Clippers v warriors

does Yea Forums just not have gamethreads anymore?

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Fuck the Warriors

Ws will win by 25 cap it faggots

Yea Forums is just ass hurt about my dubs

How bad will the blowout be

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oh. a warriors game.
back to sleep i go.

>I just love to see KD shoot over the top of these guys
>I just wanna see KD shoot over the top of Beverly
>Beverly's a pest, but we know KD can just shoot over the top of him no problem
>I want KD to shoot directly into my mouth

these announcers whew

Clippers are so bad

I hate that this performance by Beverly is being undermined by a young rookie team. KD is already shook

do you have a stream to pass me ?

Kristen Ledlow can GET IT

>at the park shooting the basketball
>moment of truth
>at that instant thought comes into my head
>”if I make it the Clippers win
>nothing but net

Ball dont lie. Clippers win tonight bros



I just capped this

I just tapped this

i just fapped this

Holy fuck these warriors homers are awful

I thought bumble was the homo dating app

I am so sick of three pointers ahhhhhh.

What if we call them something else

I miss Boogie bros

thats why theyre matched with the warriors

Move the Nets to St. Louis

Move the Clippers to Kansas

Jumping into defenders is the move of a homosexual gay man who is desperate for dick

clips should just let lou williams play isoball every possession

Why don’t these faggot warriors players just stick together and win a gorillion championships?

call them what you want each team should only be allowed fifteen 3 point attempts

Did the warriors ruin the NBA? So boring to watch them.

got any stream m8s ?

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why in God’s name don’t they just start lou


The nba should let teams play defense

they get tired of the same cock n balls and want new play mates



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Based. Make every shot only worth two points after.

Yes they did. m8

4real tho don’t they realize that when they split up some of them will never when a ship again?

Yep. Only reason I'm watching right now is I'm hoping Bev will just suplex one of the Memeiors' key players

big 3 was on the right track with the 4 pointer bonus

Are Hopp games really this fucking retarded with announcer yelling MAKE A NOOOOISE every timeout with some shitty regeton bets on the background? you nerds. It’s like you guys don’t even use the internet


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Since they're not white they'll choose gibs over glory and a legacy every day of the week

no nintendo

Move back the line and widen the court. Players are too athletic for these dimensions


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I try not to tell the retards because it will get banned eventually like the soccer streams page was

Hardest nigga in the ML game right now son.

He was surprisingly good in Hell on Wheels but that was just a really good show.

I thought they already had to outsource from reddit.

Great job Beverly, you just activated us.

Warriors on pace to score a billion

Lol the Warriors just chuck and it goes in, there's quite literally nothing the Clippies can do. It's over lads, goldenstatewinslol yet again

Stop being a spastic to try and fit in

*spams 3s*

jesus fucking christ what a blowout

It looks like they had to adjust the page but they haven’t outright banned it yet like soccerstreams

Why is being good at 3 pointers a bad thing?

not a blowout until they get 31 ahead...

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>tfw miffed
Th there's gonna be another epic comeback right?

Clippies already rolling balls on inbound.
Getting late early lads.

>It’s another episode of “God turns the warriors sliders up to 100”

Ws broke the cot damn score board

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Give me one reason the Clippers shouldn't move to San Diego. Do LA Clippers fans actually exist?

Sold out arena

Lose some weight, you fat cow

They do now even said so

It was a three pointer. Warriors already jewing out points

You and I both know why it's sold out

Take it to /an/ macaco

>shaking your ass like it's a party trick
Lauryn Hill was right all along

Once they get Kawhi the Lakers will crumble

great you went and pissed off the warriors

he was not fouled during the shot Tbh

There's thicc and then there's fat. This is just gross.

Because the clippers have a pretty big fanbase?

>thats a 10/10 in Hueland

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>Animal Kingdom commercial

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Ledlow looks like she sucks a mean dick

shut it speedy gonzalez

Can confirm

I will say my Clippies come back and win tonight just for fun

Snake pushed off like crazy before he shot. Surprise surprise no call

can my clippies score sam fakkin points?

offensive players can get away with a lot of shit these days

Especially if they play for the Memeiors

Guys, quit crying. You knew it was over when Doc had to put Bev on KD.
It was always a hail mary.

And that's a good thing!

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At least the Dodgers won today right LA bros?

>pointing out a legitimate missed call is "crying"
Fuck off Memeiorniggers

we are beating you by 24 in the 2nd. I think you need to actually stop crying.

the most dangerous lead....


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Klay looks like michael jordan

Holy SHeet why are Hoops so fucking retarded nowadays? every sigle second there has to be some annoying announcer yelling stupid shit MAKE A NOISE EVERYBODYY LET ME HEAR YOUUUUU

What the fuck happened? i dont usually watch Murrian streams.

It was al.ways like that tho

Memeiors were going to lose to the fucking Cockshits until CP3 got injured and then they STILL needed massive refball.


>Clips within 20

Why haven't NBA teams figured out to just let Apemond shoot and make him score 30-40 a game to beat you?

the warriors are literally moving screens the team


Draymond is massively overrated

What exactly caused the NBA to be so anti-defense? I'm not sure how much I can pretend to enjoy chuckball anymore.

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>Curry in foul trouble again
>KD entering heroball mode, everyone else on the warriors always suffers for this
More comeback kino?

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it's ridiculous how much better the warriors are than the clippers. They should be ashamed for blowing that lead

Ya jinxed it

Memeiors are so toast after KD fucks off this summer

How did such an untalented team as the clips make the playoffs?

Like how the fuck are they better than the Lakers, Kings, or Mavs??

