen
Are you a Patrick Beverly fan or something? I’ve genuinely never met one of those.
Dim Witted Dudley BTFO
what race is he anyway?? dude deadess looks like the product of a jew, black, and arab orgy.
but also sorry ba$ed ben i should have never doubted you
go choke on your banana ketchup
anyone who doesn't respect his heart and love for the game of basketball should be ashamed of themselves
I'm a huge fan of historic events in basketball such as a 31 point choke or a 3-1 reverse sweep, they are so statistically rare i can't help but cherish them
I am considering deleting my post I am so ashamed of my algo's
>good post from a Brazilian flag
Fuck this bitch ass, emotional lesbian
No need to further dampen your own spirits user. Just resolve to be a bit sparkier in the future
>comparing yourself to Jared Dudley
>being proud you outscored Jared Dudley
Ben Shitmons ladies and dudleys
Nigga look like Tim Duncan
You guys know that's Omar in the Klay commercial right?
If Tim Duncan and tony parker had a mediocre son
That’s super good for you, im not a warriors fan.
I played junior basketball with Ben Simmons AMA
That’s actually really cool. You and your snakes have my blessings user.
It's hard to think he doesn't deserve it. He's been nothing but a bitch throughout his NBA career. Good riddance.
White Australian mother
Black American Dad
What do you do now
u in the middle?
He was a faggot on the court only
>*drops 31 because he feels the need to shitpost about some random bench scrub on the nets*
are australians the most powerful basketball race?
>dude deadess looks like the product of a jew, black, and arab orgy.
that's what usually happens when you racemix, you get a bunch of ugly mutts with some decent ones making up the 1%
>are australians the most powerful basketball race?
do you even need to ask?
Ben is handsome tho
>with some decent ones making up the 1%
fuck i thought the thumbnail was curry. glad to see it's somebody better instead. carry on.
It's supergood for anyone who has worked and fought hard to attain or keep something and max embarrassing for entitled little shits that expect everything to fall on their laps
this picture is the single funniest thing Yea Forums has ever created
Ben puts his dick into Kardashians. He's both cursed and full of aids.
>he's still seething the snakes got based moose
this, if he just shaved off his scraggly looking beard he'd be fine.
Remember when Delly crossed up Jordan and ended his career
also, comparing the average person's looks to nba player looks is ridiculous because most nba players have really good genetics giving them good bone structure and thus facial structure which most normal humanoids do not possess so that makes nba mutts look 100x better than your average mutt on the streets because they have good jaws, head shape, etc.
>this pic
we didn't listen. Nothing good could have ever come from mixing basketball americans with criminal descendants
Why do you care about the woman another man fucks? You a faggot son?
mutts we get the best of both races. are white intelligence and black athleticism and physical dominance cant be matched. i do agree that mutts are generally pretty ugly but only faggots care about that
im ashamed of myself for doubting my warrioriers...
That clan is known for ending NBA careers you bet I'm concerned
are you telling me you wouldn't put your dick in either kendall or kylie
tfw want to sleep but want to watch the warriors blow another 31 point lead...
>he'd be fine.
bruh this nigga be piping Kendall, he's pretty fucking fine already
why does she look like the Addams family girl
>3rd tech
The Clippers have the Warriors right where they want them.
you mean have it robbed from them again by refs and a shitty bench
What did YOU do to my kitchen???
>Refs aren’t even trying to hide their disdain for Dubs Dynasty any more
Of course this will only serve to make their foretold spark-to-flame transformation all the more impressive and historic to witness.
Shut the fuck up idiot those are his future teammates
>are white intelligence
Now this we can agree upon. Fuck KD, I’ll say that all day every day.
Too much cosmetic surgery
if i were an up and coming nba superstar? not a fucking chance. den of snakes, those women.
mutts usually have black intelligence nigga
Snake nigga is not allowed on the Clippers
*is the most attractive player on the 76ers*
Just took a nasty Ben Simmons. It splattered everywhere
*shoots from the top of the key without hesitation*
oh man dont im trying to eat
>those arms
You don't fuck with the finesse of shooting basketballs
>mfw dubs blow another 30+ lead
yeah i think i should have held off on the indian, lads. i just had a really violent dudley and it burned
KD should have been more aggressive in game 2. Pretty obvious no one can guard him.
