What's your favorite sport mascot, Yea Forums?

What's your favorite sport mascot, Yea Forums?

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I like that thing from Italia 90

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fuck you nigger




Footix is the best by far.
He even becomes a real world and an insult in French.
He even got a fucking daughter

for me it's grampus-kun

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Being furry before it was trendy

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you posted it
maybe because I was a small kid but it stuck in my mind

For me, it's Xolo Mayor

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No one beats us in vibe

Attached: Mascotes (4).jpg (1080x1080, 102K)

the liga mx slags

Christiano Ronaldo

Go bay my cum

for me it's zabivaka

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Ciao from Italia 90 is the best in my opinion.

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Um, I think YOU might be the bigger sweety

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It's an abstract kind of mascot.


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