They have literally no one who can score consistently besides old man Lou Williams

How did the Memeiors blow the biggest lead in NBA playoff history to such an "untalented" team?

tfw starting to feel bad for Patrick Beverly bros

i feel like i'm wasting my time watching this shit

This clippers team is straight up untalented. How does such a team wake the cut?

My Clippies are being raped :(

Did you honestly expect any different?

qt kerith

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KD will stay one extra season to open the new arena bc everybody assumes he’s gone

They won't be of the god status they are now but fucked? nah. still got curry.

who's the biggest cocksucker between the female reporters?

you mean watching sports or shitposting about sports?
Or both Tbh?

Not really

he deserves it. KD is a pretty mild mannered dude, but when he's pissed he drops 50 on you. so with that being said, why would you go out of your way to piss him off?

Niether of them desu
Now Doris Burke on the other hand...

lol why

His dad died dude

Bc he had no other play. His only play was to either lay down or try to do the mental game. Obviously it failed.

RIP Westbrick

should have had his coach draw up better defensive schemes instead of trying to take KD by himself

damn cuz, Barnes with the bants

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damn cuz, you didn't have to step on his neck like that

>you know who I am, I'm Kevin Durant
>goes and complains to the league office


I dont get it pls splain

playing shitty music for 2/3 a possession is what gets me

Doris is a lesbian man

nba refs have literally turned to hyper trash out of no where.

nah she has a husband

At one point, the OKC Thunder had both Westbrook and Durant as starters, with Harden off the bench. They were known for being chokers.

In reality, the trio of Harden, Durant and Westbrook definitely surpasses the "home grown" aspect of the Warriors, but that's a different discussion.

Are there any pics of prime Doris Burke from the 1980s/90s?

We don't have threads for useless leagues that already have their champ before it even starts

Genetics arent fair lads

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Oh Pat. Don't go out like this.

Curry a total bitch. Trying to shoot it after the play right in the face of the defender. The fuck he expect?

should be a double tech, curry's a faggot tryna talk shit on his man

virgin beverly vs chad kd

Refs soft af

wtf is galinari doing

fuck yall, these refs are trash. league wide problem, has nothing to do with curry, harden, or whoever. It's the refs. not the players

>31 point lead

Aw shit here we go again...

-31 this is the comeback moment. come on Clips

Iguodala is so annoying

Racist refs, they think black ppl that are having friendly banter will end in violence, did the same shit in game 1 with KD and Pat

this to be desu
no consistency at all in the league, only worsened by the fact thay refs cant be criticized


Westbrook sucks and was holding back Durant

the FUCK was that double tech

LMAO at all these spic music they play every timeout... is this in California or Tijuana?

woah that was pretty brutal on barnes part wonder if cowherd will have him on to say it on air

??? leave kd open for 10 minutes?

shouldn't you be proud of your culture Luis?

I don't think they're gonna come back this time

31 pt lead
you know whats coming

glad I didnt actually cap that anons post

it's not happening this time bros

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Im not Puellto Lican nor Cuban. We Not Same.

How did the clippers make the playoffs

Nah for real wtf is this officiating

Steph's gotta stay on the bike cause the EPO has thickened his blood

the lakers and kangz imploded

Heart and passion

Me too

Ball do lie bros. Im about to burst into treats over here

maybe it was an airball and you didnt see it right

pissed at these clippies bums for making my dubs play an extra game

this feels like a scripted sports tv drama what with curry on the bike pouting and kd getting teched for speaking.

Doc Rivers is actually a good coach. Also no other team below them was close to making it.

>It's a Garbage Time lets suck Curry's dick episode

Even though the Clippers lost I wouldnt trade places with some bandwagoning Warriors fan. Even if youre a non bandwagoner, I would never want to live in SF. Either way Warriors fans are fags. The team is unarguably great but the fans are all fags.

>dad's been a fan for over 50 years
>mfw watching him and his friends shouting every single racial slur I've ever heard of and several I haven't during the 31 point comeback

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>mad at winners
says a lot about you desu

I remember you from the other thread. Your dad is an obvious exception. Nearly every Warriors fan I meet is an insufferable douche that knows jack shit about the game, a literal child, or has no idea whats even going on but knows that Steph Curry is a basketball player who shoots 3s like super good, but your dad sounds alright. Being dedicated to a team for 50yrs is an achievement.

>119 - 90
Lads are the cilps trying to do it again....

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They actually did us a favor Tbh

First time I posted, but I will agree that the bandwagon is STRONG, especially in the Silicon Valley area where they usually don't give a shit about sports anyway. Our household only cheers the SF teams, and always have. A shame that the bandwagoning retards from sv ruined everything what with raising the prices of games and ruining the feel of it.

>mad at winners

I think the team is comprised of unlikable arrogant douchebags but they are talented unlikable arrogant douchebags, thats not up for debate. They deserve their wins. The fans, however, arent winners, theyre actually losers, thats the irony im trying to get at here. The fans understand nothing but “OMG 33333 pointer hahahahaha” and “THREEPEAT”. This is because they are mostly children and newfags to the sport.

What does a typical Warriors fan look like?

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picture a street shitter from india, but with more variation on skin tone

>What does a typical Warriors fan look like?
A bitch.

Interesting take. Is that the reason why seemingly everyone in the crowd at the Warriors games is either Asian or a boomer grandma or grandpa doing a cringeworthy dance?

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i live in the bay area - i fuckin HATE these faggots


>Silicon Valley area where they usually don't give a shit about sports anyway.
Explain the filipinos at Oracle pre 2015. Those fuckers weren't from Oakland or SF.

I remember being a warriors fan when they sucked ass for 13 years, now we got a bunch of bandwagon fucks who couldn’t name a single player from the we believe dubs.

that's why i started actively wanting other teams to win - to thin the herd