KD has no killer instinct
yeah because when someone guards him the warriors office sends tapes to the league kek
He probably needed an excuse to get Activated
Imagine being Paul George and deciding to stick with Westbrick on a team that got demolished by a fucking rookie in the playoffs instead of going to LA with LeBron. This dude is literally retarded.
>Simmons chuckled.
>"You mean the Chaos Emeralds?"
poo in the loo
Bretty sure he only cares about getting paid as much as possible
both bad options, he should've taken his talents to Houston
Simmons is an asshole can't wait until Rapties beat his ass
poor lil black boi
and then sends scott numba 1 hatchetman foster to implement silver's will. san francisco's first response to a challenge is literally to cry to daddy to fix it
The Raptors will absolutely melt Ben Simmons.
even when against manlets. its amazing really.
Raptors are ass
If your only good options are
>being with a stat chaser where you don't get blamed for losing, regardless of how much you are at fault
>being with a stat chaser where you do get blamed for losing, regardless of how much you are at fault
I'd go with the first one any day.
Absolutely disgusting display for the league
Good thing the Sixers are even worse. Nobody fears them
who gets blamed if PG and KD team up? they're both mega betas
kd is the first and only professional athlete that ive ever genuinely wanted bad things to happen to
except canadians apparently, because they're fucking obsessed with them
how can you say that, when thanks to the media, you know curry's entire family tree going back to the 1100s
>leaving round one
>up 36 with 10 minutes left
>have steph "oh shit the ankle" curry in the game
he's an autistic fraud
LeBron fans are so butthurt about KD, it's hilarious. I hope he stays and wins 3 more Finals MVPs to tie Jordan.
>5th shit call on curry
>immediately stops and ties his non-nike shoes
Name one likable millennial star
LMAO you seeing this shit brazilarry? They are what we thought they were!
its clear the league sealed up another warriors chip. rockets series is gonna be a shitshow with the refs
my rapshits are the most fraudulent team in the league and the universe :)
german spurs bro what you think of the game?
finally some truth from a canadian
kd is a fake ass beta bitch, he's 6'9" and still has small dog syndrome
even if i dont like some of them I dont outright hate them like I do kd
>league sealed a warriors chip
are you watching this game
refs are a big doodoo
That was the Greg Monroe game
anyone else fap to 2K dancers? there was this thick redbone with curly hair and i couldn't control myself
Mike dantoni does the same shit. Fraud coaches
>based Canadian
I can respect you now and I'll be rooting for you
Imagine being a fan of the thunder. LOL
Alpha as fuck
>nba officiating
larry was right
Rondo locked up Dame and Westbrook can't even stop him from memechucking from 35 feet
what are your thoughts on the blacks
the question is not "do the thunder suck dick", it is "which round of the playoffs will the thunder choose to suck dick in"
curry wishes he was one
3-10 in playoff games without KD
they chose poorly
Is Harden petty for wanting out over a few mil or is Presti retarded for not giving it to him?
harden was a 6th man in okc
nothing petty about wanting to be a star
>doubting the warriories
it was just bad timing because the new luxury tax rules started to kick in and would be a problem for okc. The whole revisionist history going around now is that it was between keeping Westbrook/Harden when it was between Harden/Ibaka
Harden got starter minutes regardless.
I thought you guys were joking, but the Warriors really did report Beverley to the NBA
Blame the braindead owners.
If we're being real, even if all these players were still together, they'd get BTFO in the finals or otherwise because of Westchoke
reported for what?
They fucking reported Beverley complaining about how he guarded Durant in Game 2
like the rich kid who gets pissed somebody else has 20 dollar shoes
honestly they probably only did it cause durant wont stop crying about it LOL
So Derrick White is better than Lonzo? Defensively too and that's all Lonzo has.
>eh steve please file that complaint to the league office
he's a snake through and through
I used to ball with this one kid who would always wear a KD jersey (this is So Cal) and who said the Thunder were his favorite team “ever since I was a kid”.
Id bet my life hes a Warriors fan now.
White plays with a lot more confidence that much is clear. Gotta be really fun to run with him.
yes he is
Kyle Lousy about to drop 3 points 5 assists tomorrow bros
le mediocre "leader", le "heart and soul of the team"
mockery gettin these digits...
More like fart and hole of the team
White is also 3 years older than Lonzo
Rondo has never locked up anybody tf you talking about??
It's over for my Netties and Clippies :(
>boogie getting injured was the best thing to happen to the warriors this whole season
>people unironically think bryn forbes will lose his starting job at any point in the future
once dejounte comes back derrick white will go back to playing 10 minutes a game and looking like a gleaguer.
He's getting traded for Kuzma and Ingram
night losers
How did Derrick White fall down to 29th in the draft? He's been holding it down since December or January
Fuck you
stating the obvious: durant is a snakey little bitch
I do like Trae Young. His decision-making is actually kino as fuck even if he has to memechuck because everyone else does
does Derrick White have higher BBQ than Ingram?
The fuck is the deal with this dude's hairline?
the crowd in brooklyn really sucked
you'd think they'd be excited for the first playoff game in 4 or 5 years but they were so silent and threw away the white tshirts that were on the seats
prochorov needs to fly out some cska ultras or something
17 hours till my rapties win the title :)
nets were never really in it
masonic and extremely based, email their team president now
Brooklyn is full of wannabe white-bread transplant hipsters from Middle America nowadays
Pop is the GOAT. Spurs keep Spursing!
>one nugget per cup
I drink your milkshake, Chuck. I drink it up!
i missed you charlesposter
If the Nuggets lose the series will they fire Malone like they did Karl?
Im officially jumping on the Warriors bandwagon
Fuck all of you losers im a winner now
Im a star im a star im a star, im a big bright shining star like my gay cru- I mean favorite player Steph Curry
Chef Curry with the pot! Hahahahaha oh yeah 1...2...3!!!!! 3 pointer from deep! Woooo!
Hey my parents said I can buy a jersey so im wondering if I should do Curry or KD? I think KD will stay with the Warriors for the rest of his career so im probably going with the KD jersey! Oh crap I have a math test tomorrow and im waaaaaaaay up past my bedtime! Wish me luck fellow Warriors fans!
Is the kid in blue Derrick White? Jesus puberty fucks with some people
Talk shit get smacked
Who are you talking to right now?
The NBA should have retired 23 for all teams in honour of Jordan's greatness.
imagine being this much of a bootlicker
>asian bugperson is a Warriors fan
Big surprise
any lakies' news that has occurred in the last few hours that i should know about?
No, they still suck frand
>that voice
haha oh no
Would you believe me if I said he's asian? Might be a jap even.
this century is ours, faggot. better get used to it.
none of this would be an issue if harden was officiated by the book. but i think the best way of dealing with it is just playing normal, tight defense. if the refs want to call ridiculous non-shooting fouls then they can. just don't foul him when he is driving or shooting a floater
Why are you thinking about that kid again? You think he’s thinking about you? It’s over. It’s done. Deal with it.
t. that kid
Will my nuggies recover?
Pop can make any G league player into prime Manu, Tony, Duncan, or Kawhi.
Suns next season is going to be great.
With this setup we can easily win 30 games. Maybe 5 years from now we can maybe make a 7th seed. The future is looking bright.
who's facing the clippies in the WCF after they sweep the memeiors in 6?
Last time when I used to watch NBA Spurs were based, looks like they are still got it.
white was very talented to begin with, but overlooked due to his age. i feel most franchises focus too much on age anyway.
really really looking forward to the murray/white front court next season.
Where was the comeback?
Warriors have always had bad coaching.
oh fuck me, i just saw dejounte murray is doing windmills again
tell me where you live and I will come and fuck you
altschauerberg 8 in 91448 emskirchen
Can you guard her /nba/?
>le ten year old girl who can play basketball!!!!! XD
Normies are so cringe.
Is it safe to say that Boban > Embiid?
Kevin Durant only played against short players
based af
Blazers 112 - Thunder 103
>enter thread
>last post is about muh Blazies
feeling blessed tbqh
Just because it's a marathon doesn't mean you can win by walking
Mike Brown opened a can of worms. Since the Lakers hired him:
Christian Eyenga
Ramon Sessions
Antawn Jamison
Manny Harris
Byron Scott
Timofey Mozgov
Andrew Bogut
Channing Frye
Isaiah Thomas
Derrick Williams
LeBron James
Ty Lue
All of them went directly from Cavs to Lakers and every single one of them made a negative impact on the team.
Literally can find 1 in every other street here. Same size too
If your team isn't in this list, you are getting btfo in the playoffs
>colin coward
I want to fuck Jenny Taft bros.
>you ain’t no kobe
I agree with you, he doesn't suck.
Not sure why he thinks so. They're good but they don't have "it" imo.
>They're good but they don't have "it" imo.
No, but it's safe to say Boban > Greg Monroe
Literally who?
The White Fucking Dragon
He ain't wrong.
>le bets all he has on thunder winning man
im going to need you all to apologize to my warriors please, thank you
I don't understand people that say he's not /ourguy/
only newfags and assblasted bitches hate this current iteration of the sixers. They will be /ourguys/ until the last vestiges of hinkie leaves
lebron only interviewing black coaches for the lakers
>fueled by shitposting
>irrational hate for literal who's
>somehow manages to be a successful PG without any semblance of a 3pt shot
yeah i'm thinking he's based
another gem from ben:
This guy literally doesn't watch basketball and he has openly admitted that
Wakey wakey maple slurper
July 5th, 2052 is my retirement date. I will be 56 years old.
people here are going to be forced to show some respect next year
It's over, Gaycers
it's AIDS isn't it
I still don't get the constant weak ass boos for Ben Simmons. He didn't elbow Jared's soft head
>totally over
White people istg
he laughed at him though and disrespected their locker room leader
>Am I allowed to be mad? Am I human? Do you look at me that way?
Morey got rid of him for a reason
the office wanted specific snake uniforms for playoffs only but commissioner (((silver))) told them they'd have to use it all season
>Im Kevin Durant. You know who I am.
>*cries to teacher about meanie bully and pees his pants*
how come nobody's ever trained a chimpanzee to dunk?
Theyre too dense. Sure theyre strong as fuck but they cant jump very high
Too short
Tonight will decide Westbrooks legacy and career.
Westbrook is shit
It will go something like this
>gets a triple double
>still loses
>this is enough for most people to still consider him good
He will get his stat line but ALWAYS be a loser with no rings, and will never experience anything but first round exits until he retires.
tonight will decide where kawhi decides to spend the rest of his life
The Triple Double King
Yeah, hes coming to LA regardless of how the season shakes out, simple fact is LA is better than Toronto and hes from LA so it makes perfect sense for him to come here.
The Sixers are so unlikable, I'm rooting for the Raptors to beat them.
>physio told me this morning that my ankle had fully recovered and that i could play again
>play scrimmage with the high school team i coach
>twist ankle again
i fucking hate this stupid sport
OKC WILL win tonight
Should've taken it easy for a bit still
If digits they win, if not they lose
proxy off leaf
sixers are based, basketballpilled, and /ourguys/
My rockets :D
KD may be a snake but he's still the most legitimate player on the Memeiors, and the only one who would still be an All-Star in any other era.
Which is why when he fucks off this summer the Memeiors will go back to being the Lakers' whipping boys like they've always been in the history of the NBA. Kappa
durant is a fraud. curry is the heart and soul of that team.
crinfe, honelsty
Until Embiid blows out his knee, Tobi and Butler sign elsewhere, and the team falls apart
Apparently letting DLo and LeVert drive at will was key to the Sixies winning!
i guess its good that none of those things are happening
they're dogshit lol, literally no one likes the Shitters
if you call samefag you're a massive faggot with zero argument
>Tony Brothers refereeing the raptors game tonight
Congrats on the series win Orlando
u have 5 seconds to name a team more unlikeable than the 76ers. Monroe can only cancel out so much
wow calling a team dogshit and saying nobody likes them sure are stronger and more well supported arguments than calling someone a samefag huh
back to /r/nba faggot
thunder, warriors, lakers
Who was the Janetty?
easy, the warriors
76ers being unlikeable is a meme
Literally every other team
What do i win
be thankful you dont have a sprained wrist. its bee 3 weeks and still not fully recovered for me
Joel Embitch, Ben Simmons, Tobias Harris and Jimmy Butler gave up a game to D'Angelo Russell and the literal whos
enjoy getting washed in the second round faggot, keep seething
>Kevin "Snake nigga" Durant, Stephanie Lurry, Boogie "ow fuck my leg" Cousins and Klay Thompson gave up a game to Patrick Beverly and literal whos
>enjoy getting washed in the second round faggot, keep seething
fantastic argument user
not enough milk. really sad
Should have gotten some kobe shoes
I'm going to drink an entire bag of milk if the Raptors lose tonight I swear to god
I fucking love Blazers. They are taking the championship home this year, aren't they?
They're bringing it back to Portland my brother. We did it!
Why does Westbrook have defenders every narrative about him has been proven true time and time again
>ESPN analysts all pick Thunder to win in 6-7 games
>Blazers go up 2-0
>Turn on ESPN this morning to analysts talking about whether or not Portland would make it past GSW/HOU in the WCF
I get their job is to create asinine opinions and fill airtime but holy shit
Most egregious stat padder since Wilt
and im fucking lactose intolerant. im headed to shoppers to pick up the milk right now
some of the worst opinions/talking heada youll ever see. One day they'll emotionally praise a team and the next day take the complete opposite opinion of them and EVERYTHING is political.
Fuck my blazers are gonna take an L tonight because of refball.
better than being down 0-2 to the shit ass blazers
Memeiorniggers aren't people
Blazers are going all the way, bro. No way Westbrick can stop this train.
>he thinks they're going all the way after 2 scrappy wins over the shit ass Blunder
t. retard
Where do you want Zion to land?
For me, it's Atlanta. Young and Williamson would be a great combination and they're a decently run franchise.
Don't want him to land at the Suns or Dallas, as they are poorly-run franchises.
I'd also be happy with Knicks, as Zion to the Knicks would be hilarious, as the Knicks always fuck everything up.
>he thinks they're going all the way
and they will do it easily, bro.
>greg monroe played for the east's four best teams in the last 2 years
why doesn't dame get more shit for being a life-time loser?
this is gonna happen
>the spurs going to win the chip this year somehow
>pop doesnt retire for 20 years
>inb4 best franchise in sports for 100 years
the spurs literally found tony parker 2.0
Because he plays for Portland and no-one cares about Portland or their players. It's a pretty nice situaiton for the player tbqfh
same reason why AD is considered a generational player
okay you delusional retard
The Blazers are much more competent franchise than New Orleans have ever been.
I watched KG carry giant piles of garbage for his entire career in minnesota. Don't give me that bullshit
he's a quiet dude playing in portland. national media only cares about la newyork or if you are stirring up shit with the media or with the fans
Any underrated rookies this season?
Hell no. Fuck tanking. Raptors fans are annoying as fuck but the Sixers players themselves are fucking unlikable assholes. Jimmy Butler is unironically likable compared to Simmons and Embiid, and Mike Scott. I'm only rooting for them to blast the Sixers in round 2. Then they can be taken care of
See you in the finals, my friend.
Ayton. Had like 16/10 or something, which would be ROTY if he wasn't in this year's class
Who’s uglier; Trae or Shamet?
Not signing in the Eastern conference is worth millions of dollars a year, NBA should probably adjust contracts to account for this
Trier and Kuracs
Can't wait to see the Nets and Blazers in the Finals!
zion desu
you certainly mean kurac
The Latvian dude who cant shoot
Well this postseason has proven it was Lowry's fault.
I think the Lakers should trade Lebron and tank for the next goat
yeah, rodions "jebem ti" kurac
who is this skelly
The next goat
Basketball records being broken all over
D'Angelo Russel is the only player in NBA playoff history to score 20/5/5 and snitch on Nick Young
rookies cannot be underrated. They are in 2 categories
>Well they're still just a rookie so let's see what they are like next year
Nothing else exists. It's like you don't even watch basketball.
>disliking mike scott
post disregarded, redditors leave
>Sources: Lue meeting with Lakers about vacancy
excited to see what brainlet team wastes a pick on bol
You guys remember that one time Larry made a competing thread just to spite spark user, and then the only people posting in that thread were Larry and sparks user before it died? Ha! Classic